Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "notebooks".
181 matches:
- 100haikus - 100 haikus
- 6ftofsauce - Tell Me a Joke
- ____hotxcore - hotXcore
- __roboticvanity - Robot lovin, ugly-people hating, vanity community.
- _blueberrybagel - _blueberrybagel
- _deadpoets_ - John Keating's English Class
- _dear_advice_ - Advice for people struggling with their problems
- _oneliners - Oneliners
- _phaeton_ - Witty Banter
- _raindrops - (not) cool
- _randommadness_ - You think you're random enough for this?
- _teenage_angst_ - The Sarcastics
- _teflon - TEFlon Bandits on Parade
- _word_ - _word_
- abstractpoetry - Abstract, Obscure, Off-Kilter...
- allears - nosy inquisitive eavesdroppers
- alternate_books - the alternative notebooks
- asoue_chorus - A Series of Unfortunate Events Chorus
- asoue_fanfics - A Series Of Unfortunate Events Fanfictions
- asoue_icontest - ASOUE Icontest
- awake_at_3am - I'm sleeping but my mind is awake
- bevnap_diaries - bevnap_diaries
- blinkingtoofast - Whoooah
- bluedaffodils - Poems and Stuff
- boredom_reigns - Nothing Better to do
- boston_writers - Boston_Writers
- boxheads - Boxy Brilliance
- boysweddo - boys we'd do
- brainsoap - Brain Soap
- broken_glasses - Books lovers of all Types
- bway_cafe - Let's Make it Crazy Again
- care_packages - Care Packages
- clawsanddoodles - claw machines, psp or illustrator art, and doodles
- cleverlynamed - Cleverly Named Writing Community
- collectedquotes - genius in the form of the written word
- communalschool - communalschool
- computerfetish - computer fetishists
- createsoc - Edinburgh University Creative Writing Society
- crimson_sunsets - The Hopeless, Angsty, and Talented
- dashkids - dashkids
- debtjunkies - AMY
- decorated - decor galore
- delicate_lyrics - we only listen to the sad songs...
- desiirable_lj - camera whxre's
- desultoriness - Desultorily Speaking
- dirtypoets - || DIRTY POETS
- dliverdletter - dliverdletter
- doodler - Compulsive Doodler
- dreameternities - Bowser's Dungeon of Words
- dreamy_girls - Dreamy girls
- ediblepanties - Edible Panties
- empty_notebooks - nothing sadder than a poet without words
- enrapturement - enrapturement
- faerycraft - Faery Craft
- faux_faces - How hard can YOU cry?
- featherpens - Clara and Kathleen
- fine_cuisine - I'm In SWAT!
- first_thoughts - free writing
- found_magazine - Finding life for lost items
- free_writers - free writers
- friendshipbooks - The Floating Friendship & Slam Books
- friendshipstyle - Friendship style on LJ
- frozen_ink - Write. End of Story.
- fuzzerbooks - Fuzzer Books Small Animal Notebook Community!
- ghost_scribbles - you write poetry and we eat it
- ghostlyghastly - the ghostly/ghastly collective
- glitterxgold - ☆ glitter + gold ☆
- gnarcoreshizzay - [THE crew]
- hack_writers - Hack Writers
- hammerandhalo - gravityandgun: words
- holysmackaroni - anny boo and ricka! ricka!
- iamaspy - The Spy Club
- iambusface - iambusface
- in_every_word - life is a writing workshop
- indiepoetry - here is my heart
- ingerhamkids - ingerhamkids
- itreallyis - LiNsKy & RiSs
- jiaan_haikurah - Jiaan Reiaya
- journal_ - A day in the life
- journal_journey - Journal_journey
- just_to_write - Because we all love to write
- kirpputori - v a i h t o p i i r i
- languidlanguage - Madame De Plume
- le_write_stuff - The Write Stuff
- ljstories - LJ's Stories
- loveclubcore - The Love Club Core
- lurve4ashes - Love For the Great Ashes!!!!!!!!
- mailswap - oo, mail!
- mariosfanclub - marios fan club
- mathom_lists - the Mathom-house
- mementomoricons - memento mori icons
- micro_fiction_c - MicroFiction
- mind_maps - SPEAK YOUR MIND
- mockfest - Fight Me
- moleskine_users - Moleskine Users
- msk_hotspot - Хотспоты Москвы
- mus3d - creative bastards
- nakedemilyd - Naked Emily Dickinson
- nanotiffy - Journal whore.
- nbexchange - *NoTeBoOk ExChAnGe*
- nervousness - Community
- netnavi - Phantasy Style Unlimited
- notebook_tips - Notebook Shipping/Decorating/Etc. Tips
- notebookxchange - notebook exchange
- numenwriters - A place for writers to share their muses
- ode_to_birds - irksome, tired and conceited
- officesplywhore - Office Supply Whores
- oh___honors - honors society
- online_sparkly - The Online Sparkly Book
- oznotebooks - Oz Notebooks
- paperlove - Paper Love
- pastthehorizon - Past the Horizon
- pen_pals_inc - pen_pals_inc
- pesky_paltry - Pesky Debaser Paltries
- pimps_and_hoes - In Tha Hood!
- pin_up_dolls - pin_up_dolls
- playlists_kill - Playlists kill.
- poetic_asylum - Poetic_Asylum
- postcards_trade - Postcards from around the world
- postcardx - postcardx
- pretender100 - The Pretender 100
- priddyage - Priddy mail
- psychedelia_ink - writing art
- quartermoon - Quartermoon Library
- rocketgirl_icon - [you] make the world go round.
- ru_time_mngmnt - Управление временем и достижение целей
- same_oh - same-oh!
- sanrio_smile - the cutest kids in town
- sayhi - say hi to your mom
- scribbledwalls - Writing Prompts!!
- seaoftragedy - seaoftragedy
- severed_stars - Blame the Stars
- sillystupid - I'm Stupid So Are You
- slicedreality - Sliced Reality
- songwriters51 - song writers
- spys_only - spys_only
- statio_whores - statio whores
- stationerylove - a passion for all things paper
- stonedpoetscafe - The Stoned Poet Cafe
- storie_squad - storie squad
- su_hotspot - su_hotspot
- swappingsouls - swappingsouls
- talent_pool - A few good characters
- talent_unbound - Where the Real Writers Roam
- talk_411 - talk about it!
- teachingteacher - teachingteacher
- the_e_book - the e book
- the_periscope - Everything about A Series of Unfortunate Events
- the_swapperoos - A cool place for swapping anything and everything
- theletterchain - The Letter Chain community
- thenewrq - Random Questions
- thenotebooks - The floating notebooks...
- thescenario - The Scenario Game
- thumbwars - Thumb Wars
- todo_and_tada - Todo and Tada Lists
- trailsoftales - Writing community
- travelingnbs - Traveling Notebooks
- two_sugary_4_u - Sugary Sweet Graphics
- un_verbal - un verbal
- uyo - Understanding Yourself and Others
- vintageblossom - Muse
- waking_scroll - A Multicolored Spectrum of Words
- waldorfians - The Waldorf Community
- webcam_whores - Do You Think I'm A Webcam Whore
- weekly_journal - Journal Prompts
- wganonymous - Web Geeks Annonymous
- whisperingquiet - whisperingquiet
- wolfrider69 - The Room
- word_junkies - word_junkies
- words_kill - hitler hairdo
- worldnotebooks - Notebooks around the world...
- wotd - Word Of The Day
- write_impromptu - write_impromptu
- writers_days - Writing Days
- writestuffclub - Write Stuff Club
- writingrock - Simon's Rock Young Writer's Workshop 2004
- xlostgirlsx - The Missing Ones
- xxsex_mexx - xXsex meXx
- xxuniquexx - Usually Accepted for Whoever You Are
- youngbohemians - Young Bohemians
- youngwriters - Writers of Young
Interested users
The following users are interested in notebooks. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
414 matches:
- 0228 - 0228
- _esoterica_ - cold-cut robot
- _estrellas - C^2
- a_dawn - Communications Mushroom
- a_wonderful_day - x.brianne.o
- addictive - *Elle*
- aillse - Aillse
- aleida - <3
- alien42 - Kaethiel, ドラゴンと猫の。
- alienspy - Julie
- ambry - Ambry
- analogsugar - kade
- andella - ginger`ale
- angelicecstasy2 - Jessica
- angelicpsycho - the first among the fallen
- angst - Molly Angst
- appletea - ichigosan
- argyleangst - sean
- armyofbob - Bob
- armyofz - Phoebe
- artaud - Artaud
- arthenice - Entirely Unsurprised
- artphor - Artificial Euphoria
- assface - hot and bothered, est. 1984
- asterisms - Aster
- aussiekitty - A World of Fragile Things
- autumndreamer - your name like ice into my heart
- avid - Bonnie Parker
- azn_msg - Horrid Little Freak
- bchk - Halkinnie and Flaviimoo
- beatbloke - mark
- beautiful_trash - jen trash
- beautifulcrazy - ryah
- beccalicious - Becca
- bedroomdancing - starters fire
- besodenena - * unattainable *
- bibbitybob - Jess
- bigmommaj - jnet
- bitterglycerin - Syler
- black_katz - Catherine
- blackstronghold - Luna Tiger
- blue_duckiez - Lipstick & Bruises
- bluebambi - Rach
- bluecollarmoxie - take me back to wei gong cun
- bluespark - Seductress, third class
- boatsc - Spiderman's Horse
- boblovesyou - Bob
- bohemianrose - Evil Whorey Minion #2: tubercular waif
- bopeep666 - Liz
- boxofjude - megs
- broadwayboundlj - L.
