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Tom Rhodes

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Wow, an update... [21 Nov 2003|05:02pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Pink Floyd - Take it Back ]

An argument between a friend and I yesterday has brought up some questions:

Why do people take an opinion when they have very little or no clue what the story is?

Why do people assume things when they were not said?

And why do people usually read into things wrongly, and then bitch? They could ask the person to restate the previously declared sentence without any problems.

Sometimes I wonder...

Tom Rhodes

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Pittgoth Photo Gallery Changes/Update! [19 Nov 2003|01:37am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Faith and the Muse - The Unquiet Grave ]

The domain has been rewnewed through Network Solutions and their records have been updated. The site should work fine now.

Greetings everyone,

Tonight I took a visit to the Pittgoth photo gallery. Now, not having looked at it for awhile, I must say that I was shocked and even appalled at what I saw. Seems we have three problems here:

1: People are using the photo gallery to pick up guys/girls.
2: People are using the photo gallery to make lame attacks on others
3: Dani is being a fucker with threats of violence and other absurdities on pictures.

So, with dismay, I disabled the add comment option. Sorry to those who liked them or had fun with them, but I don't have the time to play babysitter. If you would like to blame someone, blame those who verbally attacked others, tried to pick people up, or that Dani (synthetic_x on livejournal) kid.

Otherwise, the gallery has been updated with pictures of recent events, parties, Ceremony, and other things.

For those who are unaware of the site, please visit:


Tom Rhodes (wearing the gay looking admin hat)

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Recent LJ happenings [12 Nov 2003|05:50pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | The Last Dance - Do You Believe In Angels ]


This is just a post about recent fun and games on livejournal and in real life, basically my opinion without taking much/if any involvement.

Read more... )

Thank you, good night...

Tom Rhodes

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News [04 Sep 2003|09:19am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Sex Gang Children - Oh! Funny Man! ]

So, my livejournal is now friends only. This keeps unwanted and opaque eyes from prying where they shouldn't belong.

The new version of the handbook should be going to the printer soon, I have a few more sections to complete and a few other minor tasks. I think there are over one hundred pre-ordered but that is only hear-say.

My relationship is going great and my life isn't trailing far behind.

Can't seem to wait until this weekend. Kennywood (I'm not going because amusement parks do not get my endorsement), dinner with several people (this is going to be great), and whatever else comes my way.

Now, I'm gone...

Tom Rhodes

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An idea! :) [02 Sep 2003|06:12pm]
Wow, I just remembered that I live in America; the so called free country. Now, I don't want to start a bikeshed on how free we really are, but case in point: I have the right to say what I want to say when I want to say it and to not give a shit less about who cares. So my amazing thought is: If you do not like the way I voice my opinions, then please, be my guest and fuck off. Thank you. You are not required to read my live journal, and if I am not spouting off nazi bullshit, then what gives you the right to care?

Oh and no, I'm not going to make this journal friends only because I have several friends who like to read this but refuse (or just plain don't want to) get a live journal...

Tom Rhodes
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The past few weeks, a reflection... [02 Sep 2003|01:33am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Children on Stun - Beginning of the End ]

I've come to the conclusion that those people, who have several issues themselves mind you, have absolutely no right to tell people what is on your mind or your intentions. Unless you have any form of a college degree in the fields required to make such remarks, your opinions are completely invalid regardless of how much made up proof you may have...

Second, people who try their hardest to manipulate others so that they try to disregard their current friends are assholes.

If you live in an alternative reality (ie: you blame others for everything; you tell everyone what everyone else's issues are and still not notice your own; have a complex or desire to be miserable and yet never attempt to change your life; etc), you should really tell me in advance. Doing this will permit me to notice how much of a loser you are BEFORE it is too late...

And I put things off way to often, damnit. And livejournal sucks! I'm beginning to think that any form of online communication medium beyond email is useless. Add friends to your list, whatever, I don't think that many of my friends are even on livejournal other than the obvious people in Pittsburgh. And only those in Pittsburgh who haven't left LJ because they hate it...

Finally, I just noticed that I should go to sleep. Hearing your name called can do that to you, ya know?

