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Below is user information for Peep. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:cez (28589) cez
She likes the yellow things
Yes, she does
Location:Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Bio:chicks are pretty...yellow and fun to poke.

*peep peep*
Interests:88: 80s music, alcohol, all the colours, alpen, anywhere but here, art, audrey hepburn, baileys, ballet, bbc breakfast, being clean, believing i'm a gymnast, black and white, bleach, books, breakfast at tiffanys, buffy, casablanca, cats, charlie's angels, charmed, chicks, chocolate, christmas, clubs, commodore amiga 500, crunchie nut cornflakes, daffodils, dancing, daydreaming, eyeliner, feathers, fifth element, finding nemo, flinging yourself about, flowers, fluffy, getting lost, girly magazines, glitter, google, graffiti, green tea, gym, home-brewing, internet, jane fonda exercise videos, laughing like a crazy, laurence llewelyn-bowen, lick, lucille ball, madonna, making a mess, monkey slaves, mtv, music, naked men, new york, new zealand story, news, old films, peepers, photography, poke, powerpuff girls, pretty lights, question time, random journeys, running until tired, singing in the rain, skipping, splattering paint everywhere, spring, star trek, starsky and hutch, stroke, tae-bo, taking photos, tap-dancing, tea, things that sparkle, useless facts, vodka, wandering aimlessly, watermelon, wells, yellow, zoolander. [Modify yours]
People14:akira28, al_iguana, amnionflawed, bias, blodri, daveeed, ediacara, josafeind, leh330, mildred, scentless, sparkle, sugarhigh, twonavels
Communities5:aesthetes, cardiff, creativephoto, photographie, phototheme
Friend of:14: akira28, al_iguana, amnionflawed, bias, blodri, blogablog, daveeed, ediacara, leh330, mildred, scentless, sparkle, sugarhigh, twonavels
Member of:7: aesthetes, cardiff, catsgalore, creativephoto, photographie, phototheme, starsky_hutch
Account type:Free Account

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