Below is user information for kathryn / caitríona. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | caitriona_nnc (1105396) | |||
musings from the river house whispers and screams from the misty northeastern forest | ||||
Name: | kathryn / caitríona | |||
Website: | | |||
Location: | Quinnitukqut River Valley, Massachusetts, United States | |||
Birthdate: | 08-00 | |||
Yahoo! ID: | kathryn_theatana (Add User, Send Message) | |||
Bio: | Passionately tribal hippiepunk queergrrrl. EcoFeminist Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan priestess and spiritista. Writer, researcher, artist. Occasional musician. I'm living in the mountains with my pack of dogs and humans, and am obsessed with building a woman-centered, Goddesses-focused, EcoFeminist CR Pagan tradition and tribe. My rate of success at this endeavour has varied wildly over the years, with the usual expected and unexpected pitfalls and pratfalls. I have articles, essays, poetry, satire, songs, visual art, comix and reviews scattered about the Pagan, Feminist and Underground press. I even pop up here and there on some tapes and CDs, drumming and singing and sometimes songwriting. An intuitive mystic, spirit-listener and dreamworker since childhood, I've been active in psychic development and ritual groups since 1980, the Pagan Community since '83, and CR since the late '80s. Though the CR culture/community spontaneously generated out of communities on both coasts, I was recently surprised and bemused to discover I was among the first to use the term "Celtic Reconstructionist" for what we were doing. (If I'd known at the time that it would come to be a tradition name, I would have suggested something more poetic and less unweildly!) Though my practice for the past 15 years or so has been CR, I also have a distant background in Hinduism (Tantric, Shakta and Vaishnava), Dianic Craft (with eclectic/Feri leanings), Yoruba / Lucumi, and have ritualled with many different sorts of Pagans. I'm a veteran of numerous queer, feminist, AIDS, anti-racist, anti-war, global justice and other radical/progressive actions, happenings, organizations and movements. I'm more reclusive these days, less of a street warrior, but I still do my best to live my politics and agitate-educate-organize. I want a bigger tribe, a bigger household, but am very picky about who I let into my space, let alone my heart. My love life is a paradox - with a stable circle of old friends and (mostly-)former lovers, but still a sense of searching for the right one(s) to complete the tribe. I vascillate between feeling content and... not. When not at the computer, I can usually be found in the woods by the river (or in the river), hanging out with the trees, listening to the Spirits, and writing it all down. Or drumming and flailing about to music that has screaming in it. Or reading reading reading. Or doing divination. Or ritual. Or wandering the Happy Valley, lusting after inappropriate crushes, and conspiring to kidnap some of them and spirit them off to my cave in the hills. It's a quirky life. Not exactly what I planned for, but interesting, engaging, and full of plenty of challenges to keep me on my toes. Beannachdan nam Bandia Leibh. Oh, btw, though I prefer people to support their local independent booksellers, I now have a wish list on Maybe I can find an independent bookstore to put up here instead, but for now... Leos do love presents... And if you want to know more about Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism, here is a good, introductory essay on the topic. It was put together by a diverse group of CR practitioners and elders, including some of the founders of the tradition, using a consensus process. Though we had to deal with strict space limitations, and some compromises were necessary to get something we could all live with, we're pretty pleased with the result. (And the word-wrangling went much more smoothly than any of us had hoped.) Those of us with our names on the finished essay did most of the work of figuring out how to word it, but all CR folk who chose to participate contributed to the content. A cool new place for Reconstructionists