Tom Rhodes

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Funny, stolen from Pegritz and wenneskittie. [20 Aug 2003|05:02pm]
What will your last words be? by cum_on_bitch
Your LJ username
Your real name
Your sex
Your age
Your last words will be..."sex?!!?"
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

"How about some last minute sex, baby?"

EDIT: The previous quote came from Mission Hill episode five. One of them damn adult cartoons, if anyone is interested in checking Mission Hill out, visit:

Tom Rhodes
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Stupid test... [19 Aug 2003|01:55pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Faith and the Muse - The Unquiet Grave ]

Schizotypal:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

I'm very not with the 'Dependent' one and feel that was a little far fetched. At least by their description. While I'm at it, how accurate is this, a few of the questions were like 'if you answered yes to the previous question' or 'no to the previous question' then answer this one yes or no. Shouldn't that question be left blank or have an option like 'N/A'... Strange... I love it though, a website quiz made me insane. And the care bears made me gay.

Tom Rhodes

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Tuesday... [19 Aug 2003|12:24pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | 45 Grave - Slices of life ]

Well, the week has finally arrived to the third day and I'm hyperactive. No clue why, the sun is shining which is usually a bad thing for me, and my sugar/coffee intake is low. In fact I've been drinking water for much of the day, yet somethings definitely a miss. The person who hit my car did over $700 worth of damage, according to the estimate. I'll need to get a rental car for the duration of time that my car is in the shop, but I'll charge that to her insurance company. I'm waiting for a call back from her about this issue; I'm also waiting for a call from Robert regarding some work he may have for me. Still not sure if I'll do it, but we'll see.

Otherwise, I spent a few moments making a list of CDs I require, if anyone out there loves me enough they can buy me one of the following:

Legendary Pink Dots - Crushed Velvet Apocalypse and The Tower
Nature and Organisation - Death in a Snow Leopard Winter and A Dozen Summers against the World.
Neither/Neither World - Torch Songs and Suicide Notes
Nurse With Wound - She and Me Fall Together in Free Death, Thunder Perfect Mind, and Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table
Christian Death - Ashes and The Path of Sorrows
Black Tape for a Blue Girl - Ashes in the Brittle Air and This Lush Garden Within

That is by no means a complete list, but why be greedy! I'm also sure Arcane has something to say here... :)

Let it be known that I will scribe in my black book of gratitude, the name of anyone who purchases for me, one CD from each of those bands.

Forgot to mention that most of this can be puchased through Salo's website!

Tom Rhodes

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Recent events [18 Aug 2003|11:40am]
Damn, this weekend was an elegant mix of stupidity, hilarity, fun, and excitement. On Saturday I unfortunately had to miss hanging out with Tiff's family as the higher power of ${REAL_JOB} demanded I put time in on that day. But I got some free cake and other goodies when Tiff arrived home from her venture. We then prepared and departed for Ceremony, which was a great night for music. Brian (beeporama) played a bunch of music that I really enjoyed including Big Electric Cat, Beborn Beton, Sisters, and many others. Matthew (dj_imperium) returned this with a good mix of his own. I got to hear Echo and the Bunnymen's Show of Strenght, The Birthday Party, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and some good old Christian Death. During the night I had interesting chats with Adam Rixey (inmostlight) and Kashmira (kashmira17), so the social aspect was definitely there. I also hung out with Matt Arcane (eolh), Brian (crashzero), Justine (bonamoz), Tiffany (everyday_gray), and so many other friends.

During the latter part of the evening, this like fifteen year old idiot that, from what I hear, several people hate; decided it would be funny to yet again throw water/cups at people. This sparked a rage from several people. I went up to ask her about it in defense of my friend and she admitted to doing it, which is all I wanted to know as several people have complained about her attendance and the bouncers were watching her closely. When I began to walk away, Sarah really got in her face, and it was funny as hell. I usually never go off like that on people, but it was funny watching someone else do it. Apparently her friend was not that happy about Sarah and I, but who cares. In fact, that dani girl has some rude post on her livejournal about Ceremony people reading it. It's pretty funny as all the problems she is having are all self inflicted and you just cannot expect to post something on a public forum without people reading it. That just does not work.

Sunday night I went to see the Furs, which kicked a great deal of ass. Even though it was sixteen bucks a ticket, the good music and stage show was worth the amount I payed. The best thing was that I could return home early enough to finish my laundry and watch the adult cartoons that are displayed on Sunday evenings. Many of them suck anymore, I want Mission Hill back! Perhaps as my day unfolds I'll post a few more tidbits of information...

