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User:mysticprincess (365613) mysticprincess
Website:My Wish List
Location:Richmond, Virginia, United States
I'm a born and bred Michigander, happily married to [info]mtbandit since April 13, 2002.

The WeatherPixie
This is me standing in Richmond, showing you how pretty/ugly the day is

The WeatherPixie
And this is my cousin in Holland, Michigan

The WeatherPixie
And this is my yooper cousin

The WeatherPixie
And this is my cousin in Detroit

The WeatherPixie
And this is my uncle in Uganda

This is my uni I got at
((c) 2003 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission)

Memories:22 entries
Interests:44: alternative medicine, animals, animaniacs, beatles, books, chocolate, comparative religions, costumes, costuming, cross-stitch, cymraeg, dangermouse, dilbert, disney, dr. who, druidism, druidry, druids, enterprise, faeries, fairy tales, farscape, genealogy, history, hitchcock, languages, marx brothers, monty python, muppets, musicals, mythical creatures, mythology, old-time radio, paganism, pagans, purple, sci fi, singing, stargate sg-1, swing music, tarot, theatre, tolkien, tom clark gnomes. [Modify yours]
People67:_broken_toy_, _dusktodawn_, alicenwndrln, alucard_uk, andyroid, annotated_alex, bard_bloom, baronghetto, bear26, canuckgirl, casiel, cbj, chrisv, cider, cintinue, clubjuggle, corto, dailyquote, denisia, doorinward, dragonwyn, dren_the_liar, flummox, gekko, goddessofdeth, hap, jema, jeni, kessa, kitiara, lady_starsong, lady_trinket, lostintwilight, lunacia, malicevamp24, mazikeen, meglimir, moontigress, mrisley, mtbandit, mysticprincess, nemetonfire, occipitaldruid, onyxhealer, paladin3, pasquinade, petersheil, pimpinthebox, plaid_hatter, realblackmage, sammyd, saylowella, shantirose, stmachiavelli, stonethrow, sun__king, sundragon76, sythyry, talona, tersono, thegreenwood, themyst, tipsykitty, tyche, tyrian, wiltinwickwitch, wyndwyck
Communities14:celticmyths, genealogy, hermione_and_co, language, lj_maintenance, marxbrothers, nospringchicken, nw_druids, old_time_radio, paganprayer, paidmembers, radfreerichmond, renfaires, sadsupport
Feeds4:davebarrycolumn, dictionary_wotd, dilbert_feed, wilwheaton
Friend of:61: _broken_toy_, _dusktodawn_, alicenwndrln, alucard_uk, andyroid, annotated_alex, canuckgirl, cbj, chrisv, cintinue, clubjuggle, corto, dailyquote, denisia, doorinward, dragonwyn, dren_the_liar, flummox, gekko, goddessofdeth, hap, jema, jeni, kessa, kitiara, lady_trinket, lostintwilight, lunacia, malicevamp24, mazikeen, meglimir, metalsenorita, moontigress, mrisley, mtbandit, musiccomp83, mysticprincess, onyxhealer, paladin3, pasquinade, paultopia, petersheil, pimpinthebox, plaid_hatter, random_gurl, realblackmage, roseb, saylowella, shantirose, stmachiavelli, stonethrow, sun__king, sundragon76, sythyry, talona, tersono, thegreenwood, themyst, tipsykitty, tyche, wyndwyck
Member of:13: celticmyths, genealogy, language, nospringchicken, nw_druids, old_time_radio, paganprayer, paidmembers, radfreerichmond, renfaires, sadsupport, tarot, wrir
Account type:Free Account

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