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Brian Roney's LiveJournal:
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Wednesday, January 12th, 2005 | 9:17 pm |
Movies. Off my shelf, actually, in order of "must-see-ness". Quotes. I tried picking quotes that didn't seem obvious but were still distinctive. You name 'em. ( Read more... ) | Wednesday, December 15th, 2004 | 5:16 am |
I'm in California now, visiting with my parents. Work is keeping me busy during the weekdays, so I may not be able to be online/chatty much (actually, I've got Trillian at work, so I'll be online, just not very chatty). The wireless at home is a little flaky so I might not be online during the evenings much. In any case, I'm having fun. Trying to find old random items that I had forgotten I owned. People in CA, feel free to visit. People in WA, I'll be back on the 30th. Feel free to call me. (949) 481-7633 is my parent's number. Current Mood: tired | Sunday, December 5th, 2004 | 5:20 am |
Didn't make it to the life drawing, unfortunately. Overslept.
But at SBC, I managed to win 10 straight RPS tests against a player. Players are now very, very screwed. Yay for 1 in 60,000 chances! | Thursday, December 2nd, 2004 | 4:14 am |
Debug statement: "Unable to find sound file: notfound.wav"
I am thankful for my dad. After repeatedly denying that I'll move back home, he found a way to help me with my job situation that puts me at exactly the level of responsibility I want to be, and does not require me to move back home. (and overpays me considerably, at least compared to what I was expecting, which was admittedly low because of having my wages shafted for so long)
Presumably, with my dream job (and pay scale) on my resume, it will be clearer that I have job experience in said field, and will be able to better find a job once this ends.
I like Seattle. I really do. But I lately haven't felt like I belong here any more. Nothing's drawing me here. I keep reminiscing of old SCV memories, of old SCV friends. Nothing from Irvine, I've got nothing there but my job.
What I really want is to be back at Mudd. College dorms kick ass.
But I think while I'm here I'll try to find some of those things that I miss from the other places. I found a gallery that offers life drawing models here in Seattle for $6 for 3 hours on Saturday/Sunday/Monday mornings, so I'm going to go check it out this Saturday. Going to get back in practice, finally. Anybody interested in coming with?
Current Music: c89.5fm | Friday, November 19th, 2004 | 4:15 am |
I have decided that flu is amusing. I've been sick before. Quite thoroughly. Twice I had to go on adult-strength steroid treatments to avoid surgery (Prednizone, for those medically inclined in the audience). They claim I'm a few inches shorter because of it. Remembering what I was like back then I still consider it a good trade. So minor irritations like not being able to breathe through your nose or colored gunk coming out of random orifices at regular intervals really doesn't bother me all that much. That's kind of an odd thing to say, but it's remarkably true. Assuming it doesn't interfere with my ability to function on daily tasks (like the fever was a little weird, since I felt a bit tipsy), I pack a kleenex, drink some fluids, sleep a little more then usual and proceed to ignore it. But flu just can't make up its mind what to do to me. Tuesday was cough and fever, Wednesday was cough and sore throat, Thursday was sore throat and earache, Friday is earache and nose congestion. I figure tomorrow will be nose congestion and excess sleep, then another few days of excess sleep and I'll be done. Anyway, this isn't about me being sick. Well, it is, but it's about me doing things while sick. Specifically work. Remember last post, when I commented I'd be telecommuting with my dad? Well, they haven't actually gotten me a compiler yet. Or even compilable code. Or anything resembling stuff to be able to work on, so I've been just testing what they've got so far. The fun bit, is I've managed to fix more bugs so far then the rest of the team. I read code snippets and even though I can't compile it, or read what it's calling, or read what's calling it, I know there's a bug, what the bug is, and how to fix it. It reminds me of the time on Haven when I managed to debug lib code with only Angel access rights. It feels good. And it makes me confident that they'll be getting their money's worth out of me. Recently (I blame fever), I've been thinking a lot more philosophically about life and morality and such. I'm playing four different characters and all of them have a touch of evil to them. I scare people when I'm evil. I manipulate and dance them around to my every whim when I'm evil. I tell them exactly what I'm going to do to them and why they're going to let me, and then proceed to step them through every agonizing detail of how I'm going to rip their life to shreds and why they can't stop me. I'm quite good at being an evil bastard. But I've also been thinking about myself in real life, too. I consider myself a good person. I spot bits and pieces of my real behavior that I could use for those evil characters and I am ashamed of myself for having done them. But then I realize that I'm just going to end up doing them again because when those situations come up I don't think logically. And then I wonder if it's really all that bad that I'm human. I've never been a part of a group that stayed together outside of constrained areas. I've lost touch with almost all the friends I had at Mudd, the only person I talk to from before college is David. I don't talk to any of the SBCers outside of game. There are a lot of things I just don't know how to do. I don't know how to write resumes or get jobs, for instance. I don't know how to make friends. Meeting people, can do. Seducing people, sure, if I have some time. Friends, I have problems with. Which is sad, because what I want in a relationship now is not somebody to seduce, but a friend to have around and share my life with. I keep getting killed by not knowing how to share spare time, or wanting more spare time then they have to spend on me... I end up hypocritical and judgemental. It's very annoying. Sorry about that. Anyway. I'm going to go eat something so my brain doesn't eat itself. Sorry for the random post, I blame illness. Current Mood: thoughtfulCurrent Music: c89.5fm | Wednesday, November 17th, 2004 | 1:52 pm |
Windows PC now hooked up to internet, so contactable again. Buddies list semi-nuked, so may need to say hit to me if you want me to be able to talk to you again.
