Interests: | 62: akhmatova, azeri, batman, buffy, dan rydell, dane county farmers' market, david sedaris, descriptivist grammar, drinking songs, due south, eddie izzard, ella fitzgerald, evolutionary biology, fanfic, good food, harry potter fic, john cleese, john glover, jon stewart, katherine hepburn, korean, languages, laura linney, lex luthor, lionel luthor, logan/weevil, lois and clark, lois and clark slash, mandelstam, mayakovsky, neville longbottom, ocean's 11, orgo lab glassware--it's pretty, persian, peter dinklage, preposterous slash, princeton, princeton university band, remus lupin, rex harrison, rosencrantz/guildenstern, rps-as-satire, rps-as-smut-but-not-overly-personal-creepy-smut, rugby, russian, scramble bands, slash, smallville, sparrington, sports night, superman, the daily show, tom stoppard, tom waits, turkish, uw-madison, uzbek, veronica mars, weasleys, white_castle_meat_product_tolerance_competition, will ferrell, [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 364: | 3jane, 6tokidoki9, _nepthys_, _reema, _sail_, _swallow, acampbell, adamlizz, aelora, aerachnae, aethel, afrai, ajhalluk, alejandradd, also_boni, amandajane5, amchau, amyth71, anathema666, andariell, anonymous_ljer, ansin, anyone625, apathocles, ashlle1, atrata, attolia, auroramama, axons_amok, bard_mercutio, basingstoke, bastian1967, beizy, benaresq, bettyp, bexless, bientot, bittermint, blueraccoon, boniblithe, bravecows, brighidestone, buggery, cadetdru, calligrafiti, canadian_snoopy, carlachameleon, cecily_v, celli, cesperanza, chain_lightning, chasethecat, chicklet_girl, chlaal, chuckro, ciceqi, circe_tigana, circusgirl, cjandre, cleohs, cmshaw, coffeejunkii, copperbadge, copracat, cupiscent, dakinigrl, dammitcarl, danielleleigh, darchildre, dargie, darthfox, debchan, destina, djinanna, dolimir_k, drlizardo, dsreporter, dushai, echoskeleton, edgecity, edie22, eisakay, eleanor_lavish, eliade, elishavah, elke_tanzer, elle_hudson, elleesttrois, ellen_fremedon, elliewhit, elrond50, elynross, epistolarium, eponis, esprit_du_tigre, ethrosdemon, euryleias, experiment627, fabrisse, fabularasa, faemovana, fairylane, firesprite1105, flambeau, fleegull, florahart, fox1013, gabby_silang, garryowen, gblvr, geekturnedvamp, girl_clone, goodluckfairy, goss, governedbywhim, greenygal, greyling, hackthis, happyminion, harriet_spy, havenstar, helenish, helvirago, herohunter, herself_nyc, hesychasm, hey_miss_missy, hnix, honoria, hrd02ca, hth_the_first, hwmitzy, hypertwink, icarusancalion, idlerat, iibnf, ilexa, ineke, ingrid_m, insomniac_blu, isagel, ishihana, isilya, isiscolo, ivy03, ivyblossom, iykwim, jackchain, jacquez, jacynrebekah, jae_w, jaymalea, jcalanthe, jennifus, jennymcv, jennyo, jerseygirl19, jfc013, jjtaylor, jmtorres, josephides, joyfulgirl41, julad, katallison, katertoticus, katmaxwell, kenovay, kestrelsan, kiezh, kilronan, kist, kittygoslingp, koimistress, kormantic, kornia, kstanley, laceymcbain, ladyjaida, ladysorka, ladyvyola, lambourngb, lanning, lastscorpion, latxcvi, laurashapiro, laylee, lcsbanana, leld, lestrange, lexcorp_hope, linabean, lionel_luthor, littera_abactor, liviapenn, lizbee, lolaperhapslex, lovekeller, luciamad, lunaticjudd, lyra_sena, madchenm, mahaliem, mandrakan, maraceles, maricats, marleigh, maryavatar, maybethemoon, mecurtin, meelie, mei_x, memorycharm, meret, merryish, metahope, mimesere, minim_calibre, mireille719, miriam_heddy, miss_pryss, mistressace, misty_mermaid, mollita, monkeycrackmary, mosself, mpoetess, msmanna, musesfool, naiya_ul, nashhole, natilla, nerodi, nestra, neversaygoodbye, nifra_idril, nimori, ninjetti75, norwich36, obsessedmuch, olivia_circe, onelittlesleep, otherdeb, out_there, owlrigh, oxoniensis, pablohoney, pandarus, paperbkryter, pearl_o, perclexed, phoenix0329, pmiller581, poisoninjest, popfantastic, prillalar, princesstwilite, psychowez, pun, quincykat, quincykat_fic, rageprufrock, raincitygirl, raisingrrl22, ranalore, ratlyn, rebbyribs, reilael, resonant8, riantlykalopsic, riikkarocks, rivier, rivkat, rivki8699, rliz, rose_emily, rosesmove, rositamia, runpunkrun, saava, sabranee, sarudy, saxbabe, schmevil, schuyler, scottbateman, scribblinlenore, scribbulus_ink, scrunchy, seperis, serrico, shaggirl, shanalle, shnayder, shrift, sihayab, silviakundera, simplelyric, siobhan_w, slightlights, slodwick, smallbeer, snails_pace, snitchnip_chill, socraticprince, soobunny, sparcck, spasticsage, speshope, spike21, spyhop, srichard, starkeymonster, stone_princess, stopawhile, strawberrycream, superjan42, svmadelyn, sweetvalleyslut, switchknife, talia2323, talitha78, talkoncorners, tamalinn, tanacawyr, tangleofthorns, the_hierophant, thebratqueen, thefourthvine, thehoyden, theladydoor, thete1, thisisbone, thucyken, tiffanynichelle, tigermelp, tightropegirl, tigress35, timian, tragic_4, transtempts, tresca, tstar78, typhoid_mary, ukcalico, undyinglands, unfitforsociety, valentinemichel, velvetglove, vily, violet_quill, viridian5, wax_jism, wearemany, wemblee, weyrlady, witchqueen, workingslacker, wubba, wyllow, xoverau, yesthattom, zeelee_penguin, zionsstarfish, zortified | | 15: | box_of_serial, c_a_j, crack_broom, crack_van, eddieizzard, inthetallgrass, learn_russian, meta_salon, notsoyoungadult, schoslashtic, selling_out, superfake, sv_fanfic, the_rec_room, vidding |