Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "dance dance revolution".
386 matches:
- 108suiko_stars - 108suiko_stars
- 149457 - The Affiliation
- 2scene4thescene - we are the elite
- 4da1witdaizzle - a chrizzle and madizzle production
- 573 - The Konami Number
- 80sarcade - The Old-School Arcade Community
- _____danseparty - ____!!!bust a moby!!!____
- ___shimmer___ - All That Shimmers In This World...
- __ddr - Dance Dance Revolution
- __i_cut_bitches - __i_cut_bitches
- __irresistible_ - ***Simply Irresistible***
- _colorbar_vault - ~*Colorbar_Vault*~
- _dancersunited - A. D.A.N.C.E.R.S. P.A.S.S.I.O.N.
- _ddr_ - ~*Dance Dance*~
- _ddr_pa - _ddr_pa
- _ihopeyoudie_ - Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here
- _likeafox - Like a FOX.
- _lovely_losers_ - All the Losers Who are Still Lovely
- _mafia - mafia
- _nightrainbow - Night Rainbow Icons
- _noxpants_ - Pants.Are.For.Losers
- _rabu_rating - Are you unique enough?
- _slash_n_burn - Tire Slashers Anonymous
- _superdork - Dork Street
- abombers - Abomb times 2 plus 4
- acidplanet - ACIDplanet ... your world of music
- acidtripanimals - Dubbed Animals Of The Beast
- addme_gamer - Meet new friends who like games as well!
- adoptajrocker - Community to adopt your favorite j-rocker.
- ago - Anime and Gaming Organization at Drexel University
- akira_yamaoka - Lion Suki
- akronddr - AkronDDR
- alabama__anime - Alabama Anime Fans
- alt_diet - Dieting For Freaky People
- altlifeinsacto - Alternative Sacramento
- anime_and_ddr - the anime and ddr nut house
- anime_boston - Anime Boston
- anime_dojo - Anime Dojo
- anime_england - Anime-England
- anime_euphoria - Anime Euphoria
- animeboston - Anime Boston
- animeismylife - Anime is my Life
- arcade_icons - Video gamers icons
- arcade_mafia - Arcade Mafia
- arcade_whores - Arcade Whore
- are_you_chinky - chinky eyes!
- arkansasddr - Arkansas DDR
- asian_claims - Claim Your Favorite Asian Things!
- asian_pride - Asians United
- asian_things - We Love Asian Things!
- ausa - ausa
- awesomelayouts_ - [ R E Q U E S T. A . L A Y O U T ]
- b0red - Are you b0red? We are too, so join us! =P
- beastsofburden - We're not beasts, but I like the Rolling Stones.
- bedtimestories - Fact or Fiction?
- bemani - konami music games
- bemani__addicts - Did You Say BEMANI?
- bemani_claims - bemani_claims
- bemani_icons - Bemani Icons
- bemani_puns - Bemani Puns
- bemani_ru - BEMANI и все-все-все остальные
- bemanistyle - bemanistyle
- bhamrave - Bellingham Raves Community
- bogyphobia - bogyphobia
- boyonboymix - Dance Dance Revolution (Boy on Boy Mix)
- branola - The Craptastic Four!
- bris_supanova - Brisbane Supanova
- c0mp_g33ks - c0mp_g33ks
- cf_squatters - CF Squatters
- chchanimetribe - Christchurch Animé Tribe
- chezjohn - Monday Night Dinners at John's Place
- chibiloansmanga - Chibi!
- cky_skaters - cky_skaters
- claims_in_anime - Claims_In_Anime
- clue_less - The Clueless Convention!
- cmu_elite - the best of CMU according to us
- coloradobemani - Bemani of Colorado
- completelyjapan - Completely Japan
- conartists - Con - Artists
- cosplaypwnzjoo - Cosplay Pwnz Joo
- cosplaysquad - Cosplay Squad
- crazykids - The Crazy Kids
- creativebrain - Creative Brain -- Dual Cosplay
- cw - #cooans_world
- daizorne - daizorne
- dance_whore - Claim a dance whore
- dancedance_revo - Revo
- dancedancerev - dancedancerev
- dancemania - DANCEMANIA!
- dancemaniax - Dance ManiaX
- dancingstage - Dancing Stage Community
- darkbeautiful - *~*Dark Beautiful*~*
- ddr - Dance Dance Revolution
- ddr_850 - DDR in the 850
- ddr_addicts - ddr_addicts
- ddr_canada - DDR Canada
- ddr_crazy - DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION BABI>!!!!!!!