Managed to save all my data, happily.
Sore throat now, I think I'm fighting off flu. Which is vaguely annoying because the first thing I did while feverish was hit on a girl in an awkward way, possibly changing what our relationship could have been. Time will tell, I suppose.
On the other hand, I have jobness. Telecommuting jobness. I'm going to have to figure out how to solidly schedule 40 hours worth in a week, especially since they're effectively paying me more then twice the hourly rate than I've ever been paid before (to make up for the fact that since it's a 1099 contract I have to pay my own social security deductions and all that crap).
So, ups and downs. | Monday, November 8th, 2004 | 6:12 pm |
Is no longer a good week. Computer is dying, so may not be as available to talk online. (206) 542-7731 if you want to talk to me. Car is also dying, albiet slower. Current Mood: annoyed | Friday, November 5th, 2004 | 2:32 pm |
This is being a very good week. Current Mood: happy | Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 | 11:59 pm |
*fondly remembers all those people in 2000 who vowed to "stay up until the decision's made"* Ah, but we know better than that now. Current Mood: amused | 5:40 pm |
Somebody is going to make a killing in Oil futures tomorrow morning. Current Mood: thoughtful | Monday, November 1st, 2004 | 7:09 pm |
You use the rod of detection. You sense the presence of monsters!
m,,i,jj,mjmjjjjijm, mjjmm,jjimm,jji,,,j jjjmjmj,mjmmjm,,m,m ...@ jmjjjjjjmj,j,iiijjj ij,i,mjjmjijiijji,,
I go eek! I run away.
Current Mood: Angband | 1:08 am |
I hate hibernating.
Somebody come get me to do something.
Current Mood: hibernating | Saturday, October 30th, 2004 | 3:51 pm |
The new pairing list at ithurtsmybrain is up. In particular it's at here. I wish to invite all of you to come and share the insanity. Some comments: 4. Prince Caspian (The Chronicles of Narnia)/Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs) - I am a spoiled prince! I am a cannibal genius! Together we are... ew. 11. Doc Brown (Back to the Future)/Audrey II (Little Shop of Horrors) - I wouldn't put it past Doc to have _made_ Audrey. 27. Sarah Connor (Terminator)/Tuxedo Kamen (Sailor Moon) - It's vaguely sad that I can't see Sarah being sane enough to deal with Tuxedo. 30. Grima Wormtongue (LOTR)/Navi the Fairy (Legend of Zelda) - Hey! Listen! 31. Bobby Drake (X-Men Movieverse)/Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars) - Just... no. 66. Pollution (Good Omens)/Quark (STS9) - There's clearly some shady backroom deals going on here. 70. The Metatron (Dogma)/Destiny (X-Men comicverse) - This will turn into such a metafic. 75. Lando Calrissian (Star Wars)/Ford Prefect (Hitchhiker's Guide) - They're prefect for each other! 76. Telemain (Enchanted Forest Chronicles)/The Conduit (Angel) - This either works very well or very badly. I am personally going to be writing 48. Kefka(FF6)/ Nightfall(Legend of Nightfall). Go me. Their love is so kleptOMGit'sLASERS! Current Mood: amused | Wednesday, October 20th, 2004 | 7:40 am |
Yesterday I managed to actually be awake during business hours and ran a bunch of errands. Sent off the forms for medical insurance ($99 a month, down from $260 a month, max out-of-pocket $3000, I think I can live with that), bought food, got my car emissions checked (passed). And bought some equipment for more multiplayer gamecube/GBA action. Also found three friends with GBAs that are interested in coming over to play. So today at noon I'm having my first 4-player GBA/Gamecube gaming party. I'm really excited, I want to see how these games play in four player mode, considering single player mode is so fun on some of them. Few more errands to run today and tomorrow and I'll be all caught up. Stupid sleeping through a week and being nocturnal. Current Mood: excited | Friday, October 15th, 2004 | 6:17 am |
A friend asked for advice on Kingdom of Loathing, so I thought I'd write up a quick guide. For those people uninterested in spoiling themselves on certain aspects, feel free to skip. ( Kingdom Of Loathing ) Current Mood: thorough | Thursday, October 14th, 2004 | 11:21 pm |
If you ever find yourself saying "Crap, the bottom dropped out of the disembodied brain market!"... If you ever find yourself prowling the flea markets looking for a cheap place to buy a rat appendix... If you find yourself debating the relative usefullness of drinking satanic alcohol vs. going on drunken binges with orcs and goblins... If you desperately want a coffee sprite... If one of your favorite things to do is to dress up like an 8-bit character and go raid hippy camps... You might be playing Kingdom of Loathing. Current Mood: amused | 6:51 pm |
