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sexy [03 Jan 2002|03:15pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | mobb deep feat 112 -hey luvj&a;'s song ]

hey hey hey.

school... haha. enuf said. dealing ignoring the drama and such. ;]

im cold ;/

i got w0rk today... hmmm 4-7. gym city on 202. come visit me~! lol

then jess wants to go to club fit
and crys wants me to come over
uhmm matt wants to pick me up from work. he needs to talk

oh boy. who knows what im doing after work...

playing : hey luv . mobb deep feat. one tweleve ;D

so many things that i wanna do.
wanna kiss, wanna touch wanna taste, never teasin you.
cuz i only wanna be with you
baby and you know.
anything that u need.
i got it.
million dollar shopping spree.
i got it.

^^great song

so anyway. imma go take a bath n get ready for work, just wanna holler *lmao paint me black so i can say son and people wont laugh!!!* roflmao! anyway i wanna holler at some peoples

jess ' wanda ' crys ' maria ' scott ' matt ' joe ' kevin ' jenn ' jill ' alex ' jake ' liysa

u no i love you ;DDDDDDDDDDD

and if i didnt mention u tell me.


anything that you want.
i got it.
boo i got it
:D haha love that song!!
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happy new year...? [01 Jan 2002|12:39pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | sublime * santeria ]

haPPy neW yEaR...?

went to matts last night. it was pretty fun. everyone just chilled w/o parents til boout 1.

jess came with me and saw AJ ;] aww...

jayjohn came late. joe left early. buncha people i didnt know but they were cool.

elena & billy came after i left :[

oh billy... u scared me last night please dont do it ever again. u remembered how i made u joe and matt feel right? well u dont want me to go thro that do u? okay then

me matt elena billy and prob joe are gonna chill today at billys

then im gonna go work out with jess. but for now i gotta get ready cuz they're gonna come pick me up at like 1:20 so. yep

im confused about alot of things. but all i know is rigyt now i have 6 real friends. and i know they know who they are. and they know i love them but i just wanted to say i love you cuz sometimes u just need to hear it.


What I really wanna know,
my baby, what I really want to say I can't define.
Well it's love,
that I need, oh ,
but my soul will have to,
wait till I get back and find heina of my own.

-santeria. sublime

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quizes!!!! [30 Dec 2001|03:05pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | ludacris - area codez ]


The Castaway Quiz
deems me:

Mary Ann

You radiate wholesome goodness. This drives men wild. Sure Ginger may get all the attention at first, but in the end, it's you they really want.

The Eighties Pop Act Test deems me:

80% Eighties Pop Act

You are Madonna: You have managed to pull yourself out of the eighties, and found new levels of career respect, but you will always be a material girl, and your hair is naturally big.


matt joe me shar - cokez bitch, badboy, cheesebuger & coke

we're all gonna chill.. i had so much fun last night. haha.

latin kings lmao

diana reads minds and that brad kid.. ouch.. hes hot would have been hot if i wasnt fed up with guyz

corinne! karina! muahaha. lol

my hairs wet

hi matt!

utah ;]

i've got hoz!!


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my throat hurts [29 Dec 2001|01:11pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | reggae!! lmaogood stuff ]

hey well last night was interesting. cold... brrr. but fun. saw people

adrian. ty. alan. bald brian. chris. jax. lisa. colazzi. ash. mary. alot more but i cant remember.

we brought mark *crys's lil bro* to seee harry potter for his bday. happy bday kid!!

im going with jess to clubfit. gonna work out.. u know hot guyz gotta work out, keep in shape.

well i should go.

joe and matt wanna chill tonight.
donde esta marere?
crys n liz - bonding
i was in richs dream... uh hmmm...


everyone falls in love sometimes. i dont know about u but it aint a crime.

-some rosterfarian guy

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coLd... :\ [28 Dec 2001|09:58pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | if we - mariah f/ ja rule & nate dogg ]

grrr... mike... blah blah blah.

anyway im cold. i cant type cuz new lap top. nailz... grrr.

im done with guyz. done. for a long long time.

still cold. crys. maria. r here. ;]

hi scott'

missing ucal but not like i use to.

if we got togetha again.. sugar i would be your very bestfriend. i would love u unconditionally. never wanna let you go. baby.

ja rule : love when your ridin next to me. on me actually. off that xtc.

mariah :D

uhm... valentines day. no good

pr in jan?


