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Below is user information for Luwenth the Lewd. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:luwenth (669012) Paid User View public key  
Name:Luwenth the Lewd
AOL IM:AIM status luwenth (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 9831875 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status luwenth (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I'm a freak geek motorcyclist poly bdsm-positive individualist. Parents fear the influence I may have on their children. I can't stop thinking, but my mind is stuck in the gutter. I collect friends, and then unfortunately lose touch with them only to try to track them down again some random time later. On Sundays, I try to sleep in, or try to take over the world, but I often get them confused. I have too much esoteric knowledge mixed in with random trivia and geek power. I take things apart and simplify them to bumper stickers. I expand the analogy. I know about the giggleloop, and it doesn't worry me. I dream of doing it all, and up doing ... nothing.
Interests:67: action, adventure, aikido, aprilia, bdsm, bondage, books, columbian boas, comedy, computer games, computer security, computers, cryptography, dj, dvd, dvds, erotica, falco, fencing, fetish, firewalls, first person shooter, fish, flirting, freak, freebsd, friends, geekery, gigabit networks, grand theft auto iii, green terror cichlids, guitar effects, guitar playing, guitar tab, hacks, hard cider, home repair, homebrew, investing, ironbutt, key school, leather, long distance riding, mac osx, mead, motorcycles, movies, music, netbsd, networking, networks, photography, polyamory, ps2, red-tailed boas, reptiles, rootkits, satire, sci-fi, sl1000, sploits, sport touring, st1300, systems administration, travel, vulnerabilities, wetleather. [Modify yours]
People82:aberrantvirtue, android23, angel_inspired, angelbob, aroraborealis, aynjel, basmati, bbbsg, beah, bellacrow, bellicaneko, boot_slut, boychaos, capnkjb, catya, cee_gee, cheshiretgirl, chesuli, cutieperson, d3l1r1um, dancingdeer, dancingwolfgrrl, darthsunshine, dbang, ferociousbcycad, fifi_dominatrix, finagler, fraterrisus, geekchick, generalist, girlpurple, girlvinyl, gwywnnydd, haberlach, hammercock, hardartist, hawkegirl, jacflash, japlady, jasra, julrosec, karenbynight, kcatalyst, keyne, lcohen, lintqueen, lothie, lrc, lusty, luwenth, mcl, meliapet, miss_me, motogrrl, mrf_arch, nicolleg, ntrikate, papayarte, pheromone, points, polyrhythmic, prettyinpity, princeofwands, rasalila, safetybitch, selkiediver, shayde, shipofools999, skymyia, sweetmmeblue, t0rque, talaitha, topaz_munro, treasure_, trom, tshuma, tyldak, valacious, vanishing_point, vito_excalibur, whitebird, xthread
Communities4:disasterhouse, lj_backend, mix_cd_traders, paidmembers
Mutual Friends:77: aberrantvirtue, android23, angel_inspired, angelbob, aroraborealis, aynjel, basmati, bbbsg, beah, bellacrow, bellicaneko, boot_slut, boychaos, capnkjb, catya, cee_gee, cheshiretgirl, chesuli, cutieperson, d3l1r1um, dancingdeer, dancingwolfgrrl, darthsunshine, dbang, ferociousbcycad, fifi_dominatrix, finagler, fraterrisus, geekchick, generalist, girlpurple, girlvinyl, gwywnnydd, haberlach, hammercock, hawkegirl, jacflash, japlady, jasra, julrosec, karenbynight, kcatalyst, keyne, lcohen, lintqueen, lothie, lrc, lusty, luwenth, mcl, meliapet, miss_me, motogrrl, mrf_arch, nicolleg, ntrikate, pheromone, points, polyrhythmic, princeofwands, rasalila, safetybitch, selkiediver, shayde, shipofools999, sweetmmeblue, t0rque, topaz_munro, treasure_, trom, tshuma, tyldak, valacious, vanishing_point, vito_excalibur, whitebird, xthread
Also Friend of:9: alyxyn, aworldnervelink, cortneyofeden, mister_kendrick, mr_chicken, nightlaughter, oakdragon, p3aches, perspicuity
Member of:3: disasterhouse, mix_cd_traders, paidmembers
Account type:Paid Account

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