- ddr_fandom - DDR_Fandom
- ddr_fetish - Arrowman and TechnoniC
- ddr_freaks_04 - ddr_freaks_04
- ddr_furs - DDR Furs
- ddr_illinois - Illinois DDR-ers
- ddr_lostalmost - DDR in Los Alamos
- ddr_maniacz - DDR Maniax
- ddr_ocd_scores - DDR Score land! (OCD DDR team)
- ddr_ohio - DDR_Ohio
- ddr_perth - DDR Perth
- ddr_songs - ~^~v~Dance Dance Revolution~^~v~
- ddr_stars - DDR Stars and their Accomplishments
- ddr_stl - DDR St. Louis
- ddr_wichita - DDR Wichita
- ddr_workout - DDR Workout
- ddrarrows - DDR Arrow Syndrome
- ddre_invention - Dance Dance Reinvention
- ddrfreakfans - The Nationwide Revolution...
- ddrgangstercrew - The DDR Gangster Crew
- ddrgators - DDR Gators
- ddrism - DDRism
- ddrmaniac25 - DDR MANIACS
- ddroe - DDR of Evansville
- ddrorlando - DDR players of Orlando, FL
- ddrstl - ddrstl
- ddrtech - New Mexico Tech's Official DDR Club.
- ddrtime - DDR help,sales and discussions
- ddruk - DDR:UK - Dance Dance Revolution and Dancing Stage
- ddrwpg - DDR - Winnipeg
- ddx_r0x0rz - DDX_r0x0rz
- deanime - Delaware Anime Society/Fans
- deanimefans - Delaware Anime Fans (DAF)
- deathbyhammer - Death by Hammer webcomic livejournal
- deep_impact - Deep Impact v2.0
- dietvampires - Because dieting can be goth with enough angst
- dirtbikes4tct - Team Cookie Thievery
- dk_pwnz_j00 - DK liEk Wh0A!!11
- dragonman2004 - The Dragoons Realm
- drddr - Let's Dance!
- dreamer_dancer - Dance till you die
- drummaniacs - Drummaniacs Unite!
- dubidub - Dub-I-Dub
- ellers_daily - ellers daily
- ems_con - East Meets South convention
- evilsisters - eViLsIsTeRs
- eyes_n_ears - eyes_n_ears
- facedkdotcomz0r - face DK [ dawt ] comz0rz!!1
- fallon_image - Lady Fallon Angel
- fat_gass - Fat Chicks in Gasmasks
- finalfantasy_ix - Final Fantasy IX Fan Art/Fanfiction
- fireweed_freaks - We who go to Fireweed on a mostly regular basis.
- fit4cosplay - Fit 4 Cosplay
- fotl - The FOTL ^_^
- four_quarters - Quarters
- foxvalleybemani - Fox Valley Bemani
- foxvalleyddr - Fox Valley DDR
- fy_dalnet - The FY Community of Love and Sparkles
- gamecharacter - Claim a video game character
- gamer_love - gamer_love
- gamers_la - Gamers of Los Angeles
- gamin_icons - Gamin' Icons
- geekgirlz - We the She Geeks
- geekykins - geeks, dorks and nerds & those who <3 them
- giocopolous - Città Del Gioco
- girlgamers - Girl Gamers
- glitterrimjob - GLITTER RIMBJOB!
- goathorn - goathorn
- goddesscosplay - Goddess Cosplay
- goddessljh - The Lee Jung Hyun Community
- gs_charsupport - Gunsmoke Character Support Group
- h4rdcore - H4rdcore : Hardcore for Gaming
- haasol - haasol
- handgestures - Jameeshialise
- harajuku_lovers - ★Harajuku☆
- hawa1i_deedeer - Hawaiian DDR
- hi_fi_heist - The Heist
- high_elbow - high_elbow
- hooternannies - The Secret Order of the Hooternanny
- hopeless_icons - hopeless_icons
- hot_elite_geeks - hot_elite_geeks
- hot_hummus - Such is Life:hot, random, fashion, edge, music
- housegeek - House Geek
- houseofgames - The House of Games
- hug_a_homo - .
- human_death - Holy Boredness
- huntsvegas_snb - Huntsvegas Stitch 'n Bitch
- hxc_whorexcore - hxc_whorexcore
- i_blame_your_os - i_blame_your_os
- i_heart_lj - i_heart_lj
- i_need_a_friend - Make some friends.
