Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "research".
309 matches:
- _forensics_ - Forensic Science
- _lj_times - LJ Times
- _open_mindness_ - where coolness ends asskicking begins
- _scientists_ - The Scientists of LJ!
- _voyagers_ - Voyagers
- _wicca_ - Wicca: A Living Tradition of Witchcraft
- abdso - All But Dissertation Significant Other
- academicpagans - Academic Paganism
- academics_anon - Rehab for (Recovering) Academics
- academics_uk - Academics UK
- acontrolgroup - a control group
- acvista - Americorps VISTA
- adagency - Advertising agency victims
- advocates - Helping Out Your Causes
- algorithms - Computer algorithms
- all_psychology - all_psychology
- altletters - Alternative Letters.
- angelique_yaoi - Angelique
- ansem_fanatics - Fanatical About the Darkness Fanatic
- anthropologist - Anthropologist's Community
- anti_guru - guru recovery
- anti_tampon - Menstrual activism
- antiacademia - Anti Academia
- antibushandco - Tanks For Nothing
- antiracists - the people for diversity
- aprotim_thesis - Aprotim's Thesis
- archaeological - Archaeology
- arizonastate - ASU Denizens
- artdiary - Online Art Diary
- asiapop_academy - Asiapop Academy
- ask_or_answer - Ask or Answer
- astronomy - Astronomy - Study of the cosmos
- atenveldt - Kingdom of Atenveldt
- authors - Voices of Truth
- autism - Autism Awareness Community
- b00kwh0re - Reading Gets Me Off
- beautifuldreams - ~*~*~A Place For Dreams and Sleep~*~*~
- bibliographic - The Bibliographic Community
- biology - Biology Talk
- blackdogs - blackdogs
- bleedingdry - blEEDiNgDRy
- boogie__man - ghost photos *NEW COMMUNITY*
- book_quotes - book_quotes
- bose - Bose
- brainfags - Fags with Brains
- btwhs - Booker T.
- bubble_gum_pop - bubble_gum_pop
- buffyrpgisfun - Yet another Buffy RPG community!
- cage_free_kids - cage free kids!
- caldrithig - Caldrithig
- calontir - kingdom of calontir
- canuckgrads - canuckgrads
- capstoneproject - Joe and Parker's capstone journal
- celtic_ogham - Ogham
- cfids_me - CFIDS and M.E. Support
- chocolate_cake - Feminist Reviews
- chrischubbuck - Chris Chubbuck
- cise_minds - cise_minds
- citadel_station - Citadel Station
- clippingchaos - Never Ending Math Equation
- coldreason - The Cold Voice of Reason
- colossal_pain - colossal_pain
- comaccess - Access to Member Communities
- compositionism - (isms always optional)
- compscibooks - Computer science books
- concordia_ab - Concordia University College of Alberta Community
- copingwithlupus - lupus and lupus-related illnesses
- copywriter - Copywriters
- crackheads_anon - crackheads_anon
- craftwhoreannon - The 12-Step Program Towards More Crafts
- crammasters - Crammaster
- creakyjoints - creakyjoints
- dare_i_say_it - Dare I Say It?
- deakinunimuseum - Deakin Uni Museums Course
- dot_edu_snark - dot_edu_snark
- dramadorks - Drama Dorks
- dramaturgs - Dramaturgs R Us
- dusty_pages - dusty_pages
- edpoliticsmusic - Share interests and opinions
- egyptology - Egyptology
- emotiveanimalia - Emotive Animalia
- encyclopaediau2 - The U2 Bible
- eriofthephoenix - Arienrod's muse
- ethicalcrafters - Ethical Crafters
- family__photos - Family Photos
- fanfic_research - Fanfiction Research
- fascism_wow - Fascism Wow! A new face to fascism
- feedbackjunkies - feedbackjunkies
- fibromyalgia - fibromyalgia
- finditnix - hey, nix, find it for me!
- folklore - the folklore community
- forever_in_pain - Forever In Pain
- friendsoflupus - friendsoflupus
- fsu_adgroup - Ferris State University Ad Group
- fsu_grad - Graduate Students at Florida State University
- fuill_ghlen - Fuill Ghlen
- ga_wonderland - the Graduate Assistant Wonderland
- geeksex - Geek Sex
- geekspeak - Geek Speak
- geeksunite - geeks unite!
- genepool - genetics discussion community
- ghostly_md - - g h o s t l y - m a r y l a n d -
- ghostsngouls - ghostsngouls
- girlgeeks - Girl Geeks Rule!