- brokeasiangirl - your last love
- broken_china - Variably Functional Demoiselle
- burbur - A Girl on a Whim
- butterflyishida - Butterfly Ishida
- bxtr - spanky
- canard - channing.
- candiedangel - missus brightside
- care_care - Cara
- carl9331 - CJ Cabrera
- carodude - Catnapper
- chaudfeu - Becca
- cheriphin - Christina
- circleone - production-reproduction
- clight - robin, robin in the tree
- coffeeshopgirl - CoffeeShop Girl
- conversekid42 - brittany
- crawl27 - that spastic dancing girl
- crimsoncat - CrimsonCat
- crippledance - desolation row
- crowe - c.m. crowe
- cutequrl - Julie
- dancegrl7 - Becca Wistful
- darkmaiden - Mari
- dayna - A Masters in Reverse Psychology
- dead_roses - Mara
- deadenddoll - Sarah Beth
- defyingstars - mary mary quite contrary
- deviategurl - spongebobbette
- devoid - Jenn "Come on Eileen" Hamel
- devonlee - ..d.e.e.v.O..
- dewie - dewdrop
- diony - Cera Kruger
- dmtr - dmtr
- dnceforce - Kendra
- dragonflychey - another catastrophic success
- dramaprincess - Fleegle
- drascus - Drascus
- driveontheright - Michael
- drowningdolly - Obscene Addictions
- drunkpromqueen - Brittnee
- duckyyy - Ducky
- dulcinea7 - Mandy
- earlemartin - Earle Martin
- echoic - [echo]
- edgein - black cowboy
- eeriedescent - bitter useless girl
- effervesce - she should have been bliss
- electrocution - mandaa
- elfy - Elfy
- elpie - elpie
- elsz - Eleanor
- emerald_rose - Kathryn
- emmavescence - (¯`·.¸¸.-> Emma <-.¸¸.·´¯)
- engelbob - COLD
- englishpatient - Your passion for the desert is temporary.
- enigmaticsmile - aiki
- envious - nvs~Storm
- esora - Emily
- essentiality - Detrimental Creature
- eternuslux - Eternal Light
- evana - Brittany
- exsilium - Jacki
- eyeball - Jonathan Martin
- eyeslikestars - eyeslikestars
- faeryqueenie - melisa
- fairykitten - Fairy Princess Kitten
- farfie - tairii
- fariewing - Fariewing
- fayte - krista
- fearmullet - Rough n' Tough Rudy
- fivestars - Eleonora
- fling - Fling
- flotron8 - Florindo
- fogotten_angel - Angel Eyes
- folkypunk - folkypunk
- foreverthursday - false pretense
- francnfrtr - The Random Rants of Kristen
- freshlaundry - lack of sleep OH!
- fuzzyhead - the o.c.
