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saturday, august 28th, 2004
1:08 pm
i'm moving into a big new apartment and starting culinary school this week. my goal for the weekend is to find a job to help finance everything. this is about as close as i've ever gotten to a life or death situation and i'm not nervous. not yet, anyway. i'm still waiting on my heels.

yesterday was my last night at justin's and he made me an honorary jew. we then went to a party in brooklyn and his friend anthony, a fellow jew, agreed about my jewishness. they both said, almost in unison, that i speak like a yenta. another red flag was my passion for portnoy's complaint and the works of jonathan ames.

later, we went to prospect park and swung much higher than humanly possible.

even later, i drunkenly threw up in one of those intricate kiddie playgrounds, underneath a slide.

current music: i'm straight

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friday, august 13th, 2004
4:32 pm


wednesday, august 4th, 2004
2:21 pm
if anyone reads this...

i am enrolled in culinary school. i couldn't think of anything else to do with myself.

i don't really know what else to say now. but, i'm doing quite well. life is picking up. i am on the verge of Total Domination.

watch out.

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thursday, may 27th, 2004
4:40 pm
i am in the middle of making a badassed raspberry tart. i just finished the custard filling. i spent $10 on two whole vanilla beans. the only two i could find between washington heights and yonkers.

cooking is really the only thing that gets my imagination going these days, unless you include death and destruction. i am quite good at sitting in a subway car and imagining the whole tunnel blowing up, the few seconds of witnessing flames and flying body parts before i, too, am engulfed. i can also spend hours thinking about and drawing various ways to arrange raspberries before i shellac them with an apricot/brandy glaze.

tomorrow morning i am making two more tarts, a medley of peach and strawberry.

happy day.

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thursday, may 20th, 2004
12:23 pm
i have vivid dreams every night, the themes are mostly the same: sex, betrayal, and baking. last night i had a few dreams exposing my nascent job search. in one i was pursuing a lead about tending to a sickly, rich old man. the moment i arrived at his mansion, a young man lounging on a long, leather couch informed me that the family wasn't quite sure they'd need my services. a young lady also lounged, as well as my boyfriend, dan. apparently, an old french woman named lorraine was dan's benefactor, and he had spent summers at this residence for as long as he could remember. this was all news to me. as i left, he rose to leave with me, and a beautiful french girl called to him, endearingly, "oh, i must kiss you, or i will never remember you." obviously the two of them had been acquainted for some time, in a world that was still secret to me. i turned to him and said, "are you going to kiss her?" he replied, "i can't say i won't." i ran out the front door, then turned and climbed to a window where i could watch them embrace.

after this i woke up, and fantasized about the passionate ways they might kiss.

i'd say, my imagination for devastating, awkward, or uncomfortable blows is far keener than anything else. a close second is doing it, then baking.

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