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User:darkdharma (1665571) darkdharma
Dark Dharma
Alternative Eastern Thought
About:This community is for people who are interested in eastern religions and philosophy who come from the darker side of life. It is an open discussion forum for all thoughts and ideas regarding Dharma as well as the subcultures we have emerged from.
Interests:148: alternative, ambient, anatman, art, asian art, asian tattoos, atman, attachment, avalokitesvara, balance, bhutan, bodhisattvas, body art, body modification, body piercing, bondage, boots, buddha, buddhism, buddhist, buddhist tattoos, chanting, chenrezig, chi, china, christianity, clubs, compassion, confucius, creative, cybergoth, dalai lama, dance, darkwave, death, deathrock, depression, dhammapada, dharma, diversity, dorje, dorks, ebm, education, eightfold path, emo, emptiness, enlightenment, fetishes, four noble truths, freak, gotama, goth, gothic, hinduism, hindus, i ching, independant, independent labels, india, industrial, indy, ink, insight, japan, kanji, karma, kwan yin, life, lotus, mahayana, mala beads, mandalas, mantras, martial arts, meditation, mind, mod, mods, mohawks, monks, mudras, music, nepal, nerds, nirvana, nuns, piercing, piercings, prayer, punk, punk rawk, punk rock, punks, punx, qi, qi gong, rave, reincarnation, religion, right action, right concentration, right effort, right livelihood, right mindfulness, right speech, right thought, right understanding, riot grrl, riotgrrl, rudeboys, rudegirls, samsara, sangha, sanskrit, sex, shiva, siddhartha, spike, spikey hair, spirit, straight edge, straightedge, stupas, subculture, suffering, synth-pop, tantra, tao, tao te ching, taoism, taoists, tara, tattoo, tattoos, techno, the middle way, tibet, tolerance, tranquility, underground, vans, vedas, weirdo, wisdom, yoga, zen, zen buddhism. [Modify yours]
Members:77: 5petaledlotus, _alexloveless_, absolutelynever, ahamsara, anarathoth, andmydog, anjelire, ariellaspassion, assmonkey, babyapril, backmasked, baraka_hajra, bloodfaery, bosatsu91, cadmus, celticacid, christalangel, curmudgeony, czaria, danaewhispering, dharmafool, digitalobscura, dorje_7, ericn378, figbash, haremlik, heiregulus, hememan, immoralusername, inconvenience, indigo_dreamz, johnbiederstedt, kaed, kaisersalsek, kalibhajan, kavita_da_freak, kawaiicatgirl, lamaisondiev, ledaire, mops, mother_of_tears, musicmessiah, mythalethe, nekoshoujo, omahhum, pausilypon, perfectionsucks, philomele, phirephaerie, poema_caligo, popesi, praxes, prikansaritual, protokol_4, ravageddemoness, ravenwednesday, redpaw, riddley_walker, rudegurlx, scarletserpent, shepardshadows, sokushinjobutsu, sunshinelyric, swampliquor, tearysky, theodora, tsddragon06, tsukinohyou, unequalangles, vanille_bleu, vidyarajah, violent_solace, violentecstasy, vodkamartini007, whenlovespeaks, xaftielx, ypolita
Watched by:65: _alexloveless_, andmydog, anjelire, ariellaspassion, babyapril, backmasked, bloodfaery, bosatsu91, cadmus, caeruleus_spark, catndhat, celticacid, curmudgeony, czaria, danaewhispering, dharmafool, dorje_7, ericn378, figbash, haremlik, heiregulus, hememan, hjem, immoralusername, inconvenience, indigo_dreamz, johnbiederstedt, kaisersalsek, kalibhajan, kavita_da_freak, ledaire, lizardjee, mops, mother_of_tears, moustached12120, musicmessiah, mythalethe, omahhum, pausilypon, perfectionsucks, philomele, phirephaerie, pineridge, poema_caligo, popesi, prikansaritual, protokol_4, ravageddemoness, redpaw, religionzooey, riddley_walker, sunshinelyric, swampliquor, tearysky, theodora, tma_3, travelingmuse, tsddragon06, vanille_bleu, vidyarajah, violent_solace, violentecstasy, vodkamartini007, xaftielx, ypolita
Account type:Free Account

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