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Sunday, February 27th, 2005
2:18 pm

Your LJ RPG Team
LJ Username
Favorite Color
Weapon of Choice
Your Partner darkschnider
Your Warrior neogen
The Giggly, Flirtatious Magic User with Big Breasts soulassassyn
The Talking Animal shitinabox
Main Archenemy mulletsam
Evil Incarnate chipmunkthelion
This Quiz by ass_ - Taken 146958 Times.
New - Help with love and dating!

When I woke up I realized my show is in less than a week. It was a mixture of panic. terror, and happiness. I also realized I had best get used to this feeling if I was going to make art a career.

these are my weapons of choice.

current mood: anxious
current music: Interpol - Not Even Jail

(Speak Your Piece)

Saturday, February 26th, 2005
3:57 am
List of the top 110 banned books. Bold the ones you've read. Italicise the ones you've read part of. Underline the ones you specifically want to read (at least some of). )

Sorry I didn't make it out to Park Place, Richard. We will throw down tomorrow/this evening for sure.

current mood: sleepy
current music: Let's Go Fly a Kite

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Thursday, February 24th, 2005
11:09 pm
The King of the Cats: this story scared the hell out of me in second grade(or was it first grade?)

Something I'm thinking about getting into; seems to fit my quasi-pop idiom (Thanks, Mario!)

I've been sitting here talking to people on AIM and watching Lawrence of Arabia. What a great movie. Impeccable.

I'm copying this entry to the clipbpard to readonly mode doesn't eat it and constipate it into colonic oblivion.

current mood: phew what a week
current music: Bob Dylan's Dream

(Speak Your Piece)

12:41 am
Please read this; you have to register to read it, but please take the time. We need to grassroots these bastards.

cut and pasted )

current music: Hives - Two Timing Touch and Broken Bones

(Speak Your Piece)

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005
10:43 am
art schpiel )

current mood: clean!
current music: Interpol

(2 pieces | Speak Your Piece)

2:53 am - "Lately I can't tell for sure, it seems like anyone"
I saw a woman kick her dog in the parking lot of the library about 20 minutes ago. I feel like a jackass and a coward for not doing anything.

Read more... )

Something really horrible happened two weeks ago.


p.s. sometimes I worry about being a little too telling, as if I were simply trying to fill up space telling you what I'm doing. Maybe I shouldn't. I'm tired.

current mood: like tinted glass
current music: Interpol in the studio

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Monday, February 21st, 2005
11:13 pm - I finally got a haircut people
responsibilities this week: )

This morning I went to Press Express to print 100 more of the invitations and somehow ended up paying $32.10 for it. The problem with this is that when I got 48 of the original design printed it only cost $9. The discrepancy is a bit on the gross side. I talked to pat about it and it seems the only thing they could've tagged on extra approximate $14 for was trimming the images down to the edge of the yellow. That still seems a bit ludicrous, though. I called them this afternoon and they should be calling me back tomorrow morning. I'm calling them if they don't by 11.

This is the time when Ashley goes into autopilot and takes it one day at a time. I remember reading about the "hardy" stress type in highschool psychology and hoping I was such a stress type. I think I am, because I always seem to barrel on through in these times. Yay for stress, because it makes calm feel that much better!

One of my buddies from Existentialism found this. Have a good laugh.

current mood: kcccch
current music: The Decemberists - Grace Cathedral Hill

(Speak Your Piece)

2:09 am - NO!
R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson, you crazy fucker. Kinda figures that you killed yourself :(

current mood: sad and tired

(Speak Your Piece)

Saturday, February 19th, 2005
4:55 am - Kiss my ass, read-only mode
These Jamster cell phone commercials smack of cheaposity. What point are we at when we pay money for backgrounds, animated chicks(the literal kind, as in chicken), and poorly produced sound bytes as ringtones? It's microdecadence, I tell ya.

And here's another Jamster advert for college logo backgrounds, one of which is for UGA. Nothing against UGA, but I have recently become of the opinion that the folks that walk around campus wearing UGA hats and especially UGA tshirts are real morons. Wtf, seriously? You're in the Boro, not Athens. I can understand if you get some sort of ironic tickle by imitating the vicarious scholastic yearnings of some of our fellows, but otherwise deal with where you are. It does precede where you will/want to be, after all.

I'm starting to bitch a bit too much for this post. And peck out the paragraphs.

It occurred to me today that celebrity clotheslines seem to signal the consummation of celebrity in capitalistic society, maybe an odd, evolutionary sort of synthesis. It's macrodecadence, I tell ya.

Which reminds me to start looking for screen-printing kits to ask for for Christmas. Yes, I know it's February, but my motivations are purely practical I assure you.

Why am I up at this hour? Sometimes I hate my addiction to information.

current mood: I sleep now
current music: Korobeiniki

(4 pieces | Speak Your Piece)

Friday, February 18th, 2005
3:55 pm - Sitting on one's ass has never been so productive...
Okay, the posters for the show are all design'ed up and ready for printing and taping. I have redone the invitation after a very helpful critique from my graphic design friend Bryan and am about to go and get 100 more printed. I am not bothered by the disparity between the first and seconf run of invitations because this is a class and thus a learning experience. I'm enjoying acquiring these new experiences even if it is a bit stressful from time to time. I love it.

Now I go get prints and haircut. FINALLY, A HAIRCUT!!!

Merriam Webster's word for today )

here's what the new invitation looks like; not too different really...

current mood: productive
current music: Belle and Sebastian - My Wandering Days are Over

(Speak Your Piece)

Thursday, February 17th, 2005
10:37 pm
Troy and I had an excellent discussion about imagery and meaning tonight and I wanted to share it with ya'll. It's kinda long, but I love having these conversations, and I figure it would help any of the curious to better understand where I'm coming from...

