February of 2003
February 1st, 2003
February 5th, 2003
Well I finally got this thing working the way I want it to. For now, at least. It’s very “bare bones” right now, but I’ll change that when I have time.
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American Idol
Am I the only person out there who watches this show and hopes not that certain people win, but that most of them lose? Some of these kids can really sing, but most of them suck really badly. I really don’t care who wins. I just want to make sure that certain ones lose.
How many calculators does it take?
When I first came to the university, I bought a high end calculator: a TI-89. And then at my first pre-calculus test, my professor told me I couldn’t use it for the tests. So I went out and bought a TI-86, figuring I could use the 89 for calculus the next semester. Well, I couldn’t. so I had to sell that one. Are you keeping track? This is 2 calculators so far. But wait, my economics classes don’t allow programmable calculators, so I needed a TI solar model. Well then I was set. Oh no I wasn’t… Managerial Accounting doesn’t even allow that! “Go out and buy a $5 four-function calculator” my professor says. $5 isn’t a lot… but FOUR calculators? I can’t wait until I’m done with math courses.
February 6th, 2003
So she’s insane…
My Managerial Accounting professor is insane. She thinks she’s super professor. There are 300 people in the class… and we have assigned seating sections. The class before our test, she assigned us doors to enter based on our last name. And doors to exit. She put out 300 scantrons and 300 tests and wrote a different last name on each one! That’s right. She took the time to write down 300 last names on the backs of tests and spread them about the huge lecture hall. And she wouldn’t stop talking during the test. “Take off your hats!” “Cover your scantrons!” “You’re going out the wrong door!” “Obey the puppet mistress!”
February 7th, 2003
I made a couple of minor changes to the site. Most of them involved getting rid out outdated “font” tags and implementing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) instead. Still haven’t fully integrated it with the blog… some other time.
We’re catching up to the future
I like the Discovery Channel. I have digital cable, so I have 169 channels including 6 Discovery Channel variations (Health, Home and Leisure, Wings, Civilization, etc). I also love the History Channel and its sister, the Biography Channel. Here’s my problem. These channels have been so complete in their coverage of history, that they are running out of stories to run about the past. Discovery Health is now doing a psychological analysis of the D.C. sniper shootings. That was four months ago. And not too long ago “The Hunt for Osama” was on the History Channel. They haven’t even caught the bastard! All I can say is that they better hope a lot of things happen really quickly, or before we know it, the History Channel is going to start competing with the 24-hour news networks. “The Very Recent History Channel.”
February 8th, 2003
Ah… Sea World
So I went to Sea World. I always knew it was the “bastard child” of theme parks, and now I am sure. I’ve been before, but not for a good 12 years. The park was miserably empty for a Saturday. Their exhibits are woefully outdated. “Manatees: The Last Generation?” was a joke. They did everything but remove the question mark. And all this despite the manatee’s recent comeback and graduation off both the endangered species and protected species lists. I think the most telling sign of Sea World’s mediocrity is their rides. They’ve given up on beating the other parks and decided to join them. Their roller coaster is quite good… but a dragon themed roller coaster hardly fits the Sea World image. Oh well. It was the best part of the day.
Update: I love you Sarah, and I had a wonderful time at Sea World. But that had more to do with the company than the location.
February 9th, 2003
An unidentified group of media activists has begun a series of media improvements with the alteration of two billboards in Portland Oregon: one on SE 11th Ave and Madison, the other on Arthur Road, between SW 1st and 2nd Aves. Two billboards advertising Coors Lite with images of buxom twin models accompanied by the phrase “here’s to twins” were modified by the group to read “here’s sexism.”
Sexism - Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
Why do people think that the portrayal of women as attractive or desirable is sexist? At the very most it is exhibitory or exploitative, but certainly not sexist. I’ve seen the billboard. It is a celebration of the marvel of twin female beauty. Really, the only people who can complain are ugly women who have very conveniently attributed their undesirability to the faulty mental processes of the rest of the world.
