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my life in ten bullets [12 Jul 2004|08:32pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Someone to Love You - Tony Lucca ]

- I remain alive!
- I finally graduated high school. (90.5% average, baby!)
- I'm going to UWO in the fall, for English.
- Am still with zee boyfriend, but not zee girlfriend. It's a tremendously long story, but I think it's sufficient just to say that I'm really happy with my life right now.
- I'm working at the Chamber of Commerce again this summer. Only 40 hour weeks, yet I seem to have almost as little spare time as I did during the school year.
- I miss fandom...I'm so out of the loop. I do, however, know that there's a new BSB album in the works, and what sounds to be a very appealing tour. Squee!
- There are no dolphins or whales in Lake Huron. Even if there were, it is highly unlikely that they would tip a 120 car ferry. Just so's you case you were wondering or anything, because apparently some people are.
- It is very very warm in this house.
- I've rewatched almost all of Sports Night while cleaning in the last week. Best. Show. Ever. *happy sigh*
- I love you all! MWAH!

9 songbirds| sing us a love song

[25 Feb 2004|07:31pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Angels Would Fall - Melissa Etheridge ]

About a month ago, I talked to [info]nafs for the first time in months, and she told me that I really ought to post, seeing as I hadn't done so for many months.
So, er. Here I am, posting.
So what have I been up to, you ask? )

6 songbirds| sing us a love song

circles and circles and circles again [27 Aug 2003|12:00am]
[ mood | listless ]
[ music | Leaving Los Angeles - Joe Firstman ]

My last road trip of the summer has been tripped. Sniff! It served well as a final hurrah for the summer though, so I'm happy. Ottawa Folk Fest trekking - highlights )

1 songbird| sing us a love song

[25 Jul 2003|01:12am]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | Sola Sistim - Underworld ]

First thing's first. I adore this song. I know I filled out the soundtrack meme awhile ago, and this song wasn't on it. It should have been.
I'm still living in quasi-chaos...both emotionally and physically, I guess. I still have no sense of routine from day to day, and I think I have yet to accomplish anything I had intended to this month. It's not entirely a bad thing, as I have accomplished many things I hadn't planned on, but still. Some things really need to get done, and they're really not being done at the moment.

On the upside of things, I went to St. Jacobs on Sunday, and stayed at a really gorgeous B&B;. I won the stay there (well, rather, my co-worker won the stay there, and gave it to me) at a training seminar, and took my mom down for the day(s). This B&B; was extraordinary. If you've got the cash, and you're heading to the St. Jacobs area, I really recommend it. The rooms are very clean, and beautifully decorated, and the surrounding property is magnificent. There were far too many tacky boutiques and smelly trinket shops in the town itself, but we had a pretty good time overall. On Monday, we continued on to Kitchener/Waterloo, where we visited all three Beat Goes On locations in the city. I got:
Movement in Still Life - bt
Together Again - 'NSync (single)
Angels With Dirty Faces - Sugababes
Wood - Moxy Fruvous
A Few Small Repairs - Shawn Colvin
Chupacabra - Imani Coppola
5 - Lenny Kravitz
And all for...well, I don't know how much exactly, because I bought them at different places, but suffice it to say, it wasn't all that much! I love that store, man. Love!

Other than that, it's pretty much just been trying to be where I'm supposed to be when I'm supposed to be there, and trying to keep myself fed in the process. Everything beyond that is just fringe benefits, I guess.

cut 'cause it got long - work rambling )

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[19 Jul 2003|10:29pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Good Enough - Sarah McLachlan ]

eerily accurate results of that personality quizamabob )

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yet more evidence that I suck [16 Jul 2003|09:12pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | Beaucoup Fish - Underworld (album) ]

questions from cjmarlowe - from June 10th )

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[16 Jul 2003|03:48pm]
[ mood | perplexed ]
[ music | Steamroller - James Taylor ]