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late at night [25 Dec 2001|04:50am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | incubus : i miss you::snifflez:: ]

family came and went. max called invited me over. me and the boyz watched re runs of south park.

joe & matt twowayed me to say Merry Christmas...

then mike twowayed me and we talked for a bit.

i went home around 1:40. kept talking to mike til about now. just got off the phone. its what, like 5am?

not all that excited about christmas.. i dont know

alone for christmas

...i guess thats all i can think about really

i want need to find someone. its been almost 2 years without a relationship... and 3 months today without anything at all..

you do something to me. that i cant. explain
so would i be out of line. if i said.
i miss you

goodnight. merry christmas everyone.

playing. incubus : i miss you
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merry christmas eve! [24 Dec 2001|01:20pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | jingle bell rock!- ...some guy lol ]

merry christmas eve... ho ho ho ho... im santa clause... ho ho ho ho.

lol, great stuff!

my hairs wet. :/

i just got out of the shower, my italian side of the family will be here at like 3 uh ho..

my head hurts...

oh boy christmas.. dont know bout this.

me and maria were suppose to see a movie at the mall yesterday but we didnt cuz jay, ryan, matt and jeremy *peekskill* told us it sucked. so we were wandering around thats when we saw joe and ty and treesmen. so then we chilled with them.. anyway

im gonna go get ready for company. heres some blonde jokes tho!~!

I knew a blonde that was so stupid that...
~ she called me to get my phone number.
~she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said "concentrate."
~ she put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind.
~she got stabbed in a shoot-out.
~she told me to meet her at the corner of "WALK" and "DON'T WALK."
~ she tried to put M&M;'s in alphabetical order.
~ she sat on the TV and watched the couch.
~ she sent me a fax with a stamp on it.
~ she tried to drown a fish.
~ she thought a quarterback was a refund.
~ she got locked in a grocery store and starved to
~ if you gave her a penny for her thoughts, you'd get
change back.
~ they had to burn the school down to get her out of
third grade.
~ under "education" on her job application, she put "Hooked On Phonics."
~ she tripped over a cordless phone.<<< DON'T LAUGH IT'S HAPPENED!!! :)~>>>
~she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept. ~ at the bottom of the application where it says "sign here"...she put 'Sagittarius.'
~she asked for a price check at the Dollar Store.
~ it takes her two hours to watch 60 Minutes.
~if she spoke her mind, she'd probably be
~she studied for a blood test.
~she thought Boyz II Men was a daycare center.
~she thought Meow Mix was a record for cats.
~she thought she needed a token to get on Soul
~she sold the car for gas money.
~when she saw the "NC-17" (under 17 not admitted), she went home and got 16 friends.
~ when she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved.
~she thinks Taco Bell is where you pay your phone bill.
~ when she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice instead.
~when she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said "Airport Left" she turned around and went home.


gRR. lol

jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock. jingle bell chime and jingle bell rhyme. dancin'and prancin' and da da da da in the frosty AIR!!

..what a bright time its the, right time... lol

-jingle bell rock by.. some guy

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[23 Dec 2001|10:28pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | saves the day - at your funeral ]


we jut came back from...

-mall/empire hunan/gazeebo

utah!! ucal!! hottness!!

me joe ty jay maria deflavis treesmen louis and random other people like wandas cousin and her friend. and these two other guyz.. all chilln in the gazeebo

we handled some business first tho. lol

my key chains are soo cool!

- stupid people shouldnt breed

mmmmuahahahahaha. its soo true. oh so true.

then my other one is like rules guyz need to follow, ie:

1. dont talk to my breasts, you wont be meeting them
2. my body is a temple, get one your knees and pray
3. men are like wood floors, lay them right the first time and you can walk all over them forever.
4. if you want to control someone, sleep with your remote.
5. save your breath for your inflatable date.

and more. :D *funny sayings copywrited by me. i better not see them in for profile with out my name underneath it :D have a nice day...

yep okay yeah. its cold and rainy... bRRR wet. lol

donde esta? - the most intriguing question that plagues the world to date.

