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User:wire_mother (132551) wire_mother
Name:simon whateley
Location:Seattle, Washington, United States
AOL IM:AIM status wiremother (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status whateley23 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:wire mother is the name of my generalized arts project. it consists of me. yay. it refers to the psychology experiment of 1959 in which baby monkeys were removed from their mothers before imprinting, then given to the care of two (non-living) surrogates: terry-cloth mother and wire mother. terry-cloth mother was soft and warm. wire mother was made of chicken wire, hard and cold. food for the babies was provided by standard baby bottle, but only wire mother had one. soft mother was pointless, but emotionally easy to get along with. wire mother was difficult to get attached to, but gave nourishment. figure it out.

oh, yeah, and i love Tina:

Tina the Troubled Teen

and Tickles Tapeworm, too:

Tickles TapewormParasite Pals Friend
Memories:53 entries
Interests:93: akira kurosawa, alan moore, alice in wonderland, an morrígan, beanworld, benandanti, bríde, bunnies, catalyst studios, celtic mythology, celtic reconstructionist paganism, cephalopods, cold meat industries, crows, cthulhu, daimonic reality, damon runyon, dark ambient, dark music, dashiell hammett, death, drinking, european martial arts, experimental music, fairy faith, faoladh, fencing, firefly, forteana, fáelad, fénníocht, gaeilge, gaiscí agus cleasa, giordano bruno, glorantha, grant morrison, guns, h.p. lovecraft, henbane, heroquest, hieronymous bosch, horrorcore, humakt, ildiachas, invisibles, ireland, john milton, jorge luis borges, king of dragon pass, lannaireachd, lewis carroll, lord of the rings, lúgh, magic, morbid humor, musique concrète, nemhain, philip k dick, pirates, ravens, raymond chandler, robert anton wilson, robert heinlein, robert holdstock, role-playing games, scotland, seattle, senistrognata, sergio leone, shinto, somafera, steampunk, survival research laboratories, swords, the mercury, the prisoner, the vogue, theremins, tim powers, transhuman space, twin peaks, vodoun, warrior path, werewolves, western martial arts, wilderness, wilderness survival, william blake, william s. burroughs, william shakespeare, wolves, world serpent, wuxia. [Modify yours]
People202:2quiet, _inbetweendays_, aardvarki, aedh_rua, ajka, alexiarnps, alightsodim, amare, amberspyglass, animegothgrrl, apostle, attictroll, auophir, autumngray, avisionaire, banfennid, baphometsangel, batboymaxx, betanoir, bizarro_dragon, blackfyr, blacklove_, blackmaru, blacksquid, blank_bunni, bloodengel, brigidsblest, broken_teacup, c_hellionglover, cailleach_beara, caitriona_nnc, catalyststudios, chair, chiaspod, chrisbynum, chronivore, cjezuaza, conchobhar, cor_tenebrarum, cryfordawn, cyberpict, cynickal, danaid_luv, danuv, darkgoddess7, darksabbat, dauntus, deinos, dekeboy, devilpuppy, djartemis, djcalamity, djcynic, djeternaldarkne, domichan, dove, dporowski, dreina, drewcfer, dryft, durtro93, dyann, dyslexia, echoedpulse, erotocism, erynn999, evil_budgie, evillinn, faerieburst, fairygirl70, ferro_lad, fiacha_danann, freakchylde, fritter242, geekalpha, geekers, gemilwitch, girlgoth, gkr, glittergirly69, goddessdulcinea, goreygalx, gothbitch, gothfox, greenwood, gremlynna, grrretel, haate, hadaverde, hazelbranch, hidden_heaven, honorata, icebluenothing, icprncs, imflying, izzbot, jakerain, josienutter, juryrigger, kaosqueen, khayman950, kill, killer_queen___, kitsunebeast, krautboy, leenerella, lf_celine, lilmartini, loopback, m_cobweb, machine_logic, maclean, mahariel, marc17, medea1001, medievalist, midnytetragedy, missingsock, misslynx, missreagan, monsignor, morfydd, moriae, mortebella, morthael, mrsloane, mrsoles, mskate, mskoi, mysticwrench, necronyx, neflm, nomadboi, normal_c, ogremarco, pahana, passe, phonetik, piercekayo, pigbark, poh, preying_mantis, prncsmoonbeam, purogentos, queen_skarre, queenmaleficent, rackletang, radi0activeb0y, ravenmimura, reddelicious, redmagpie, renwick, reverendgaddy, rimrunner, rubylou, rwx, sadeesabbat, sannion, sarmonster, seelenschwester, sirriamnis, skincage, skullarix, sonder, spygirle, stardragonca, staxxy, stillbourne, stones22, stryper666, sulky_girl, synabetic, tainted_wings, taowulf, tardorama, templar46_2, tenashachor, thasolumn, theda, thedivas, theflittermouse, thehivemind, themercymachine, thevfrchick, thewronghands, thogs_travels, trashwhore, tricelt, tura, turtlegrrl13, unlimnable, urocyon_c, victorianrose23, wingedelf, winneganfake, wire_mother, xanthi, xcentrikka, xythen, yr0nwulf, zerolvxkrieg, zoomardav
Communities29:anachrotech, baby_pictures05, beeotchgoddess, celtic_gaul, celticastudica, conlangs, cr_r, cthulhu_magick, cultofthehead, dot_pagan_snark, eumemics, fairy_lore, fortean_times, gaeilge, haiku_tuesday, lists_of_things, lj_maintenance, mhorrioghain, mothertongue, necronomiphiles, nonfluffypagans, nonwiccanpagans, reconlibrary, recons, religion_etc, som_pos, templeofthecat, thedas_ass, un_pc_occultist
Feeds6:idealog_ue, langmakerfeed, mollyivins, qotdrss, someposifeed, spamusement
Account type:Free Account

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