- galaxie - mc
- galyecep - Gwendolyn A. Peterson
- ghett0fabulous - Kristin
- giovecozza - The Kindly One
- girlbleeding - la mia malvagità bella
- girlbot - Tiffany
- glitterbec - taken out of context, i must seem so strange
- glossgrrl - •Mil@
- goddess21401 - deviant spark
- graffix182 - Brad
- hadaverde - Faye Green
- haecceity - Awaiting Halcyon
- hematite_cross - Your imaginary friend
- heptad - Heptad
- heykate - Kate
- hiddendances - Jen
- hoaxful - hoaxful
- hov_ava - ilona
- iamtheminority - rachel
- icriedbloodgurl - tracey
- iikkar - snow-white
- illsha - ♥sharon♥
- incompletestar - Tamika
- innersamurai - Alexander DeRanged
- integra - kath
- isolawilde - she was nobody's nothing
- istickgumineyes - you're still twitching
- itouchroses - i touch roses
- itshardtowakeup - Vinci
- ivproject - Look It Up
- jealousofjoy - Daina
- jessimusashi - ジェッスィ
- jillybean956424 - Jillian
- jimmyuseless - Grant Grays
- jitensha - Leya
- josielin - ♥ Josie ♥
- jrmatchstick20 - Becky
- juiliette - i am stronger every day for you
- julie_obrien - Jools
- jungleseed - jungleseed
- jupiterfaery - Jení Renée
- jupitersmiles - just x call x me x heartbroken
- just_a_key - Dawn Summers
- jypped - jen
- kacerella - Kacey
- kaci_la - Kaci
- kalliope - (a brilliant mistake)
- kameko - Angie
- kamikazetruth - Mare
- katestarr - Kate
- kaugomu - Courtney Hohimer
- kei0 - kei
- kendrasue - Kendra Sue
- kesu - Kesu
- kevininatutu - geometria
- kflaughter - Foler
- kil_me_sarah - ificouldbewhoyouwanted
- kimnext - Terra Veice
- kina - kina
- kitschy - Stephanie Says
- kitten787 - dayn<33
- kloudsama - The Full Blown Kyle Effect
- kyan - *~*KyaN*~* another chalk outline in the street
- ladyaltona - Xenia
- laekia - Bri
- lala - lafawnduh
- lalaalyssa - *~*Ä£ÿ§§ã*~*
- lanekim - Nora
- leilanina - Leila/Jenn
- lesingeviolet - never was a cornflake girl
- lessthanamber - AmbySick
- lianne - Lianne
- litafoo - lita
- littleaphid - circus girl without a safety net
- lizmarie - Liz
- lizrocks - no one
- loba - Deb
- logicisunreal - Jaclyn
- lonelypainter - the hope valley hubcap queen
- lonita - Lonita
- lookingin - Charlsie
- loyal5life - no apologies
- luighseach - Luighseach
- luna12m3 - Kukki
- luthren - Lauren
- luxurious - Eryn
- lynstraine - a bother and a burden
- macheide - macheïde
- magical - haru same
- majiteque - Tristan
- mami999 - mummy
- marharet - ainhcara
- mariposa - in ink and paint
- marybeth - mary beth
- maryeve - *
- mellydramatic - ~*melly*~
- mermaiddreams - atila the honey
- methuselah - methuselah
- mew - the first star
- mezzie - mezzie
- mimimarquez - melissa
- mo_mo - Morgan
- modernbummer - confused motherfucker
- morethanthat - Katie
- morganofthefay - She wields sex like a sushi knife...
- mourningbelle - a team of bumblebees
- mree - mree
- mreschmwyf - josh
- musclespasm - Crystal
- mysteriousgirl - Tabitha
- mysterywhitegrl - risty
- nakedfeet - the artist formerly known as petunia puss
- natsu - Helen
- neenerface - Kel
- neptune7280 - mae
- nicodemus - Nicodemus
- nightliferogue - Kris
- nightsong - nightsong
- ninamazing - Nina
- ninthline - mad mad vortex
- nirvanadude - Boyfriend
- noodlemunkie - Nymphet
- notempty - notempty
- notmattdamon - The Obligatory Jumping Monkey
- onafriday - Th*om
- onnawufei - Overlord of Female TMI
- opium - Opium Poppy Fields
- optein - remember the good ones
- pathofbeauty - lady anathema
- pchukez - Paul Chukiu
- peebishness - vertebrata
- peppermintbuzz - Meesh
- perseph4981 - Rachel
- petticoat - start on the inside and work your way out
- phobiageek - Jessica
- phreakiegirl - PhReAkiEGirL
- pillow - simone
- pinkplasticx - Shannon
- pinkylicious - Cindy
- plaid_news - crystal erica
- plaidpunker - geeKet
- platinumstarz - Olivia
- poeticajasmine - Jasmine Pettet
- poeticdream - Robin
- ponywest - Greg
- pooka3 - Summer Leigh
- porcelinastenz - Mrs. Ben Ottewell
