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[07 Feb 2005|02:24pm]
I got my 401K check in the mail!!!!
too bad I'm not allowed to touch it:( straight to savings...out of sight, out of mind.
so I went to the post office and sent out a package that was promised before I left AZ, to the bank, to the store. no swiss chard, too I'm trying collard greens instead. I got myself a watermelon frozen fruit bar. it's really great.

it's a little chilly, a little cloudy and a little sunny. it's a nice early spring day. it should be a cool night, good for a big pot of soup. I'm really excited about that.
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[07 Feb 2005|01:07pm]
I'm making soup tonight since there seems to be a cold going around. something with carrots and onions. maybe potatoes, maybe tofu. maybe some chard if it isn't too expensive.
I need a project. I am trying still to come up with a name and logo for my pending fashion breakthru. which may be years in the making, I still need a name. right now I'm thinking of somthing with "mojito" because I like the word and it conjures up thoughts of mint and rum, adn images of mosquitos. I need to some up with something and design a small logo for screen printing. I have a disc of screen print images I'd like to work on, so maybe I should do that today. lots of windmills and hearts and helicopters.
why don't i know how to use Illustrator?
I need to dye my hair today. I need some new streaks.
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[05 Feb 2005|04:06pm]
OOOoOoH, my first day at work. it's pretty ok. not much else to say. happy saturday kids!
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[04 Feb 2005|06:17pm]
the last two days have been so great. it's funny how much more you appreciate your days off when you are unemployed.
it hasn't been lazy, far from. wednesday night, I cleaned a lto after work. partly because after sitting for hours, I needed to do something active....partly because I didn't want to have to do anythign on my days off.
it's been amazingly nice and beautiful. it was sunny and warm, like beautiful spring days. ran lots of errands, bought lots of cheap food. hung out with the dogs at the beach, and drove my car around a lot today, learning new ways around parts of the hood that I havn't ventured thru before. me and kaveh drove down to the beach to watch the sunset and drink beer. I just checked the mail and I got three cd's from [info]implosions and my Swami pin along with two stickers. I love mail! yah! now maybe my friends will consider writing me:)
maybe I'll have some pictures later!!
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[02 Feb 2005|06:42am]
target got seeds in. I have 6 packs of flower seed, 3 veegie and one herb. I didn't find everything I'm looking for, tho. I need some chard, mint and a purple flower suitable for cutting. blue would also work.
I bought a pack of green zinnias with 3" blooms. I have this thing with green flowers. then there are cosmo's, sweet peas, four o'clocks, snapdragons and nasturiums. lots of warm, sunny colors. since I'm throwing the weeds and wildflowers out of Kaveh's yard, I think it's only fair that I dont make it to frilly. I want more white and yellow maybe. then I got spinach, zuchinni and tomatoes. and basil.

I bought my mom two packs of morning glory seeds. she is going to freak out! I have a small care package to send to her. looks like I was right all along. now that I'm far away from her, I like her more.

ooooooh! I almost forgot! I did buy two plants, also. I got a small pot of chocolate mint *hey Naugh, remember that from the botanical gardens?* and a small succulent called "string of pearls". it has many trailing strands with tiny puffy green leaves.

there is some constructions going on in the back. I hope they finish soon, because I can't start planting while they are out there with lumber and pipes and feet. maybe I'll start pulling up the grass and clover tomorrow. it's the weekend afterall.

gah, it's already getting dark and I'm supposed to go to the store:( I need crackers for salmon patties. gah!
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[02 Feb 2005|03:20am]
half day of work today, last day of training.
I have thursday and friday off. I have asesome hours for saturday and sunday. I have yet to find out my schedule for next week. let's hope my luck prevails.

I have to go to the post office to mail some shit out. I have letters to write. I have seeds to buy.
I just went thru my website for the first time in a long time. I still really like it. but I want to find stuff to add and I need to work out how I am going to navigate it. maybe this afternoon. it's a beautiful, sunny day, but it's way too windy to go out, so I'll keep the door open and enjoy it from the couch. plus to that is the new windchime is making lots of pretty noise. it reminds me a lot of being at my gramma's house. whom I should also write. she's not doing to great. maybe I will send her some photos:)
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[31 Jan 2005|07:59pm]
yah, first day of work. that is al I feel like saying. I'm seriously considering going to bed right now. but I'm watching the winter x games. and that is pretty exciting.
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[30 Jan 2005|10:07pm]
we spraypainted the stencil I made onto the lambretta
*kaveh sprayed, I held:)*

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[30 Jan 2005|09:53pm]
tony was in town last weekend. we went to the zombie lounge.

