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Below is user information for Timeshare Concubine and Cluebus-Driving Hoyden. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:lysana (453147) Paid User lysana
The Timeshare Concubine's Journal
A one-woman seraglio
Name:Timeshare Concubine and Cluebus-Driving Hoyden
Website:The Unravelled Ferret
Location:SF Bay Area, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status bdaverin (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status gasconne (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:There are a lot of people to whom the word marriage is a magic thing, which is defiled if same-sex couples use it. I have heard this sort of thing referred to as "associational thinking": connotations of words are everything; logical consequences are nothing. The depressing thought is that each of the people who think this way gets to vote as many times as you or I do. I suggest we let them have their word, and set up some new concept under which "couples" of nonstandard number and/or gender distribution can have precisely the same rights as those who get to use the Holy Word for their unions. I personally wouldn't mind if the alternative term were concubinage or whoredom. - Arthur Hlavaty

Thus my LJ's title. I modify it with "timeshare" because I'm not one person's concubine. As for the rest of my life...

I'm a woman somewhere between femme and butch, smack-dab in the middle between straight and gay, capable of enjoying myself at an opera or a tractor pull, and prone to flights of genius or idiocy at the drop of a hat. Christian and pagan, skeptic and believer, fan and mundane. Ask me to settle or choose and I say yes, no, and go away.

Actor without stage, singer (mostly) without microphone, writer without royalties. I'm eloquent and prone to lose all connection with my vocabulary at the worst moments.

Of course, all of that means I'm simply a human being who manages to live with more apparent contradictions than is allegedly doable.

Now for a few slightly less artistically stated bits I want to put on the record...

Friends Dir, Similar Interests, Friends Graph (assuming it loads)

Blogger Code: B5 d- t- k- s-- u-- f+ i+ o+ x++ e l+ c

Feel free to add me to your Friends list, but I do reserve the right not to add you back. I usually reciprocate, but I'm starting to get pickier about my list as it gets larger. And should you add me, please introduce yourself and ask to see my filter poll.

[info]blackfyr is my husband of nearly 17 years. I have sweeties both current and former floating around LJ as well, several of whom are on my FL.

I don't have a set philosophy when it comes to what I put in this journal. Sometimes I get contemplative. Sometimes, I'm just nattering about my life. On still other occasions, I'll post a link or three or threaten my readers with my poetry. I try not to be what I'd consider boring, but I don't promise loads of excitement. I have a personal commitment to putting something in at least once a day, and I succeed over 99% of the time whether I should've bothered or not.

And my LJ name is pronounced lee-SAH-nah. I coined it about 18 years ago when I needed a name for a character I was running on a free-form roleplaying BBS.

