Tuesday, December 4th, 2001
7:41 pm
hello! i have been doing lots and lots of stuff.....will write a proper update soon, and when I aint so knackered. That will probably be Satuarday afternoon, so watch this space. Wonder how many e-mailsI have? I haven't checked them for 5 MONTHS!
(6 mumbles | speak up!)
| Wednesday, June 27th, 2001
12:10 am - survey thing
righty- ho... heres a survey thing.
WHY ARE YOU PERFORMING THIS EVALUATION OF YOURSELF? stole it from someone elses LJ. Just a bit bored and cant be bothered to watch ally mcbeal....
>IF YOU HAD TO GO BACK AND RE-PAINT THE WORLD, WHAT COLORS WOULD YOU >CHOOSE FOR THE GRASS, SKY, TREES, STREET LIGHTS, AND ROADS? WHY? hmmmm... this could be interesting. i am having a psychedelic vision here. does grass all have to be the same colour? can i not have it tie-dyed? and who needs street lights? cant i just replace them all with massive lava lamps? And I wouldnt have roads as such. just some super-fast mono-rails. > >IF YOU WERE TO CONSUME SOMETHING RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD IT BE? AND WHY? mmm... big joint, glass of wine and a wedge of pizza (sans olives and anchovies please)
>WHAT IS SOMETHING THAT YOU FIND SO VERY COMFORTING, YET THE REASON WHY IS >HARD TO EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN. the smell of garages. i really dont know why. maybe because they fix my bike when i break it / fall off it... when its come back from the garage i KNOW it is safe to ride again
>GIVE ME ONE SONG LYRIC arnold lane had a strange hobby collecting clothes, moonshine, washing line they suit him fine....
>DO YOU WEAR ANY JEWELRY ALL THE TIME? IF SO, WHAT? AND WHY DO YOU WEAR IT? i have a small amber cross that i usually wear, but i cant find it. It was a gift from my best mate... i wear it because i like it. What kind of a survey is this? do i have to have a reason for everything?
WHAT DO YOU WANT RIGHT NOW? REALLY. big joint....and someone to smoke it with ;)
WHAT IS ONE THING THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOUR PARENTS BUT DONT FEEL LIKE YOU CAN? ooohhh.... loads of stuff. Especially how much they mean to me, and i understand completely the reasons they had for making certain decisions.... i'll shut up now :)
>WHAT DO YOU REGRET MOST ABOUT YOUR LIFE? nothing. Nothing at all. all the decisions i have made in my life have led me to this point. If i had done things differently I wouldnt be the person i am now. And I like who I am :)
(speak up!)
| Saturday, June 16th, 2001
5:04 pm - .....from ananova
Music fans elect their 'guitar government'
Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page has been voted the Prime Minister of Guitarists in a poll to elect a British 'guitar government'.
The survey, carried out by Total Guitar magazine, asked readers to select the best guitarist from their region to form a 12-seat assembly.
Page won by a landslide, with a huge majority in Greater London over Queen's Brian May and The Who's Pete Townsend.
Eric Clapton won in the southeast, ahead of Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones.
In the southwest there was a dead heat between Deep Purple's Ritchie Blackmore and Matt Bellamy of Muse.
Former Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr narrowly beat George Harrison in the northwest with just 2% more votes, while in the northeast The Shadows' Hank Marvin beat Dire Straits' Mark Knopfler by just 1%.
In the west Midlands, Slash of Guns N' Roses thrashed opponent Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath.
Marillion's Steve Rothery took Yorkshire and Humberside; Dave Gilmour of Pink Floyd triumphed in East Anglia and Alvin Lee of Ten Years After won in the east Midlands.
Scotland was won by Angus Young of AC/DC, James Dean Bradfield of the Manic Street Preachers won the most votes in Wales.
Gary Moore took the vote in Northern Ireland.
(2 mumbles | speak up!)
| Thursday, June 14th, 2001
2:06 pm
please can someone recommend a picture hosting service that works please? thank you :)
(5 mumbles | speak up!)
| Thursday, May 24th, 2001
2:17 am - hello!
i have no news. nothing. nada. rien. dim byd :) (last one was welsh) except that i have..... no, its nothing. Okay, I will say, I can tell you are dying to know (not)
I got backstage passes for Robbie Williams! I love my friend so much. I am so glad she had the sense to date a roadie. So much to be happy for :)....nitey night :) x
(3 mumbles | speak up!)
| Thursday, May 17th, 2001
2:03 am - going to norfolk
for a few days. will update on sunday :) be lucky!!
