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February 5th, 2005

10:16 am - What color is your lightsaber?
As seen in the journal of [info]ericred

it's behind a cut tag because it is a silly meme )

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February 2nd, 2005

11:38 am - Birthday Greetings!
Happy Birthday, [info]allannah!
Current Mood: [mood icon] jubilant

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January 31st, 2005

10:46 pm - things that made me feel better today
1. took the day off from work.
2. cleaned my desk.
3. had lunch with my daughter, Rachel.
4. finished my backlog of homework.
5. played with my dogs.
6. got some errands and phone calls done.
7. made pork loin and sweet potatoes for dinner.
Current Mood: [mood icon] better

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10:12 am - bloody meme
I blame [info]arian1

Cut because it is sort of big. )
Current Mood: [mood icon] moody

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January 30th, 2005

04:04 pm - Parting with an old friend.
I'm selling old Bessie. 
Current Mood: [mood icon] in mourning

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08:46 am - cool apod post
Current Mood: [mood icon] awake

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January 29th, 2005

10:56 am - picture meme
As seen in the journal of [info]dawn_guy.

Go to for this one. Type in your answers, then post the first image result (or first postable one if the first pic is down or something).

First car
Place you grew up
Place you live now
Your name
Your grandmother's name
Favorite food
Favorite drink
Favorite song
Favorite smell
Favorite pair of shoes ever

my exciting pictures )

The word meme, by the way, is in the dictionary. I didn't know this till this morning. So, there ya go.

Main Entry: meme
Pronunciation: 'mEm
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of mimeme, from mim- (as in mimesis) + -eme
: an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture

Current Mood: [mood icon] procrastinating

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09:28 am - confusing
... confusing, confusing.  Sometimes my dreams are just so confusing and muddled.  Almost like sitting smack dab in the middle of the drive in movies with the speaker blaring the sound track to every movie on every screen inside my head.  Layers and layers of visuals and sound hit my senses when I dream.  It is rare that one dream actually comes through intact.  When that does happen, I pay attention, and will often post about them here.

I didn't have one entire dream that really came through cleanly last night.  There was only one image that did come through clear, and that was the scene at a flooded beach.  The water was all the way up to the wall, but the people did not flee for safety.  Instead, they reveled and played in the water as if it weren't there.  Tossing beach balls and frisbees, laying on their towels in the sun, drinking iced tea, all this in about 5 feet of crystal clear blue water, with little colorful fishes swimming about.  Strange.
Current Mood: [mood icon] awake

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January 28th, 2005

11:39 pm - I like my job.
I did something new today.  I helped run a public policy town hall style meeting for Go for Health!

For those of you that don't remember, or want a refresher, I am working as an intern with the United Way of Santa Cruz County on a project called Go for Health!  It's a broad-based collaborative with over 150 members who are taking action to improve children's health in Santa Cruz County through regular physical activity and better eating habits.  (Apparently, Santa Cruz has the tenth highest obesity rate among children in the state of California.)  The groups involved in the collaborative represent an impressive array of community groups, such as local schools, Second Harvest Food Bank, WIC, health care providers, Head Start, Planned Parenthood, Santa Cruz Parks and Rec, La Manzana, local farmers, and many more.  My boss, Kerry, has been working on organizing this Public Policy Summit on the Child Obesity Crisis in Santa Cruz County for the past months, and has involved me on much of the detailed work.  Then, just as we are winding up for the big event, she gets the flu!

So today, I met with other members of the group to run this event without Kerry.  Congressman Sam Farr, along with Assembly Members John Laird and Simon Salinas, were present for the meeting.  Sam Farr really seems to understand this issue, and was very supportive.  He's also very funny, and had some cute jokes about our governor. 

The summit was a huge success and attendance far exceeded our expectations.  It was really interesting to see how these things are done, and was actually a lot of fun.  Working in nonprofit is proving to be very nice.  People are genuine and seem to really enjoy what they are doing.  So very different than working in high tech.

We don't have a website for Go for Health! yet.  Cruzio just donated some web space for the project, so we should have an information website up soon.  But we do have the Executive Summary online(.pdf).
Current Mood: [mood icon] pleased

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January 27th, 2005

11:29 pm - Red Sky at Morning
So, I tried to come up with something for RHD, and this is all I could come up with.  It's really not RHD kind of writing.  Personally, I think it sucks.  If it were "fail to suck" day, I would certainly fail to fail to suck.  [info]ronebofh said I had to post it anyway, and I said, "Jawohl, mein Führer!"  So if you don't like it, blame him.

There really was a beautiful red sky this morning.

And then it rained. )
Current Mood: [mood icon] blank

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January 22nd, 2005

09:02 am - the latest quiz
yep )

ps - as seen on [info]rimrunner's journal.
Current Mood: [mood icon] shocked

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January 18th, 2005

10:02 am - Birthday Greetings
Happy Birthday, [info]merde!
Current Mood: [mood icon] jubilant

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January 17th, 2005

07:29 pm - lj compensation
Paid users are getting two extra weeks of service to compensate for this past weekend's outage. Go here for details.

