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Model UN Fanatics

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Make a donation [28 Dec 2004|09:52pm]

Everyone, PLEASE make a donation to help support South Asia Tsunami Relief Efforts. You may do so at:



International Red Cross

Every dollar counts.
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Nationals and NAIMUN [26 Dec 2004|09:42pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Hey, I'm a junior at Marshall HS in Falls Church, VA, and my MUN sponsors are wondering if there are any other schools in the Northern VA area that are going to either Nationals in NY or NAIMUN. It'd be cool if our schools could talk beforehand, concerning transportation (like group fares for the train and whatnot) and of course our committee topics. For NAIMUN, we have Egypt on the GAs, and a bunch of assignments for smaller committees.

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Model UN [23 Dec 2004|12:50pm]

[ mood | Incompotent fool! ]
[ music | Gundam Wing OST ]

Wow, I'm glad to see that there are other people that are part of Model UN than just me and my small little group at school.

Actaully, you all may be able to answer a quick question for me:

I'm in Florida and about two weeks ago we had our monthly district conference. I'm not sure what some of the protocols are in other districts, but under out FHSMUN rules, the school that hosts picks two members from their school to be Chair and Co-Chair. Well, the Chair was completely inept. He did not know what he was doing and I had to make more Points of Order than of Personal Privilage. I asked the Judges and the sponsor from my school if there is such a thing within Model UN, either on the high school or college level, of a Vote of No Confidence.
So this is my question: Does such Parlimentary Procedure exist, just for future reference.

Thank you.

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[17 Dec 2004|02:47pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Ocean Breathes Salty ~ Modest Mouse ]

hey! is anyone planning on going to SAIMUN in Dublin this March?? I'm Finland on ECOSOC (but have been recommended as a chair! eek!)

anyway, I've debated internationally before, but we're bringing a team of 15 and about two-thirds of them have never experienced international debates (meaning lobbying, pre-written resolutions, the whole amendment procedure...all the non-americanish stuff). We're drafting a guidebook to a European conference format...any helpful pointers????

ANYTHING would be appreciated.

Thanks! <3 abbie

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Model UN Shirts [15 Dec 2004|05:40pm]

[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Clay Aiken "Merry Christmas With Love" ]

Hey everybody! This is a little off subject but I was put in charge of creating the design of our Model UN shirts. The problem is...I have no idea what to put on it. Does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking about using the UN logo, but that is probably trademarked. They are long-sleeved by the way. Any idea? Anyone?

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Parlimentary Procedure [14 Dec 2004|11:40pm]

[ mood | done with finals! ]

Hi everyone!

Right, I'm rewriting the parli for the MUN we host for high schoolers over the break (sorry, we're a college, I should have said that). These are small committees, with 30-60 delegates each, and 2-3 chairs/dais staff.

Are there any elements that you've found particularly helpful in someone's rules or something that was particularly obnoxious? A rule at one conference that you'd die to have at all of them? Any suggestions would be really appreciated! If you're really gung-ho, our current rules are somewhere on the website at: or I can try to answer questions!

Cheers and thanks a bunch!

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[14 Dec 2004|08:12pm]

Sorry about that previous post. Didn't know the code would mess up like that. My sincerest apologies.
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[14 Dec 2004|08:02pm]

did anyone go to the harvard model un this past weekend? and if so what country did you represent?
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... [13 Dec 2004|08:07pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Eh heh heh...ATTEMPTING to create this online MUN forum type thingy...then I realized

A. I'm not popular, I don't have anyone to help me
and B. I have no money to advertise...who's gonna join

These are the kind of things I should think about before jumping into things ^^;;

What kind of awards have you all won? I'm interested because...I'm nosy :) Is it a lot harder to do MUN in high school, because I'm thinking about making it my new...afterschool thing :D

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SHSMUN and NHSMUN [12 Dec 2004|02:18pm]

[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Rufus Wainwright, "Art Teacher" ]

Hello-- I've been a member of this community for a while, but I haven't posted but maybe once or twice.

I just thought I'd get the word out to anyone who might live in the Southeastern United States. I'm Sec Gen for a conference called Southeastern High School Model UN; it's held in my hometown of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Local schools and schools from all over the Southeast send delegates, and we'd love to see new schools attend. We are student-led by high schoolers and our program is run through the YMCA of Metropolitan Chattanooga. Our next conference will be held in November 2005.

Our website is, check it out or e-mail me at for more info.

Also, is anyone here going to National MUN (NHSMUN) in New York in March?

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Harvard Model Congress (Europe) [12 Dec 2004|01:33pm]

I was just curious to know if anybody in this community ever attended the HMC conferences, and in particular the European edition in Paris. I was on NSC 2001. Just wondering... :)
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PWMUN [12 Dec 2004|12:56am]

Hey, did anyone here go to PWMUN? (I'm assuming that the person who posted before me did, since, according to their profile, she lives in McLean.) I'm from Marshall HS, and we represented the Reublic of Korea and Jordan.

What did you guys think of it? I thought it was run pretty well. I had a LOT of fun. I wish that they didn't run out of cheese pizza, though! :-D And sticking those "out of order" signs on the vending machines . . . lovely. :)

SOMEHOW, our school ended up winning the Secretariat’s Award for Research. We're not exactly sure how, but we're not going to question it too much, seeing as how we love having nice, shiny plaques to add to our small trophy cabinet. ^_^
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*waves* Hi [11 Dec 2004|07:47pm]

I'm new here :D

I'm in 8th grade and in Model UN...just came back from a 2 day conference and got best delegation award, so I'm pretty happy :D

This is my first year doing Model UN between schools, and that was my second conference, so I get pretty nervous but it's all worth it :)

Well...I guess that's it...yeah, I guess I'm a little young (I'm a giggling 12 year old) but Model United Nations really interests me because my dumb school has no sports -_-

Well, I'm done now :D
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[08 Dec 2004|08:01pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | The Clash - London Calling ]

Righty ho, lets get sorted, hands up whose doing THIMUN this year please. For others information i shall be Nepal GA3

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[07 Dec 2004|07:58pm]
Hi! I'm just introducing myself! I'm a pyscho model un freak. I am a sophmore at Shore Regional (in NJ). My advisor thinks im crazy prolly. I am currently responisble for getting my delegation to RUMUN (Rutgers University Model UN) Confrence. And i'm currently getting us to RMC. We NEED lots of fundraising were working on that. I am as close to what would u would call the "head" of my model un team. I am currently trying to organize the next meeting, where im going over position papers and how to write resolutions... so any help with that would be appriciated!! its for the newbies, were going to a confrence like january 8th... so... um.. yah! Thankx, and Thats me.. oh my names Amanda btw!!
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a big hello and info on GLIMUN [05 Dec 2004|12:26am]

[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Bob Dylan ]

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Anna and I love MUN. It is wicked fun! Even, my advisor thinks I am semi-nuts because I get so excited about confrences. That may be partially do to the fact that I spent most of the morning telling him I was "wired". Anyway, I am a sophmore at Dondero HS in Royal Oak, MI.

GLIMUN (Great Lakes Invitational MUN) ended today? Anyone in this community go? It is a 4 day long conference. I had never been to GLIMUN before and I was a head delegate. It turned out pretty good. I am not a big fan of plinary and GLIMUN involves pretty much a whole day of it. My school was representing Cuba, Mozambique, Azerbaijan, and Benin. I personally was representing Mozambique in Human rights Committee. The only topic we got to was sharia law. It was kind of annoying at the begining because alot of countries couldn't understnad simple concepts like: seperation of church and state does not exist in all countries, the difference between Arab and Muslim Nations, and that the UN does not have the authority to reform relgion. They finally figured it out and everything ran alot smoother. All in all, it was a good conference

Well, our next conference is University of Michigan (UMMUN) on January 13-16. I am uber excited! My school is representing Angloa, Cuba, Pakistan, and Sudan. We sign up for committees on Monday!!

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NAIMUN [04 Dec 2004|05:24pm]

I am moderating a team that is going to NAIMUN anyone else going? let me know
<3 allie
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YMUN [03 Dec 2004|05:57pm]

Is anyone going to (Yale) YMUN XXXI???

My school is representing Croatia and Hungary there in January.
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[02 Dec 2004|10:47pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Dance Dance Revolution - Memories ]

First night of RHSMUN was FUN!

XD Wheee... (If anyone is currently attending, I'm Spain in SPECPOL).

Peacekeeping in Western Africa is tricky, but interesting. I was nervous at first, as I always am, but the awesome delegates remind me of why I love MUN so much. ^^

I love talking about the "DDR plans". I always think of Dance Dance Revolution when someone mentions it. Hee... The Israel delegate actually ADMITTED that's what he thought it was when it was first mentioned. (I didn't know it's other meaning (Demobilize, Disarm, and Reintergrate) until I was informed, but I didn't actually admit that... hahaha... ^^;

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Hello everyone! [30 Nov 2004|12:50pm]

[ mood | working ]

I just haphazardly found this group and joined. I am an avid model UN fan, and will be at both McMUN and CANIMUN this year. Will anyone else be there?

I am actually researching for a background guide I am writing at the moment for the 1999 US War Room committee and am having a little trouble with finding members of the US National Security Council before the Kosovo War. I found a few things, but many of the ppl were appointed in the summer. I need the members that were there right before the start of the war. If anyone has any suggestions as to a site that might list them or a book I would greatly appreciate it!


Jadzia_llb :)

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