of all sorts to hang out is The Multicultural Polytheistic Hearth. Though most of the founders are CRs of one variety or another, we have sections for all the Reconstructionist traditions and some of the Living ones (and will gladly add more categories for anyone we've overlooked!). It's looking to be a unique and valuable place for both inter- and intra-faith dialogue. You can find most everyone involved in the CR Essay there, as well as other long-time members of the tradition(s). Unless otherwise indicated (such as in lemmings, responses from friends, or quotes from friends' previous comments) all content in this journal, or in responses I author in other LJ fora, copyright ©2003, 2004, 2005 kpt/katharsis ink, all rights reserved. Not to be reproduced without written permission from the author (me). generic kathryn:
I'm a hera for women everywhere - even if I'm a little scary. | |||
Memories: | 77 entries | |||
Interests: | 149: african dance, alba, an morrígan, an mórrígan, ancestors, antioch, anu, artists, astrology, awen, ban-dia, bandia, bandiathan, bandraoi, bodhran, brighid, buffy the vampire slayer, cailleach, cailleachan, celtic goddesses, celtic paganism, celtic reconstructionism, celtic reconstructionist, celtic reconstructionist paganism, community building, culture jamming, danu, david bowie, deep ecology, dianic, divination, diy, dogs, domnu, doumbek, draoi, drui, drumming, dykes, ecofeminism, elder trees, energy healing, ethnic food, faerie, faerie faith, fedha, feminism, feminist, fey, fili, filidecht, filidh, flaming crones, gaeilge, genderfuck, glam rock, global justice, goddesses, green politics, gàidhlig, hags, hecafe, iggy pop, imbas, immram, immrama, intentional community, ireland, kali, keeshond, kundalini, lry, macewan, mcs, mediumship, monty python, moonstone circle, mysticism, nature spirits, nemed art-ré, nigheanan nan cailleachan, nin, ogam, ogham, orisha, oshun, otters, oya, paganachd, paganachd bhandia, paganism, patti smith, performance art, poetry, polyfidelity, possession, priestess, priestesses, priestessing, publishing, punk, pàganachd, pàganachd bhandia, pàganachd nam bandia, queer, radical feminism, radical feminist, radical politics, rock and roll, rowan, satire, scotland, shakta, sheela na gig, shiba inu, sidhe, sila na geige, sile na gigh, social justice, sustainable living, sìth, síla na géige, taibhsearachd, tantra, tantrika, the coffee cult, the death crones, the storm hags, thorn, tree lore, tribal, tribal bellydance, tribal dance, tribal fusion, tribe, underground culture, velvet goldmine, velvet underground, western mass, whole foods, women, women's community, women's mysteries, women's spirituality, womyn, world music, writing, yemaya, yoruba. [Modify yours] | |||
Friends: | ||||
Mutual Friends: | 39: _call_girl_, aedh_rua, awenannwn, baronghetto, blackfyr, brannen, caitriona_nnc, cyberpict, erynn999, eumelosdrizzle, fendahleen, finnchuill, fisherqueen, gj2666, hazelbranch, hilleviw, hothead, jfoxdavis, kingofthewho, laurieannhaus, lysana, madrun, mavia, medievalist, miss_adventure, misslynx, nipponcelt, nualabloom, paul_hamish, rowanf, stardragonca, sukipot, technovate, thasolumn, thewronghands, urocyon_c, wire_mother, wordslinger, yuriverse | |||
Also Friend of: | 6: allisburning, freakchylde, hrafnson, ladyteal, shrrlygrrl, teross50 | |||
Member of: | 60: adbusting, bonobogirls, celtic_ogham, celticastudica, celticmyths, cr_r, culturejam, design_activism, diyrevolution, druidry, dyke_androgyny, ecofeminism, fairy_lore, feminist, feminist_rage, feri, fivecollege, fogeygoff, gaeilge, gaidhlig, gay_musicians, gay_new_england, girlfags, glbt_pagan, global_justice, hampsters, hothead_paisan, irelandaddicts, keltiad, lj_biz, ma_pagan_pages, masspagans, menstrual_cups, menstrualhut, mothertongue, nativeamerican, nonfluffypagans, orishaloa, paidmembers, pioneer_queers, pioneervalley, poly_grrls, polyamory, polyfi, priestesses, pvgoth, pvpoly, queercelts, queergirlsbooks, recons, sanatana_dharma, shiba_inus, sobriety, strange_child, tribaldance, umass_amherst, warrior_queens, women_not_girls, womenofstrength, womensmysteries | |||
Account type: | Paid Account |