Tom Rhodes
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My Friday sucked! [16 Aug 2003|10:38am]
So here it is Friday (although I'm posting on Saturday, go figure) and my day was just so horrible. Work sucked, as always, and it drove me insane. I went to the smoking room and lit up, a few minutes after that I was front row to watch some lady hit my car with her fucking maxima! In hopes that she didn't get away, I wrote down her license plate number and went running out. Now our parking lot is right next to the police station, thank the gods, and an officer was able to come over.

This lady was giving me shit like you wouldn't believe, as if it was my fault she didn't know how to back out and instead tried to turn around! So finally at 8:00 I can leave, with her insurance information, phone number, and name. At about 8:35/40 I get back to the apartment and Tiff is nowhere in sight. Now I'm already an hour and a half late for the Jarboe show and cannot find Tiff, so I start to just head down and pass her on the way there. Since it was less than a mile I just turned around and went back home. She was out job hunting because her current job sucks which I can agree with. So we chat about that until about 9:30. It would take about half an hour to arrive at the show, and we would have missed three hours of it. Fuck it, for $15 it wasn't worth the time so we stayed home and watched Children of the Corn four. Damn did it suck, nothing like the previous three and reminded me of 'Village of the Damned'. Sad, sad, sad...

Oh well, Ceremony tonight, and I hope today is a better day...

Tom Rhodes
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Bands and such [15 Aug 2003|01:31pm]
Damn people and their music thing; this is in responce to those who have this in LJ also.

Bandname && song for each letter:

A: All about Eve - Let me entertain you
A: Audra - What your eyes have seen
A: And Also The Trees - Red Valentieno (Not the best)
A: Apocalypse Theatre - Cain or an Open Vien
B: Big Electric Cat - Christabel
B: Bauhaus - Spirit
B: Brighter Death Now - *Cannot remember while I'm at work*
C: Current 93 - Be Locust or Alone
C: Corpus Delecti - Staring
D: Death In June - Little Black Angel
D: Dead Can Dance - Xavier
E: Every New Dead Ghost - Darkness
E: Eve O - Children of the Light
E: Emerald Fear - Apparition Sky
F: Funeral In Berlin - Suspense
F: Fields of the Nephilim - Last Exit for the Lost
F: Faith and the Muse - The Unquiet Grave
G: Girls Under Glass - Colour of Truth
H: Human Drama - Madame Hate's Mad Search For Love
I: I am NOT going here
J: Joy Division - Lost Souls
K: Killing Joke - Love Like Blood
K: Kommunity FK - Testiment
L: Love Spirals Downwards - The Ring
L: Last Dance, The - Do you believe in angels
L: Legendary Pink Dots - Mmmmmm
M: Mira - Space
M: My Dying Bride - Like Gods of the Sun
M: Mission UK - Severina
M: Morrissey - Best friend on the payroll
M: March Violets - Snake Dance
N: Nature and Orginisation - Tears of an Eastern Girl
N: Numan, Gary - Are Friends Electric
N: Nosferatu - The Night Is Young
O: OMD - Electricity
P: Play Dead - The Tenant
P: Project Pitchfork - Requilim
Q: Quick Gas Gang - Quick Gas Gang (I know, cheating)
R: Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Burning Fever
R: Rozz Williams - Maggot Drain
S: Soul Whirling Somewhere - I'll Throw Myself Under A Train
S: Shadow Project - Forever Came Today
S: Sex Gang Children - Oh! Funny Man
T: Theatre of Hate - Westworld
T: Tones on Tail - Lions
T: Two Witches - The Hungry Eyes
U: Unto Ashes - Morte O` Merci (sp?)
V: Virgin Prunes - Baby Turns Blue
W: Wake, The - Suicide
X: Xmal Deutschland - Mondlicht
Y: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - That song Matthew always plays!
Z: ???

Wow, that came to me little by little and I could not list just ONE band with many of the letters. This is probably going to annoy some people... I suck.