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la da de de da da daaaa [23 Dec 2001|03:00pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | run dmc - its trickyoLd skool :X ]

You Have A Nice Ass

You must be doing something right. You have a nice ass and aren?t afraid to show it off. Keep up the good work!
Take Assman's Ass Test at Fire For Ice!
Quiz by fire4ice and Assman

im b0red. ;\ im talkin to kevin on the phone. la la la

- crys is grounded
- maria disappeared
- kevin is cool


i slept over at marias yesterday and im soo tired. & cold. and yeahhh....

we saw people and went xmas shopping *maria did not me*

then the bowling alley i met a nice girl, donna. and mari and laura and we all chilled. fun fun fun

then i went to marias house and watched SNL and talkd to towel boy and fell asleep.

then i went to church with her. YAYAYA we got a sticker!! then i walked back to her house and chilled and then i came home and took a shower. yyyyyyaaaa

bored. no plans. suhkz. <3 u tho

im not excited about christmas :\ 2 days. not like it matterz

MORE IMPORTANTLY!! palladium is open on the 27th, call me or email me if u wanna go. :DD muahah paaaarrrrttttyyyyyy

in NY the people talk and try to make us rhyme. they really hawk but we just walk cuz we dont have no time

run DMC - its tricky

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[22 Dec 2001|05:43pm]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | x-miss - nfg ]

whats up my sexy people!?!

im hyper/tired.. ever felt like that!?? yayaya i do all the time, its like an OOOOVER tired feeling. mmmuahahahaha

i just got back from the game

almost hooked up with crys.... for a soda! haha JJJK IM JK JK JK!!

then me and marere went to the diner. :p we ate food! nmmmmuahahah

utah/ucal... love u baby muuuuah

well now im going to the mall. el mallo. even tho im like tired BUT HYPER muaha

did i tell you how high is a good movie? it is

--sharon didnt see much. JK he tried to but she was like hell no.


kevin im bringing ur present to the mall YAYA i get myne! yYAYA

maria i have ur present too, same with crys..

we might go watch movies at crys's after the mall

----to many IMS.. brb

ahhh i g/g so hectic! im in a rush....@@@kjasfl;k


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thanks Scott [22 Dec 2001|12:16pm]
[ mood | thankful ]
[ music | dance wit me -one.twelve ]

