Tuesday, January 1st, 2002
2:38 am - 2002
Happy New Year to everyone . . .
I originally had no new years plans and absolutely no intention of doing anything this year especially since I have done something every new years eve for the past 5 years or so . . . I ended up going out to dinner with Susannah, Kieran and Conrad . . . we went to a restaurant in downtown Mountain View . . . the food was sooooo good . . . including the wine . . . normally I hate wine . . . perhaps because I haven't acquired a taste for it yet . . . but damn . . . it was good wine . . . perhaps also cause the wine was a wee bit pricey ;) . . . after dinner we went to Susannah house where we hung out with Dingle, Ryan . . . and later James Mohohan and a friend of his . . . it was amusing to say the least . . . all in all I had a good time . . . and for the hermit that I am, I am glad I went out for New Years . . .
current mood: buzzed as all hell! ;)
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Monday, December 31st, 2001
1:32 pm
just bought my plane ticket to NYC . . . I leave next Sunday . . . tee hee heeeee!
current mood: excited
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1:51 am
tonight was fun . . . saw alot of PACT WS people I haven't seen in about 2 or 3 years . . . damn people have changed . . . but it was so good to see them . . . glad we got together . . . it was alot of fun . . . and that is all I have to say about that.
current mood: slightly buzzed
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Sunday, December 30th, 2001
12:57 pm
Saturday, December 29th, 2001
11:23 pm
a good friend of mine asked me a very personal question today . . . a question I never thought he would ask . . . mind you if he ever had a personal question for me I am sure he wouldn't hesitate to ask me and I would have no problem answering . . . but I never thought it would be this one . . . sort of took me off guard . . . but he is one of the few people who could ask me damn near anything and get an honest reply . . . I had been meaning to tell him for a while now . . . even though I knew he wouldn't have an adverse reaction, I was sort of afraid of what he might say . . . I had actually decided today was the day I was going to say something . . . I was just trying to figure out how . . . but he asked me before I told him . . . to be honest, I am extremely glad he asked me . . .
current mood: relieved
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Friday, December 28th, 2001
1:12 am
I have had some interesting experiences with various people these past few days . . . I must say some people have pleasantly surprised me . . . and this doesn't happen often . . .
went to the gym at 6:30 am I cannot believe I am still awake . . . I have been awake for about 21 hours . . . no gym tomorrow . . . I'll be lucky if I can fall out of bed to get to work by 9:30 am . . . *sigh*
oh! my best friend from pre-school through high school just returned from the Dominican Republic and gave me a call . . . we are having lunch tomorrow . . . I am excited! tee hee heeeee! . . .
current mood: sleepy
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Thursday, December 27th, 2001
12:27 am - $32 and Union Square . . .
So I hauled ass out of bed this morning to make it to the theater before noon . . . sad I know . . . but Bennie and Sean weren't working Sat. so I had to say hello before noon . . . cause if I got there after noon, I would get the "oh he just left for lunch you just missed him" bit and I wasn't going to be waiting around . . . so after I said hello to Bennie and Sean, I got yelled at by Michael who thought I was working today . . . what a surprise he forgot I wasn't working today even though I was in Saturday and said I wasn't going to work on Wednesday . . . whatever . . .
so I got my housing for NYU next spring . . . I am living across the street from Union Square . . . me oh my . . . this shall be an interesting semester . . . indeed!
I went to reinstate my gym membership today . . . I was afraid I couldn't since I would only be home until the 15th . . . the guy did the math and then said it would cost me $32 . . . $32?! . . . I had to ask him twice . . . I was trying not to sound too pleased by the fact that it was going to cost me damn near nothing to go to the gym for the next few weeks . . . off to bed . . . must be at the gym by 6:30 am . . . I know I am on crack but I have to be at work by 9:30 am . . . *sigh* . . .
current mood: pleased
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Wednesday, December 26th, 2001
12:23 am - whoppee fuckin' do . . .
so Christmas wasn't so bad this year . . . my family is . . . um . . . interesting . . . there is always something going on that gets some (if not all my family members) riled up . . .
My day started this morning with my mother waking me up . . . what?! . . . you mean for the first time in my life I haven't woken my mother up to open gifts?! well . . . hot damn! . . . I did quite well gift-wise although with my mother I always gets me one REALLY strange gift . . . this year . . . well . . . hmmm . . . it really took the cake . . . and no, I am not going to say what it was . . . my oh my . . .