Tom Rhodes
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Confirmation: jdecay good, 2nd skin bad, I'm an ass, PENIS FLYTRAP! [15 Aug 2003|11:53am]
Well now, where to begin? The show last night, let me give everyone a review/rundown. Jordan "just kicked ass", even with a small audience (which I tried to increase thanks to the medium of my cellular phone, didn't work much to my dismay) he played as if the place was absolutely packed! Never a dull moment, and several humorous comments which made me laugh in my intoxicated state. I even shouted out once, even though I wanted to shout more; I kept a bit quiet as to not annoy anyone. To be honest, I would recommend anyone go and see Jdecay. My interpretation of him was Premature Ejaculation with lyrics; albeit shorter songs but song length is not that important, its content.

Second Skin did not do so good; however, as they were missing the two female vocalists along with their keyboardist. The sound was way to loud, mindnumbing, and they tried way to hard. As Matt (Arcane) stated, your typical cleopatra band. They did go all out as if the place was packed, using fog and rainbow lights but that wasn't enough to impress most of us old-skoolers. Plus, it took them an hour and a half before going on, so we were bored. Although, we did execute some well needed conversation during the break and when they started I made the comment "Hey Don (TFS), I'm trying to talk here, could you ask them to turn it down?" which was met with laughter.

Slowly people started to disappear, and with an already upset crowd of 13, that wasn't good. Jordan and his 'crew' took off shortly before Second Skin returned. Don left after Second Skin started, Tiff and I took off at 11:30 since we were meeting people. Poor Manny had to deal with this BS! Wonder how long it took arcane to leave.

Afterwards, we went to the beehive for coffee (even though I completely detested this idea and was very verbose about it) which we imbibed. It tasted like crap, which was expected. Finally they closed and we went over to Tuscany which is where I wanted to go originally. We could hear each other talking now, which was a plus. At this point we were undecided whether to go to the Death Rock Festival (My vote went here), Dracula's Ball (I voted against this), or the Renaissance Festival. This is as yet undecided, but we are all calling off this weekend and that was only decision we made.

Now I also know whats up with the Penis Flytrap show, they are booked for Pittsburgh. I know the date and location already, although there is a possibility of a problem which I will not discuss on here. I need to chat with Lollirazor and bonamoz first, and that is a phone-only or PGP/GPG signed email discussion.

I'm also bitching about Apple's Darwin OS, it has me pissed. While I like how they did the Unicode character conversions and gemdos fs, but they have all these 30 year old K&R; functions (__P) which is upsetting. This should not have been allowed. Who is auditing this cra^H^Hode?

Now, back to my bad day...

Tom Rhodes
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New CDs! [11 Aug 2003|11:31am]
The following CDs are now in my collection:

45 Grave - Sleep in Safety (I finally found a NEW copy!).
The Church - Starfish (I really should have owned this already).
Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas (I'm almost done getting all their CDs).
Dead Can Dance - Dead Can Dance (The original release, new, had to buy it).
Love and Rockets - Earth Sun Moon (Now I have another L&R; CD. Ha ha ha).
Modern English - After the Snow (I've eyeballed this a few times, my only CD of theirs).
Nick Cave - Murder Ballads (Should have owned this already also).
Oingo Boingo - Skeletons in the Closet (A best of, some of their songs are 'OK').
Mozart - Piano concerts 17, 19, 21, and 25 (I like classical music to an extent).
Mum - Finally We Are No One (Folktronica, recommended by Manny. Really nice, like Love Spirals Downwards with more electronic beats and fewer vocals).

Tom Rhodes
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Rethinking my work [08 Aug 2003|11:57am]
Whilist sitting here and wondering a bit, I wonder if my work to msdosfs was or wasn't dubious or unwarrented. Recently a user noticed that a truncate operation involving truncate() or ftruncate() on a FAT32 file system either failed; silently corruped the file; or even worse corrupting the neighboring file reisiding on the same partition/file system. This could easily be noticed by following these steps, on an unpatched system:

#cd /to/fat32/partition/
#dd if=/dev/zero of=XX bs=4099 count=1
#truncate -s 4097 XX
truncate: XX: Argument list too long
errno E2BIG