(speak up!)
| Monday, May 7th, 2001
4:14 am
| Sunday, May 6th, 2001
12:35 pm - i'm still alive but very busy
so i will do a proper update as soon as i get a minute. Have had such a funny weekend so far! :)
Think i am going to call my boat 'aqualung'
(2 mumbles | speak up!)
| Thursday, May 3rd, 2001
6:27 pm - Irrelevant....
what I learned today... Part 1 of an occasional series
I learnt this poem...
Oh pointy bird, Oh pointy bird, You are so pointy, pointy, Anoint my head, Anoint my head, Anointy, nointy, nointy.
I also learnt that the person who wrote this poem was the first person in the world to be killed in an automobile accident.
current mood: cheerful current music: Timothy Leary is dead...- Moody Blues
(speak up!)
2:42 pm
i have finished my gruelling stint at work for the day (okay, so I didnt really work hard). I have also been to the doctor. I have been plagued by an achey wrist for the last few months, and I decided to go and get some advice on it.
I thought it might be something to do with lifting all those heavy pints to my mouth, but apparently it isn't. The docotor said it is probably something to do with my throttle control which is operated by my right hand. Maybe he is right.
So i think what i should do is get a shiney new pair of gloves with better wrist support.
I did manage to spend 80 quid on some very very cool sun glasses. I went to the optician, and they advised that i spent lots of money. Apparently it is the sun reflecting off the water that makes the headaches happen. I think i look like a twat in them though. I always feel like a twat in shades.
I like working really early in the day (6.30-1.30.pm today) in theory it leaves me the rest of the day to myself. But I am pretty tired, and I have to go out tonite for my sacred Thursday nite piss-up. YAY! I love Thursdays! I believe my friends have a plan on the horizon which might involve getting particularly drunk and going for an indian..mmmmm!
I have also had an interesting offer for next weekend. I am thinking about going to the Nofolk Broads with someone i work with to piss about on a barge for a few days. Thats always fun, but i think it might be a bit like work but with more booze. That depends on the weather, but it would be great to get away for a few days, even if it is to Norfolk.
Might go for a little snoooze for an hour or so, to prepare myself for the coomplete debauchery that is destined to occur tonight. Oh- and thank you for the mp3. Sounded like early Roy. Dunno how I have missed that one :)
current mood: mischievous
(2 mumbles | speak up!)
| Wednesday, May 2nd, 2001
11:41 pm - going to bed
tired and headachey. Will buy some groovy sun glasses and a hat tomorrow to keep the sun off my bonce. I am sure thats why my head is banging. i have worked out that if i start work at 6.30am i can come home at 2.30pm. Think thats what i will be doing from now on.
i found the oddest web site earlier. is this guy for real? Dont get me wrong, I like dolphins, but this has to be against the law, right?
nitey nite...x
current mood: drained current music: stranglers - La Folie
(speak up!)
9:38 pm - am a bit ill.
have had a migraine all day but its getting a bit better now. I had to come home at lunchtime because i was too sick to work.
oh well, i had a lovely afternoon lying in a darkened room trying to stop my head throbbing and bile rising up my oesophagus. :p
I think it has something to with the sun. I always get migranes in the sun. Maybe i will buy some really nice shades. Then i can just sit on my boat and look suave.
tested the electrics in my boat. It seems okay-ish. not great though. I have been motoring around the marina this morning and shouting 'i'm the king of the wooorld' in a Titan-esque way. Its sort of sailing. The engine sounds great, really grunty and low. It SOUNDS reliable. Unfortunately the ignition is a bit dodgy. i think that might be something to do with the battery i was using but i am not sure.
I am going to watch corrie and drink lemsip (have no paracetamol) i'll try and write something interesting laterzzzz (or tomorrow)
(speak up!)
| Tuesday, May 1st, 2001
10:16 pm - boat name......
i just heard the word 'serendipity' (sp?) on the telly... think it might be a possible favorite for a boat nome. is it too poncy? i thought it sounded peaceful
(8 mumbles | speak up!)
7:34 pm - UN-BOAT STUFF
Ethel is a bit of a demon in her wheelchair, and loves to charge around the nursing home, taking corners on one wheel and getting up to maximum speed on the long corridors. Because the poor woman is one sandwich short of a picnic, the other residents tolerate her, and some of the males actually join in. One day, Ethel was speeding up one corridor when a door opened and Clarence stepped out with his arm outstretched. "STOP!", he said in a firm voice. "Have you got a license for that thing?" Ethel fished around in her handbag and pulled out a Kit Kat wrapper and held it up to him."OK" he said, and away Ethel sped down the hall. As she took the corner near the TV lounge on one wheel, Harold popped out in front of her and shouted, "STOP! Have you got proof of insurance?" Ethel dug into her handbag, pulled out a beer coaster and held it up to him. Harold nodded and said, "Carry on, ma'am." As Ethel neared the final corridor before the front door, Dave stepped out in front of her, stark naked, holding a very sizeable erection in his hand. "Oh, no" said Ethel, "Not the breathalyser again!"