In an emergency situation, every second counts.
I participate in the LJ Abuse Emergency Contact Information First Post program.
Do you?The life you save may be your own.
Memories:223 entries
Interests:150: alt.polyamory, angel, animation, anime, backrubs, bagpipes, baseball, basketball, baycon, bbw, bears, bisexual, bisexual visibility, bisexuality, black 47, bondage, books, boston bruins, boston celtics, boston red sox, brotherhood of the yellowsign, bt, buffistas, buffy the vampire slayer, bujold, celtic music, celtic paganism, celtic reconstructionism, celts, charles de lint, chocolate, christopagan, classical music, comics, conventions, corsets, corvids, cougars, crows, cuddling, dancing, dark paganism, david weber, doctor who, electronica, esther friesner, fandom, fantasy, fanzines, flirting, football, free speech, garlic, goddesses, gods, happy hardcore, hedgehogs, hedonism, hockey, honesty, honor harrington, hot tubs, hoydenism, hugging, ireland, irish, irish whiskey, karaoke, kilts, kissing, leather, lemurs in the rain, licking, lois mcmaster bujold, long hair, low carb, macintosh, macos, massages, melissa etheridge, men, miles vorkosigan, motorcycles, movies, music, musicals, mythology, new england patriots, non-monogamy, northern california, ord brighideach, os x, otaku, pagan, paganism, pantheacon, philosophy, piercings, play parties, poetry, polyamory, polyfidelity, ravens, raves, reading, red dwarf, religion, rock music, rocky horror, role-playing games, roleplaying, rpgs, san jose earthquakes, san jose sharks, sarcasm, sci-fi, science fiction, science fiction conventions, science fiction fandom, scotland, scots, scottish, self-awareness, self-discovery, sensualism, sensuality, sex, sex positive, sf bay area, sf fandom, silicon valley, single malts, smofs, snuggling, soccer, spider robinson, spirituality, t'ai chi, t'ai chi chuan, techno, the princess bride, touching, united perverts, web comics, whiskey, whisky, wisdom, women, worldcon, writing. [Modify yours]
People307:14cyclenotes, 7patches, abenn, aberrantvirtue, aegidian, aeshna, aimeejmc, aiobheil, amchau, amyth71, anathema666, angrycargo, anonymousbear, arbaal, ardaniel, arienm, arliss, artsykitten, askye, asrana, autographedcat, b5fan, barbarakitten_t, baxil, bbwoof, beckyzoole, beetiger, bellacrow, betnoir, blackfyr, blackthornglade, blither, bookofnights, brannen, brenfic, brighn, britgeekgrrl, brithistorian, cadhla, caitriona_nnc, cakkafracle, calieber, cathouse_blues, catwyche, celestialabyss, chipuni, clovisdvlbunny, community_tales, corivax, cortneyofeden, coyote3502, coyotegrrrl, crpg_empusae, crysodenkirk, cumaeansibyl, curlygrrrl, custer_dot_org, cynan_poly, dafydd, dakiwiboid, damashita, dancing_star, darkphoenixrisn, debaucherie, debetesse, deedeebythebay, deyo, discodj, dissolvedgrrl, dizzdvl, dmaleus, dmsherwood53, dolmena, dragonflycat, dreamflow, drood, dubhtaobh, e_juliana, eeyore_grrl, egriggs, eleazar, elkor, elynne, emberleo, epi_lj, erin_c_1978, erisian_fields, erynn999, escapade52, etrigan, evergrey, farmount, featheredfrog, featherynscale, figmo, filkerdave, firecat, firestrike, flickgc, forestwalker, freyaschild, fushiryu, futabachan, geckos_ecko, gerisullivan, ghostfalcon, gloriajn, goddessgrrrl, gothiksukkubus, gramina, gridlore, griffen, guiltybynight, gwynn_aaron, hangedwoman, harlots_mark, heathwitch, heron61, hilarypoet, hislittlekitty, hobbitblue, holli, hottoastermama, housepet, hyndla, iarwain, iceblink, ijk, illandaria, indyansel, isomeme, japlady, jenkitty, jerusha, jhulten, jmkelly, jobethfun67, johno, jonquil, jorjedatoy, jrittenhouse, k4bidyke, kadyg, kamyra, katie_m, kelsyn, kerravon, kessa, khanfused, kiarrith, kightp, kindredspirit03, kineticphoenix, king_duncan, klgaffney, klwalton, koenbear, kokoro43, kshandra, kyburg, ladynerd, ladytabitha, ladyteal, lao_tzu, ldyicefire, leandra333, leduck, leopardprints, lilairen, lilemeralddrago, linenoise, lwood, lyrajane, mactavish, makaidiver, mdlbear, mecracker, medancer, meliny, melodican, minim_calibre, miracleman, mishalak, misseli, misslynx, mlion, moominmuppet, moosl, mr_kurt, musicalgenxer, neoookami, nevynn, nicejody, nimir_ra_, noisedesign, nolly, norsebiker43, oakdragon, oakenking, ocean_song, ocvictor, odanu, ogambear, onyxdubh, orthoepy, paka, pandarus, pdcawley, pearlshadow, pentaclemoon, perlandria, phinnia, postvixen, preciousjade, prettydark, prickvixen, princeofwands, princesswitch, prizmdonna, purplefiredance, purplerabbit, purplevenus, pusifoot, questioner, raaven, ragani, rainbowfroggy, ravan, ravenslost, redbird, rivka, rmjwell, ro_astarte, rocketmelee, rowanf, runeshower, saffronrose, satyric, seankozma, seattlejo, serasempre, serenada, serenejournal, shadopanther, sistercoyote, sneerpout, snowwy, soaring_phoenix, sogwife, sonka, sophiap, soraidh, spiderdust, spidra, starbrand, stardragonca, starfire6910, stephl, stollman, stonebender, sumik, sunyata__, supergee, supersniffles, sylvan, sythyry, tahari, tallin, tapestry01, teamnoir, technoshaman, the_ogre, theaceofspades, theferrett, theodosia, thette, tmcm, tortoiseshell, triadruid, trogula, tsjafo, uncledark, urbanbard, usqueba, verdant_rhythm, warmfuzzygrrl, wcg, weaselbeast, weredonut, whatevah, whotheheckami, wildelf, will27, willow1400, windsea, wingedelf, witchchild, wolfieboy, wordweaverlynn, wordygrrl, worldmage, yulicorn, zeldajean, zoethe, zpdiduda, zuggy9, zyxwvut
Communities57:academicpagans, baycon, bellahive, bipolypagangeek, buffistas, celticastudica, celticmyths, chimaerashimmy, clergyramblings, cr_r, darkpaganism, disasterhouse, dot_bdsm_snark, dot_cattiness, dot_childish, dot_crankiness, dot_curses, dot_dot_snark, dot_drama_queen, dot_irony_oops, dot_malicious, dot_mousiness, dot_pagan_snark, dot_poly_snark, dot_solipsist, dot_warmfluffy, egoboo, eric_in_elevatr, fanglamouristas, gaelic_learners, great_write_way, justslutty, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, news, nonfluffypagans, oddmuzik, orishaloa, p_a, pagan_debate, pagan_skeptics, pagan_snarkons, pantheacon, poly_bitch, postqueer, queercelts, rad_femmes, recons, selfinthemirror, sfba_sf_fans, sfpagan, sfpoly, templeofthecat, the_black_sword, thenewdisaster, trance_class, united_perverts
Feeds14:angusg_feed, bambino_curse, belledejouruk, carol_lay, choblog, kchronicles, mediawench, mollyivins, pf_feed, respect_otters, thestraightdope, tlands_dot_org, unnatural_histo, wilwheaton
Mutual Friends:301: 14cyclenotes, 7patches, abenn, aberrantvirtue, aegidian, aeshna, aimeejmc, aiobheil, amchau, amyth71, anathema666, angrycargo, anonymousbear, arbaal, ardaniel, arienm, arliss, artsykitten, askye, asrana, autographedcat, b5fan, barbarakitten_t, baxil, bbwoof, beckyzoole, beetiger, bellacrow, betnoir, blackfyr, blackthornglade, blither, bookofnights, brannen, brighn, britgeekgrrl, brithistorian, cadhla, caitriona_nnc, cakkafracle, calieber, cathouse_blues, catwyche, celestialabyss, chipuni, clovisdvlbunny, corivax, cortneyofeden, coyote3502, coyotegrrrl, crpg_empusae, crysodenkirk, cumaeansibyl, curlygrrrl, custer_dot_org, cynan_poly, dafydd, dakiwiboid, damashita, dancing_star, darkphoenixrisn, debaucherie, debetesse, deedeebythebay, deyo, dissolvedgrrl, dizzdvl, dmaleus, dmsherwood53, dolmena, dragonflycat, dreamflow, drood, dubhtaobh, e_juliana, eeyore_grrl, egriggs, elkor, elynne, emberleo, epi_lj, erin_c_1978, erisian_fields, erynn999, escapade52, etrigan, evergrey, farmount, featheredfrog, featherynscale, figmo, filkerdave, firecat, firestrike, flickgc, forestwalker, freyaschild, fushiryu, futabachan, geckos_ecko, gerisullivan, ghostfalcon, gloriajn, goddessgrrrl, gothiksukkubus, gramina, gridlore, griffen, guiltybynight, gwynn_aaron, hangedwoman, harlots_mark, heathwitch, heron61, hilarypoet, hislittlekitty, hobbitblue, holli, hottoastermama, housepet, hyndla, iarwain, iceblink, ijk, illandaria, indyansel, isomeme, japlady, jenkitty, jerusha, jhulten, jmkelly, jobethfun67, johno, jonquil, jorjedatoy, jrittenhouse, k4bidyke, kadyg, kamyra, katie_m, kelsyn, kerravon, kessa, khanfused, kiarrith, kightp, kindredspirit03, kineticphoenix, king_duncan, ...
Account type:Paid Account

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