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Once More with Feeling

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[18 Jun 2005|10:59pm]

ok i just started getting into buffy...i'm new here. when i saw this community i knew i had to join! omwf was like the 3rd buffy episode i've ever seen. anyway i have it on my computer and i <333333333333 it sooo much. i watch it a lot. anyway yay! i love buffy and spike smooching at the end. the best thing ever.
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live performaces [27 May 2005|01:56pm]

In April I played Anya in a shadow cast performance of Once More With Feeling at a convention called Penguicon in Detroit, and then a couple weeks later did it again at ToBeCONtinued in Chicago. If you aren't familiar with shadow cast performances, think Rocky Horror. The video is displayed on screen while a live cast acts it out on stage. I wrote about the experience here.

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[17 Feb 2005|06:41pm]

[ mood | curious ]

uh, Hello.

Just stopped by to introduce myself, and ask a few stupid questions. I'm a fresh-out-of-the-oven-Buffy-fan, so please excuse general unknowingness.

I was introduced to OMWF only a little while ago, but have been helplessly hooked since then. I was wondering where would be a good place to find/download the soundtrack? Also, it sounded like Giles really knows how to sing, which was a big surprise. I figured you, the more seasoned fans, would be able to tell me if he actually has recorded anything?

Okidokie, that was it. This seemed like such a cool community, it's a shame it looks so quiet. Hope that's only temporary.

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Hello and a plug [17 Dec 2004|11:03pm]

[ mood | friendly ]

Hi everyone! I just joined this community because I'm a big Buffy fan and slo a big fan of the episode OMWF. I must have watched it 100 times. My fave song I'd say is Tara's reprise of Under Your Spell because it's just so poignant, especially in contrast to the oriiginal happier version.

I just found the episode a creative highlight for the series, much like Hush.

Oh and shameless plug: [info]truest_slayers.

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[31 Jul 2004|06:58pm]

[ mood | curious ]
[ music | west wing ]

Is anyone interested in doing a OMwF ficathon?

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[18 Jul 2004|05:48pm]

Just wanted to say hey. Name's Vicky. I'm obsessed with OMWF. I burned the soundtrack and it's awesome. I've seen the episode at least thirty times. (on the Buffy Season 6 DVD set). Buffy rocks. I can't wait til Season 7 comes out so I can buy that one too!
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i know this is a OMWF comm but i have a question.. [08 Mar 2004|12:41am]

What is your favorite Buffy episode and why?
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least favorite? [27 Feb 2004|05:13pm]

[ music | standing-OMWF ]

So i think we all know what are favorite OMWF song is...

but what is your least favorite??

(other than Dawn's lament, which i don't really count) my least favorite is I'm under your spell....i love the spell/standing reprise but not the song itself...

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[11 Feb 2004|07:22pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

I just wanted to let everyone know about a new ficathon community out there.
[info]spara_ficathon - A fanfic marathon for the most awsome shipper that never was....Spike and Tara

Come in and join :) Feel free to tell everyone about it!

Sorry for the spamage

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How did I not know there was a community for this? [09 Jan 2004|02:45pm]

[ mood | jubilant ]

Hola, I'm Delphina, and yes, all someone has to do is say "I touch the fire and it freezes me", and I will burst out into song. Funny thing is, that's the only episode of Buffy I've seen, and I knew all the songs before I saw the episode.

So yes, proud owner of the show on video and CD. Much "Once More with Feeling" love. Nice to meet you all!

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the parking ticket song [07 Jan 2004|10:37pm]

Once more with feeling question.

ok so after the line "i've paid more than my share" the two lines that fade are:

unknown and then "they are not wearing underwear"

i think the line is "i saw some whores over there" but i am not sure, does anyone have any clue?
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[10 Aug 2003|10:59pm]

We so cant let this comm die.