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from the beach [30 Jan 2005|09:28pm]

felicia did this to me

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finaly, some damn photos! [30 Jan 2005|09:25pm]
these are old now. oh well:

the 2000th photo taken on my camera...oOooOoOoOoOh

eat at fred's


a record store I don't remember the name of

the nurse
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[30 Jan 2005|07:25pm]
My biggest accomplishment of the year so far is making enchilada's that are just like the soy tomatillo enchilada's at trader joe's...only more spicy. yummy:)

I'm so tired it almost feels good. I will sleep so easily. I got up early to drive to the OC with Kaveh for a scooter rally/swap. It was little but fun. I found a rad single cab pin that I bought for my brother. They had free soda. We took off to find food, in hopes that the swap meet would get bigger in our absence. We drove around Orange and Santa Ana, unsucsessfully finding any satisfactory place to eat...but we did find a hot rod show to stop at. Back in Orange, we found the town center, which was rad. Lots of old buildings and shops and resturants. We got lunch at a little place called the Filling Station, which used to be a gas station. It was really good. So, the OC is redeemable. Who knew?
Back to the rally, more people, more stuff, lots of food, then back home.

The longer I've been here, the busier it feels like I am. I found out friday that I would be employed on monday and I knew my weekend would suddenly transform from two more days of being bored, into two days filled with too much to do and not enough time. gah! I think I better clean before I never want to do it again.

I found a gardening section in the sunday paper. It has a list of plants that can be planted from seed in february. I'm excited about that. hopefully the stores will be carrying seed soon. I bought a small hoe at the yardsale yesterday, and I bought a little hand shovle, a cultivator and gardening gloves last week. I'm so ready and excited:) Will it be weird when I find a home, to come back here all the time to take care of my vegitables? and then maybe to cook and/or eat:)

the new simpsons tonight was pretty good.
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[29 Jan 2005|11:53am]
Now that I am EMPLOYED, I wasted no time in shopping to celebrate. Random things...a cheap bag, a vintage dress, some scarves, birthday presents, some vintage fabric.
Damn, I have to go to work on monday! Also, I look forward to a week of getting up at 6am:) Oh happy training and happy morning rush hour traffic:)

Last night I had dinner with Glenna and Peter at this super hip Italian resturant called Isola. I've been wanting to go there for months because it looks so cool. It's pretty loungy. Modern lounge, not retro lounge with bad singers. They played a lot acid jazz and the like. The food was also good. Unfortunately, it was also expensive. I have a great vintage dress back in Phoenix. I think I should wear it there.

Yes, if you havn't realised it yet, my life revolves around food and clothes. There is nothing else.
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[27 Jan 2005|10:03pm]
I have a job!
I start monday and have a week of training. I don't know what kind of schedule I am going to have yet, but this is very exciting! I am glad I got a job before I tapped my savings out and became frantic!

today after my car is done, I'm going to go buy seeds to plant around the house here. some zuchinni and tomatoes mostly, and maybe some random shit because I feel like it.

I looked at a room in a cool house yesterday, 4 blocks from the beach. it's a cool place, I hope it works out.
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[26 Jan 2005|07:08pm]
Kaveh took me for a ride on his lambretta this afternoon. We drove up to the top of Solidad Mt. It's a great spot with an awesome view of La Jolla, PB, Mission, OB and of course all the inland area's on the other side of I-5. It was the first time I've ever been there in daylight. We could see Felicia's condo.
Scooters are fun. Yesterday, we spray painted the skull and crossbones stencil I made on the lammy. it's cute. I have pictures that I can't upload. it's depressing. Kaveh is pretty sure I need a Vespa Primivera ET3 because it's a small frame, lighter and easy to manuver. Oh, and it's fun. Which pretty much means he wants one, but having 3 scooters already, he can't justify buying one. So he wants me to get one so he can take it out. I'm ok with that, I just havn't decided if I like them that much. They are late 70's and 80's models. They just don't look as cool. Is that superficial of me?

My car's engine is in pieces in Billie's driveway. he promised it would be done yesterday, then today. I haven't heard from him yet, so I'm guessing it wont be done anytime soon. He did, however, teach me to drive stick. somehow that makes it ok, because I can take his car, in theory, should I need it.

blah blah blah
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[25 Jan 2005|08:58pm]
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[24 Jan 2005|04:27pm]
I just learned how to drive stick....again

Pinback tickets just went on sale two days ago and they are already sold out. I'm unhappy
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[24 Jan 2005|09:16am]
oh good, I have an interview soon. *shreeeeeeaaaaaaaak*
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[22 Jan 2005|05:48pm]
my copy of Fetch expired.
no FTP, no photos.
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[22 Jan 2005|01:12pm]
my momentum is running low.
it's sunny, it's saturday. I've decided I will spend as much time outside during the daylight as possible. right now I'm doing laundry, mostly sitting outside with the bitches, picking jasmine. I went to see a room in OB. nice view, second floor apt. cute place, little hippie girl living there. she said they will do a credit check and that the credit has to be good, most important thing. she was dissapointed when I told her my credit is bad. that and oh, no job. I'm starting to panic. it's almost the end of the month. tho I had an interview that I havn't yet heard back from and I have another interview on monday, I'm worried. I dont have a job, I don't have a home. I'm still bored, and I'm really getting lazy. I'm trying to stay active and get out, but not working has made me quite sedintary. I think I'll take the nurse to the beach today.

after it's dark, I'll spend some time on photos. I have a lot from the past few days. and I'll try to post some. but I really need to clean the house. messy. lots to do. then saturday night. who knows.

you know I left most of my tank tops in phx. and it is certainly not sweater weather. stupid phx.
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