Monday, March 31st, 2003 |
7:51 pm |
Will I really get to go to Australia this year? |
7:42 pm |
Sometimes I wonder what it is that I do that make people treat me the way they do. I'm the one people forget very easily. Too easily. I need to leave my mark, but I don't know how. |
Sunday, March 30th, 2003 |
10:24 pm |
I'm almost caught up on the home to-do list...did several major things today including my tax return. That means I'll get to start having weekends to myself. Now if only I could get the work to-do list under a little more control (getting least nothing new will pile up this week). |
Thursday, March 27th, 2003 |
10:33 pm |
Happy birthday T |
10:31 pm |
I wanted to email a friend at work today but for some reason I can't email people who have names starting with "T". |
Saturday, March 22nd, 2003 |
10:46 am |
Well...I'm off to the office now. Wasn't a very good week. Hoping I can at least have fun tonight at my b-day dinner with my friends (and other people who really were not invited). |
Thursday, March 20th, 2003 |
8:46 pm | day has been great so far. Had to take the bus/subway to work. I am not busting my ass to afford a car for the privilege of taking the TTC. Some woman next to me was coughing and picking her nose. Lovely.
Then I ended up working from 8:45 to 7:15. For the pleasure of coming home and working for a few more hours before bed. And not only that, a friend that was supposed to go out to dinner with me on Saturday may have to cancel. |
Tuesday, March 18th, 2003 |
11:13 pm |
Note to self: For future reference, just don't give out your phone number. Members of the opposite sex just don't know how to use one. And don't think otherwise because the alternative is just unbearable. |
Sunday, March 16th, 2003 |
11:23 pm |
Way to shrug off the depression and have one of the best nights ever. |
9:46 pm |
I am *so* drunk rgiht now. Oh shit. I am so drunk.And I did tome really, really funhy things. Hahahaha. |
1:21 pm |
My parents just don't get how soul-sucking it is to work 60+ hour weeks. Since October, I've managed to work about 6 weeks worth of overtime. And most of that has been between January and Mid-March. Some people are made for that...that's great for them. Its just not for me. Sure, I get paid well. But not when you consider I get fuck all for the overtime I've been working. Thank God I'm getting to the end of the overtime road for now, and it will be 9 - 5:30 for the next month or two. |
1:17 pm |
Saturday, March 15th, 2003 |
4:14 pm |
How did I manage to squander that one chance. No...not that one. The real one.
Current Mood: hitting self |
Thursday, March 13th, 2003 |
10:51 pm |
Still very drained. I'm going to go to sleep soon. At least tomorrow is Friday, and I'm on track for once. Maybe I'll only work one day on the weekend. I think I just may enjoy myself for once. |
Sunday, March 9th, 2003 |
10:41 pm |
Hmmm...wondering if the impossible is possible now. Can I get a day off of work in late May/early June to head to Boston???
Please. Unless of course war shit happens. But at least it would only be a road trip or something, so I wouldn't be out too much. |
10:41 pm |
I think I'm developing a cold sore. Wonderful. No kisses for me. Ah well. |
Saturday, March 8th, 2003 |
7:12 pm |
Going through some old LJ entries from 2000. Ended up finding an entry that I had made relating to something way off topic and someone took offense to it, which wasn't what I had intended. Sigh. I should stop depressing myself, but when I get started I just don't stop. |
6:59 pm |
Feeling extremely panicky right now. Not quite sure why. Going out tonight, but now I wish I hadn't committed to it. Just want to lie in bed and cry again. |
12:36 pm |
Am heading to the office for the afternoon. Fun stuff. May be there for about 3 - 4 hours. Then have to head back there tomorrow morning at 11 for another 3 -4 hours.
I don't believe I will be able to plan anything for my birthday this year. With all the work, I don't know about the timing. Plus, I just don't have the energy and my sister is out of town and she is the one who helped me last year. Besides that, the weekends just don't work for me because I know I will be plauged with major PMS/cramps (intensified by the stress of the past couple of months) on the two weekends that I would prefer - and I just won't enjoy the time as much I would normally. Not only that, I just haven't been enjoying myself lately at all. Nothing holds the enjoyment that it did a few months ago. I know its just a temporary slump that I get into once in a while and that it will only last another month or so, but I simply do not enjoy life right now. I think I need a boy or a lottery win to distract me. But since the lottery is the more likely prospect and I haven't had the time to play lately....I'm basically fucked for now. |
Thursday, March 6th, 2003 |
9:25 pm |
Damned insomnia. Please, please, please let me have more than 4 or 5 hours of sleep tonight. |