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Below is user information for La Fée Chartreuse. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:misslynx (55742) Paid User misslynx
The Vision and the Void
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Name:La Fée Chartreuse
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Website:Wild Ideas
Location:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
AOL IM:AIM status LaFeeChartreuse (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 24487100 (Add User, Send Message)
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Bio:Quote of the moment:

"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it."

-- Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment

The Basics:

Self-employed web designer, externally employed database developer. Writer & artist when I have time, which isn't often enough. Longtime pagan/occultist (>25 years); preferred paradigms include Wicca, chaos magic, Otherworld exploration, spiritual therianthropy, Celtic paganism, and fairy lore of the non-cute kind; currently reading up on Tantra and hermetics.

Grad school dropout but still academically minded and have been known to read books on postmodernism and quantum physics for fun. Prone to daydreaming, depression, distraction and questioning authority and tradition. Somewhere between lesbian and bisexual, currently exploring polyamory. Musical/aesthetic tastes lean toward the gothic, particularly the ethereal/neomediaeval end of that spectrum. Shamelessly enjoy role-playing games and other age-inappropriate pursuits. Reside in Toronto with four cats, one dog, and one spouse ([info]ladyjane), plus a secondary partner around the corner who we both see regularly ([info]optimystik).

Dislikes: shallow thinking, false certainties, red meat, Amaretto.

Moderator of [info]fairy_lore, co-moderator of [info]nonfluffymagic and [info]thousandcats.

Add me to your friends list if you want, but I might not add you back -- my list is almost too long to keep up with already, and I rarely add anyone who I don't know in person.

Current aspirations:

Finish outline for Wicca book and get into serious writing mode. Continue trying to expand and improve my business. Overhaul my Wild Ideas site. Go back to grad school and finish my MES. Find a decent therapist who handles ADD. Finish the work I need to do for my Odyssean second degree initiation, and my application to the IOT's novitiate distance learning program. More lynx time. Check the most recent applications from people who want to join my coven and invite the relatively sane ones out to meet us. Try to continue current downward trajectory in weight. Win the lottery. Get more sleep.

Aspirations previously listed above, but now accomplished:

Lost 15 20 pounds. Relatively settled in new apartment. Getting more work in, to the point where I'm now having trouble keeping up with it. Planned wedding and actually pulled it off with minimal disasters. Seem to be finding coven members, or at least possible candidates. Doing more magic. Getting good ideas for writing. Successfully started the artists' collective. Polyamory anxieties down to a dull roar.