Strangest dream last night : It was like there was a fic writer in my head, trying to write a story wherein Howie and Kevin had sex. Howie and Kevin were, of course, acting out whatever the writer wrote, but no matter what she did, she couldn't get them to have sex without everything getting distorted and uncomfortable. It was just really clumsy and bad, and she couldn't fix it, no matter what she did.
Now, Kevin/Howie. Does good fic exist? I really need to get that out of my head, or that pairing will have a bad sex stigma in my head forever.

sing us a love song

life, it just seems to cover me [15 Jul 2003|07:09pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Freedom - Melissa Ferrick ]

So much for the "it's summer! I'll have OODLES of time to post!" theory. I really like keeping a journal, it's just that I suck at it, terribly. (I've had this journal for over two years. I've made 324 posts. But I've posted 501 comments. What does that say about me?)

Anyway. My July, up to this point, in a nutshell. )

2 songbirds| sing us a love song

[02 Jul 2003|03:23pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | I'll Never Stop - NSync ]

This is going to be relevant to about two people, max, myself included, but I'm posting it here for my own reference, in case I lose it in hard copy.

work/play sched for July & August )

sing us a love song

[01 Jul 2003|09:41pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Somnambulist - bt ]

Home, alive, and caught up on lj! (I had to start reading individual journals and then defriending them so I could get to the end and stay under skip=980. I think I probably picked the worst possible week to go away, in terms of lj activity. Geeez.)

And whoot! It's Canada Day! I'm extremely amused, watching all of the footage on CBC, and all the tourists walking around, celebrating. All the little paper flags stapled to sticks? Printed by my dad. Hee! He got the contract from the government this year, for 4.1 meeeelleeeeon flags. Those are the little devils I spent so many hours stapling throughout the winter, and hee! It's just so cool to know that they came from here! We got a box of them in at work (the local Chamber of Commerce), direct from the Ministry of Heritage. It was pretty funny, because they were in the same box that we'd shipped them in, except the label of my dad's business had been (shoddily) spray-painted over with brown cardboard-coloured paint.
Anyway, that's my little Canada Day story. Huzzah!

Hm, what else? Summer seems to be progressing as usual, though I'm really not into the swing of it yet. Today was my first day off at home, which I'm greatly enjoying. I know I'm going to need some structure eventually, but I figure I can afford a couple of days of slugging around.

Anyway, I remain alive and well, and expect to become a postaholic in coming days. Fear me, y'all.

Hm. And new icons. Must make new icons.

2 songbirds| sing us a love song

[26 Jun 2003|12:08pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | house sounds ]

Checking in from Connecticut, at the home of the lovely Denise.
And wow, it's going to take me 39867 hours to catch up on my friends page when I get home, isn't it? Geez, between Lance (what are those pictures for, anyway? not that I'm complaining...), JC (BT? Song? Somewhere?), Nick (gaaah.), Joey (awwww.) and other assorted madness, I'm both dreading and immensely looking forward to my return home.

For those of you that have been following the Tony Lucca/Meghan/Bitter End saga for the past month, I did, in fact, manage to get into the show Tuesday night in New York. And yes, how pathetic is this? By the time I get home on Friday night, I will have spent approximately 50 hours in transit for this trip. And you know what? It was worth it. I'm also having quite a bit of fun here, which also detracts from the suckiness of the massive amounts of transit, but yeah, even for that show, it was worth it.

It was Chick's Night at The Bitter End as well, which was very cool...I really enjoyed several of the women, and I must remember to look up Rebecca Hart when I get home, because she was pretty enjoyable from what little I heard of her. I met up briefly with [info]saturn92103 (to whom I am forever indebted) and [info]stargems, which was very nice.
But yes. Tony! )

1 songbird| sing us a love song

and away we go... [20 Jun 2003|11:47pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Somewhere In Between - Lifehouse ]