Greenguitarguy [12:59 AM]: So I hear you're a racist homophobe, that must suck
LittleGirl52186 [1:00 AM]: hey not really
Greenguitarguy [1:00 AM]: Well, it's gonna when you stop living under your daddy's wallet
LittleGirl52186 [1:00 AM]: eh
Greenguitarguy [1:01 AM]: It must be interesting to have no reason to life other than to drain money from your parents to please yourself, make yourself feel better than everyone else, whereas the poor people which you think of are poor only in money, whereas they are rich in life as you are poor in soul
LittleGirl52186 [1:03 AM]: lol i have a job you know i buy my own clothes shop for my parents and buy gifts for friends and family
Greenguitarguy [1:03 AM]: and i suppose you do that all with a job you got by yourself?
LittleGirl52186 [1:03 AM]: sure did Krogers! lol
LittleGirl52186 [1:03 AM]: I love Krogers
LittleGirl52186 [1:04 AM]: aren't you proud
Greenguitarguy [1:04 AM]: Then i feel all the more sorry that you cannot understand what it means to make your own life happy, when yours appears to be so sad
LittleGirl52186 [1:04 AM]: why is mine sad? I'm happy :) I have friends, a home, a family that cares, and a wonderful and caring b/f what more can i ask for
Greenguitarguy [1:06 AM]: Life is balance, and you fail to see the balance between races, you seem to have some corrupt thinking that you weigh more than any other person on this planet in the balance of the world, when in reality you mean nothing more than a half black half asian crack whore from memphis tennessee
LittleGirl52186 [1:07 AM]: umm k...
Greenguitarguy [1:07 AM]: so why is it that you feel you're better than someone of another color of skin?
LittleGirl52186 [1:07 AM]: umm cause i am
Greenguitarguy [1:08 AM]: why is that?
LittleGirl52186 [1:08 AM]: oh wait omg you've changed me
Greenguitarguy [1:08 AM]: funny
LittleGirl52186 [1:08 AM]: there i am now in love with the blacks k ok
Greenguitarguy [1:08 AM]: no, seriously, why do you feel that you are better than someone who has a different colored skin
Greenguitarguy [1:08 AM]: simple question
LittleGirl52186 [1:08 AM]: Dunno the way i've been brought up
LittleGirl52186 [1:09 AM]: its not like I go hey lets go kill a black
Greenguitarguy [1:09 AM]: thats a good point
Greenguitarguy [1:09 AM]: but just cause you've been brought up that way doesn't mean it's true
Greenguitarguy [1:09 AM]: and it doesn't mean you have to believe it
LittleGirl52186 [1:09 AM]: its my opinion i just dont like black people
Greenguitarguy [1:10 AM]: now when you say that, are you referring to anyone with that particular shade of skin, or someone of the "black" persona, in other words, a homme gee thug from the ghetto
LittleGirl52186 [1:11 AM]: mostly homme gee thug from the ghetto
Greenguitarguy [1:11 AM]: Then i would have to agree, i too dislike that type of person
LittleGirl52186 [1:12 AM]: but i don;t like any black girls they are so stupid they think they own everything oh swear give me a break
LittleGirl52186 [1:12 AM]: now if the other people that have yelled at me tonight had talked like you are things woulda been better off
Greenguitarguy [1:12 AM]: I'm not stupid
Greenguitarguy [1:13 AM]: I know how to get my point across
LittleGirl52186 [1:13 AM]: ah true
Greenguitarguy [1:13 AM]: my point is
Greenguitarguy [1:13 AM]: though i completely agree with you that the type of people you've mentioned are really stupid, annoying, etc., it has nothing to do with the color of their skin
Greenguitarguy [1:14 AM]: First of all, i know more ghetto white guys and plenty of skanky white bitches, than the black equivalent
LittleGirl52186 [1:14 AM]: true i do enjoy the company of a few black people
Greenguitarguy [1:14 AM]: you wouldn't call those people by that ugly word would you?
LittleGirl52186 [1:15 AM]: nigger? heck no there friends
Greenguitarguy [1:15 AM]: then why call someone else by that?
LittleGirl52186 [1:15 AM]: cause here it aint cool to be friends with blacks i gotta keep my rep.
Greenguitarguy [1:16 AM]: then don't be friends with them
Greenguitarguy [1:16 AM]: It doesn't mean you have to call them by a name that you, obviously not that stupid of a person, would have to know is going to bring you more crap than you can shake a plunger at
LittleGirl52186 [1:17 AM]: That's what we use here, it's really not bad here
Greenguitarguy [1:18 AM]: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but i would still try and hold my tongue as best i can, because whether or not it is so bad there, you know it's still pretty bad, no matter where you are, and depending on where you are from, it's no different than signing your own death certificate
LittleGirl52186 [1:19 AM]: sure
Greenguitarguy [1:19 AM]: sarcasm?
LittleGirl52186 [1:19 AM]: no
LittleGirl52186 [1:20 AM]: just saying sure
Greenguitarguy [1:20 AM]: so will you be more careful in the future?
LittleGirl52186 [1:20 AM]: prolly its pretty hard to change after uhh 16, 17 yrs of doing this my whole life
Greenguitarguy [1:21 AM]: I agree, but I think we both know that you'll be better off by using non-racist insults when you dislike someone of another colored skin
LittleGirl52186 [1:21 AM]: Thanks for being so nice about it.
Greenguitarguy [1:22 AM]: It is what I do
LittleGirl52186 [1:23 AM]: Your sweet and I shouldn't being saying that to anyone but my b/f so shhhh
Greenguitarguy [1:23 AM]: So, for a word of advice on anyone else who confronts you who may be not quite as nice as I
Greenguitarguy [1:24 AM]: Take it calmly and rationally, don't yell at them because they're yelling at you, If you truly wish to be better than them, which you could very well be, you will not be by sinking to their level
LittleGirl52186 [1:24 AM]: :)
LittleGirl52186 [1:24 AM]: Thanks...
LittleGirl52186 [1:24 AM]: You are so free to talk to me anytime.
Greenguitarguy [1:25 AM]: and as for gay people, it's not their fault they're gay
LittleGirl52186 [1:25 AM]: I have nothing against gays it was said in a moment of anger
Greenguitarguy [1:25 AM]: ok then
Greenguitarguy [1:25 AM]: Just making sure
LittleGirl52186 [1:25 AM]: I have a gay guy friend! lol OoOoOoOoo
Greenguitarguy [1:26 AM]: Now, here's the kicker, what race do you think I am?
LittleGirl52186 [1:26 AM]: hmm let me guess...Black
Greenguitarguy [1:26 AM]: you'll never know
LittleGirl52186 [1:26 AM]: white?
LittleGirl52186 [1:27 AM]: i wont? hmm
Greenguitarguy [1:27 AM]: if you can't tell the difference without seeing the color of their skin, why should you when you can?
LittleGirl52186 [1:27 AM]: good call
Greenguitarguy [1:27 AM]: perhaps you need to walk blindly from now on?
LittleGirl52186 [1:32 AM]: ok (Notice the time difference)
Greenguitarguy [1:32 AM]: thank you for your time
LittleGirl52186 [1:32 AM]: welcome
Greenguitarguy [1:32 AM]: I should be leaving now
LittleGirl52186 [1:32 AM]: ok ttyl?
Greenguitarguy [1:32 AM]: perhaps
LittleGirl52186 [1:32 AM]: k bye
Greenguitarguy [1:33 AM]: goodnight

