Sunday, February 17th, 2002
9:40 pm
Cold morning wind Must I feel naked beneath winters heavy kiss Frost & Snow are her only love
current mood: contemplative current music: pere ubu
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9:04 pm - I'm back.......
| Saturday, July 7th, 2001
5:45 pm
It's sooo HOT & HUMID my balls are stuck to my thigh and I'm afraid my ass cheeks have formed a permenant seal ;-(
Well my junkie friend just got out of the hospital, after all the lung scrapping & vacuuming. Now he is sad, sad, sad, no more morphin! Back to vicadin....
Ive been thinking of the all time greatest concerts I've seen. Heres some of them, in no order: late 1980's Butthole Surfers, Gibby started the show by running out on stage with his hands on fire and diving into the crowd. He had hundreds of wooden clothpins in his hair that would fly like mini missils in the strobe light when he would whip his head, during the show he was dress like a woman and raped and killed many stuffed animals. A far cry from sitting with his back to the audiance playing with his vocal effects computer like shows of recent!.... More Later
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| Tuesday, July 3rd, 2001
11:22 pm
Ok I was feeling melodramatic, Just a bit of a money crunch.... I'm up about being off the 4th, PAYED holiday! I remember when the forth was about getting drunk and blowing things up; now it's about relaxing with my wife & daughter (times change)! The Zoo was really nice, it was the first time we took our daughter to a zoo (she's 18 months old) She really liked the elephants :-) I never thought I'd be a husband & FATHER! Let alone drink and drug free.... Having a child will change your perspective faster than eating shrooms ever did!
current mood: content current music: john zorn
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| Monday, July 2nd, 2001
5:17 pm
woes wiegh heavy will drastic events unfold only time will show
current mood: depressed
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| Saturday, June 30th, 2001
8:22 pm
Just got back from all day at Brookfield Zoo.
current mood: tired
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| Friday, June 29th, 2001
6:34 am
Yeah Friday!!!! I hope to have some time this weekend to do some major journal entries and history! Much Love
current mood: anxious current music: chemical bothers
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| Wednesday, June 27th, 2001
8:41 pm
I've been thinking about all the concerts I've seen. Looking back I wish I wouldn't have always got soooo drunk . But that was always the plan, get hammered, slam dance, stage dive (Oh to be young again!!!) My first real concert was when I was 16 (1982), it was a triple bill: The Uninvited, The WayMoves and Gang of Four.
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6:28 am
Well, now my friend is going to have surgery Fri. They are going to open his chest up and scrap the crap out of his lungs....
current mood: awake current music: Big Black / Hammer Party
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| Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
6:17 am
| Monday, June 25th, 2001
8:47 pm
I have to call my friend whose in the hospital, He has an infection in his lungs and they are full of pus, he had to have a chest tube . Now the tube is hooked up to a pump to suck the pus out (yummy)
*Let this be a leason kiddy's / If you keep hitting the crack pipe you might end up with pus filled lungs :-0
current mood: tired current music: nikka costa
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| Sunday, June 24th, 2001
9:11 pm
We can it say's, find somewhere to reside. To live in utopia, perfection is only death. Opening up to the place, only to find it's gone. Darkness is dispelled by light, only to reveal a wall. It is there, and not somewhere else. But it's illusive and hard to catch. To chase miracles, is not easily done. For love is lust, pain and above.
RAW / 1987
current mood: nostalgic current music: tubeway army
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8:13 pm
And so it begins... ask me anything, you might not like the answer. Tell me anything, I might not believe you. mail me a picture, I will return ART. I am the ugly American, for better or worse.
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