February 10th, 2003
Joe Millionaire
When I first heard about this show, I was thrilled. Not because I wanted to see weeks of girls being eliminated, or fancy dates, or awkward moments… but because I just can’t wait until the girl(s) find out he’s been lying. Who wants to live a vicarious life filled with romance and mystery? I could do that in real life! I want to see scams, and jokes, and twists… things I couldn’t pull off. If I could convince a whole bunch of attractive girls that I was a millionaire, and then reveal the truth to them, I would. But I can’t, so this is why I’m watching (the end of) this show. Okay, so I watched a few of the earlier episodes (Sarah would have called me on this had I not disclosed it), but that was only to get a feel for how much the girls wanted him to really be rich. And oh boy oh boy do they want it. I hope they attack him like a pack of angry muskrats.
February 11th, 2003
So for quite some time now, people have been talking about “reparations” for slavery. Or as I like to call it… “Affirmative Action II: Free Money is Cool.” This idea is beyond ridiculous. So just because my great great great grandfather held as a slave the great great great grandfather of some black person, I should be required to make it up to him? This is America. We are not held accountable for the sins of our fathers. And furthermore, if the people who enslaved the Africans are to be punished, guess who is going go pay? The Africans! They enslaved their own people and sold them to European slave traders. Not exactly the image you had of a bunch of white guys in sheets running around Africa with nets now is it?
February 12th, 2003
People are too sensitive
It’s a phenomenon that has become commonplace recently. Movies are ready for release to theaters, but are delayed because the PR people think the public will be offended. “Big Trouble” was delayed because of the events of 9-11-01, and the upcoming movie “Phone Booth” was finished back in November but was delayed because of the D.C. snipers (the movie involves a man trapped in a phone booth by a sniper who is talking to him on the other line). Recently, a trailer for a movie called “The Core” was pulled due to the Columbia shuttle accident (the trailer shows a scene where a space shuttle is having navigational difficulty). Are people really this sensitive… this prone to offense? “Phone Booth” has gotten some really positive reviews, and it stars Collin Farrell and Kiefer Sutherland, two very good actors. I was really looking forward to the movie’s November release… but now I will have to wait until May. I’m tired of criminals and freak accidents deciding what movies can be made!
February 13th, 2003
It has come to my attention by way of my girlfriend that I am cynical on my blog. She says this is a bad thing. Who knew? So… YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY I LOVE EVERYTHING
February 14th, 2003
Clone High
As much as I hate to turn this blog into a television commentary, consider that A. I’m taking a course about television and ethics and its effects etc. and B. It’s such a damn pervasive medium, it really cannot escape discussion. So. I’m not an MTV fan. I have a tee shirt to that effect. But I can’t deny that “Clone High” is refreshingly original and thoroughly entertaining. Not to mention a very fun way to learn about people of historical influence. Who hasn’t asked the question “what would (famous person’s name here) do if (s)he were alive today?” And here we have a an answer that is delightfully satirical.
February 15th, 2003
Need something here…
Today was blank… so I thought I’d tell a joke.
What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and Casper?
One is pale and scares kids and the other is a friendly ghost.
For some reason it took me a while…
February 16th, 2003
Unscrupulous Film Critics
This is a nice time of year. This is the time of year before the Academy Awards when DVDs are given out to film critics for award consideration. These discs, plus DVD-ROM drives, DVD ripping software, and something beautiful called DivX (or its sister, Xvid) means that Anyone with a decent internet connection and a copy of Kazaa Lite can have their very own near-DVD quality digital copy of any number of as-of-yet-unreleased films. I don’t condone piracy. I fully intend to buy “Road to Perdition” and “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” when they are released on DVD. I’m just impatient. And I’m a bit of a dork and I need a hobby besides fixing audio/video sync issues in bootleg movies.
February 17th, 2003
So I saw it. Think: Spiderman with less sentiment, more violence, and a shorter attention span. It doesn’t promise any depth, and it certainly doesn’t deliver. If the previews got you interested, then you will enjoy it until the credits roll, yet never want to see it again. I think 80 percent of movies should be like this, and 20 percent should be “ownable” and worth seeing again. Yeah, that sounds about right.