well even tho i dont think he changed her, i think he had some kind of impact on her.

thanks Scott!~!

well i g/g im in a towel ;X and im tryin to get ready for TJs bball game. aaaah

p.s. last night was fun, we saw zack and i met new people when i was with sharon and diana and elif. but then diana left so me shar and leefy went and saw how high --good movie so yeah i g/g now tho. 1 4 3.

much<3 karina

bad boyz... i c u, lookin at me, i can tell by your eyes that your feelin me, and i really want you to get close to me, so would u dance with me, dance with me

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siblingz suck [21 Dec 2001|03:26pm]
[ mood | devious ]
[ music | sisQo - can i liveouuch! ]

i hate little kids. well no just my sister. anyway

i have to go into town tonight and get pix of matt barr's friends to send to him for xmas :D

miss you matty~! muah

anyway so that should be fun... then im gonna go see how high that should be realllll fun :D muahaha then im going to.. well you dont need to no about the rest. i'll tell who i chose. :D muahahaha.

marere's sick :[ i <3333 youuuu. i have ur present!!'

elif & jenn flipped out when they got there presents :D haha

your welcome jess...

well im cold .. bRR so im gonna go take a hot steamy shower

i saw zacky yesterday! i <33 zacky! give me your boxerz NOW. haha

and ben-g. muahha.. <333

oh and my goodness, dan and nick and uhmm, billy and paul & paul2 and uhmmm... AJ and uhh... matt. wow madd peeps. haha im ghetto

uhh, o and bret, yep i saw him tooo

and DAVE!!! daaaaaaavvvve<333 lol

k thats enuf. so im gonna go. this is the game plan in short

- town 4 pix
- how high
-sleepin over crys
- other illegal stuff too. hah no... lolnoooo.

-wake up and go to penguin bball game
- check out #4 and #15 and #15 on the purple team.. ouuuch! mmm
- matt, billy joe abe joe... wanna chill.. maaaybe

- sunday OHH BOY dont know. NO WORK THO

GUYZ omgoodness i got a 10 $ bonus from my job! hotness

**kristens gonna hook me up with her bf's friend? ooo boy.

shower time. MUCH LOVE... comment.. see its right over there >>


dr0p tha... ouch. your not my girl and im not your man imma tell you again so you understand...

sisQo - caN i liVe :D oh baby

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THIS IS WHY I HATE IGNORANT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [20 Dec 2001|06:25pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | gRR..*chop suey - system of a down ]

this girl that was bothering maria IMed me and said shit about me but she lives in cali so i was like you dont even no me and then shes like yeah u live in the ghetto with all them... she said the N word. so i was like EXCUSE ME!?!?!? this is the convo. i didnt go off i was trying to understand were shes coming from, i mean how can u be so stupid?!?!?!