If wishes were horses...
Emergency contact info for LJ staff
Memories:124 entries
Interests:150: aesma daeva, animal spirits, art, ataraxia, bdsm, bisexuality, black lace, books, caffeine, candles, cats, celtic music, celtic mythology, celtic paganism, chaos magic, chaos magick, charles de lint, chartreuse, chocolate, claire voyant, coil, compassion, corsets, corvus corax, coyotes, creativity, critical thought, crossbows, culture jamming, current 93, dancing, danu, dargaard, dark fantasy, dead can dance, deep ecology, deliria, depression, difficult questions, dogs, dreams, environmental studies, epistemology, fairies, fairy lore, faith and the muse, fantasy, femmes, fish, folklore, forests, fountain pens, frangelico, garmarna, gin and tonic, ginger, glamourbombing, goth, goths, graphic design, h.p. lovecraft, imagination, incense, intelligence, invader zim, kronos quartet, ladyjane, laurell k. hamilton, legendary pink dots, lesbianism, lesbians, lilies, lycanthropy, lynxes, macintosh, madness, magick, maskmaking, music, mythology, nature, neil gaiman, occult, odyssean, ogham, otherworld journeying, paganism, pagans, paradox, persephone, photoshop, php, piercings, polytheology, postgresql, postmodernism, quantum physics, red wine, rj stewart, roleplaying games, roses, science fiction, scrying, self-employment, shamanism, shapeshifters, shapeshifting, sheri s. tepper, sigur ros, silk, silver, snakes, spiders, spiritual therianthropy, spirituality, storytelling, surrealism, sushi, sushi faeries, tanith lee, tantra, tarot, tattoos, tea, terry pratchett, the dreamside, the moon, the morrigan, thinking too much, thunderstorms, trees, twelfth of never, typography, uncertainty, ursula k. leguin, velvet, violins, web design, werecats, werewolves, wicca, wiccan church of canada, wilderness, wind, witchcraft, witches, wolves, women, world of darkness, writing. [Modify yours]
People128:abigor, affliction, amber_laine, ambrozia, andrasta, annamaryse, appleblossomtru, astral_kitten, aurynrain, axequeen, barkman, beetiger, bilqis, blackorchid1, bluebird_solais, boxofdelights, brigidsblest, buffalogal, bunnygoat, caitriona_nnc, chaogirl, cleasai, colibrille, courtisane, crucible, cuppa, darkarts777, darkphoenixrisn, darkwyccan, dataknife, dead_jester, dem, dragonlady, elorie, emerlion, enyo, enyosthoughts, erynn999, exquisiteoath, exsanguinated, fayanora, foxesdaughter, friedtoast, gerberboi, gesigewigus, hazelbranch, heresiarch, indyamy, insolent_cherub, iskorpit, jasonkelly, jaydecrow, jenett, justindecent, kat_o_9, kikibelle, kioma, kitarifox, kittins_solais, la_cortigiana, ladydreamer, ladyjane, ladymaclane, ladyteal, laochbran, leannan, lepke, lisawebb, lostraven, lynxspirit, lysana, maewitch, magickalmoon, mikosian, miss_colombina, morgandria, mouseofs_solais, mr_pugh, nikosw, nocturnal_muse, nocturnalia, northbard, optimystik, otherwhen, outcastspice, palemistress, pbprincess, perfectmagician, phaedra_lari, polybear, purplesofa, rachaelll, reyl, rowanf, sanacrow, seshen, sgeimh_solais, sher_khan, shlhvtya_solais, skilletfriar, slavetosin69, snow_lynx, stardragonca, stephanielynch, suteki, tara3056, the_moogie, the_vampkitty, thee_emperor, thegamemistress, thepunkpanther, thewronghands, thezerosystem, tiaret, todesbonden, todiefordesigns, tormenta, valgarth, vomitus, wildelf, willows_solais, willowwild, windtree, wire_mother, woundedtiger, xaostar, zenmondo, zhivago
Communities60:academicpagans, as_it_were, beeotchgoddess, big_dark_room, bipolygothgeek, bipolypagangeek, bpal_excathedra, changelingway, chaosmajik, chimaerashimmy, cr_r, cthulhu_nunnery, culturejam, dangerousvision, darkpaganism, deleria_fans, design_activism, dot_irony_oops, dot_pagan_snark, dot_poly_snark, dot_weresnark, fairy_lore, featureannounce, feri, fogeygoff, glamourbombs, greywalkers, kaotika, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, macintosh, macosx, mhorrioghain, necronomiphiles, neomediaeval, news, nonfluffymagic, nonfluffypagans, pagan_debate, pagan_writers, paganphilosophy, poly_grrls, postqueer, queer_wiccans, rpgquotes, selfemployed, subculturalbiz, templeofthecat, thepwa, therianthropy, theshininghost, thousandcats, torontogoth, torontoqueers, whitewolf_lj, wiccanwitches, witchy_reads, wod_lj, women_in_gaming, wyrdsisters
Feeds14:alistapart, calnhobbes, chas_clifton, doonesbury, hbi_feed, macfixit, macosxhints, macslash, officialgaiman, savagelove, snopes_dot_com, someposifeed, wolfspoor, zeldman2
Friend of:159: _avatar_, _wonton_, abbienormal, abigor, amber_laine, ambrozia, andrasta, annamaryse, appleblossomtru, astral_kitten, aurynrain, axequeen, barkman, beetiger, blackorchid1, bluebird_solais, boxofdelights, brigidsblest, buffalogal, bunnygoat, burningwoman, caitriona_nnc, capra_maritimus, chaogirl, cleasai, colibrille, courtisane, crucible, cunnington, cuppa, darkarts777, darkmoon31, darkphoenixrisn, darkwyccan, dataknife, dead_jester, dem, djdarq, draculasdarkbri, dragonlady, elorie, emerlion, enyo, enyosthoughts, erynn999, exquisiteoath, exsanguinated, fayanora, foxesdaughter, foxesdaughter2, friedtoast, geenahsaigon, gerberboi, gesigewigus, grrlgoddess, hazelbranch, heresiarch, indyamy, insolent_cherub, irishbelle, iskorpit, iwolflady, jasonkelly, jaydecrow, jenett, justindecent, kallisti, kat_o_9, kikibelle, kioma, kittins_solais, la_cortigiana, ladydreamer, ladyjane, ladymaclane, ladyteal, laochbran, leannan, lepke, lisawebb, lostraven, lynxspirit, lysana, maewitch, magickalmoon, magister_lewdi, malejested, mikosian, miss_colombina, morgandria, mouseofs_solais, mr_pugh, mwah_co_uk, mysduende, nathanzuckerman, nikosw, nocturnal_muse, nocturnal_notes, nocturnalia, northbard, oaksong, occultjellyfish, optimystik, otherwhen, outcastspice, palemistress, palemoonrec, pbprincess, perfectmagician, phaedra_lari, pleasant_muse, polybear, purplesofa, rachaelll, reyl, rockandhawk, rowanf, sanacrow, serridwenn, seshen, sgeimh_solais, sher_khan, shlhvtya_solais, shrugmaggot, slavetosin69, snow_lynx, stardragonca, stefs_pet, stephanielynch, suteki, tangerinsky, tara3056, thalias_ash, the_moogie, the_vampkitty, thee_emperor, thegamemistress, thepunkpanther, thewronghands, thezerosystem, tiaret, todesbonden, todiefordesigns, tormenta, transhumanance, triphala, valgarth, venera, vomitus, wantonio, ...
Member of:61: 50bookchallenge, academicpagans, as_it_were, beeotchgoddess, big_dark_room, bipolygothgeek, bipolypagangeek, bpal_excathedra, changelingway, chaosmajik, chimaerashimmy, cr_r, cthulhu_nunnery, culturejam, dangerousvision, darkpaganism, deleria_fans, design_activism, dot_irony_oops, dot_pagan_snark, dot_poly_snark, dot_weresnark, fairy_lore, feri, fogeygoff, glamourbombs, greywalkers, kaotika, lj_nifty, macintosh, macosx, metaquotes, mhorrioghain, necronomiphiles, neomediaeval, nonfluffymagic, nonfluffypagans, pagan_debate, pagan_writers, paganphilosophy, paidmembers, petcare, poly_grrls, polyamory, postqueer, queer_wiccans, rpgquotes, selfemployed, subculturalbiz, templeofthecat, thepwa, therianthropy, theshininghost, thousandcats, torontogoth, torontoqueers, wiccanwitches, witchy_reads, wod_lj, women_in_gaming, wyrdsisters
Account type:Paid Account

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