- grad_psych - Psychology Graduate Students
- gradstudents - Graduate Students
- grakleteeth - recovering my satellites
- grantwriting - Grant Proposal Writing Community
- gsa_lj - Gay/Straight Alliance on Live Journal
- guessthemug - Guess The Mug
- guys_diner - Guy's Diner
- h2g2researchers - h2g2 Researchers
- halfofscissors - dreamlife of a victorian safecracker.
- hamstercollege - Hamster College
- happybethday - errant science nerd
- hauntedarkansas - The Haunted of Arkansas
- healthwise - Healthwise
- hep_c - hep_c
- hepatitis_c - Alley's Hepatitis C
- highered - Higher Education
- home_in_sd - Home In Sunnydale
- homeschool_ga - Homeschoolers in Georgia
- horticulture - horticulture enthusiasts
- how_life_began - "How Life Began" -- Abiogenesis and Related Topics
- hssg - The Hoppes Student Support Group
- humanangels - Divine Light
- ib_slackers - Somoza, Batista, and Duvalier
- ibscrewed - IB Screwed
- il_asylum - Illinois State Hospitals
- info_slut - info_slut
- infojunkies - pattern phreaks
- infostudies - Students of Information Studies
- inkslingers - inkslingers
- instrumentation - Scientific Instrumentation
- internet_whores - Internet Whores
- inu_kai - putting your puzzles apart
- it_emune_vwc - it_emune_vwc
- j_r_a - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Community
- jacksons_lab - Dr Daniel Jackson's Lab
- jmbt_intp - INTP
- jvallstars - We Stalk JVA
- karigans_fic - Karigan's Fic - the writing of Karigan Rohanna
- kiss_me_hardy - Age-of-sail historical discussion
- kyougen - people in landscape
- lantsen_thesis - Lance's Thesis Research
- lepidopterists - The Lepidopterists Group - butterflies and moths
- libraries - Library Lovers
- library_fetish - Hypatia's Dirty Little Secret
- library_grrls - Library Grrrls!
- library_mofo - The Society for Librarians* Who Say "Motherfucker"
- librarycrap - Library Crap
- lifestories - The Stories We Tell Ourselves
- light_cite - weird, wacky, funny citations
- likemind - LikeMindsR_us
- linguisticanth - Linguistic Anthropology
- linguisticus - Gobbledegook
- lisp - LISP & Scheme User Community
- livingwithbooks - livingwithbooks
- louisianaghost - Louisiana Hauntings
- loveandacademia - love + academia
- massdebateoften - massdebateoften
- med_pro - pee straight / Писай Прямо
- medievalcooking - Ancient Medieval and Renaissance cooking
- mens_studies - Men's Studies
- merridiah - merridiah
- midnight_garden - Ghost Hunters
- mindless_psych - The Good Doctor
- moms - moms opposing mandatory shots
- morethanmuses - More Than Muses
- musc_dystrophy - Muscular Dystrophy
- museum_geeks - museum_geeks
- museumpeople - Museum People
- myfamilytree - My Family Tree
- myminions - raaven's minions
- nano_pdx - NaNoWriMo Portland
- natural_math - Natural Math
- nawlins_boys - nawlins_boys
- neis - NEIS New Enterprise Incentive Scheme
- nerd4point0 - Nerd4point0
- newcollege - New College
- nf_info_support - nf_info_support
- nm_techies - New Mexico Techies
- note_to_hack - Dear Fanfic Writer...