My workaround, which was slightly modified from the one he sent me, was the following:

bn = cntobn(pmp, eofentry);
error = bread(pmp->pm_devvp, bn, pmp->pm_bpcluster,
NOCRED, &bp;);
- } else {
- bn = de_blk(pmp, length);
- error = bread(DETOV(dep), bn, pmp->pm_bpcluster,
- NOCRED, &bp;);
- }
- if (error) {
- brelse(bp);
+ if (error) {
+ brelse(bp);
- printf("detrunc(): bread fails %d\n", error);
+ printf("detrunc(): bread fails %d\n", error);
- return (error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ bzero(bp->b_data + boff, pmp->pm_bpcluster - boff);
+ if (flags & IO_SYNC)
+ bwrite(bp);
+ else
+ bdwrite(bp);
- /*
- * is this the right place for it?
- */
- bzero(bp->b_data + boff, pmp->pm_bpcluster - boff);
- if (flags & IO_SYNC)
- bwrite(bp);
- else
- bdwrite(bp);


But I now find myself wondering if this was the right way to go; indeed, I'm not sure how else I could remedy this. Perhaps I should have a more experianced programmer review this (Ray Link? Chris Rapier? Poul-Henning Kamp?). Perhaps I'll just add this to my list of things to do...

Tom Rhodes
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Am I really all that difficult? [01 Aug 2003|11:18am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Big Electric Cat - Twisted Man ]

Today has been ever-so weird, and it's seemly difficult to compare some of my co-workers actions with any form of logic. For instance, I took a minimal bitching because I made a 'simple' mistake; however, I'm human and prone to error. This would not bother me so much if it wasn't for the fact that the person who brought it up to me makes countless 'simple' errors. I'm stymied, and perhaps a bit aghast at this dubious bullshit that has little or no relevance as my errors have always been minimal. Guess I need to just ignore the stupidity of people and continue with my day.

The next thing that hit me was a comment a friend made to me, which brings me around to the listed subject. I was told that I can seem purposely difficult, that I have a tendency to word things in a way which makes them difficult for people to comprehend. Permit me to quote a bit of the text: "You have a tendency to make declaritive statements that are hard to read or interpret sometimes....", so what is the big deal? Someone wants a good explanation, then fine, I'll give it to them; why should I deal with people who come off condescending to me when I can talk them into the ground? If these people (friends included) would be a bit more friendly, or do their best to not come off with the entire 'I'm better than you attitude', than I wouldn't be such an ass; no one should talk to another person in a condescending manner and they deserve everything they get when they do.

Blah, I'm getting off of here before I begin ranting about other shit like 'netspeak' and the like.

Tom Rhodes

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But sodomy is fun Mr. Bush! [30 Jul 2003|05:05pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Love Spirals Downwards - Sideways Forest ]

Wow, I'm aghast with the bullshit in the news where Bush, once again, shows that he has no real understanding of the word 'Freedom'. Sodomy, whether in a heterosexual or homosexual relationship is fun and natural. In fact, from what I've read, doctors even accept it as reality and even useful when vaginal sex becomes painful (for whatever reason). Now we have Bush and other morons who forgot their dictionary and thesaurus at home, speak that marriage and sex involving members of the same gender is not only wrong, but a destructive lifestyle. That sounds to me like an uneducated opinion; uneducated because it completely destroys the idea of 'freedom' and 'equality' that this nation has built itself on. If someone told me tomorrow that I was no longer in my life allowed to sodomize someone I loved, I would think it immoral that they would dare stick their noses into my privacy; wrong because I dwell inside of a free country that is a self described 'melting pot'; and childish as the way I choose to act in private in no way affects an iota of their lives.

This really upsets me, while I am not a homosexual, I value the ideas of freedom and equality. If someone truly and honestly loves another person, I feel it's morally correct to permit their real marriage instead of forcing them into a union which they will not be happy nor feel loved. What are we teaching our children? I can just see it now: "Son/daughter, it looks better in they eyes of god to marry without love, than to marry a person who you love but is of the same gender. Now lets pray."

George Bush seems to tell us that its "OK!" to marry someone without caring for that person; without commitment; and without intentions to love, honer; and cherish that person for the rest of your/their natural lives. Isn't that what the church tries to NOT preach? Perhaps I'm lost...

Meaning no disrespect toward religious individuals, as both myself and Tiff are catholic, but some of the representation you've selected is pretty damn sad. Honestly, I think that if god, who created the earth and the sky's; the birds and the trees; and even us human beings will ever deliver unto us a message, he will not use as his messenger some 60 year old decaying bias fuckhead on the 700 club. I'm sorry, I don't buy it. Why can't Bush and all the other highschool-dropout fuckheads who think anti-sexual orientation or anti-race get the hint which is strewn all over the pages of the bible: "It is not man's job to judge, only God's" which makes me think that we should just let them have their gay marrage and if its wrong, God will handle it later.

Fuck you, and your bias bullshit, I'm going home... Everyone else should go here and vote NO!:

Tom Rhodes

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New Car! [24 Jul 2003|02:05pm]
All I can say is, "wow, what an interesting day this turned out to be!" When I took my 2000 Alero on up to get the oil changed in it, I had no idea that I'd be driving off the lot in a brand new 2003 Grand Am! I'm even a bit in the shadows on how this worked out, but it was neat. My car had over 80,000 miles on it (that trip to Texas, I know), and I knew it was getting about that time for a new car. For the past two or three weeks I've discussed ${NEW_CAR} with Tiff, but never made a move on it. Well, today the opportunity presented itself and I jumped on it.

Poor salesmen though, the more I think about it. While admittedly I don't know shit about cars, but I know the value of a dollar and what I can afford. So here we are, sitting at his desk and in each others face about price vs value. Back and forth for over an hour, we finally looked at two; a sunfire and a grand am. Both looked pretty decent, but I've wanted a grand am for awhile, so it was either that or a cougar. So after a quick in your face discussion, I finally get him to give me an extra half of what the book value on the Alero was worth! Talked him into an extra 1K off for the fact that I'm a "good customer", then threw him into an extended warranty of two years for a little less than employee discount. After that, I requested some other shit, like free maintainence for a year which didn't fly well; so we got into some free oil changes and other shit which included around the clock "If I'm pissed, I want someone to call" deal where he gave me both his home number and cell phone. So now I am the owner of a 2003 silver Grand Am with under ten miles.

Although I'm not sure if I should feel bad or not, he probably didn't make much off of this transaction, but hey, he'll most likely make up for it during the next sale. And I got away with an 18,000 car which was originally marked up to almost 25K. Hmmm, I'm proud of myself, perhaps I should buy myself a gift for this.

Tom Rhodes
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New CDs!! [23 Jul 2003|04:32pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Beethoven's Ninth Symphony ]

New CDs!:

Joy Electric - Tick Tock Treasury (Christian Synthpop sounding like band),
Faith & The Muse - The Burning Season (Not listened to yet),
Unto Ashes - Empty Into White (Not listened to yet),
Black Tape for a Blue Girl - The Rope (Not listened to yet, I should have owned this already),
Dim View of the Future - Compilation Album (Partly listened to),
EXP - EXP (Rozz based band, not listened to yet),
Apocalypse Theatre (Used to own, traded it for Two Witches awhile ago),
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony "Choral" conducted by Oscar Fried (Not bad at all),
Johnny Cash - CASH (It has its moments),
Rush - Roll The Bones (yay!),
MotorHead - Ace of Spades (Cause I like the song it's titled after),
Death In June - Take Care and Control (This "Just kicks ass"),
Coil - Horse Rotovator (I'm still waiting for its arrival).

While I was at it, I picked up a book about Philosophy, Ancient Egypt, The History of Art, and a small guide to mythology which is a topic I have dabbled in. Matter of fact, I've dabbled in all of the aforementioned topics along with law, computer science, computer engineering, encryption, theatre, American politics, and various other things which do in fact interest me. Mr. Jack-of-all trades here, now if I can just make that machinist certification worth SOMETHING!

Tom Rhodes

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Confirmed. [16 Jul 2003|12:46pm]
For the purpose of simplicity, I'm only going to make a post about some recent developments in place of a large full-scale rant about the past week.

Its been confirmed by Netcraft. Apparently almost two million websites run FreeBSD. See the following article:

Now I'm truly wondering what about FreeBSD made this possible. Was it the snapshots we have in FreeBSD 5? Where fsck(8) takes a file system snapshot and does all of the repairs on it, permitting the file system to run like normal. Perhaps the networking? Damn. Perhaps someone should take a survey of this for me.

Blah, back to work...

Tom Rhodes
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