BEARDIFUL TRUNK TROLL's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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(12 dorks | join the club)

[07 Feb 2003|06:17pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | ozzy - crazy train (kill the damned memories!) ]

this entry is public because i won't hide this opinion from the kid it involves if he chooses to read my journal.

today, we had drug free day. two kids i don't know and russell and mark monroe started out the day by playing an ozzy song (crazy train) which mark completely butchered. he didn't even know all of the words! YOU CAN'T DO THAT. it's AGAINST THE RULES. russell was good & i didn't really listen to the bassist or drummer because i was focused on how angry i was (that i was listening to a song i happen to enjoy being ruined by a highschool boy that i've never found anything redeeming in). i usually hate covers. and if you aren't even in a real band and you can't sing adequately/you don't have the vocal strenth that ozzy osbourne has, DON'T TRY to seriously perform it.

another thing that really irks me is being poked by teachers when they want me to shut up. it's always an insistent jab on the shoulder/upper back & i really hate being touched by anyone like that.

other stuff happened that i'll probably talk about later, but i'm going to go get something to drink & get ready to go to the punahou carnival. yeah, i'm going.

(7 dorks | join the club)

[05 Feb 2003|07:29pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

if you live in honolulu, call the city and let them know you think there should be a stop sign (or something) on university ave (is it ave? sure.) at university and armstrong street.

today after school, this guy on a motorcycle coming up university (speeding...?) was hit by this woman coming from armstrong. i heard the noise but i thought it was theo's tire on the curb & when we had turned around, there was the motorcycle in the middle of the lane. i jumped out of the car but this chick was already calling 911 and then eric schonleber, the boy who sees the weirdest shit in that area, started directing traffic. go boy, you rule. i think the motorcycle guy was okay, he was sitting up on the corner with two people holding a towel to his nose & there wasn't much for me to do other than make the scene bigger (since i wasn't a witness) so we left.

so CALL THE CITY because too many bad things happen there. shannon's car got hit, katie told me that twice she's been almost hit by cars, it's a fucking bitch to try to cross the street as a pedestrian at that intersection and i'm sure there are tons of accidents that i don't know about.

tonight is the manoa board meeting and i asked my parents to bring it up & my dad said that he couldn't because it wasn't on the agenda. how will it get on the agenda if no one ever brings it up? a guy was hit TODAY. not last week, not two months ago, THIS AFTERNOON.

(7 dorks | join the club)

[12 Jan 2003|09:40pm]
what's that you say?
you need a valentine to give to someone special/special someones next month?

jason makes the best valentines for your buck.
support a rad boy & get rad valentine(s). dooo ittt.

go go go!

(11 dorks | join the club)

how did i get to be eighteen? it can't be real. [05 Jan 2003|12:05am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | i like french rap. i admit it. ]

technically it's january 5th.

im legal. heh. :)

(4 dorks | join the club)

[27 Dec 2002|05:02pm]
[ music | aesop rock - no regrets ]

i went to savers today to use my 20% off coupon.

i came out of one of the dressing rooms & there was lani, waiting for one.
after i was done, i hooked myself up with a sandwich from fritz's where the lady asked me if i was from germany. i said no, so she asked if my parents were from germany. heh.

i posted my stuff in thriftwhore.

"look, i've never had a dream in my life
because a dream is what you wanna do, but still haven't pursued.
i knew what i wanted and did it till it was done
so i've been the dream that i wanted to be since day one."

(3 dorks | join the club)

[22 Dec 2002|11:11pm]
this is holly and i'm updating janie's journal secretly. shh don't tell. i am the evil journal updater. janie is cute. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

(6 dorks | join the club)

[20 Dec 2002|01:13pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | dr. demento - they're coming to take me away ha-haaa! ]

i heard yesterday that tom lehrer (dr. demento) killed himself recently.
has anyone else heard this or know anything about it?

(join the club)

jelly bean poll! [18 Dec 2002|01:00am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | apartment 26 - dystopia ]

sorry it's long, guys, but i want you to vote!

Poll #84841: jelly bean preferences
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

Do you like 'juicy pear' Jelly Belly jelly beans?

View Answers

13 (61.9%) 13 (61.9%)

8 (38.1%) 8 (38.1%)

Do you like 'buttered popcorn' Jelly Belly jelly beans?

View Answers

5 (23.8%) 5 (23.8%)

16 (76.2%) 16 (76.2%)

Which do you like better?

View Answers

juicy pear beans
13 (61.9%) 13 (61.9%)

buttered popcorn beans
3 (14.3%) 3 (14.3%)

i don't like either of these
5 (23.8%) 5 (23.8%)

& i can't help but notice that a good amount of my local friends are stressing about finals while i'm here asking you which bean is better. heh.