- illxbexgone - Yesterday is Gone
- impurelove - Cherrykisses
- indie_gangstas - oh so []0 [] []\/[] []0
- industrialdorks - Industrial Dorks
- insane_avril - the #1 avril community
- isbnyo - ISBN: International Silly Beings of Nyo
- iupuac - IUP Underground Anime Club
- j_ent - Japanese Entertainment!
- j_music - J-Music r0x0rz our world w00t! XP
- japanophile - Japanophile Community
- jmusic_xchange - The best place to trade Japanese Music!
- jpopicons - Jpop Icons: Japanese Pop Culture Icons.
- jrock_basement - The Jrock Basement
- jtaf - JapanTown Anime Faire
- justus4 - JustUs4 - a group
- kamikaze2005 - KamiKazeCon 2005
- kawaii_nushi - Be Kawaii!
- kickbutthall - Kick-Butt Hall!!
- kind_lady18 - Dancing Fools Unite!
- kingstonanime - Kingston Anime Society
- kitty_rave - A DDR hangout
- knightsabers - Knight Sabers
- konayuki_onpu - Konayuki Onpu
- ksong_names - Claim a Korean song!
- leet_like_ninja - Ninjability
- lewiston - LC Valley
- lie_fans - Fans of Eli & his Sexcellent Friends
- limey_challenge - Limey Challenge!
- lithiumpoptarts - ¡·•×:·.·-×('··LiThIuM«›!¡!‹»PoPtArTs··')×-·.·:ו·¡
- lizzycon - lizzycon
- ljrandomness - A community about random stuff
- ljstars - The self-proclaimed stars of LiveJournal.
- lni - ~LNI~
- lnu_ranma - Table Pr0n!!!
- london_geeks - The most splendid order of London Geeks
- loserotaku - the loser-otaku
- louiville_ddre - louiville_ddre
- loveisalive - Japanese Pop Slash + Femslash
- loveloveshine - LoVE LoVE SHiNE
- ma_indiefriends - Make Indie friends in MA
- malesaresnails - Dr. Christie & Dr. Lauren
- manila_nights - Manila_Nights
- martzb_mp3 - Marty/Miguel/Mae/Katherine
- maryland_gamers - Maryland Gamers
- mattarchersucks - Anti-Matt Archer
- mcafe - § Arris Manga Café §
- mcdonogh_whores - we rule. and we're in the ftc.
- meepith_icons - Meepith Icons
- melissa_is_gr8 - Melissa is great!
- mi_ddr_freaks - DDR Freaks from Michigan!
- midnight_flames - Generation Death
- midtownmemphis - i ♥ midtown of memphis
- midwest_bemani - midwest_bemani
- miles_am - Miles A.M. & Company
- minoraspiration - Minor Aspirations®
- mississippirpg - MississippiRPG
- moville - Morrisville State College community
- n3rd_p0w4h - The Nerdiest Community on Livejournal
- n3rds - It's hip to be square
- nashville_ddr - nashville_ddr
- nekocon - Nekocon!
- nerdy_auctions - nerdy_auctions
- netgirlz - I'm so the Net Girl
- nocar_nolife - NoCar_NoLife
- nonpurging_type - Bulimia (Nonpurging type)
- nonuglygamers - nonuglygamers
- notjustdraco - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
- npire - Npire
- oafml - Members of the Ohio Anime Fans ML
- ohayojapan - Good morning Japan!!!
- omahabemani - omahabemani
- omg_ddr - For those that <3~~ DDR, et all Bemani
- orangelounge - Orange Lounge Radio
- otakon - Otakon Community
- otaku6 -
- otaku_jinrui - University of Nebraska-Lincoln Anime Club
- otaku_mayhem - otaku_mayhem
- otakucon - OtakuCon Miami Beach
- ownt - The OWNT Association
- p0pwar - for the pimps who play skate and skate popwar
- para_para - Para Para People
- paraparaicons - ParaParaParadise Icon's!!!!
- paraparauk - ParaPara Team Great Britian
- paronia - Seattle Bemani Freaks
- pcj - Pop Culture Junkie
- pentucketcult - The Pentucket LiveJournal Cult
- phantastic_star - LOVELY ORANGE JUNKIE STAR
- pinkhair - Pretty in Pink
- pipehouse - The Pipe House
- pixiclub - Pixi*Club
- playstation2 - Playstation 2
- pokemorph - Pokemorph MUSH IC Journal
- pprevolution - Pants Pants Revolution
- project_trance - Project Trance
- projectakon - Project: A-Kon!
