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Below is user information for Caroline Baker. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:linabean (535907) Paid User linabean
Name:Caroline Baker
AOL IM:AIM status CarolineBaker80 (Add Buddy, Send Message)

The journal's pretty much fannish-based, including smutty descriptions of fictional characters, so if you know me from real life rather than fandom and don't share those interests, by no means should you feel obliged to read this stuff.

Also, I'm not someone who updates all that often, or consistently reads the friends-list that often. I just kind of bounce around on this crazy lj thing at random as a means of procrastination.

I'm all about the procrastination.
Memories:17 entries
Interests:62: akhmatova, azeri, batman, buffy, dan rydell, dane county farmers' market, david sedaris, descriptivist grammar, drinking songs, due south, eddie izzard, ella fitzgerald, evolutionary biology, fanfic, good food, harry potter fic, john cleese, john glover, jon stewart, katherine hepburn, korean, languages, laura linney, lex luthor, lionel luthor, logan/weevil, lois and clark, lois and clark slash, mandelstam, mayakovsky, neville longbottom, ocean's 11, orgo lab glassware--it's pretty, persian, peter dinklage, preposterous slash, princeton, princeton university band, remus lupin, rex harrison, rosencrantz/guildenstern, rps-as-satire, rps-as-smut-but-not-overly-personal-creepy-smut, rugby, russian, scramble bands, slash, smallville, sparrington, sports night, superman, the daily show, tom stoppard, tom waits, turkish, uw-madison, uzbek, veronica mars, weasleys, white_castle_meat_product_tolerance_competition, will ferrell, [Modify yours]
People364:3jane, 6tokidoki9, _nepthys_, _reema, _sail_, _swallow, acampbell, adamlizz, aelora, aerachnae, aethel, afrai, ajhalluk, alejandradd, also_boni, amandajane5, amchau, amyth71, anathema666, andariell, anonymous_ljer, ansin, anyone625, apathocles, ashlle1, atrata, attolia, auroramama, axons_amok, bard_mercutio, basingstoke, bastian1967, beizy, benaresq, bettyp, bexless, bientot, bittermint, blueraccoon, boniblithe, bravecows, brighidestone, buggery, cadetdru, calligrafiti, canadian_snoopy, carlachameleon, cecily_v, celli, cesperanza, chain_lightning, chasethecat, chicklet_girl, chlaal, chuckro, ciceqi, circe_tigana, circusgirl, cjandre, cleohs, cmshaw, coffeejunkii, copperbadge, copracat, cupiscent, dakinigrl, dammitcarl, danielleleigh, darchildre, dargie, darthfox, debchan, destina, djinanna, dolimir_k, drlizardo, dsreporter, dushai, echoskeleton, edgecity, edie22, eisakay, eleanor_lavish, eliade, elishavah, elke_tanzer, elle_hudson, elleesttrois, ellen_fremedon, elliewhit, elrond50, elynross, epistolarium, eponis, esprit_du_tigre, ethrosdemon, euryleias, experiment627, fabrisse, fabularasa, faemovana, fairylane, firesprite1105, flambeau, fleegull, florahart, fox1013, gabby_silang, garryowen, gblvr, geekturnedvamp, girl_clone, goodluckfairy, goss, governedbywhim, greenygal, greyling, hackthis, happyminion, harriet_spy, havenstar, helenish, helvirago, herohunter, herself_nyc, hesychasm, hey_miss_missy, hnix, honoria, hrd02ca, hth_the_first, hwmitzy, hypertwink, icarusancalion, idlerat, iibnf, ilexa, ineke, ingrid_m, insomniac_blu, isagel, ishihana, isilya, isiscolo, ivy03, ivyblossom, iykwim, jackchain, jacquez, jacynrebekah, jae_w, jaymalea, jcalanthe, jennifus, jennymcv, jennyo, jerseygirl19, jfc013, jjtaylor, jmtorres, josephides, joyfulgirl41, julad, katallison, katertoticus, katmaxwell, kenovay, kestrelsan, kiezh, kilronan, kist, kittygoslingp, koimistress, kormantic, kornia, kstanley, laceymcbain, ladyjaida, ladysorka, ladyvyola, lambourngb, lanning, lastscorpion, latxcvi, laurashapiro, laylee, lcsbanana, leld, lestrange, lexcorp_hope, linabean, lionel_luthor, littera_abactor, liviapenn, lizbee, lolaperhapslex, lovekeller, luciamad, lunaticjudd, lyra_sena, madchenm, mahaliem, mandrakan, maraceles, maricats, marleigh, maryavatar, maybethemoon, mecurtin, meelie, mei_x, memorycharm, meret, merryish, metahope, mimesere, minim_calibre, mireille719, miriam_heddy, miss_pryss, mistressace, misty_mermaid, mollita, monkeycrackmary, mosself, mpoetess, msmanna, musesfool, naiya_ul, nashhole, natilla, nerodi, nestra, neversaygoodbye, nifra_idril, nimori, ninjetti75, norwich36, obsessedmuch, olivia_circe, onelittlesleep, otherdeb, out_there, owlrigh, oxoniensis, pablohoney, pandarus, paperbkryter, pearl_o, perclexed, phoenix0329, pmiller581, poisoninjest, popfantastic, prillalar, princesstwilite, psychowez, pun, quincykat, quincykat_fic, rageprufrock, raincitygirl, raisingrrl22, ranalore, ratlyn, rebbyribs, reilael, resonant8, riantlykalopsic, riikkarocks, rivier, rivkat, rivki8699, rliz, rose_emily, rosesmove, rositamia, runpunkrun, saava, sabranee, sarudy, saxbabe, schmevil, schuyler, scottbateman, scribblinlenore, scribbulus_ink, scrunchy, seperis, serrico, shaggirl, shanalle, shnayder, shrift, sihayab, silviakundera, simplelyric, siobhan_w, slightlights, slodwick, smallbeer, snails_pace, snitchnip_chill, socraticprince, soobunny, sparcck, spasticsage, speshope, spike21, spyhop, srichard, starkeymonster, stone_princess, stopawhile, strawberrycream, superjan42, svmadelyn, sweetvalleyslut, switchknife, talia2323, talitha78, talkoncorners, tamalinn, tanacawyr, tangleofthorns, the_hierophant, thebratqueen, thefourthvine, thehoyden, theladydoor, thete1, thisisbone, thucyken, tiffanynichelle, tigermelp, tightropegirl, tigress35, timian, tragic_4, transtempts, tresca, tstar78, typhoid_mary, ukcalico, undyinglands, unfitforsociety, valentinemichel, velvetglove, vily, violet_quill, viridian5, wax_jism, wearemany, wemblee, weyrlady, witchqueen, workingslacker, wubba, wyllow, xoverau, yesthattom, zeelee_penguin, zionsstarfish, zortified
Communities15:box_of_serial, c_a_j, crack_broom, crack_van, eddieizzard, inthetallgrass, learn_russian, meta_salon, notsoyoungadult, schoslashtic, selling_out, superfake, sv_fanfic, the_rec_room, vidding
Account type:Paid Account

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