Below is user information for I'm your little pee whore. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | simplysara (16864) | |
Name: | I'm your little pee whore | |
Location: | San Diego, California, United States | |
Birthdate: | 1977-01-20 | |
E-mail: | | |
AOL IM: | ![]() | |
Yahoo! ID: | ||
MSN Username: | ranitas77 | |
Bio: | Playful, crazy vegetarian, guaranteed to make things fly out of your nose, in a good way! *Note: The following was written in my journal as a response to comments I received. It is just a general piece of info for those who may read my journal and think that I am more special than I am or something ridiculous like that. A general statement regarding my Journal: A reader's guide Welcome to my journal. This is my journal. I do not keep another one. Many of my posts are written and saved as public, this means that anyone who happens upon my journal can read them. In addition, many other posts are saved as friend's only, meaning that only the people I have designated as friends can read them. And finally, I also post many entries as private, only I can see them. I keep this journal for me. I write what I want to about anything or anyone I want to. Things happen that I would like to remember and I post them in my journal. These things may or may not be interesting, these things may or may not have anything to do with you, these things may or may not be your business. In many cases events and entries may not be explained in full or in detail, this is because this is my journal and it is a record of my life. I will know and understand what all cryptic and partially told tales mean, it is possible that you will not. If I write a post that seems like I may be sad, then I probably was when I wrote it. I am an inherently happy person but this is my outlet, I am not depressed and I am not slipping into an abyss of despair. I am merely sorting out my thoughts. That is allowed because this is my journal. If I write about something and you feel so inclined as to comment on it, go right on ahead. If it bothers me I will mutter bad things about you and delete your comment. If I write about my friends and people I love and you feel so inclined as to comment, keep it to yourself. Criticism about my friends will not be tolerated. As I said before, this is my outlet to sort out my thoughts, not your thoughts. I appreciate input but if you attack someone I love, be prepared to suffer the consequences. And yes, there will be consequences and if I have my way, they will be painful. I am pleased to have the opportunity to write about my life, and for the most part I am thrilled that some of you may actually be interested in that. Please keep in mind that my journal is a collection of random thoughts, feelings and experiences. In no way is it meant to define me as a person nor is it meant to be my complete autobiography. I am much more than the sum of these entries. That is all. *Unless otherwise noted, all words and thoughts are the original work of SimplySara and are copyrighted 2000-2003. | |
Memories: | 60 entries | |
Interests: | 146: activism, anais nin, ani difranco, art, avocados, beach, beta band, black, boogie boarding, boys, boys in dresses, boys in eyeliner, bt, burning man, burritos, california, candles, children, computers, cooking, costa rica, cuddling, depeche mode, diego rivera, dogs, dr. david shin, drag queens, dreaming, erotica, eskimo kisses, eyelashes, eyeliner, falling in love, flesh, food, forget her, frida kahlo, friends, frogs, furniture, gaslamp quarter, glory box, grape leaves, greek food, harry potter, holocaust, hooverphonic, html, indian food, italian food, jack black, jeff buckley, jonathan rhys meyers, judaica, judaism, kissing, licking, lips, livejournal, lori carson, love, lust, makeup forever, making out, maple, medical school, meet joe black, men, moby, movies, museums, music, my sisters, nick cave, nina simone, nine inch nails, noses, ocean, oceans, off the record, opus iii, passion, paul oakenfold, pear cider, pearl jam, piercings, pilates, pj harvey, poe, poetry, portishead, potato rolled tacos, rachel's, radiohead, rain, reading, recipes, religion, rufus wainwright, san diego, sand, sarah mclachlan, school, secrets, sensuality, sex, silver, skin, sleep, snuggling, socialism, sonic boom, soybeans, spanking, spectrum, spirituality, spooning, squarepusher, sugar, swimming, taste, teasing, teddy thompson, tenacious d, terrariums, the color black, the osbournes, tickling, tim buckley, tongues, tori amos, tosca, touch, touching, trading spaces, tricky, ucsd, vegetarian, vegetarianism, volvos, water, water polo, waves, what dreams may come, writing, yoga. [Modify yours] | |
Friends: | ||
Friend of: | 80: akashaww, alchemywizardry, alex_all_alone, aliseana, angryopie, aradtech, aziraphale, bodhicephus, brun_fid, carouselrose, celestialcharm, champion, christiann, corgi, counselortroi, deejayfiggy, disheah, divemedic, dufresne, dupin, ericjevitts, ericundone, flare22, frog_autumn, gabbymoe, gaslamptramp, gemfem, gracieclover2, halcyonstyn, healthysara, idiva, jimismyhero, jourdannex, keithb, khayman, leeshers, liagibba, listening, lizvang, loeilinvisible, lulajobeena, mariemontclair, mediamafia, melisagogo, mightywombat, mikierash, mrguard, murnkay, mykel, onezen, patient0, poifekt, poifektgirl, princesseileen, prtygrl, queenkelly, quietpassion, redrider191, rkmlai, robont, rozziland, rubishxcore, saintdiluted, scasey1960, scififan, screamingnympho, sexybrowneyes72, sneetch, sonicbunny, speshulk, starsinmybelly, theogferret, tigersforever, tinkerbell_mk, tonatiuh, triscuit, visciouskitten, voice, wenchie, zang | |
Member of: | 11: camplj, citizen_x, instant, jeff_buckley, jewishfriends, laljbash, nosefetish, paidmembers, san_diego, ucsd, writingworkout | |
Account type: | Free Account |