"Come on, I just shaved, fucking grope me!" ~ Vanessa I'm sure women will understand where she was coming from on this. It's still funny. Current Mood: amused | 2:00 am |
I have 308 empty cans of Yoplait yogurt in my living room. I should clearly build something huge and silly. But _what_... Any ideas? Current Mood: silly | Wednesday, October 13th, 2004 | 5:08 pm |
A parody by me (a la the Onion) Absolutely Nobody Watched Third Debate, Polls Show Polls taken immediately after the third and final presidential debate on Wednesday showed that nobody watched the show, the majority instead choosing to watch the second game of baseball's American League Championship between the Yankees and Red Sox. Many polled did not even remember that the debate had been scheduled for a Wednesday. "Scheduling the presidential debates at the same time as a championship game between the Yankees and Red Sox? Who'd be that stupid? It couldn't've been on then. I'll turn it on tomorrow," John Doe commented, when asked what he thought about the Wednesday debates. The numbers of debate viewers had been steadily dropping since the first debate on October 1. While the first debate drew 62.5 million voters, the second only brought in 46.7 million. The third debate, which was to be focused on domestic issues, was expected to continue the trend. "We expected a minor drop, sure, but nothing like this. I don't think we've managed to record any instances where absolutely nobody watched something," authorities at ABC responded. Physicists on both sides of the political issue have been quick to point out that since nobody watched the debates, it is possible they didn't really happen. When asked to give his input on the idea, well known physicist John Smith said, "It's a well known quantum law. Observing things causes them to happen. Since nobody watched the debates, it's really the same thing as if it never happened at all. Bush and Kerry don't count for observers, after all, since they're not impartial." Some would-be viewers commented that they were merely tired of all the political [annoyance] that had been thrown around within the last weeks, and didn't watch the debates out of protest. Others planned to watch the debates but ended up losing track of time. Most, however, watched the baseball game. The Red Sox/Yankees game was the second in a series which started by the Yankees winning the first game of the series. Current Mood: silly | Tuesday, October 5th, 2004 | 6:58 pm |
I am writing my comments on the VP debates as I watch them. Note I didn't watch the original presidential debate. Second question- "The senator has his facts wrong, I never claimed that Iraq had a link with Al Queda, I have claimed that Iraq has a history of terror." - Cheney (slight rephrasing due to attempting to recall the exact quote) Very easy google search for "cheney al queda iraq" - 18, 2004 - Vice President Dick Cheney said Thursday the evidence is "overwhelming" that al Qaeda had a relationship with Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, and he said media reports suggesting that the 9/11 commission has reached a contradictory conclusion were "irresponsible." "There clearly was a relationship. It's been testified to. The evidence is overwhelming," Cheney said in an interview with CNBC's "Capitol Report." "It goes back to the early '90s. It involves a whole series of contacts, high-level contacts with Osama bin Laden and Iraqi intelligence officials." Cheney - "The ninety percent figure is dead wrong. If you include the iraqi guard, that number is fifty percent." Quick check to CNN- claims that there are 1066 US deaths and 1205 coalition deaths. No mention of Iraq police deaths specifically. similarly does not list Iraqi coalition deaths. Wow. Twenty minutes in and they're resorting to personal attacks. "You probably weren't there to vote on that one." ~ Cheney Ha! Cheney hits Edward for using the niney percent quote a second time by claiming he is belittling the sacrifice of the Iraqi allied troops. I'm reading the CNN blogs. It's amusing how they're claiming the exact same quotes are disastrous or "hard to argue with" depending on whether they're left or right. They're slamming each other's Senatorial vote records now. I have to say that this is the best TV I've seen in ages. They had to pause the debates to figure out whose question it was. Edwards got to freaking gloat that Cheney went offtopic. And AGAIN. Wow. Gah, visitors at door, posting now. Current Mood: amused |
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