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Good night
No time to read your posts, I have a date with Bob Dylan's book.
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1981 Band Slides
[info]ravengirl might just go completely bonkers if we don't figure out who these bands are in a pack of slides I found in my basement. Tonight I put the slides in order and then scanned them until I got to the definite Ozzy slides. It looks to me like there were three bands performing that night. Only two were billed in all the archive sites we could find...Motorhead and Ozzy. So who is this third band?? And does the second band really look like Motorhead?

Judge for yourself and help us figure this out! )
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I changed my mind
I just got back from grocery shopping. I looked at the sink of dishes and decided that they can wait. I popped open a bottle of Blue Moon beer and I'm ready to take it easy for the next two hours.
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Last night I helped out a very little bit at the duplex. I put hinges on the bi-fold closet doors, and Kevin started to show me how to install them...before the drill ran out of juice. The corded drill was back at our house. After that, I painted a door, and it was time for me to go home.

Tonight is gaming night for Kevin so it should be a night off for me too. There's no way around it though, I have to go grocery shopping and wash dishes. Those things won't get done otherwise because I won't have time to do them tomorrow.

Maybe if I hurry up, I can grab an hour of ME time before bedtime.
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Woman sets new record for solo trip around the world
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Where's the trash basket of my brain?
"You hadn't realized until now just how ready you were to let go of the past and move along toward a brand-new future. Now that the truth is out, don't stop."
--taurus horoscope 2/8/05

More than ever before, I have been feeling the urge to close the book on much of my past. There are friends that I still cling to, trying to keep our friendship alive, but it seems like I'm the only one trying. I'm tired of it. It's frustrating and I end up feeling angry or hurt.

There are some past events that play over in my mind from time to time that bring back bad feelings. I want to forget those times, those people. Some of it made me who I am today and I'm grateful, but I don't see any point in remembering it over and over again.

I saved journals and bits of things from times past. They no longer make me feel nostalgic or happy when I look at them. Time to throw them away and close the book. But how do I erase them from my mind, or at least shut them away so I don't think about them for a few more decades?
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Need help from old heavy metal fans

Can anyone tell me who this band is? The photo was taken in 1981.

Other slides on this roll of film show Ozzy. The only time Ozzy was in Milwaukee in 1981 was at the Riverside Theater on May 20, 1981. The opening act was Motorhead. But Kevin says these guys aren't Motorhead...so who are they?
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Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday, [info]thebet!!

May this year bring you love and FUN times. :)
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This afternoon and this evening
We returned some items to Home Depot, and then bought lights for every room of the duplex. We spent the rest of the afternoon working up there. Kevin installed two of the lights, and I vacuumed the new carpeting. I also put wood putty in all the little nail holes of the new molding. Kevin stayed to work a little longer while I came home and whipped up a dinner of pork chops, cheddar broccoli rice, and a mix of broccoli and cauliflower.

I also got the chicken breasts for tomorrow night marinading overnight in a mixture of orange juice, honey, olive oil, thyme, salt and pepper. I've never tried this recipe before, so this will be an experiment.

We set up a slide viewer and looked at those concert slides from 1981. I recognized Ozzy in a few of them, and Kevin recognized Randy Rhodes. We Googled "Ozzy tour 1981" and came up with the Diary of a Madman tour, in Milwaukee at the Riverside Theater. Randy was the guitarist for Ozzy during that tour. Motorhead opened up for them. The pictures are definitely taken at a theater instead of an arena. The only part we aren't sure of is that there are pictures of another band but it doesn't look like Motorhead. Kevin is going to post the picture in a rock community and see if anyone recognizes them. If my ex-husband was alive, we could ask him since he took the pictures. I wonder if he went to the concert with [info]roadskoller's ex-husband or maybe our friend, Rick. I could ask one of those guys too if we really get stuck on this. We don't have to know, but it's fun trying to figure it out.

Kevin went back to the duplex tonight to work for a few hours. I'm winding down here at the computer and will probably crawl into bed 9-ish.
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Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday, [info]sunshine_two!
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Me in 1981
I was digging through boxes in the basement today and found a small box of slides from 1981. Most of them are from a concert, but I can't tell who it is. I'll have to scan them or project them to full size before I can guess. Apparently I needed to use up the end of a roll of film, because the following two pictures were in there of me. I'm 22 in these pictures, which is the age my daughter is turning in 3 months.

Two Pictures of Cyn at 22 years old )
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Word of advice to future candidates
If you come into my living room to talk to me about why you are running for the office that you are, and you are trying to convince me to vote for you, do NOT say the following thing:

"I'm talking to a woman here...don't vote for Nancy Rogers."

This implies that women only vote for other women. We don't study the issues, we don't weigh our values with the values of the candidates regardless of gender? Sorry buddy, you just lost my vote due to your stupidity. If you want it back, you're going to have to work a lot harder at convincing me.

Oh and please don't follow that up with a statement about how Nancy Rogers accused you of Sexual Harrassment simply because you didn't put her on the committee she wanted to be on. Obviously there is more to that story. If that was it and she thought you didn't appoint her because she's a woman, she could have accused you of gender discrimination or something, but not sexual harrassment. What did you allegedly do or say sexually to have her come up with this accusation?
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Birthday Girl
From this

to this

Didn't she grow up nicely?

Happy Birthday, [info]shoo!

May this year bring you love and happiness :)
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This is today
I'm wearing a red sweater today because there was a sign posted at work about National Wear Red Day, and because I was told to.

Thanks to [info]hilltop, I have the following earworm driving me crazy:
"Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana Phone!"

I wolfed down a sugary donut today, licking off every finger tip and loving every bite...knowing FULL WELL that this is bad for me. Plus I'm having a third cup of coffee this morning. Another bad thing for me.

We're going out tonight to hear Sammy Llanas and his band play. After them, the Violent Femmes are playing! Weeeee! It's a benefit concert for the Tsunami victims. 100% of the proceeds are going to the Sarvodaya organization.
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Today's Quote
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosopher (1844-1900)
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Who are those people dancing in the snow of my backyard?

Take a closer look )

Current Mood: excited

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Real Memories

If you read this,
Even if I don't speak to you often,
Please post a memory of me in a comment.

It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad,

Just so long as it happened.

Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you. Or not.
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Loose ends and random brain sparks
I think I'm PMSing. I feel chaotic and unsettled.

It's like there's something wrong but I don't know what it is. And logically, there is nothing wrong. Everything is fine. But I can't think straight because my brain keeps jumping from one thing to another.
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Hell no, you can't go
My daughter is taking a trip out to Portland, OR in March. She's scoping out the city for probable relocation after she graduates in June. I told her that it's ok to move there, but if she has any kids, she has to move back to Milwaukee. I'm putting my foot down! I won't be a long distance Grandma. Funny...she didn't seem to take me seriously. *harumph*
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Feelin' Groovy
Hello Lampost, whatcha knowin'? (ok some of the words are still dumb *L*)

I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep....

doodoodoo dit doo doo dooooo

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: More S & G

User: [info]cynnerth
Name: Cyn
Website: Cyn's World
Back February 2005