(2 mumbles | speak up!)
7:15 pm - BOAT STUFF
its happened! its finally happened. My boat was delivered to the marina just before 8am this morning. It is such a wonderful wonderful feeling to have it at last. Although its not in the water yet, and I have had a dawning realisation of exactly how much work i have to do.... Still, I am feeling optimistic.
There is one thing that may be a major major job for me to fix, but its not impossible. Just means i may have to strengthen my deck a little.
So now I can write my shopping list....actually i had better not- i might have a nervous breakdown if i knew how much i will have to spend. It is currently spartan to say the least. I need a VHF radio and GPS system...and some solar panels...and lots of other stuff. But at least its mine mine mine mine mine. MINE!
The previous owners left me a little note wishing me luck with it. And a bottle of Bollinger which i will save until the day my boat is lowered into the river. I have promised that they can come on my maiden voyage to the Scilly Isles which will be (hopefully) just before september. If all goes to plan.
Also a guy I work with has given me a wheel for it. He has had it for longer than I have been alive, keeping it until he has a boat of his own to put it on. I think he has given up on the idea. I promised him i would put in my yacht, but this may be a bit of a problem as I currently have a tiller set up.
full speed ahead mr. boatswain, full speed ahead!
Another thig i will have to do is put a hatch in the fore-pit (which will be my primary berth). Although I could sleep in it already, I would prefer a hatch, as it is not very spacious, and it felt a little claustrophobic with the door shut. I will go now. I can tell no-one is going to be even slightly interested in my new boat.
I was going to try and write something that wasnt about my boat but I cant think of anything
I really think this is the happiest day of my life. :)))))))))))
current mood: ecstatic current music: stone roses
(3 mumbles | speak up!)
| Monday, April 30th, 2001
8:37 pm - i hate living on my own
i feel like i am going mad tonight. Talking to myself and putting my cd's in alphabetical order... might start on my LP's next. I am a right sad bitch!
surely i can entertain myself for ONE EVENING without company...
(3 mumbles | speak up!)
6:17 pm - Mobile phone, Jen? Get one like mine!
I read the news today, Oh boy.
I have been working so hard today it is unreal. So much to do! My boat gets delivered tomorrow! I am so excited! This coincides with my boss going away for 2 weeks, which means I have two weeks to slack off doing HIS work and concerntrate on boat stuff. I went in to work at 7.30 and have only just got home now. Its really been hectic today. Lots of people coming out to play with their boats that they have neglected all year because it has been beautifully sunny today.
I have changed my user pic once again. It is now a picture of my boat. This is it! MY BOAT! When I can work out how to post pics in my journal I will put some more up. I was thinking I am going to have to rename her but I dont know what to call her. I was thinking of quite a few different names. Any suggestions?
(3 mumbles | speak up!)
1:57 am - gerroff!!
whos been eating my dairylea? i should so be asleep. once again i tried and failed....
but i have w**k in a few hours... *where did i put that pro-plus?*
(2 mumbles | speak up!)
| Sunday, April 29th, 2001
9:57 pm - i am watching that conspiracy theory prog
on channel 4...the new world order, jewish conspiracies...this takes me back to when i was a thoroughly fucked up teenager. I managed to get myself messed up with a bunch of really crazy born again christians. they had some really weird ideas, but i didnt even question them. amongst them were
1) All films are evil. But some are more evil than others. Especially Dune. Which is very evil. And 2001
2)All banks are owned by one family. They are also in league with satan. Midland are the worst as they have 7 letters in their name. Seven is the number of the devil
3) smoking dope is evil. it opens the 3rd eye and this is how the devil will snatch your soul.
4) any songs that contain minor chords are salutations to lucifer
5)anyone who doesnt believe you is evil (this included my family)
6) in the future, we will all have lithium chips in our wrists instead of credit cards. this is the mark of the beast that the bible talks about. you will not be able to refuse this chip, or you will be killed. this is the best option, because otherwise you will be damned.
7) the world will end in 1999. in october.
cant believe i was seriously sucked in by that shit! still, i am better now. My brother came and kidnapped me and made me drink beer and smoke spliffs with him until i saw sense.
and the jokes on them because the world is still here. And i dont think the devil has snatched my soul yet. But i might be wrong. Ho hum.
(5 mumbles | speak up!)
4:16 pm - if i die from this mystery illness