Just checking in to say hey, hi, I'm not dead!
Actually, I'm fairly far from it, assuming I can keep this whole wired-at-all-times-of-the-day thing up for awhile. Today was my last exam of the semester, so I'm now free! Freeeeeeeeeee! Whoo!
I leave tomorrow morning for a cousin's wedding, return Sunday morning, pick up Elthy, go back to Owen Sound, get on a bus, and keep going until we get to Connecticut. Unless, of course, that plan fails, in which case we depart early early early Monday morning instead. I then leave Connecticut on Tuesday morning, arrive in NYC on Tuesday afternoon, shop, see Tony Lucca at The Bitter End *crosses fingers*, and leave NYC (at 4:45. am. oooy.) and return to Connecticut for a couple of days. Then, Elthy and I will come back home, and go to work. I'm still unclear as to what kind of time frame that last bit is in, because I envision myself running on strong, black coffee by that point.
In any case! I am leaving. I will miss you all terribly! Sniff!
Oh, and heh. Happy Chi-Cheemaun Weekend, y'all.

sing us a love song

[10 Jun 2003|06:44pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Little Things - Good Charlotte ]

Questions from Nafs )

sing us a love song

[10 Jun 2003|12:37pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | Suffocate - Finger Eleven ]

I would really like to go back to bed and hibernate for a month right about now. But, alas, it doesn't look as though that's going to be a possibility.

I've taken the day off to spend a day in my own personal hell, also known as the editing of the yearbook. My monitor is ugly and calibrated, and my hard disk space is dwindling quickly. Not to mention the piles of pictures and papers currently engulfing my desk.

I see a copious number of entries in my immediate future, as well as...wait...mmm... a west Indian patty! Now, if only I had some mango juice...

If anyone wanted to save me from the treacherous grasp of Pagemaker and, say, ask me a few questions, I really wouldn't be opposed. *bats eyelashes* Oh, and I'll ask questions too, if anyone is so inclined. It looks like pretty much everyone has had their pants interviewed off, but if you, like me, are tragically avec pants, I'll do what I can to help.

2 songbirds| sing us a love song

fickle people make potatoes cry [08 Jun 2003|07:28pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Cool On Your Island - Y Kant Tori Read ]

I want a weekend extension.

I haven't updated in forever and a day, but really, not many ground-breaking things have occurred since my last entry. Still encountering substantial roadblocks for the roadtrip to New York and Connecticut at the end of the month. Yearbook still completely fuckered (though one can't help but feeling a little special after the "Holy shit, we've never seen anything like this in our two decades of fixing computers!" phone call). I now have pretty much the entire contents of the yearbook computer on my computer, so I don't have any excuses for not working on it. This is both a blessing a curse, seeing as I seem to be leaning towards looking at pretty boys kissing each other as opposed to actually doing anything productive. I also have ISPs (Independent Study Project) due in French and English in the next week. And yet...pretty boys.

I worked my first full shift as Travel Counsellor at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. It's actually looking to be a pretty cool job. I meet lots of people, hear all the gossip and rumours first, and have a really nice boss. What more could one want in a job in a tiny tourist town? It was pretty quiet yesterday, so I don't have any particularly amusing anecdotes...oh, except for this little exchange:
Extremely Perky Tourist : Oh my god! Do you know what that smell is in the bathroom?
Meghan : Uh ooooh.
EPT : Is it like, a spray? Or like, a plug or something?
Meghan : Oh thank GOD! Er, no, actually, I'm not sure.
EPT : It's so PRETTY!
Meghan : Uhm. Yeah!
EPT : ::skips away::
Meghan : ::sighs a sigh of deep relief::

I'm still hacking away at [info]rhyssj's Book of Secrets. I don't have enough time to read it at the computer, and yeah, man, the utter devastation when my ink cartridge crapped out at page 87 of 129 on Thursday have no idea. Luckily, I was able to steal my dad's printer for a bit today, allowing me to finish printing. Whew!