February 18th, 2003
Racial vs. Racist
Why is it that people cannot make a race related comment without someone labeling them or the comment “racist?” Something can be racial without being racist. If I say “a black male is more likely to be a criminal than a white male,” that is a racial (race related) statistical fact. If I said “N***ers are all criminals.” THAT would be racist. It is okay to make a statement about a race, or to relate one race to another. There is the possible issue of stereotyping (”Black people are better dancers than white people,”) but that is a separate issue. Racial commentary is not necessarily racist commentary.
February 19th, 2003
France… America… Oil…
You’ve all heard the line. “America only wants to go to war with Iraq to protect its oil interests.” And for the most part, it’s probably true that it is a big reason. And so pacifism-mongers everywhere praise France for resisting a possible war on Iraq. But pacifists aside, has anyone considered that French oil companies have over $60 billion in contracts with Saddam Hussein’s regime to explore and drill for oil in Iraq… contracts that would certainly be broken in the event that the regime was overthrown? So before you go criticizing some of the U.S. motivations for war, perhaps you should consider that France has a similar reason for wanting to let a racist despotic dictator remain in power. Something tells me that France is going to continue to sit on its hands… or maybe just one hand. They’re going to need something with which to milk Iraq.
P.S. Something else regarding France that amused me: Donald Rumsfeld supposedly said that “going to war without the French is like going hunting without your accordion.” I almost cried I laughed so hard.
February 20th, 2003
It’s Peanut Butter Sarah Time!
Something tells me that my girlfriend is the only person who reads this blog on a regular basis. Shame on the rest of you! Why anyone would willingly deprive themself of my daily wit (on a good day), wisdom (ha!), cynical sense of humor (…), or quasi-boyish quasi-charm is simply beyond me. Oh… in case I forget (kidding!)… I love you, Sarah!
P.S. Screw the rest of you… I don’t need this! I have a cat who loves me very much because I feed him every… other… day. Oh no… he has found the missing doughnut. I must be swift!
Mmm… Karty Blanchy
My mom gave me a blank check. I’m guessing that it is so that she doesn’t have to rush to the post office if an unforeseen financial issue arises. Hold on… my daiquiri is here.
Just sign here sir.
Thank you m-lad. And put a little something extra on there for yourself.
Thank you sir!
Ah… there you are. As I was saying… oh… fudge it all, I have sand in my crack. Stupid pacific island sand… all getting up in my crack… interfering with the enjoyment of my overpriced, yet still extremely affordable beverage.
February 21st, 2003
Bubble Guy
I feel sorry for “Bubble Guy.” Sure… he’s missing out on all the crappy stuff we breathe, like second-hand smoke. But he’s also missing out on the good things… like oxygen. But when he suffocates to death in his bubble of purity, at least it won’t be because of second hand smoke.
February 24th, 2003
Ugh… Sick
I’ve been sick. Sore throat, aching muscles, and aching teeth. I apologize for the lack of updates.
February 26th, 2003
The Hours
So, being nominated for so many Academy Awards, I thought I’d give it a shot. It’s really, REALLY bad. Okay, so the music is good for the first 5 minutes, and the acting is good… but the movie sucks. Somehow I’m just not enthused by a movie that’s major theme is the “dignity” of suicide, or the “dignity” of AIDS, or the “dignity” of ambivalent sexuality. I watched the whole thing, not because I had any hope it would take a turn for the better, but because I didn’t want people telling me that I couldn’t judge the film in its entirety if I hadn’t seen it in its entirety. So there. I saw it, and it sucks.
February 28th, 2003
Progress, Hmph
So we’re so super-special and advanced, and they can’t find a way to fix my sore throat. …okay a way that doesn’t involve me going to the doctor or the pharmacy. If I can’t get it on my computer, it’s too much of a hassle.