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Gah... [12 Nov 2002|01:38am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Gundam Wing, Endless Waltz theme ]

I'm still up. I've been talking to infinite1 for the past two hours now about various stuff. Yahell v. AIM, critiqueing the demo of the L&O; game, Vincent D'Onofrio, and Infinite remincing about her college days. Hee hee. How amusing to hear stories from the ones way older than youself....;) (Note that the topics aren't in any particular

Anyways, I never got around to play any games. Never lifted a finger to the TAU post. I might as well wait for a new post. I hate being blocked by writers' block.

Did I mention that I finally talked my dad into getting me the L&O; game for Xmas? :-D I told him that we should test it to see it it'll actually work in VPC (virtual PC) so we could take it back if it didn't. It better, dammit. Or else I'll have to ask my uncle if he'll be willing to sell one of his PC's to me real cheap...LOL.

I think sleep is starting to sound like a good idea........but wait, I just got a fic from Infinite.....GAH!!!!!!!! LOL

Skim the fic...then sleep....yes...that's what I'll do......

Skim the fic......

go to sleep........



Am I convinced yet?

I better be.

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New look....again [11 Nov 2002|11:12pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | "Ame Agari" Angelic Layer ]


I changed the This time it's black and blue. *EG*


I finally learned how to make animated and transparent gifs! So therefore, I changed all my icons...>.<

Click on the link to see the new icons. Sorry, Jack doesn't move. ;) Maybe the next icon.

Maybe I'll play games....or maybe work on a TAU post....or maybe even go to bed! Who knows.

Til next time.

post comment's been a while...... [10 Nov 2002|10:27am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Destiny" Fushigi Yugi ]

OK, Gem feels like doing quizzies again.......

For those who care of results, they're hiding behind the tag. The ones who don't give a flying fuck, easy solution. DON'T CLICK!

Have a nice day and may you not encounter an attack by the 10 fook kitty.

Hi ho hi ho, resulties are this way....... )

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It won't hurt at all, I promise....... [07 Nov 2002|11:42pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | "Rythym Emotion" Gundam Wing ]

I swear to God, I'm gonna go fucking postal!

Gods tonight was a disaster. Dinner went reasonably well. But the afterwards was where it all hit the fan. Maybe I should back track and explain.

Just before dinner, Charles pulls me outside. Just before this I got a piece a paper that said "Linkin Park" and "Break the Cycle" on it. I'm wondering what the hell....? So I ask him what this was all about. He told me to pull out my cd case. Low and behold, the two cds that were on that paper were gone. I got pissed. Charles then has the nerve to blame Robbie for it. I knew something was up then, but I was so mad right then. I was going to let Robbie have it, but Charles beat me to it.

After dinner, the conversation was.........different. Well, let's just say I won't be repeating it. Sick, sick, sick.

Just as I'm about to leave, Robbie decides to be a dick. He kept calling me and I kept refsuing. He was up to something, I knew it. I was walking out the door and then he had the nerve to grab me by my jacket. That pissed me off because that jacket belonged to my grandmother and it was very old. He lets go and then he tells me to close my eyes and hold out my hand. I said I didn't trust him and he go on about do it or something. I finally give in and he sets a razor in my hand. I threw it at him and walked out. That really pissed me off.

I hate men. I really do. They need to die.

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Blackmail Nights (I.E: I got pics and I know how to use 'em....) [06 Nov 2002|09:20pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Cleaning Out My Closet" Eminem ]

Hee hee.............

I got piccies of my ex! He don't know they're now online.......and now, I am brazenly posting the links to the pics online for the world to see!
Pic of me from my trip to Jersey this past weekend. Expect a entry about that soon.
Cute pic. Kitty chillin' in a mini village......*ATTACK OF THE 10 FOOT KITTY!!!!!!*
This is the ex, Robbie. I'm gonna love mutilating this pic.......*EG* Also very high potential for a blacmail pic....*VEG*
Another one of Robbie. One friend says he looks too old for 22, another one says he looks stoned. Any opinions? I'll gladly take them! Post a comment and let me know!

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I forgot to mention........ [30 Oct 2002|08:51pm]
Oh yeah, the transcript for the chat will be up in a few days, hopefully.

Mood and music the same.
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*Sigh, sigh, SIGH* Gem is truly a happy girl tonight........ [30 Oct 2002|08:49pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | "Blue" Cowboy Bebop ]

...........for the first time since my breakup! :)

I got to participate in an online chat w/ one of my fave all time actors tonight........SAM WATERSTON!