LittleGirl52186 [4:55 PM]: yea i said the word
Ill karina lll [4:55 PM]: i cant belive that
LittleGirl52186 [4:56 PM]: believe it
Ill karina lll [4:56 PM]: really, thats.. im disgusted
Ill karina lll [4:56 PM]: u have a problem with black people?
LittleGirl52186 [4:56 PM]: no one at all here likes blacks
LittleGirl52186 [4:56 PM]: i have one black friend and she acts white
LittleGirl52186 [4:56 PM]: she hates being black
Ill karina lll [4:56 PM]: wow, u live in one of those little sheltered towns?
Ill karina lll [4:56 PM]: she hates being black b/c of people like you
Ill karina lll [4:57 PM]: and ur ignorance
LittleGirl52186 [4:57 PM]: umm sweets were like almost best firned
Ill karina lll [4:57 PM]: your so sheltered
Ill karina lll [4:57 PM]: im sure u are
Ill karina lll [4:57 PM]: but u make her hate who she is
Ill karina lll [4:57 PM]: your not a real friend
LittleGirl52186 [4:57 PM]: i don;t make her hate herself
LittleGirl52186 [4:58 PM]: she hated being black before i even met her
Ill karina lll [4:58 PM]: u said she hates being black
Ill karina lll [4:58 PM]: well people like you
LittleGirl52186 [4:58 PM]: yea
Ill karina lll [4:58 PM]: b/c u dont like black people
LittleGirl52186 [4:58 PM]: well anywayz she don't care she cracks on her own race
Ill karina lll [4:58 PM]: so shes racist against herself. thats great
Ill karina lll [4:59 PM]: so ur racist too huh?
LittleGirl52186 [4:59 PM]: yep sure is
Ill karina lll [4:59 PM]: why? why dont u like black people?
LittleGirl52186 [4:59 PM]: yep sure am just like the rest of us cali's
LittleGirl52186 [4:59 PM]: cause they think we owe them something because they were slaves that's what they should be..slaevs
Ill karina lll [4:59 PM]: not everyone in cali hates blacks, my cousin lives there i visit her
LittleGirl52186 [4:59 PM]: slaves***
Ill karina lll [5:00 PM]: why should they be slaves!!1
LittleGirl52186 [5:00 PM]: then she aint too popular
Ill karina lll [5:00 PM]: they are just like you and me except they have a different color!!
LittleGirl52186 [5:00 PM]: cause that's how they started out and that's how they should stay
Ill karina lll [5:00 PM]: and we abused them for years and treated them like shit, we do owe them
Ill karina lll [5:00 PM]: they didnt start out like that
Ill karina lll [5:00 PM]: they started out as people
LittleGirl52186 [5:01 PM]: we don't owe them anything i'm glad we abused them
Ill karina lll [5:01 PM]: as regular people
Ill karina lll [5:01 PM]: HOW CAN U BE SO FUCKING STUPID
Ill karina lll [5:01 PM]: u could never live anywhere but where u are now
LittleGirl52186 [5:01 PM]: I could ask you the same question
Ill karina lll [5:01 PM]: you'd get ur assed kicked by not only blacks but whites here
LittleGirl52186 [5:01 PM]: not really let me count the states that are over half racist
Ill karina lll [5:01 PM]: yeah well not NY
LittleGirl52186 [5:02 PM]: yea i bet
Ill karina lll [5:02 PM]: i'll tell you right now
Ill karina lll [5:02 PM]: we aretn
Ill karina lll [5:02 PM]: *arent
LittleGirl52186 [5:02 PM]: ok I have family there and i know a lot of racist people there
Ill karina lll [5:02 PM]: maybe little hick states in the middle of nowhere
Ill karina lll [5:02 PM]: well where do ur family live
LittleGirl52186 [5:02 PM]: hey did ya know there's KKK in Ny bet ya didn;t did ya know that about 11 blacks have been killed since 2001 has started and no ones done a thing
LittleGirl52186 [5:03 PM]: Torktown
LittleGirl52186 [5:03 PM]: and Ny, Ny
Ill karina lll [5:03 PM]: yorktown?!!!!!
LittleGirl52186 [5:03 PM]: yorktown***
LittleGirl52186 [5:03 PM]: yea yorktown
Ill karina lll [5:03 PM]: ur a fucking lier. cuz if they're here they dont show there sorry faces
Ill karina lll [5:03 PM]: i have to go, ur ignorant and i feel bad for u
Ill karina lll [5:03 PM]: later