- portapop - the girl shooting stars around your heart
- possibilities - Becker
- pourmafille - mère
- powerpuff - Cajun Popcorn
- puddlemere - Emily
- pugg - Pugg
- punkinpie716 - Lisa
- punkmaru - Mary
- purpleglitter - lake
- purpleglow - Tiffany :)
- purrsnickety79 - the girl everyone forgot about
- radishdemise - activists lack tact
- randygirl17 - randygirl
- ranilop - $upeRmaLe
- razorbladekisse - «[§±®ªwßë®Rÿ §|<ï£S]»
- razorlicious - paperbag writer
- redfly3768 - RedFly3768
- redfruit - Red Fruit
- ree - valerie
- reject - jebro jones
- renovak - Renovak
- reveries - Sal
- rgsnccpartbs01 - rgsnccpartbs01
- rockinsocks - ailsa
- rogueangel - Me, myself, and the silent voice in my head
- sadiceprincess - Your pain, my desire
- sammyh - sammy the bear
- sanity_assassin - Lorelei
- sarianna - Sarianna
- sassay - i love you more than kodak
- satanicpenguin - [jen and juice]
- sedusmeplz - Colie Olie
- settling - perforate
- shattered_lips - My Human Residue
- shesaid - [sen-seth]
- shibby_kiki - Kiki
- shihan - *_han
- shinyeyemakeup - Kelli
- sidewalksparkle - Katie-did
- significantdot - kyra
- silentphayze - niecee
- sillykokie - Kokie (Chi-Yuen)
- sinisterfeeling - candy
- sisterkateclear - Kate
- skullluver - My perception of REALITY
- skylite0 - gramm
- sleeping_orchid - gretchen sordid
- smilesweetly - Cait
- snomonky - Chicken Monkey
- snowmonkeyplum - Mary Kate
- sockwolf - Sock
- sophiealbarn - her sleep is troubled, her face will twitch
- sotto_voce - caraluna
- soulful - sullen.
- soylentblue - Katrina (Katie) Annalisa Hernandez
- speedpiss - factory girl
- spiraling - Brooke
- splifford - Kitty Says, "WHOA!"
- spunki - kaycee
- squirelslikepot - THE CARPET MAN!
- srallen - represented by the bassoon
- stellarstar - intostellar
- stepsrkewl - Amanda
- stevenzprincesz - || CheRrY pRinCeSz ||
- stirofechoes - Vincent
- stopbreathing - Loopy
- stormwatch - stormy
- strawberry3 - :: R.e.g.r.e.t.f.u.l.l.y . Y.o.u.r.s ::
- stumbleine - rhiannon
- sugar_hi - tuonetar keitolainan
- sullendamsel - Ilazet
- sunrayvenus - Rachel
- supergnome - that little gnome
- susanna - susanna
- swampwater - daniel
- sweetie00 - Casey Erin
- syna - syna
- tangledupinjule - jules
- tangletoy - tangle of toy
- tarty - Emily
- taybooksofire - porcelina of the vast ocean
- tempestrains - Tempest
- tenacity - hey sugar
- tenebrous - Joy
- tenspan - Ellie
- terracaligo - Nothing by: Tania Arvanitidis
- thatanos12 - Steven Bakerers
- thena - Athena
- therainguitar - one fish
- thewinteroak - The Winter Oak
- tickle_me_punk -
- timewilltell14 - she said she was crashing
- tinaphobic - one who fears tinas
- tinyme - Candi
- tkdave - David Knape
- tolldoll - Rocket Queen Machine
- toril - toril
- tragicrabbit - Pixila
- tralf2001 - kelly colleen
- trashcan - -
- travelingnb - travelingNB
- triptoutboy - criminal intent
- triptyque - half a brain in a mason jar
- tumbleweedmary - Mary
- tumms - force
- twigwonderkid - JannyBeth
- ubq2s - feeling strangely fine
- uccloud9 - uccloud9
- unhealthy - Meg
- unpainted - tara
- unstrung - e
- uterheart - Maryann
- vaselinequeen - claris t
- verviana - miss sensitivepants
- violettechimera - barri
- volantwish - // a swedish contradiction
- voltan - Voltan
- wallnut - now you've got shakles on my feet...
- whitecoral - instinct
- wickedlypink46 - wickedlyblu77
- wildhoney - lindsey
- wingedfigment - Clara
- xanimox - X Animo
- xemochickx - forever got shorter
- xilostallx - ThisIsTheSoundOfMyHeartBreaking
- xloudsilencex - Jessica
- xrazorx - little pink star
- xroxy_girlx - Caught Between Confusion and Pain
- xtotheeffino - x to the effin o
- xtremechk87 - .Steph.on.Me. Hunter
- xxlaura_leexx - Laura Lee
- yellowsocks - Nadineabean
- yellowstar - i wanna be color in a black and white photograph
- yourangel - Beth
- zcv - zim
- zinniazayda - Rachel
- zoomtogap - Izumi