Thanks to [info]ratphooey for the information.
Current Mood: [mood icon] pleased

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January 16th, 2005

11:05 am - Heh.
You just don't realize how much of a time-sucker LJ is, until it's down and you get a bunch of stuff done. 
Current Mood: [mood icon] amused

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10:50 am - weekend highlights
I took the night off at the hotline on Friday so that [info]ronebofh and I could pick up [info]mrbalihai in Mountain View, and go see [info]matrushkaka and her display at one of the Taking The Leap shows called Deciphering The Code, in Emeryville.  The creative works of eleven participating artists ranged from serious and brooding to delightfully whimsical.  [info]matrushkaka's photography is right up front in the entryway, displayed ingeniously on an aqua colored vintage refrigerator. Very cool!  The reception for the show is today, I believe.  If you haven't yet been to the gallery, you should really try to make it out there today. 

After meeting at the gallery, we all went to Trader Vic's in Emeryville, per [info]mrbalihai's suggestion.  We were pleasantly surprised by the appearance of [info]drjohn and [info]xtingu, who joined us for dinner.  What more can you ask for than great company, fancy drinks, and delicious food?  We had a wonderful time.

Last night, after I studied all day, we went to [info]artmonstergirl's place for Francine's birthday party, where we saw too many people to list.  Kristen's parties are always fun: good munchies and drinks, rat babies to play with, and fun people, too!  Francine had turned one of Kristen's big closets into a fabric lined "chill room", complete with multicolored lights and vintage sari fabrics!  It was like a blast from the past.  A great place to "chill".

Today, I'm back to studying my fanny off.  The quarter is in full gear, and my teachers are laying on the work.  Maybe I'll find time to take down the Christmas tree.  Yeah, Christmas is over with, and Epiphany has passed.  It's time.

Tomorrow is a holiday (MLK), so I don't have work or school, but I do have mom duty tomorrow.  What I'd really like to do is drive to the coast and see the Monarch butterflies at Natural Bridges.  My mom can't walk on the beach yet, so there's no chance of taking her with me to the coast.  Alas, that trip will have to wait for another day.
Current Mood: [mood icon] busy

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January 13th, 2005

10:13 am - yeah, 30, that's right...
I'm really too busy to do a silly quiz, but I couldn't resist. )
Current Mood: [mood icon] busy

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January 12th, 2005

06:42 pm - Heeeeeeeeee!
I dropped by to see a couple teachers from last quarter's classes.  I discussed the final exam in my math 2 class with professor Migliore.  Then I went over to visit the professor from my psych of creativity class, David Harrington, to pick up my final essay.  I wanted to see what his feedback was.

shameless bragging ahead )

I'm pretty damn pleased with myself.
Current Mood: [mood icon] ecstatic

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06:24 pm - Loneliness, be gone!
My biggest complaint about UCSC has been the feeling of loneliness I've experienced on this big, spread out campus.  Considering that there are only 200 students on the campus that are over 40 years old, in a student body of 15,000 students, and most of those older students are in graduate programs, it is not likely I’m going to find many people to hang out with.  Within the last week, two things have happened to make me feel like perhaps I'm not doomed to being a loner for the next two years after all.

Earlier this week, a young guy from my psych of creativity class last quarter saw me sitting at a picnic bench out in front of Joe's Subs, while I was eating my lunch.  He stopped for a bit to talk, and then went in and got himself a sandwich.  When he came back out he said, "You don't mind having company for a little while longer, do you?"  And my reply was, "Mind? Heck no!"

We sat and ate our lunch and talked about philosophy, movies, and ragged on teachers.  He invited me to his philosophy club meetings which are on Tuesday night, which is not a night I'm free, but I told him if they have the meetings on Thursday sometime, then I could go.  He took my email address so he could email me if they ever change the night, which he said that they sometimes do.

Yesterday, after my math class, another person from my psych of creativity class, Arezou, just sort of tagged along with me after class.  I went to the computer lab, and so did she.  I went to the coffee shop, and so did she.  I went to the reading room, and so did she.  She asked me, "You don't mind if I tag along with you, do you?"  My reply was, "Heck no!  Being an older student, most students don't want to 'hang out' with me.  I'm pleased to have the company."  We hung out together for a couple hours, till we both had a class to go to.  It was thoroughly delightful.

I guess I'm not such an unapproachable old fogey after all.
Current Mood: [mood icon] cheerful

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January 11th, 2005

06:51 am - for your entertainment pleasure
This is a little video of a friend of mine from school (his name is David, but I refer to him as "utilikilt man!") and his boss (they are utilikilt salesmen).  They were at a restaurant called Amira on Valencia Street in San Francisco, when the belly dancer asked them to get on the stage and dance with her.  (David is the one not wearing the feather headdress.) I'm sure she singled them out because they were both wearing their smashing looking leather kilts.

Current Mood: [mood icon] amused

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January 9th, 2005

11:56 pm - How much does the soul weigh?
Quiz swiped from my niece, [info]sandollar17.

You Are a Visionary Soul

You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connect to your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.

You have great vision and can be very insightful. In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself. Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend. You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul

Current Mood: soulish

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