then i went out and came back and here she is AGAIN!

LittleGirl52186 [6:05 PM]: hey its you again the "nigger" lover
LittleGirl52186 [6:05 PM]: :gasp!: are you disgusted
Ill karina lll [6:05 PM]: i feel bad for you
LittleGirl52186 [6:06 PM]: i feel bad for you
Ill karina lll [6:06 PM]: whys that
LittleGirl52186 [6:06 PM]: cause you like niggers
Ill karina lll [6:06 PM]: cuz i think all people should be treated equally
Ill karina lll [6:06 PM]: stop calling them that, they;re african american
Ill karina lll [6:06 PM]: or black
LittleGirl52186 [6:07 PM]: who niggers?
Ill karina lll [6:07 PM]: stop trying to be a smart ass u suck at it
LittleGirl52186 [6:07 PM]: umm how bout no
Ill karina lll [6:07 PM]: you dont have the intellect
LittleGirl52186 [6:08 PM]: are you "trying" to act smart or something?
Ill karina lll [6:08 PM]: no, i dont even feel im coming off like im smart, but maybe im impressing u
Ill karina lll [6:08 PM]: that doesnt surprise me
LittleGirl52186 [6:08 PM]: ha ha ha ha yea...ha ha ha ha ha
LittleGirl52186 [6:08 PM]: alright phew that was good
Ill karina lll [6:08 PM]: anyway, so why do u hate black people?
LittleGirl52186 [6:09 PM]: cause they're freakin gay
Ill karina lll [6:09 PM]: u havent answered me
Ill karina lll [6:09 PM]: gay?
Ill karina lll [6:09 PM]: have something against homosexuals too?
LittleGirl52186 [6:09 PM]: yep
Ill karina lll [6:09 PM]: not that all black people are gay, they arent, but god ur stupid
Ill karina lll [6:09 PM]: i feel bad for you
LittleGirl52186 [6:10 PM]: k your level is like as low as he** and mine is at the rich level
LittleGirl52186 [6:10 PM]: rich don't talk to poor so i'm gonna go buh byes
Ill karina lll [6:10 PM]: poor?
LittleGirl52186 [6:10 PM]: i've got a rich life to live
Ill karina lll [6:10 PM]: lol
Ill karina lll [6:10 PM]: stuck up a bit
LittleGirl52186 [6:10 PM]: go buy some i dunno black people or something we've got a few
LittleGirl52186 [6:10 PM]: they are maids and butlers like they should be everywhere
Ill karina lll [6:11 PM]: why should they be slaves
Ill karina lll [6:11 PM]: and not white people?

then she blocked me I HATE IGNORANT PEOPLE...



email her, IM her, DO SOMETHING

god do i hate people like that\


1. im sick
2. i have to go xmas shopping AGAIN
3. my eyes hurt
4. i have to bake a cake!
5. im tired
7. just yea...


comment on this b/c i need to hear what u have to say


jess got me a UTAH shirt!!! aaaaaaahhhhh lol.
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tests [19 Dec 2001|07:41pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | blink182-sTay t0gether f0r tHe kiDs ]

tests tests test...

Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

there anger hurts my ears... benn runnin strong for 7 years... rather then fix the problems they never solve them it makes no sense at all... i see them everyday... we get along so why cant they?... if this is what he wants and this is what she wants then whys there so much pain?
bLinK one.eighty.two.