- psao - Penn State Anime/Manga/Dance Dance Revolution Orga
- pumpitup - Pump It Up
- pumpitupkz - Pump It Up Club
- purchase - SUNY Purchase
- pxdn - <PxDn>
- rabbitonthemoon - The Experiment
- rabid_fangirls - A box of one dozen starving crazed weasels
- redhotgamers - Thumb gods
- reunification - Andrea, Devan, Melissa, Mike, Rob, Zach
- revolutionizers - The Place for Dance Dance Revolution Addicts
- rhythm_action - Rhythm action
- rihardcore - Rhode Island Hardcore
- rotation_diet - rotation_diet
- ru_bemafia - Russian Bemafia
- sadcrew - sadcrew
- satanistxsadist - The Satanic and Sadistic Kids.
- sf_gamers - San Francisco Bay Area Video Game Community
- shapeshifters - Shape Shifters Comunity
- shini_clones - Shinigami's Clones
- shows_and_ties - Shows and Ties
- silent_island - Silent Island
- silentmuses - Silent Muses
- silverq - the silver q
- simicafe - Simi Cafe
- simplygeeky - geeks unite!
- soty_fans_ - I'll spill my heart for you.
- splitcheck - :your:mom:wants:to:know:
- srqdanceteam - DANCERS OF SRQ!
- stainlessart - stainlessart
- starbase - Starbase Arcade
- starsuponthars_ - Stars Upon Thars
- step_mania - StepMania!
- stepmaniaonline - Stepmania Online
- stg_oswego - STG_Oswego
- sushicrowd - sushicrowd
- sva_ddr - Dance Dance SVA
- talg - Team Adventure: Let's Go!
- tdool - The Days of Our Lives...
- teamrival - teamrival
- teh_sex0xrz - Teh_Sex0xrz
- tehb4n4n4 - teh b4n4n4
- tehpictures - Teh Pictures
- tehwin - sisterly love
- tekkoshocon - tekkoshocon
- tenkay - The 10K Commotion
- tetris_owns - emo kids ♥ tetris
- thatdancinggame - the 4 arrow smashie game
- the_boredness - Oh La-Dee-Da-The Boredness
- the_pit_crew - the_pit_crew
- the_random_art - Random things that don't make since...
- the_sexsquad - Are you sex?
- thechickeniers - thechickeniers
- thegroove - In the Groove
- theliltheater - SVPA
- thepaperduet - The Paper Duet
- thequotebooknow - Your Own Memories...On ICE
- theroom - The Room
- thesbf - The Super Best Friends
- thexricexbowl - The Rice Bowl
- to_transcend - Life in Hell: The Road to Careers in Transcendence
- tr0uble_in_npt - tr0uble_in_npt
- tris_nexus_rpg - Breezer, Javed, Christoph, Dane, Vince, and Cinne
- uberspiffy - Team Uberspiffy
- ucsc - ucsc
- ucsc_chatter - UCSC-chatter
- ultimateddr - Ultimate Dance Dance Revolution
- unknownparadise - unknownparadise
- unsystematic - Unsystematic Thoughts
- very_bored - Are you bored? we are too
- vg_icon_awards - Video Game Icon Awards!
- videogame_icons - Video Game Icons
- voorhees_nj - Voorhees, New Jersey
- warcraftvalley - The Warcraft Valley Post
- wasabianime - Wasabi Anime
- washingtontwp - Washington Township, NJ
- wcatyclique - The WCATY Clique
- wcjupiter - West Chester Jupiter
- we_love_icons - people who love all sorts of icons
- we_love_sherl0k - WE LOVE SHERL0K
- we_the_feared - The Divine Circle of the Strange and Proud
- wearenerds - i like video games
- weeseislove - Weese is the only love you'll need!
- weightloss4cos - Weightloss for Cosplay
- what_hotties - already beautiful
- what_teh_fox - what teh fox?
- whempys - Whempys LAN parties
- whimtastical - Whimtastical HS RPG
- whistle_blowers - Friday Night DDR Like Whut
- winnipeganime - The Winnipeg Anime LJ Community
- wm_skiffy - The Sci-Fi and Fantasy Club of William & Mary
- wowieology - Cult of Valerie
- xbloodytears3x - Emo kidds
- xtayx_xbudsx - X--Friends--X
- xurbanette - Urban-X
- xxcjfansxx - xxcjfansxx
- yaoi_collection - Collection of Yaoi
- yaoi_fanfics - Yaoi Fanfics
- yarnspinners - Knitter, PLEASE!
- ygo_writers - Yu-Gi-Oh Writers Anon
- yukisecret - Yuki Secret
- zom_bee - dnd group 2000
Interested users
The following users are interested in dance dance revolution. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
462 matches: