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Senior Year Meme [25 Jan 2005|10:08pm]

answers... )
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Dead Pixel and Apple Care [19 Jan 2005|09:05pm]
I posted this to an Apple community on here -- but maybe some of you can help me out


I am the happy owner of a G4 imac. Recently I purchased and ibook as well and just received it in the mail today. Upon playing with it I realized that it has a dead pixel - this pixel is red/white not just blacked out. It's extremely annoying and I'm kind of pissed that I spent $2000+ on something that is defective.

Now I've heard various policies about Apple covering/not covering the repair of flat screens with dead pixels. Can anyone tell me specifically what they will cover? I do have Apple Care and I really want the screen replaced.

My boyfriend suggested that if they will not replace it that I should "return it" and just buy the same one again, this seems like a huge pain in the ass. Can anyone help me out?
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[13 Jan 2005|02:52am]
Crap I have to be awake in 3.5 hours. Damnit.

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An update of sorts [11 Jan 2005|09:03am]
I haven't really updated much recently. I was thinking about how "back in the day" I used to post multiple times a day, now i'm lucky if I get two posts out in a week, honestly it's kind of sad, but I just don't have blocks of time to write entries.

My winter break from school is winding to a close, I've had to work pretty much the whole time, so it's not really like it was being an undergrad or in high school where you have these endless days of freedom and then are thrust back into reality. It will be sad not to have my evenings and afternoons free but I'm actually excited to go back to school.

I've been looking at internship sites and I found one that looks so perfect to me. I'm going to call them back on Wednesday and see if they have interview times available. It's right in Central and has both evening and weekend hours. It would pretty much be entirely perfect. So I am crossing my fingers that they like me and that I am the kind of person that they are looking for.

What else? Well Theo joined Peeto and Jason's band, which is pretty cool, and Jason and Leisha are moving into my building on February 1st, which will be fantastic. We can have little sushi parties EVERY NIGHT! whoo-hoo! Maybe not, but it should be nice.

I know I mentioned in an entry a little while ago that I was really interested in writing a novel. Well I have thought about it more and more and I am becoming more and more psyched about it. People who have known me for awhile know I used to write a lot and that I was pretty good at it. Over the past few years it's pretty much stopped entirely except for a couple of writing classes I have taken here and there. But now I feel really ready to start something so it's very exciting. I'm planning on getting a laptop this week, and once that happens I have no excuse, I will have to write.

Also, I would like to recommend the book Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. My mother got it for me for Christmas and at first I wasn't sure if I would like it. The first chapter didn't really grab me, but once I got a couple of chapters in I was hooked. It's a marvelous book and I highly recommend it, especially to those of you who like memoir. And also especially to those of you, like myself, who had somewhat abnormal childhoods (although mine does not even compare to his).

I just started reading Diary by Chuck Palahniuk and I'm not sure I am feeling it. I've never read any of his work before, but I am of course familiar with Fight Club and have heard excerpts of other pieces by him. By stylistically I don't really think it's up my ally at all. I'm going to read a bit more, but I have a feeling I may end up putting this down. We'll see.

Who here watches Carnivale? I think the show is fabulous and am very happy that the new season has begin. I love it!

Anyway -- that's really about it for now. Off to do "work" and be productive. Hooray.
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[21 Dec 2004|11:22pm]
I am writing my last paper of the semester. Go me. I cannot wait until 5:00 p.m. tomorrow when I can relax.

So who is around for xmas this year? Come visit me?!

And Mr.Romano (i still can't say Jim), for those of you interested, called me the other day. He is having people over Christmas night, if anyone is interested in going over his house please let me know.

That's it really - although I must say that I finally got some holiday shopping done today which was treacherous and expensive but ultimately rewarding.
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[19 Dec 2004|08:41pm]
Got back about an hour and a half ago from NYC.

I went to see the Pixies - it was AMAZING! Just as good as Coachella

Had an awesome weekend.

Went out Friday night and ate Chinese food. Got drinks at Green Street Grill. Went to a Party.

Boarded the bus to NYC on Saturday morning. Slept and rode. Got off, went to our hotel. Got some Lunch

Went to the show which TOTALLY kicked ass -- met up with Brett and Rob! It was so good to see Brett after like a year.

Rocked out to the Pixies.

Went to get delicious pizza and pastries and whatnot. Wandered around the city.

Went back to the hotel and slept.

Did some more wandering this morning. Tried to find the perfect bagel but failed and ended up eating at the most delicous Argentinan restaurant for brunch. So good!

Walked to the bus. Got on. Drank a fountain coke. Slept.

Now I'm home and about to write a 12-15 page paper.

Such and awesome weekend. whoo-hoo!
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[15 Dec 2004|02:46pm]
I think I am going to freak the fuck out.

So I have been reading:

And the kids - especially in middle school CANNOT spell. At all! The internet has destroyed the English language among the young.

WTF?!@#$ LOL?!#$!

u c laterz...
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[15 Dec 2004|01:52pm]

Are any of you going to Mr.Romano's Christmas open house? I have not seen him forever and REALLY want to go, but I do not have a car, I would LOVE to catch a ride with someone if they are going.

Please let me know.
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Holiday Cards and Address - Last Call [12 Dec 2004|01:31pm]
If you have not already given me your mailing address -- please do so here:
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Holiday Cards [10 Dec 2004|11:26am]
So I know I have asked for people's mailing addresses before. But here I am again. Please give me your current mailing address. Even if you think I don't want it, even if you think I already have it. Please enter it in here.

If you don't want me to have your address that is okay. But if you are fine with that please add your address. I am sending out cards. Also I would like to have a comprehensive updated list of people's contact info. Thank you! Thank you!

Poll #400932 Your Mailing Address Please:
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Please give me your mailing address! Danke.

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Burning Man .... Trying to decide... [02 Dec 2004|02:20pm]
I went in 2000, 2001, 2002...

didn't for in 2003 or 2004.

The big question is, do I want to go in 2005? I do, and I don't. It's so expensive and time consuming and I come back about 2834092384298 times more exhausted than I left.

On the other hand, as those of you who have been know, it's an amazing experience and nothing quite compares. I always have so much fun.

I'm going to have to think about this for awhile.
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[29 Nov 2004|03:21pm]
I was reading an LJ community with obituaries. I came across this picture. It is one of the most sad and beautiful things I have ever seen and I wanted to share it.
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Post Your Amazon Wishlist [26 Nov 2004|09:52am]
If you have an Amazon Wishlist post a link in the comments section. I'm curious to see what people are reading/or what they want. I think it's pretty fascinating and gives pretty good insight into a person's psyche.

Here is mine:
Wish List
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[24 Nov 2004|08:26am]
Is there anyone on my friends list who believes that global warming and evolution are hoaxes by the science elite?

If so please speak up. (I doubt any of you do... But you never know.)

If so why why why?
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Seriously... WTF? [22 Nov 2004|09:52am]
Ann Coulter - America's Real Action Heroes Doll

This is legit - straight from Kmart --;=0&Nty;=1&Ntk;=All&Ntx;=mode%20matchallpartial&Ntt;=ann%20coulter

You can get Dennis Miller and Ronald Reagan to keep her company. It looks like Bill Clinton will have to go it alone.

Oh! And it says 14 different phrases -- I wonder if any of them are like this:

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war."
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[13 Nov 2004|12:03pm]
I need to write a novel. I plan to do this within the next year. Maybe over the summer when I don't have any classes. I plan to do this one I have a laptop. This is for real, it has to happen. I don't know why it's taken this long.
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This is the best! [13 Nov 2004|11:07am]
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MEME [12 Nov 2004|12:01pm]
So i stole this from [info]tobi

The problem with LJ: we all think we are so close, but really we know nothing about each other. So I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about. Ask away.
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[10 Nov 2004|10:10am]
I'm sort of regrouping after the election. I've had two papers due this week so I haven't had much time to dwell on it. I think that's good because I was pretty obsessed for quite some time and I really need to chill out for a few days. I have decided though to become "INVOLVED" in politics. I really feel like the democratic party is moving in the wrong direction. I hope they can scrape their ass off the floor and start fresh. And I really really hope that my main man from Vermont Howard Dean gets a top position with the DNC. He is awesome and I really feel he could bring some much needed enthusiasm and energy to the party.

I have no more papers to write this week and it feels strange to not really have anything to do. I actually need to do some research tomorrow so that will keep me busy. Then I have a meeting at school and then I think I am going to Dunstable to eat duck. I feel so guilty eating meat -- but I just can't stop. I don't know why. I don't really LOVE it. But I like it. But I sort of feel that if I couldn't kill the animal myself then how can I eat it? I don't know. It's something I think about a lot. I think I might eventually become a vegetarian.

I feel the need to "get back on track" these past couple of weeks have thrown me for a loop. Red Sox and election. And my eating and sleeping habits have been horrible. I think I am going to get back on the diet wagon and also get more regular sleep. I felt so disgusting from eating such nasty food last week. I'm starting to feel a lot better though.

I don't know I've been thinking about a lot lately and missing people a lot. I think the holidays remind me of family and friends especially that I have seen too little of. Entirely my fault. There are some people that I would really like to reconnect with, but how? I just don't know. I feel bad for letting friendships slip away so often in my life.

I better do some work. I'll be back I am sure.
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In case you haven't seen this 921834092348 times... [05 Nov 2004|12:47pm]
editorial comment: This is some seriously fucked up shit. Even if Kerry still loses, it's still fucked up.

Voting machine error gives Bush 3,893 extra votes in Ohio
By Associated Press, 11/5/2004 11:48

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) An error with an electronic voting system gave President Bush 3,893 extra votes in suburban Columbus, elections officials said.

Franklin County's unofficial results had Bush receiving 4,258 votes to Democrat John Kerry's 260 votes in a precinct in Gahanna. Records show only 638 voters cast ballots in that precinct.

more... )
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