- notjustcutting - All Forms of Self-Injury
- nox_voluptas - A Dream Journal
- nurse_students - nurse students
- nutritionnews - Nutrition News
- o_k_research - Understanding is Key
- oc_analysis - The 'Is My Character A Sue?' Community
- ohhcanada - Canadians Living/Working/Lost/Studying Abroad
- osrii - OSRII
- ou3fs - Oxford >U< Folklore and FanFiction Society
- ou_reu_2004 - ou_reu_2004
- our_last_resort - The Last
- ourspaces - OurSpaces Counseling & Community
- oxford_brookes - Oxford Brookes University
- pagan_bitch - Pagan Bitchings
- pagan_skeptics - Skeptical Pagans
- paganism - Paganism
- paganism_uk - Paganism in the UK
- pagans - The Pagans of LJ
- paintedqueen - The Painted Queen
- peak_oil - peak_oil
- peril_book_club - Readers
- philosophygrads - I think therefore I like philosophy
- phone_survey - Phone Survey Employees
- phys_therapy - Physical Therapy
- plotnefariously - The Evil Twins' Lair
- poetic_clicks - Julie
- poly_bitch - Poly Bitchings
- polywomengp - Meg & Ani's Research Group
- positive_zoo - Positive Zoophilia
- potatochips - Theories on Consciousness
- prescott_map26d - Prescott College MAP 26
- prgay - PRA
- projectcultcrit - Cultivating Poetry and Poetic Criticism
- projectlodestar - Lodestar
- prospctresearch - Prospect Research
- psych_students - Psychology Students
- psychologystuds - psychology students
- pub_gossip - pub_gossip
- public_health - Public Health Community
- punkrawkscience - Punk Rawk Scientists
- randomnotes - Random Notes
- ravenclawnewts - Ravenclaw Common Room
- recklessscholar - Student outside the box
- recoveryourlife - self harm community
- researchers - Researcher's Resource
- roninlife - Ronin Life
- rpf - 22 Twain House
- ru_advert - Advertisement
- ru_marketing - Маркетинг в России и за рубежом
- ru_mathresearch - Mathematical research in Russian
- saganliveson - The Carl Sagan Community
- salon1890_1930 - The Salon:1890-1930
- sca_associates - Mentor Student Associations in the SCA
- sca_persona - SCA in persona
- scigradschool - Science Grad School Students and Student wannabes
- scopophile - porn, meet brain
- scuba_nw - SCUBA_northwest
- seattlenonprfts - Seattle Area Non-Profits
- seqfans - OEIS fans community
- serpent_flux - Aspects of Ancient Civilizations
- sexylibrarians - sexy librarians
- shadowgard - Shadowgard Scoobie Gang
- shcpeople - Schreyer Honors College
- shimer_college_ - Shimer College
- silent_nectar - Self-Injury Community
- slayer_mansion - Slayer Mansion
- smart_patients - Informed Patients
- snjdarkseekers - United Dark Thinkers & Truth Seekers of South NJ
- social_sciences - Social Sciences
- socialsciences - Social Sciences Discussion Community
- socialwork - if not you, then who?
- sociologists - Sociologists
- soil_science - soil_science
- southerninpagan - Southern Indiana Pagans
- squirrelfoyle - Squirrel Soup in Foil Packets
- stat_geeks - the statistics discussion community
- strumpets - Tarts
- student_hell - Stuck in Academic Hell
- student_nurses - Student Nurses
- stupidheadlines - Media Frontline Feces
- sumerian_pagan - Kiengir ina baltuti (new people of Kiengir)
- surveys_pay - Get Paid to take Surveys!
- surviving_ib - Surving the IB Program
- tam_research - Tam's transgender research
- taphology - A Love of Cemeteries
- techgirls - Females in Computing
- techwriting - Technical Writing and Editing
- thereadingroom - What are you reading?
- thesis_blues - The Over-Achievers
- thesisordissert - Thesis and Dissertation Writers' Community
- tobettermyself - To Better Myself
- trans_fibro_cfs - trans_fibro_cfs
- travelwhores - Travel Whores
- u2shoebox - Scrapbook for Encyclopaedia U2
- ua_marketing - ua_marketing
- uah - The University of Alabama in Huntsville
- ualberta_anthro - University of Alberta Anthropology Undergrads
- ucalgary - University of Calgary
- uci - University of California, Irvine
- uci_ics - LJ for SICS @ UCI
- ukstudentnurses - Community for Student Nurses in the UK
- um_gradstudents - University of Miami Grad Students
- uni_melb - The University of Melbourne
- uni_overseas - International University Experience
- unschooling - Unschooling
- urban_decay - Urban Decay
- usw_council - US Watchers Council fourm
- varaciouse - varaciouse
- variorum - variorum
- vets2be - Veterinarians in the Making!
- viking_research - Viking Age Research
- vuln_dev - Computer security vulnerability research
- weathernerds - Weathernerds
- web_ui - Web-UI Reference Library
- wfsurvivors - Wesley/Fred: Survivors
- wildkingdom - WildKingdom
- wls_support - WLS Nutritional Support
- womenhealth - Women's Health: Questions, Education, and Support!
- womens_studies - Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender Studies
- writers_writing - Writers Writings
- writetosell - Write To Sell
- writing_comms - Writing Community Promotions
- writingcritic - writingcritic
- wye_4ever - Wye Forever
- xmensuescomm - Haters of the Mary Sue Virus
- zaftigpregnancy - plus size pregnancy!
Interested users
The following users are interested in research. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
453 matches: