User Info
User Information Below is user information for A Free Spirit. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | capricornsun (979968) |
Name: | A Free Spirit |
Email: | capricornsun | @ | |
| Bio: | Thou canst not touch the freedom of my mind -John Milton
Each bird must sing with his own throat -Henrik Ibsen
...He who has no imagination has no wings ... -me
Old enough to look back and discover that I’ve lived different lives and been different selves as time went along, young enough to be passionate about life and all there is to see and learn, I am a mixed French/Australian female product ! and a Free Spirit aiming at universal values,
Currently, my body is anchored on the French Riviera. There are worse places ;-) and suitcases have to be put down somewhere as long as Mind and Spirit can go roaming.....
I appreciate courage and pioneering spirit, simple living and simplicity, common sense and moderation, independence, curiosity and whatever passion is able to create self motivation and enthusiasm. About beliefs, it is entirely by deep personal conviction and after much thought, meditation, work on myself and experiences, that I believe what I believe. It happens that it coincides with a certain emerging paradigm.
I’ve travelled and lived in other countries, never in America. Yet I feel attuned to the American people as individuals like a family I would have left long ago, perhaps because American movies and talent fed the imagination of my teenage years. Maybe reality of living in the US would denounce my fantasm ? Yet I’ve worked with Americans here, liked it and have many American friends.
Expression and communication for me are vital needs. I believe in dialogue and mutual understanding. I’ve been lucky in that I’ve always worked in international circles with many nationalities. French is my mother tongue but English is somehow the language of my soul even if my use of it sometimes proves not to be entirely academic.
I have not totally unravelled my motivations for starting a Journal yet ... I’d like it to have personal touches and some daily emotions‘ release but maybe also make it a kaleidoscope for a variety of interests and bear witness to current events and trends of thoughts A Journal by definition is an Ego trip. Still all voices want to be heard and I’m sure writers are also badly in need of READERS. I am prepared to be at least as much of a reader and true listener as a writer.
My interests are varied and not limitative but most of them are part of a lifelong independent spiritual quest. My trip is My trip. I respect all others whatever they may be, provided they are not wilfully harmful to anyone.
I hope and wish friendly and diverse people will join me.
Note : the following page describes psychic experiences which have very much affected my life : Comments on that article would be welcome. -(My photo is there with more bio)
"An Open Journal" by CapricornSun. Copyright Lena-Angele Ford / April2003 - All Rights Reserved by/to author
Memories: | 2 entries |
Interests: | 77: anticipation, art, artists, astrology, australia, barter, books, canada, cats, cayce, celestine prophecy, channeling, cinema, colors, communication, conversation; cooking, cosmogonies, course in miracles, creativity, curiosity, environment, esoterism, etymology, europe, exchange, feng-shui, fiction, films, food, freedom, freelance, french, health, humor, imagination, independence, inner peace, inspiration, kabala, kardec, kenneth ring, knowledge, kubler ross, learning, literature, max heindel; meditation, movies, music, nature, nde’s near death experience, non fiction, numerology, occult, paranormal, philosophy, poetry, psychics, psychology, psychotherapies, reading, religions, rosicrucians, science popularized, simple living, simplicity, soapies, solitude, south africa, spirituality, tarots, traditions, travel, truth, words, writers, writing, zen buddhism |
Friends: | 61: abstractthought, ageratos, ariedana, astrology, bittercat, calysto, capricornarama, capricornsun, crackerbob, cravinglestat, democritus, dragonflyrider, elementalmuse, fortysomething, france, francophiles, i_love_paris, interlingual, juliann, know_thyself, le_bon_cafe, letters_2_you, lilmissmeg, lilraverlori, linnapaw, lj_maintenance, ljreview, lunasparrow, markgideon, methodius, molecularspirit, myasma, news, nonduality, not_like_them, novapsyche, numeraire, paper_clip, peregrinus236, philo_debate, pyrohypnotik, queryforanswer, revdrmarsh, saintgeorge, salaryman, scribequill, seraphimsigrist, southafrica, takingupspace, themyst, theultimate42, thought_club, tinjuko, top_debater, unusual_people, views, writer_feedback, writers, writers_haven, zen_within, zeppo |
Friend of: | 26: ageratos, ariedana, bittercat, calysto, capricornsun, crackerbob, cravinglestat, dragonflyrider, elementalmuse, insomniaz, lilmissmeg, lilraverlori, linnapaw, lunasparrow, markgideon, myasma, numeraire, paper_clip, peregrinus236, pyrohypnotik, salaryman, seraphimsigrist, takingupspace, theultimate42, tinjuko, zeppo |
Member of: | 27: abstractthought, astrology, capricornarama, directory, fortysomething, france, francophiles, i_love_paris, interlingual, know_thyself, le_bon_cafe, literaryquotes, molecularspirit, paidmembers, philo_debate, queryforanswer, quotes, randomquestions, scribequill, southafrica, thequestionclub, thought_club, top_debater, views, writer_feedback, writing_101, zen_within |
Account type: | Paid Account |
(more details...)