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Below is user information for Athene Numphe. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:athene (30244) Paid User athene
Athene Numphe
Cupitisne fricta tuberosa in modo Gallico cum illo?
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Website:My place of INSANITY
Location:Northampton, Massachusetts, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Athene Numphe (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 41032449 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status athenep (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I'm from New Orleans (even though I was born in New York).

I just graduated from Smith College in Northampton, MA with a degree in Classical Studies and a minor in Theatre.

I am engaged to [info]lordaerith :)

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We don't want to piss off Queenie now, do we? Click the picture to give Queenie me birthday money (i know most of my friends are broke and so you can't. I understand this)

Memories:38 entries
Interests:142: 8-bit theater, aerosmith, american beauty, ancient greece, ancient greek, ancient greek theatre, anime, anne bishop, anne sexton, association of smith pagans, athena, athene, audrey hepburn, baking, bdsm, bella morte, beltane, bisexuality, blackadder, blackmore's night, books, broadway, buffy the vampire slayer, cats, chocolate, classical languages, classical studies, classics, coin-operated boy, cruxshadows, dragons, dresden dolls, dungeons & dragons, fairies, firefly, game bob, gaming, gaming guardians, goddess, goddesses, gods, goth music, greek art, greek drama, greek theatre, happy tree friends, harry potter, haven, head scratching, hentai, homestar runner, honesty, invader zim, jacqueline carey, k's choice, kaylee frye, kittens, kushiel's dart, lamont house, larping, larps, latin, libraries, live action role playing, lord of the rings, love, macintosh, macs, malcolm reynolds, matazone, megatokyo, monty python, mr snaffleburger, munchkin, muppets, musicals, mythology, myths, new orleans, nightrunner, nocca, noho, northampton, old gods, os x, pagan, paganism, pagans, patricia c. wrede, pervy elf fancying, polyamory, purple, puzzle pirates, pvgoth, queen of wands, rain, reading, reallifecomics, ren and stimpy, ren faires, renaissance faires, renaissance weddings, rhps, ritual crack, river tam, rocky horror, rocky horror picture show, role-playing, role-playing games, roleplaying, rpgs, sailor moon, sandman, scoliosis, sex, sexuality, shakespeare, smith college, smithies, somethingpositive, ssffs, star trek: tng, star wars, star wars cantina, stars, strawberries, strongbad, sunlight, sushi, tamora pierce, tank girl, the dresden dolls, the marx brothers, the other side, the princess bride, the west wing, theatre, trogdor, wbs, wbs cantina, western mass, yohoho!. [Modify yours]
People78:1ove, adan_, aella, aenelein, alysonwonderlan, andrianna, athanata, autumnkitten, autumnlaughing, bellebet, billyjean, blizzard33, blueraccoon, c_death, chrisvenus, crowgoddess, danowar, daobear, darktouch, deravyn, emilys677, georgedorn, gimletgrey, godspiel, guardian_lm, hermionesviolin, ionia_dreaming, jagienka, just_shoe_me, karendy, keman, kiten, kjpepper, labmouse, laynamarya, liszard, lordaerith, malkierie, matazone, mereunit, mortisnightmare, msbutterpecan, msfrizz, muninwing, naturedude, nireena, okusama_kumo, omnia_mutantur, prenatalbrat, purplegryphon, pyramus, queencimmy, quisalan, raven_lenore, redfishie, reverendtom, rhiannondance, rogueactor, safirerings, shadowmemories, sophiescat, spacecrime, stagemonkey, starcatsinging, starlighte, starrfade, stickum, sundart, sylvanstargazer, taz, thecyclops, threegee, verbena76, violetminka, wabres, walkingundine, witchchild, zisa
Communities17:classics, gotscoliosis, latin, lj_maintenance, ma_weddings, mythology, neworleans, nola_photos, note_to_gods, pioneervalley, puzzle_pirates, pvpoly, qow, rockyhorrorshow, smithalums, smithies, som_pos
Feeds5:calnhobbes, doonesbury, foxtrot_feed, someposifeed, wizard_of_id
Friend of:99: 1ove, adan_, aella, aenelein, albertthelizard, alysonwonderlan, andrianna, athanata, autumnkitten, bellebet, billyjean, bkworm1, blairette, blizzard33, blueraccoon, cheerio_maya, chrisvenus, congobeast, crowgoddess, danowar, daobear, darktouch, deravyn, dunkelza, ehlonna, emilys677, executorvs, georgedorn, gimletgrey, godspiel, guardian_lm, hermionesviolin, ifuonlyknew, ionia_dreaming, jagienka, just_shoe_me, karendy, keman, kiten, kjpepper, labmouse, ladyarren, larsfrancidchic, lilyjane, liszard, little_kit, littlejane, lordaerith, loxian, malkierie, maninblak, martinigrrl, mereunit, morlock, mortisnightmare, msbutterpecan, msfrizz, muninwing, naturedude, nireena, okusama_kumo, omnia_mutantur, opeth, prenatalbrat, purplegryphon, pyramus, queencimmy, quisalan, raven_lenore, redfishie, reverendtom, rhiannondance, rogueactor, safirerings, shadowmemories, shogunhb, silverdragonma, sinsselfchosen, sophiescat, stagemonkey, starcatsinging, starlighte, starrfade, stickum, stormcloud, sundart, sylvanstargazer, taz, thegoodladyj, threegee, tonycrowley, verbena76, violetminka, wabres, walkingundine, warloque, witchchild, wyld_vamp, zisa
Member of:22: _come_again_, applyingtograd, classics, gotscoliosis, latin, ma_weddings, mythology, neworleans, note_to_cat, note_to_gods, paidmembers, pioneervalley, polyamory, puzzle_pirates, pvpoly, qow, rockyhorrorshow, roleplayers, smithalums, smithies, som_pos, ssffs
Account type:Paid Account

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