Images, text, and aesthetics )

Also I saw Team America. It was really funny at some points, but TP and MS are a little too juvenile for me, even as much as I love satire.

current mood: philosophical

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Wednesday, February 16th, 2005
12:41 am - You make me want to pick up a guitar
I'm a romaphile

Tonight was spent in the studio kickstarting my due-tomorrow watermedia assignment. It is times like these in which I realize how much I look forward to graduating and jettisoning the sometimes incessant burden of non-art studio-based homework(if that makes sense, which I do believe it does). Earlier today I started my computer graphics assignment in Freehand MX and to be honest I'm not really worried about it since I'm doing it all freehanded(OH! these are the jokes, people!).

I also jumped on a piece I started back in the summer that has been basically collecting dust; it's a nice complement to one of my sculptures and I hope to have it all nice and presentable in time for l'exposition!

Other than that I had some awesome chicken pot pie at Southern Traditions for dinner.

I need to print some more invites for the show. I guess that'll be part of Friday. Yep.

current mood: Accomplished and tired
current music: Hives - Walk Idiot Walk

(Speak Your Piece)

Monday, February 14th, 2005
11:52 pm - Sketches from the last week
back here )

I have found some amazing books in the library tonight.

The song for this entry just randomly popped into my head. I haven't seen this movie in years; I think I'll buy a copy. Ok bye.

current music: "He Needs Me" from the Popeye movie

(1 piece | Speak Your Piece)

5:33 pm
Another Word of the Day )

M/W has already sent me 3 words of the day; must be sharing the verbal love.

Also, did you know GSU has an international film festival?

I'm definitely going to these. Anyone wanna come with?

current mood: busy
current music: Hives - Diabolic Scheme

(2 pieces | Speak Your Piece)

10:20 am
Happy Venereal Day :)

current mood: just woke up/groggy
current music: Talking Heads - With Our Love

(2 pieces | Speak Your Piece)

3:26 am - The Word of the Day for Feb 14
From the "Word of the Day" daily email from the Merriem-Webster Online Dictionary.

brummagem \BRUM-ih-jum\ adjective

: not genuine : spurious; also : cheaply showy : tawdry

Example sentence:
The jewelry box in Penelope's grandmother's closet was filled with brummagem costume jewelry.

Did you know?
"Brummagem" first appeared in the 17th century as an alteration of "Birmingham," the name of a city in England. At that time Birmingham was notorious for the counterfeit coins made there, and the word "brummagem" quickly became associated with things forged or inauthentic. By the 19th century, Birmingham had become a chief manufacturer of cheap trinkets and gilt jewelry, and again the word "brummagem" followed suit — it came to describe that which is showy on the outside but essentially of low quality. Perhaps the term was something of an annoyance to the people of Birmingham way back when, but nowadays "brummagem" is usually used without any conscious reference to the British city.


I love obscure words

current mood: tired
current music: (cont.)

(4 pieces | Speak Your Piece)

"I still have folders of hate mail from third-graders,". When I read this earlier I couldn't help but notice how funny some parts of this article were. Strange.

You got it, you got it...

I have this really cool mead notebook that has gridded pages. Tonight I finally put it to use after months of it just shifting about my atudio: it is my testing ground for altering the designs of videogame sprites for my paintings, as well as an awesome aide in memorizing how to draw the sprites. Score!

I also spent $10 at Waffle House with Sam, Bronco, and co. Burp. Me and Sam did a spitshake and swore to each get the Allstar. Neither of us finished, but I discovered that honey on waffles is heavenly good.


Happy V-day. Who remembers the anti-valentine's party? Who drank little enough to remember the last half?

I started my inventory for the exit show today. I think we're looking at maybe 35-40 pieces. Salon style maybe not, but still there's gonna be a shitload of stuff in that show!


Someone called my phone from my friend Bill's phone tonight just before 10. I think she said her name was Anna and that she had seen me about a month ago at El Sombrero, that she thought I was hot, and she was calling me to get to know me. It was bull; the last time in 2 months I've been at the Hat was last weekend, and I met no one named Anna. So anyway I was playing along till she started saying sexual things then I used that classic line coined by Tim Brock: "Okay, I gotta go now". When I hung up I was like "wtf?"; thank God Rebecca called and gave me a window to jump out of in that situation.

Yummy sleep.

current mood: yaaaaaaaaawn
current music: Belle & Sebastian - Step into My Office, Baby

(3 pieces | Speak Your Piece)

Sunday, February 13th, 2005
1:53 pm - Art activity book, page 3,470 section A; also, irony is a big thing
One fun thing to do: draw a picture of something/someone/someplace you have only heard of before you see it, then compare the image to the actual.


(http://phrontistery.info/p.html): A list of obscure words, in this case beginning with P. The word I was looking for was petrichor(pleasant smell accompanying the first rain after a dry spell).

A haiku

Dark almond lines trace
The things that cut straight through me;
Have some chocolate?

current music: Parker & Lily

(Speak Your Piece)

Saturday, February 12th, 2005
1:15 pm - Haiku
Some lighter fluid
Makes the day go by faster
Oh dear lord, my eyes

Air hockey is fun
Unless you are blind, stinking-
Oh look, it's the floor!

current music: Parker & Lily - Planes in Clouds

(7 pieces | Speak Your Piece)

12:03 pm
I saw many weird things last night, and I don't think I want to go into them at this present time, but I will say that my friend Mike and me had several moments where we either busted out laughing, looked at each other, looked at what was going on, looked at each other, etc. etc., and then finally walked off saying something approximating "fucking gamer over, man". It was a great party, but then it had some moments that were a few tentacles shy of a Lovecraft novel.

current mood: clean and fuzzy
current music: Cake - The Palm of Your Hand

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