I then travelled over to my father's house to continue to collect gifts . . . and my step mother and my father were quite pleased with what I got them . . . which makes me happy . . . I lucked out with my gifts that I got . . . I must say my step mother seems to like buying me NICE leather clothing . . . and I certainly don't mind ;)
so apparently at the dinner that I missed at my father's (cause I was with my mother) . . . all hell seemed to break loose . . . my step mother spent TWO DAYS cooking for almost 20 people . . . 6 people failed to show up . . . my 85 year old cousin began yelling at one of his daughters . . . and everyone became just plain rude . . . in addition my 22 year old cousin (who has yet do either finish college or get a steady job above minimum wage) brought a friend of his without informing my step mother of the extra person which just made her PISSED . . . not to mention while at my father's house this cousin of mine and his friend went out to smoke . . . but it wasn't cigarettes . . . it was weed . . . my father is livid about this cause he could smell the stuff from inside the house . . . what is my cousin stupid? you don't fucking smoke weed at my father's house! . . . my other cousin (16 years old) who is the most shy and introverted person, ended up calling my father argumentative . . . for her to say that, really says something! . . . and I can't say that I don't disagree . . . so my father is in a crabby mood . . . he began to take it out on me by yelling at me . . . but ever since I was about 10 or so, I decided I wasn't going to take that crap from my father (cause I don't deserve it) so I yelled back and he shut up . . . I will not accept verbal abuse from my father . . . so I yelled enough that he got really quiet and left me alone . . . just cause you are in a bitchy mood doesn't mean I need to suffer for it.
All in all Christmas was ok . . . not memorable . . . my brother isn't here . . . he is in Florida with his in-laws . . . he is miserable and keeps calling home . . . I miss my brother . . . he is one of the only things that keeps me sane . . . I miss the old Christmases where my parents were married and my brother still lived at home . . . although I only miss the beginnings of them . . . cause halfway through Christmas there would inevitably be a fight in my family . . . so I know we are better off now . . . I just miss my family all being in one house . . .
current mood: exhausted
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Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
5:46 am - Win XP and all things purple
so I am home . . . I have just spent the past 2 hours installing a Windows XP upgrade onto my computer . . . no more Windows ME! . . . I hated windows me . . . it was too unstable . . . Windows XP is REALLY nice . . . and to think that it only cost me $20 through the deal I had with Dell when I bought my computer! . . .
so I have been sorting through my mail . . . I came across a letter . . . I opened it and it was from a .com company . . . while I was procrastinating earlier in the semester in the wee hours of the morning I entered an amateur picture contest . . . turns out I am semi-finalist for the competition AND they want to put my picture into one of their books on photography that they will publish and release in summer 2002 . . . now that's what I call exciting! ;)
Saw parts of Oliver today . . . couldn't see the whole thing cause I had a hair appointment) with my usual hairdresser and I know I can trust her with my hair!) . . . I saw all these people I hadn't seen for ages . . . was really nice . . .
after 2 months of searching, I found my b-day gift for myself . . . I was determined to find this thing . . . and I had to give myself a reason for buying it so I became my 20th b-day gift to myself ;) . . . I found a purple velvet journal . . . it may not sound exciting to you . . . but I guarantee it is high on my list as a rare but wonderful find . . . tee hee heeeee!
current mood: tired
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Saturday, December 22nd, 2001
1:47 pm - Las Vegas
So I am sitting in the Las Vegas airport . . . Never been to Las Vegas even though I have heard many things about it . . . I am sitting looking out the airport window . . . On one side I see a black pryamid with a sphynx and a small version of NYC . . .on the other side there is nothing but mountains and desert . . . Oh and not to mention next to me are the slot machines they have here in the airport just for those people who want to try one last time . . . Weird place Las Vegas is . . .
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2:41 am - stress, home and teddy bears . . .
after days of continuous stress I have survived finals week . . . barely . . . I almost cannot believe I made it through the week in almost one piece . . . granted I left my sanity somewhere around last Tuesday but I made it . . . my last final was REALLY bad . . . and very depressing . . . so many people were sighing, leaving the room and fidgeting . . . it was pure torture . . .
I've been so stressed out lately that I yelled at a good friend of mine twice in the past week or so . . . I feel bad about it . . . I must go apologize in person about it tomorrow . . .
well after days of packing, I am done . . . my luggage is sitting on the floor beside me . . . I have boxes in storage and some already on their way home . . . I am leaving Oberlin in 2 hours and 15 minutes . . . I will not return here for 8 months . . . although it really hasn't hit me that I am going to be spending the next 5 months or more in NYC . . . I guess I have just gotten into the routine of packing up every 3 or 4 months . . .
my plane leaves Cleveland at 7:20 am and I get into CA about noonish . . . it is 2:29 am . . . I am currently functioning on about 3 hours sleep from last night and about 3 Mountain Dews . . . I am wondering how I am going to stay awake . . . and . . . what the hell I am going to do about that bottle of vodka sitting on my counter . . . hmmmmm . . . ;)
so today I saw one of the cutest things . . . this freshman girl was dragging her luggage across Tappan Square to get the shuttle to the airport . . . as she passed me I turned around to look and there sitting on the top of her rolling piece of luggage was a rag doll strapped to the top of the luggage . . . reminded me of my teddy bear that I brought with me on the plane when I came out here for my freshman year . . . although now he's been replaced by a fuzzy black bear with purple bows . . . what can I say I am still a child at heart . . . why grow up if you don't have to?
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Friday, December 21st, 2001
12:49 pm - people suck.
I fucking hate it when people steal books from the reserve room around a final or midterm . . . especially when it is the ONLY copy! . . . I need the damn book for my final tonight! . . . fuckin' A!
current mood: pissed off
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3:07 am
"Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd In one self place: but where we are is hell, And where hell is, there must we ever be: And, to be short, when all the world dissolves, and every creature shall be purified, All places shall be hell that is not heaven"
Mephistophilis from Faustus Act 2, Scene 5
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3:03 am - packing . . .
I am packing . . . I don't want to study for my last final so I am packing . . . I am procrastinating cause I don't want to study for my last final . . . I need to study for my last final . . . I need to study or I will fail the final but not the class . . . if I study I will get a B+ or higher in the class . . . if I don't study I will fail . . . I hate that class . . . I am refusing to study along with the 15 other people I have spoken to in my class . . . the professor is boring as fuck . . . half the people don't go to class and the other half fall asleep . . . this is not class . . . this is a form of hell . . . the final isn't until 7 pm hence I will continue to procrastinate by packing . . .
I have already packed half my room . . . the walls look so bare . . . how depressing . . . I will be home in 33 hours . . .
current mood: apathetic
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Thursday, December 20th, 2001
12:00 am
Boy: Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? Owl: Well let's see . . . one (lick) . . . two (lick) . . . three (CRUNCH!) . . . three!
Whatever it is I think I seeeee . . . becomes a tootsie roll to meeeeee!
Whatever was left of my sanity no longer exists . . . believe it or not when I get extremely stressed this is the song I sing . . . sad isn't it? . . . It has been my song for about 3 years now . . . I don't have time to pack and ship boxes . . . I need to study . . . my 3rd final is tomorrow . . . after that I still have one more . . . AND I must COMPLETELY empty my room . . .
I think I am sick again . . . puking on an empty stomach at 5 am hurts!! . . .
current mood: stressed
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Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
7:40 am
Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
6:50 pm
burn out . . . must . . . have . . . caffeine . . .
current mood: stressed
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11:31 am
4 days till I go home . . . No snow in the forecast . . . I just may make it out of here without any snow! . . .
current mood: pleased
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1:21 am - productive.
So I have had a rather amazing day today . . . it was only amazing because I got so much accomplished that I surprised even myself! . . . After work at 10 am I called NYU Housing about my housing application to make sure they received it . . . I then turned in my final academic leave forms . . . so everything is finalized . . . I am officially off to NYC next semester!!!!!!!!!!! . . . I turned in my research paper . . . it is out of my life!!!!!! . . . in addition, I have filed for an educational incomplete which basically gives me a 3 week extension on my American Political Theory paper causing my stress level to drop to just above normal . . . AND I found out that the final that I was most worried about may be one of my easiest finals . . . OH! AND I found an error in my professor's grading of my Comp Sci assignment so he corrected it making it a 96% INSTEAD of a 88% . . .
must go pack a box or two to ship to California tomorrow . . .
things are good . . .
current mood: content
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Monday, December 17th, 2001
3:56 am
The syllabus says: "Evaluation will be based on two Exams and a 10 page research paper."
were there any other instructions for the research paper? no
Dawn gets frustrated . . . spends a week on this paper . . . what is the outcome? a 15 page double spaced research paper . . . hmmm . . . reduced spacing to 1.5 . . . paper is now 11 pages . . . and COMPLETED! YIPPIE SKIPPY!!!!!!!!!
time for bed . . . have to be at work in 6 hours . . .
current mood: accomplished
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