*no xmas shopping.. thats good anddd bad

*im still sick! my god. i probably have mono.

<33arinak :D
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hi again [18 Dec 2001|10:16pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | black balloon - goo goo dolls ]

I am 81-100% Ghetto


muahaha im gett-0. haha i told u jess im ethopian!

and im . . .

Take the Affliction Test Today!

smile if u have syphilis!!

p.s. hitler had that shit * and if left untreated you go cRaZy... muahahahahaha *maria the crazy mexican* but maria has no STDS



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so0o high [18 Dec 2001|09:32pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | so high part 2 - red/meth man & toni braxton ]

i g e t s o h i g h

-toni braxon feat. method man & red man : so high part 2

so anyhoooo

i went to the bball game*

ytown vs. yonkerz : ytown takez 'em 55 - 51

*the yonkz hittin on us* lmao jess "hey i like yo thong girl.." rofL

mike drove me :D thanks hun

jess n jenn *great dance u guyz kick ass

well im tired GUYZ oh boy i stayed after for fritz and made up labs and then went and got extra help in math *cuz im never in school so i dont learn anything* and now i get it! yayayay! lol

tomorrow i got more xmas shopping :[ i have to get

kevin brady
jenn robinson *just getting more for her
Mrs. Synder (crys's mom) lol


nights of endless pleasure
*3 months ago christmas eve.
god i miss you *ucal*

why me?

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computer class [18 Dec 2001|11:58am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | selena - dreaming of you ]

still blah...

im sick & tired.
people suck.

hates *and i dont hate usually*

giggly girls & ignorant people.


christmas.. ehh

puerto rico? might go in january... well thats a good thing at least to look foward to.

im not getting home today til like 4 *staying after*
and i really dont want to

alone for christmas

...go figure *ucal*



im dreaming of you tonight. til tomorrow. i'll be holding you tight. and theres no where in the world i'd rather be then here in my room dreaming about you and me

selena - dreaming of you
6 comments|post comment

coLd... bRRR [17 Dec 2001|09:26pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | SR71 - right now ]

c0Ld bRRRR...

[he] taught me how to trust
and to believe in us
and then [he] taught me how to curse
that b!tch. itz over...

you know i use to be such a nice [girl]

why you always kick me when im
knock me down til we see eye to

and no he may not be Mr. Right
he'll do right now

so anyway :D i <33 jenn

i got it bad...
... mb*kf*aaf

well im tired *yawn*
im cold *brrr*
and im hungry *growl*

so im gonna go...

crys - poster boy isnt that hott..

guyz suhk. so does love.

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[15 Dec 2001|03:56pm]
[ mood | recumbent ]
[ music | counting crows - sullivan street ]

well fun fun fun. im still sick

crys was at my house til 2am cuz we fell asleep watching movies and such. so when my parents came home my dad took her home.

i have to buy ONE MORE present. :D

hey sexy ucal

fyi i got his address and im gonna write to him :D ya!

well scotts parents are out of town tonight... not that it matters... but he just told me hes staying in... dont live in VA doesnt look like much fun down there.

my keyboard is ghetto

im listening to my dads homosexual music cuz he's making me

ohh nvm its now counting crows - sullivan street.

all i want for xmas is true love

get me that u'll be my new best friend :D

<33 karina

im almost drowning in her sea, shes nearly fallin to her knees

counting crows - sullivan street

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supergirl [14 Dec 2001|08:56pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | supergirl : krystal harris ]

im supergirl
and i'm here to save the world
but i wanna know
why i feel so alone

hi ucal.. i miss you ;\

im sick.. :[ which really sucks

- crystalynn is here. we watched deuce biggalo male jiggalo. and now we're watchin get over it... shes gonna call lizzy...

-im lonely

-im making here a mariah mix *cd* lol

-scotts an asshole, i dont talk to him anymore, oh well

-and i really dont feel good so im gonna go

-we ate chineze :D thanks DAD

-crystalynns giggling... ewy

-hi maria. hi kevin. TJ i dislike u. alot.

i want poster boy

theres california maki in my shoe. muahahha

god i want UCAL


im supergirl. and im here to save the world. but i wanna know.
why i feel so alone...
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