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Fans of Claude-Michel Schönberg's LiveJournal:
Saturday, April 12th, 2003 | 11:21 pm [ladyshrew]
Les Miz School Edition? Anyone care to discuss? Since some of you have seen it or will be seeing it... ;-D
Why oh why did Schonberg let his work be bastardized?!
Shrew | Sunday, March 30th, 2003 | 1:57 am [ladyshrew]
Anybody seeing LM before it closes? Or anybody seen it recently and wanna share about it? Or something? It's a great opportunity to make me piping jealous... ;-)
Thoughts on LM's closing? Anybody wanna bet that ALW paid off Cammack to have LM close? ::smirk::
Shrew | Wednesday, March 26th, 2003 | 7:48 pm [ladyshrew]
Didn't really think I'd have to say this... But please no advertising of other communities on this one without my consent first. I won't delete this one this time, because I didn't blatantly say so before. However, I *will* delete them next time. I'm sure most of you understand, and I apologize if I'm stepping on toes.
Shrew | 5:47 pm [operaprincess38]
broadwaysinger My newest community is broadwaysinger. Please join if you have atleast one Broadway show tune in your repertoire. Also talk about favorite Broadway singers, Broadway shows and the like. Hope you join and have fun as well! Current Mood: artistic | 1:14 pm [alligatorandme]
Final souvenir brochure (Broadway Les Miz) available. $10 (as usual) at the Imperial, or $10 + $5.95 s/h by mail. And hi, this is my first post. :-) | Saturday, March 22nd, 2003 | 6:13 pm [digne]
Quiz answers Here are the answers to the quiz I posted a couple days ago. ( Read more... ) Current Music: "Welcome Home" from 'Martin Guerre' '96 | 3:54 pm [ladyshrew]
Diiiscussion tiiiime! ::clears throat:: Ah-hem.
So. Even though I probably should already know this of most of you, favourite Schonberg work?
I'd have to say 1996 Martin Guerre, personally. I guess I'm just always amazed at the structure of the piece, every time I come back to it. Except for some of the more horrid lyrics that were (fortunately) chopped out, I just feel like it's the most tightest-knit B&S; work I've heard (the only ones I haven't heard that I know of being the Wuthering Height ballet and a bunch of the songs on his CD) but musically and in terms of plot. There are still a few of the 1999 aspects I'd add, but not much. I think the reason why the 1999 doesn't have the tight-knit feel, actually, is because they pulled an ALW and did a whole mess of cutting and pasting. :-P Not that I'm actually comparing the results of the 1999 to ALW in general... lol
I mean, I completely love Les Miz, but I kind of like the more intimate feeling of Martin Guerre even better, and I guess Les Miz just has too many more opportunities for its music to be ruined now. ::coughLMSEcough:: :-P And of course I love Miss Saigon; I was on the mailing list until it went dead, but MS doesn't *quite* reach the point of LM and MG for me at all times... The songs I've heard from his CD are pretty good too; his singing on that reminds me ever so slightly of Bocelli, actually. ::looks around at ppl staring:: Ok, so I'm probably the only idiot who thinks that. :-P
Shrew | Wednesday, March 19th, 2003 | 9:42 pm [digne]
A quiz I wrote this quiz 2 years ago, It's a B&S; quiz really. Some of the questions are hard but there are a lot of really easy ones thrown in. I can post the answers latter. Anyone want to try it? ( B&S; quiz )off to bed now Current Mood: sleepy | 2:10 am [ladyshrew]
Dum de doo... ::stares around:: So far... only people who know my insanity. Does that mean I'm free to continue it here? ;-) So. I should start some discussion, eh? Well, here's a boring one that I may already know the answers to, but whatever... What was the first Schonberg exposure you had? Mine was my cousin sticking "On My Own" on repeat one day during summer break when I was... maybe 11 or 12... She didn't know Les Miz, but some girl in her class had done a report on it or something, and my cousin came home and found that one of her CDs had a song from Les Miz on it. And she played it and really liked it. She then forced me and her sister to listen to it all day. It grew on me. That and a month or two before that, I had been in Hawaii, visiting my dad's relatives. We stayed in his cousin's room, and she had a Les Miz poster up. I thought it looked scary... lol But yeah, the combo launched me into finding out about Les Miz... :-P And I think that was conveniently around the time the TAC came out on PBS... Shrew Current Mood: silly |