(7 dorks | join the club)

[12 Dec 2002|10:55pm]
[ mood | hoh ]
[ music | slug - abusing of the rib ]

i'm going to say this once to all of you people in hawaii that are threatening me:

don't purchase stuff for me because i have no cashmoney to buy stuff for you and then i'll feel insanely guilty and not be a happy camper.

ok? so just don't do it!

(7 dorks | join the club)

hey, all you uncultured bitches! or all you cultured....bitches... [12 Dec 2002|04:37pm]
[ music | radiohead - idioteque ]

come see beethoven's 9th peformed beautifully by the honolulu symphony chorus (which i am a member of & will be singing with) and honolulu symphony orchestra at blaisdell [it's pronounced 'blaze dell', not 'blaze dale'] on these days:

saturday, december 28th, 8pm
sunday, december 29th, 4pm

(3 dorks | join the club)

[05 Dec 2002|08:53pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | apartment 26 - dystopia ]

this morning i got myself a quiet riot ticket.
ahahaha. yeah. quiet riot.

the morning djs on kpoi were talking about the green flash and they had some dumbass in there that was making shit up, so i called and told them what it was. one of them said, "i'm not buying this." and the other one said, "no, that's right" and went on to explain how he was in the navy & on the ocean and stuffs. they asked me if i wanted to go to social distortion, then realized that social distortion was last weekend and asked me if i wanted to go to quiet riot. i wasn't going to say no, so they asked what my name was and when i told them, the one that hadn't believed me said, "it's a stage name!" and i said, "it's 'angell' with two l's and it's not my stage name, but ok."

other than that and lunch when i spent my time playing with craypas, today was dumb.

oh, so if you can look remotely like a black-haired teenage girl and you live in hawaii, i can lend you my id and you can go instead of me because i don't listen to quiet riot.

(join the club)

[03 Dec 2002|12:44am]
look inside me )

(join the club)

[02 Dec 2002|09:08pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | alkaline trio - take lots with alcohol ]

holly is sleeping.
i'm contemplating going to starbucks anyway because i kinda want to draw...the only problem is that i need to work on my 3 papers + project, the rest of my homework, and college apps...& i'll probably end up guilting myself into doing that stuff instead.

...not if i don't take it with me...

go now janie, go!

just give me medicine... prescribe me anything.
just knock me out and walk me through the door.
well, i have no desire to see through my own eyes anymore.

(5 dorks | join the club)

[01 Dec 2002|09:46pm]
i started this on the plane ride over and finished it on the ride back.
the sun )

i guess it's not really finished though.

(5 dorks | join the club)

[28 Nov 2002|03:08pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | tenacious d - tribute ]

i'm in a really good mood despite my freezing extremities.
i'm beyond excited about nut loaf, you don't even know.

and i now own a corset.
hell fucking yes. hah.

he asked us, "be you angels?"
and we said, "nay! we are but men."

(9 dorks | join the club)

[27 Nov 2002|11:03am]
[ mood | a buhhh? ]
[ music | the 'dunnnnnn' when these computers start up. ]

ohhh i'm super hungry.
do i eat before my flight
or plane food
or do i wait to eat today until i have mr. ramen in california?
oh my god. tomorrow is nut loaf and mushroom gravy and mashed potatoes and green beans! you kids are really missing out on the nut loaf.

i'm so bored.
fuck stage combat.

"thou'lt be afraid to hear it!"...."my name's macbeth.".....ohhh i can't remember.
that's what i get for trying to memorize things the day of.

my entries are always really weird and disconnected when i'm bored or distracted.

(1 dork | join the club)

happy birthday, ricky! [27 Nov 2002|12:34am]
since it is officially the 27th in hawaii, i can say this now:

TODAY is magicpacket's birthday.

go wish my brother a happy 21st and send him money for booze.
no, don't.

(4 dorks | join the club)

[29 Oct 2002|07:56pm]

this is the best thing i've seen in months.
"aw man, i don't want to make sticky hands anymore. what can we make?"

(3 dorks | join the club)

[28 Oct 2002|12:54am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | tjt - music box superhero ]

i hate it when people have aim or lj names that i want and they don't even go on aim or update their livejournals.

i don't know why it makes me mad, it just does.

(4 dorks | join the club)

[22 Oct 2002|01:16am]
SUPERNOTHING73: and she told me to..and i quote..."FUCK OFF PUNKASS"
SUPERNOTHING73: and i said "jeez chick leave me alone im just trying to rock"

GUITARDED109: ahahha my kitten..she only says Meee
GUITARDED109: and so i put her in front of the mirror..and i was like whos that..shes like Mee

i miss you us me, jm + t.

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