Let me tell you, it was a dream come true! I've always wanted to chat with him and I was lucky that I got in early enough.

Mr. Waterston was totally cool, he was really nice and he tried to answer everyone's questions and comments. He even replied to both of my comments.........*sigh* I can die a happy girl now.

But Mr. Waterston is a rare gem to the acting community, in my opinion. He's actively involved in a charity group (Refugees International, fans donate in his honor every year on his birthday), he's not a part of the Hollywood or NY glam, he's been married to the same lucky woman for almost thirty years, he has wonderful children following in his footsteps. *sigh*

That is so totally cool. Maybe someday I'll be like him.........or as good a person as him. My next dream is to actually *meet* him, but I doubt that'll happen.

But hey, you never know. ;)

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Anime Survey [28 Oct 2002|09:54am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Ningyo Hime"(Full version) Chobits ]

Anime Survey says..... )

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Gem's Lesson: Retrospect hurts. So does Love and everything else that falls in that category...... [25 Oct 2002|10:37pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | "Tookio no Machide" CCS ]

Yesterday was bizarre as all hell. Here I was thinking that I wasn't going to go anywhere and actually relax for one day. WRONG!

At 1:30, Char calls me and tells me that the Three Stooges, (Greg, Robbie and Charles) were stranded in Auburn. That's just fucking grand. So then she asks if I could come up and pick up her kids from their lessons. I agreed, but I was going to need gas money. She said she would give me $5, which was plenty. I got to the house by 2:30, which was a miracle considering it was about 2:00 when I was able to get on 81. Damn roadwork on 31. Took me TEN MINUTES just to get to 81 onramp.....Jesus. >.<

When I got to the house, Char gave me the gas money and we sat and shoot the breeze for a few. Then I went to the kids' school and picked up Miranda from her class so she could get ready for her dance classes. Michael was already at his lesson. The two and a half hour wait was utter torture. I didn't know a single soul. It was like being a fish out of water. >.< Thank goodness I brought some graphic novels and junk food because let me tell you, I was bored to tears.......

When I got the kids home, we walked in the house and saw that the living room was non existent. Char was deep cleaning and rearranging the living room. I decided to help her and let me tell you, it was an adventure and a half trying to get the living room in order again and keep an eye on three kids. Talk about holy terrors.....

About two hours later we got the living room done and the Three Stooges get home.........with a surprise. Elvis, a cute weiner dog that likes to pee when it gets excited. When Char saw him she hit the roof. Greg told her that her mother said that she wanted Elvis. Greg knew that she didn't, but her mother managed to get them to take him anyway. That was the begining of a slew of arguments that went on between Greg, Char and Charles. Char and Charles were getting at each other so bad, Char ended up calling his case worker. During all this, Robbie and I were sitting at the kitchen table and we were trading sections of the paper and ignoring the ongoing World War. Then we went into the living room and chewed the fat. After everything calmed down slightly, Greg asked me if I wouldn't mind driving to Elbridge if Robbie went with me. Considering I didn't know Elbridge that well, Robbie didn't have much of a choice. Even though he was tired, he agreed to go with me anyways.

So we get Elvis in the car and then we started off. I guess I'm responsible for the way I feel right now, since I was the one who started the conversation...........

Don't dig for the answers. It just hurts even more...... )

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Gem's Eye Candy Shoppe [24 Oct 2002|12:08pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | 'On the Threshold of a Dream' The Moody Blues ]

Over the last few days I've made a mixture of icons! There's L&O; related, Fushigi Yugi, Sailor Moon and some misc icons. There's 18 total. Enjoy!


Comment on taking
Credit not neccesary, but nice.

Eye Candy Shoppe's open..... )

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I'm whooped..... [23 Oct 2002|12:36am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | "Scarlet" Ayashi no Ceres ]


*Looks at the clock, sees that it's after midnight...*

Yesterday, I actually went out of the house. The first time in about a week. I went and helped Char make coloring books for her younger sisters.....I managed to get her annoyed with my natrual talent for crafts....LOL. My lace was cooperating very well, thank you. ;) Got super glue all over my damn fingers, but still. :-P

After that, I helped her kids carve their pumpkins...they turned out pretty damn cool! Then she fed me for my efforts on the books and the pumpkins. Charles decides to join us and the three of us have quite an interesting conversation about alcohol, relationships and

I don't know why, but I'm tired and sore as all hell. :( I think after I finish typing an email to a friend, I'm gonna call it a night.

