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User:shameless_bits (2356842) shameless_bits
Shameless Bits
Gratuitous Personified
Website:BlackRose's FanFic
Location:Berea, Kentucky, United States
About:This journal is specifically for fan fiction. I am primarily a slash/yaoi writer - there will be adult fiction here, and if you're underage in your area to be reading that sort of thing then please go somewhere else.

What's going to go here is all of the bits and pieces, the unfinished snippets, the drabbles and the ideas. The extremely out of context and out of sequence bits of my main fic series that bite me at 3am and need to be jotted down. The absolutely gratuitous shameless indulgences (ie, the crossovers and AUs and impossible pairing PWPs) that should never see the light of day. I'm basically getting tired of having to hunt through 3+ years worth of journal posts in [info]darthneko to find the fic bits that I know I wrote but forgot to put into the memories. So! From now on, they all go here.

(This will include fanfic for my own original stories if they fall into the "shameless" category... such as cross story musefic PWPs and other insanity.)
Members:7: chibikazz, dahnte, darthneko, larathia, nishatalitha, themyst, xianghua
Watched by:36: acidtwinkie, ammonium, aramina, arete, baka_neko, bears_place, chibikazz, crushedoleander, dahnte, darthneko, faeriekitty19, fleurrochard, gardensgnome, halofire, hopemia, infinitys_tale, kaliden, kallah, kyrre, larathia, laridian, laughingwolf, leonhart_junkie, naiad_kitty, ng, nishatalitha, phoenixalpha, phoenixdreaming, suntyger, themyst, tsaiko, white_aster, windintrees, wyvern_beta, xianghua, xineko
Account type:Free Account

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