I'm beginning to feel deprived...I haven't done a survey in ages. This one looks like fun, soooo the soundtrack of my life )

sing us a love song

[29 May 2003|12:45pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | Natalia - Jian Ghomeshi ]

Tony's people (er. person?) have been contacted re: Tony in NYC in June. They didn't tell me anything I wanted to hear, unsurprisingly. Club policy takes precedent over advertisement, as I suspected. It kind of bugs me that the website wasn't changed after I pointed out the discrepancy, though. There's still a possibility of him playing other, me-friendly shows in NYC, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.

I knew this was coming, but accepting it kind of sucks. "".
I just want to see him play, dammit.

2 songbirds| sing us a love song

misread and misled, nothing shy of misunderstood... [26 May 2003|08:34pm]
[ mood | ugh ]
[ music | Bad Guy - Tony Lucca ]

Today. Today has not been a good day. About an hour ago the yearbook computer (which I brought home for the weekend) completely shorted out. Just. Fwoop. All gone. I've messed around with it some, but it doesn't seem to be helping at all. Mom's taking it to the computer dude tomorrow, but my hopes really aren't very high. I'm really really fucking mad at myself, too, because I didn't back up a single thing. I was even about backing stuff up on Saturday, but I didn't. Which was a very stupid thing, indeed.

Also, I continue to hear discouraging things re: seeing Tony in NYC, which surely isn't improving my mood any. The venues and Tony's website are still giving me conflicting information...I'd really like to find a real live person from Tony's camp to talk to. Does anyone happen to know any of the official contact information? I've been poking around and coming up's probably right in front of my nose. I think I remember one being booking at Does that ring any bells for anyone else?

On the brighter side of things in general, I'm now employed! It turns out that my whining all over the place paid off - my quasi-aunt Paddy heard about a summer opening at the Chamber of Commerce/Visitors Centre. I went over there yesterday, and got it! Yaaaay! I'm really having to think about the days I need off, though. At the moment, the list looks like this :
June 23-?? - NYC and Connecticut
Saturday, July 12 - Jann Arden in Mount Forest?
Sunday, July 13 - Great Big Sea in Owen Sound
Tuesday, July 15 (?) - Jesse Cook in Mount Forest?
Tuesday, July 29 - Strippified in Toronto
Wednesday, August 13 - Tori Amos in Toronto
August 15 - 17 - Summerfolk in Owen Sound
Tuesday, August 19 - Fruit in Toronto
August ?? - Sparkly Con?

So yeah, [info]nafs? It's really looking like I won't be able to do Mariposa. It sounds as though Saturdays off are pretty much a non-starter at all for the whole summer. Summerfolk is doable since it's so close, but I just don't think I can do Mariposa. Still crossing my fingers that I can do the Fruit sidetrip in August, though.

My summer seems to be coming together pretty well, all in all. Better than it was last week, at least. Now all I need to do is figure out what the hell is going on with this computer. Optimism. Must stick with the optimism.

Also, does anyone happen to know whether the Canada Day weekend will be celebrated the weekend of the 28th or the 5th?

4 songbirds| sing us a love song

[24 May 2003|11:06pm]
[ mood | asleep ]
[ music | McDonald's Girl - Barenaked Ladies ]

And at skip=960, I am completely caught up. Boo frikkin' yeah, people.
Now I go collapse. I may be caught up on my friends page, but really not so much with my sleep.

sing us a love song

[24 May 2003|07:38pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | Unraveled Incorporated - Tony Lucca ]

I was flipping through my Inside Out festival magazine some more yesterday (origin of that Lancebian clipping), and it turns out there's a website for the film as well. Dammit, now I really want to see it.

In somewhat less interesting news, I have a horrible addiction to Quesadilla Tostitos. I had a dream last night about buying these things. That's how much they've invaded my mind. They've gotta be laced with crack, I swear. It's crazy.

sing us a love song

[23 May 2003|10:49pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | The One - The Calling (in head) ]

Hee. I don't think anyone's posted this yet, so here's my scan.

The Lancebian : A Short Film )

8 songbirds| sing us a love song

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