G'night all.

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I think .......... [21 Oct 2002|08:57pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | 'The Present' The Moody Blues ]

...................the ones who know me best can vouch for this )

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Found it...... [21 Oct 2002|02:28pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | "Prism" Cardcaptor Sakura ]

Found that personality disorder test and took it again..........umm....mental institution, anyone? Because I think that's where I belong..........

The men in the white suits are NOT your friends..... )

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Hmm... [21 Oct 2002|10:43am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Who Will Save Your Soul" Jewel ]

I remember taking this a while ago. I took it again today and I got the same result the second time.... ;)

take free enneagram test

Maybe I better go find that personality disorder test.......:-P
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New look! [21 Oct 2002|10:24am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Push" Matchbox 20 ]


I just redid the colors on this journal. Like? Hate? Don't give a rat's ass?

Comment, my friends....that is if you care to...>.<

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Been a while....SURVEY! [16 Oct 2002|09:23pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Don't Fear the Reaper" Blue Oyster Cult ]

Who the hell thinks of half of these dumb ass questions anyway? Jeez.........

Starting out sloooow......

1) What color is your house? a puky-ass sea green color w/ bricks
2) What color are your eyes?: hazel, green dominant
3) What color are your socks?: ain't wearin' any
4) What color are your lips?: natural
5) What color are your shoes?: brown
6) What color are your nails?: dark blue
7) What color is your hair?: brown
8) What color is your car?: Barney-fucking-purple
9) What color is your computer?: it's the cuuute Bondi blue iMac
10) What color are your pants?: ble...they're jean capris

Can you take it??? )

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Been a while....SURVEY! [16 Oct 2002|09:22pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Don't Fear the Reaper" Blue Oyster Cult ]

Who the hell thinks of half of these dumb ass questions anyway? Jeez.........

Starting out sloooow......

1) What color is your house? a puky-ass sea green color w/ bricks
2) What color are your eyes?: hazel, green dominant
3) What color are your socks?: ain't wearin' any
4) What color are your lips?: natural
5) What color are your shoes?: brown
6) What color are your nails?: dark blue
7) What color is your hair?: brown
8) What color is your car?: Barney-fucking-purple
9) What color is your computer?: it's the cuuute Bondi blue iMac
10) What color are your pants?: ble...they're jean capris

Can you take it??? )

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Minor Update and Quizzie Spree [16 Oct 2002|03:31pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Ame Agari" Angelic Layer ]

Good Afternoon,

I was supposed to get a mailing order out for Char this morning, but she didn't geive me enough to get the order! Gargh! So instead I spent the morning on a downloading spree....whee! I downloaded a shitload of games and I'm addicted to one already...War of Flowers, an oriental card game. I've played it with my mother in the past, so it wasn't that hard to get back into again. Gods it's addicting!

For the next splurge of quizzies, I place the blame entirely on katyrina. BTW, I did *not* get the banana, thank you very much. :-P

And they *say* it comes in banana flavors.... )

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Lost Some Money, Gained New Speakers ˆ_ˆ [16 Oct 2002|12:07am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | "Destiny" Fushigi Yugi ]

Good Evening,

Tonight I went with Char and Greg over to Greg's cousin Perry's house and we watched the last about half hour of Resident Evil, then played poker. I lost all my money.....never fails. And everyone was ganging up on me for dating Robbie and saying that I wanted Charles too.....WAH! What the hell. :( No relationships means exactly that....jesus. >.<

Anyways, after poker, we go back to the house and Charles is outside. While we were gone, he decided to be a nice guy and hook up a speaker in the trunk for me. He's been wanting to do that for me for quite some time. Happy now, Charles? ;) So he showed me what he did and let me have a sound fucking great! I actually have sound in the back of my car, holy shit! :-D

Let me clarify this: I think Charles and I will be good friends, but that's as far as it's gonna go. I'll give him credit for treating me a hell of a lot better than Robbie did, but I can't go out with him. Just can't do it. It'd be like if I were to go out w/ Shitlick (an old friend of mine from high school and a very good friend) ain't fucking happening. Friendships can be ruined very easily by doing that. No thanks.

Ok, I'm gonna fix my Wish icon, then it's off to bed for me.


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Gomen.....again w/ the Quizzies.... [12 Oct 2002|09:26pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Breakdown" Tantric ]

Yipee!!!!!!!!! An Evangelion Quiz!

Quizzie results for your viewing pleasure.... )

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