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Christopoopee's Caucophony
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could it be??
i think i am actually being responsible with my car...brakes started squealing...went to a mechanic...and i'm getting breaks done tomorrow...for the first time ever they won't have to replace the rotors on my car...

could this mean i'm growing up or somehing?? or am i actually getting good credit for being responsible about something? there's a shock...
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got a new student at work today...i know honeymoon usually gives us a skewed look at the new kids, but this one looks like a gem...he's young, but very bright, or so it seems. he jumped into the work in my class with both feet and was already brave enough to confront one of his peers in class...hopefully the trend will continue...the other kids are already comparing him to a resident who left recently that i was very close to...could be a double edged sword...
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now i understand why i get such a kick out of mommy dearest...
at least christina crawford had only one parent...

god please let me get this job so i can get out of here and never have to deal with all this ever again...

Current Mood: drained

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closed night must fall and had our cast party last night. feels odd to not have to go to rehearsal tonight...

had a lovely run, and i am so proud of all the actors and so priveleged to work with such a great cast and crew...not only were they all spectacular, they seemed to really appreciate my work too...

i'll miss working with these people...till next time...i hope that there will be many more...
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so wrote my thank you letter to dan this morning...i was going for eager without being earnest...:


I wanted to write a quick note and thank you for meeting with me yesterday about the Operations Director position at Summerbridge. It was a pleasure to speak with you, and again I appreciate your honesty about making your selection. It seems clear that you are looking for someone with more experience in Operations. However, I hope that my experience and our meeting yesterday impressed upon you my belief and passion for Summerbridge and for Wheeler. I may be at the lower end of the learning curve in experience, but I doubt that you will find a more passionate and committed candidate to fill this position. I would look forward to another opportunity to speak with you and the Summerbridge team about this, and I would definitely welcome the challenge of putting all my energies into the new role that I would potentially be filling at Summerbridge. Regardless of your decision, I wish you at Wheeler and at Summerbridge continued success and look forward to hopefully being a part of it.

and this was his response:


Thanks. Your passion and commitment are obvious to me. I’ll definitely be in touch.

i think that's a better sign than not??

i really need this job...i really need this job....

blah blah blah

Current Mood: still very nervous
Current Music: opening - a chorus line

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and then there were three...
met with dan miller, the head of wheeler school today...he gets to make the last cut before the boards decide who will get the job i'm applying for. was a short meeting...very comfortable, very straight forward, very discouraging and hopeful at the same time...he went straight for the big blow within 5 minutes: i don't have a lot of operations experience...but my passion and drive and desire speaks very loud and clear volumes...he said if the program director position were open i would already be on the final list...and he slipped that the position will pay 38k or a little more...which is exactly the kind of money i was looking for...

they're cutting to three...basically here's the deal: if there are three people with operations experience that have half my passion, then they make the cut...if there's an opening for someone with not a lot of operations experience in the final three, it's mine...

i'll know in two weeks...think good thoughts...

now to draft a thank you email that sounds eager without sounding earnest...

keep your fingers crossed...

Current Mood: nervous

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getting nervous...
job interview thursday...

took the suit to the drycleaner's...

supposed to snow MORE tomorrow...

my horoscope was WAY too on target today...

i am feeling random and exhausted...

part of me misses reality...

went for afternoon drinks with a friend from work...weird...

i really want this job...

i really want it to pay me a lot of money...

i am still feeling weird...

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nostalgic coincidence
was going through some drawers upstairs and found something that my grandfather had been given by one of the classes that he volunteered for...it was a plaque that said "the best teachers teach us what we can't learn from books"...

i got a magnet with the same quote on it when i completed my first year of teaching...it sits on my desk now since i don't have a refrigerator of my own to put it on at the moment...

just reminds me of how close we really were...

i miss my grandfather today...a lot...

Current Mood: lonely

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natural prozac
well the day started off well...

went to work...PBS (yes the tv network) was filming our work...started off as a general piece, which turned into a profile on one of my students, then a profile on me...interesting enough...the student they were profiling was graduating from the program today...we always have a group to say goodbye and let them have a chance to say goodbye to all of the people in the program...he got tto me, thanked me for theaching him to love to learn, and for inspiring him to want to become a teacher...

it doesn't get much better than that...

of course...there is always natural prozac in this soap opera that helps keep me from being euphorically happy for very long...

get home to mom and dad fighting...she hid his wallet and his pocket calendar, so i got to play referee, and then he leaves to go to work and i get to spend the last 3 hours telling my mother that no i will not get her a drink at the liquor store...

fucking pants...

Current Mood: angry

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why do bad things happen to good people??
just read in the papers this morning that Angela Nikidinov's mother was killed in a car accident while in oregon at the USFSA Nationals. She just announced today that she is officially withdrawing from the competition...

Now here's someone who has been through heartbreak after heartbreak...challenging career that led to retirement a number of years ago after coming out fourth AGAIN at nationals...then her coach and her mother suffering through cancer, of which her coach did not survive...then coming out of retirement and having one of the best seasons of her career and now this...

sometimes it's just not fair...

sometimes i think it's just better to be an asshole...then nothing bad actually happens to you, or when it does you do actually deserve it...
User: [info]mercutio
Name: christopoopee
Back February 2005