Come on... "I've got a feeling, that it's a...."
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[28 May 2003|03:26pm]

I've Got A Theory, It's A Basket!
A Brand New Basket, From Scentfully Yours!!!!!
And It's A Buffy, Our Very Favorite,

Yes, FINALLY, Scentfully Yours has the long awaited, highly anticipated, so cannot wait to sink your fangs into?..ONCE MORE WITH FEELING gift baskets!

Soaps, candles and other goodies to give that fave Scooby a nice, relaxing, good smellin' treat, all with that, Once More theme.

Xander & Anya's, I'll Never Tell, raspberry soap
Buffy's, Make Me Feel I'm Alive, Bubble Gum Lip Balm
Spike's: rest in peace, spiced oatmeal soap
Dawn's, I Stole This, peach soap
Tara's, I'm Cured I Want the Boys, lemon lotion
Willow's, This Soap's Mostly Filler, winter mint soap
Giles' Standing in the Way, sandalwood candles

All included in the regular sized basket. $30.00, plus shipping.

A larger sized is available for $50.00, plus shipping and includes more goodies as well as a VCD, filled with Once More extras including behind the scenes.

Cash & money orders accepted, as are checks. (A 3 dollar fee needed for checks.)
Western Union is also welcome and will add an extra goodie or two to your basket!


This is a limited time basket so please get yours while they are available.
(We also have a few Goodbye to You Sunnydale baskets left. Get yours while they last!) and as always we have our BTVS and BTVS Charactor baskets.


For more info please comment or Email us at btvsbaskets@aol.com
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Cross posted Buffy essay... [24 May 2003|01:24am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Skunk Anansie - "Hedonism" ]

Please feel free to comment and criticise. i dont have my grade for it yet, wont get that til august but im quite happy with the piece. thanks to everyone who helped me with the research all that time ago!

Buffy essay: 'Discuss the Extent to which Representations of Family and Personal Relationships within ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ are Reflective of the Experiences and Concerns of its Core Audience and Society as a Whole' )

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[11 May 2003|01:32pm]

I posted a set of icons that I thought summed up everything last night
you can find the post from last night here (the post to my journal)
Here are the last two just finished.

Normal rules apply
Credit so people can find my icons again :)


Hope you all like :)
If anyone has suggestions on a charactor I should do like this just say so.
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[11 May 2003|12:45am]

Just some that I am working on.
I was thinking about the los were all going to feel.
I put these together.
they have one pic from each season.

I am working on a spike and tara one now.
keyword credit please :)
4 total
Read more... )
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please excuse the cross post. [10 May 2003|02:20pm]

As some of you may know Anthony Stewart Head is coming to Toronto, Ontario, Canada for Toronto Trek in July. I've started a project that lets people who can't come to see him themselves show their appreciation for him. Feel free to check out the webpage for the info and feel free to pass the word to any communities you feel might benefit from this.
Thanks in advance!
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OMWF [15 Apr 2003|10:18pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

Does anyone have the Once More with Feeling sheet music? I was planning on singing "I'll Never Tell" for my school's talent show, but I don't have the money to buy the whole script book. If anyone's willing to help me out by photocopying the pages for "I'll Never Tell" and sending them to me, please let me know! You can just reply here, or E-mail me at kriz10gal@aol.com

I'd be verrrrrrry grateful!


EDIT: I found the sheet music online. Thanks anyways.

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A Buffy Event! [12 Apr 2003|03:18pm]

This being the end of Buffy, I figure the fans deserve a proper wake! So I arranged one.

For the Buffy Fan's near Sacramento, CA on May 20th the last show will be aired at Streets of London Pub in Downtown Sac. Join us in our misery! Have a pint! Or just commiserate with other fan's of the show.

The flyer for the event is posted here : http://www.aboutbeingdifferent.com/buffy.htm

Please RSVP to ETURNQ@YAHOO.COM for more details!
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only 3 this time [24 Feb 2003|07:40am]

[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Alison Kraus - That Kind of Love | PBS ]

Tell me if you want me to stop posting icons. I can do that if you'd like :).

2 Xanya, 1 Tara )

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