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Monday, June 14th, 2004
6:55 pm - rock chiltins
Oh rock I finally got the password for my diaryland journal. Wooooo.

Hart hart the end of school. I'm bringing my guitar tomorrow on the last day which happens to be a half day. LOOK OUT FUCKERS.

I'm just a shot, then we can die :O

current mood: excited
current music: Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out

(rock my socks off)

Sunday, June 13th, 2004
1:46 pm
How to make a gengy

5 parts competetiveness

5 parts brilliance

3 parts empathy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of sadness and a pinch of salt. Yum!


Personality cocktail

I'm just kinda chillin' doing my creative writing portfolio which is not really fun. After I finish the writing part of it, which I've almost finished, I hafta go back and decorate some stuff in it. I'd much rather be outside or generally out somewhere. It's such a nice day.

Oh man, only two days of school left. Anyone making any plans of stuff to do after on either of these days?

current mood: awake
current music: The Strokes - Between Love & Hate

(1 rocked sock | rock my socks off)

12:23 am
Today was fun, though oddly broken up. I hung out with Danielle, Jeff, Val, and then Craig and Lynne at Danielle's for a little while and watched Spun, which is a grand crazy movie about meth addicts. Then I had to go to work so I drove Val home.

Two interesting happenings at Roche today.
1.) I kinda fucked up the first order 'cause the guy bags his own corn before I ring it in so I forgot to ring it and then he told me some really lame joke about a horse walking into a bar and the bartender was like 'why the long face?' and I'm like um wtf.
2.) I forget why but I was asking some lady how old she thought I was, and she said 19. I told her no, 17. Then I also forget why but I told her I'd been working at Roche since I was 14, and she said, "Oh, wow. You'd be a good one to get married to then." And I was just like heh. And she goes on like, "Well, I don't mean me, I mean.. a guy." Umm kay heh. @_@ LOL, I thought it was funny/amusing anyways. She was like 75 maybe.

Tomorrow I hafta do my creative writing project.. it will be almost fun I guess. It's my last school assignment of the year, but I'm still going both Monday and Tuesday. I plan on bringing my guitar around.

Oh yeah, after work I chilled again with people. Danielle, Craig, Jeff, Lynne, Sara from WB, Justine, and Jon. I hate how there's nothing to do around here really, but I kinda missed the more fun stuff they did while I was at work. Ah well, it still made for a fun day. I like just hanging out with people.

current mood: good
current music: Dashboard Confessional - Several Ways To Die Trying

(rock my socks off)

Saturday, June 12th, 2004
12:01 am
I just finished watching Bound, which I bought today at Newbury for 20% off DVDs, the sale they're having now. Um, ho-ly shit. I guarantee that next time I watch it, I'll make sure my mom's not in the house, heh.

Yeah anyways. Girls have been confusing me a lot lately, but I just kinda go with it I guess. There's so much stuff to deal with since the school year's wrapping up and all. Some people considered this the last day, but really it isn't 'til Tuesday. Today was my last exam, but I'm still gonna go on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday's a half day anyways. I'll probably just wander around the school with my guitar.. and I need to talk to Mr. Crane, since he went to Brown. He's the man.

I'm really, really tired, and I seemed to have promised myself to be in two places at once tomorrow. Damn, that happens a lot. But I'll see Kathy's friend Brandon for a bit and then head off to Danielle's movie party before working three hours and then working on my creative writing final project which I (still) haven't started. Oh man. It's all really not as stressful as it sounds, but I can think of a way it could be helped even more, hum.

current mood: tired

(rock my socks off)

Friday, June 11th, 2004
6:10 pm - last final
Waiting for my dad to come pick me up. We're going to Newbury Comics to drop off my resumé for there. It's gonna be good. I mean, I already applied, but I want this job a whole lot. No more Roche for me, please.

Today was a grand day.. I came in at the regular time and chilled with Mr. Osgood and Leigh. Mr. Osgood told me about Gorilla Biscuits, this hardcore band he used to like to go see when he was a teenager. Rock. Gonna get their CD tonight. Grand.

current mood: good
current music: The Faint - Let The Poison Spill From Your Throat

(rock my socks off)

Thursday, June 10th, 2004
9:23 pm - EB battle of the bands
The show today went well. We didn't win, but it was a lot of fun really. I forget the name of the band that won. The other band had real problems with the way they were set up 'cause they put all the instruments through the PA, which sucked, but they have the potential to be good once they fix their levels.. Meg had a really bad day. Hugs for Meg. Leah was awesome on bass, too, and her dad helped out a lot. We sold a LOT of demo CDs. We didn't play either of the songs on the CD though, heh. Hrm. ^_^; How 'bout that. Many tweeniebopper girls got free stickers from us, heh. It was a good time though. Yay, band practice tomorrow!

This morning, after my Spanish and electronics finals, I went out to breakfast with a whole bunch of grands. Then I went to the Daily Grind with Danielle and Jeff, as well as Sal Val and Jeff's house. I dunno what's in store for tomorrow. I may just chill with Mr. Osgood and people 'til my history final second period.

Grand times, kids, grand times. They await us.

current mood: hopeful

(rock my socks off)

Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
12:20 pm - attention show-goers
I was so bored, I cleaned my room. Tossed a bunch of crap my relatives like to give me for Christmas and other various holidays sometimes. Getting shit out of my house makes me feel good.

Announcement for you all! Thomasine is having a show tomorrow, on the East Bridgewater Common, which is right across the street from the high school if you know where that is.. if you want directions though, just ask. It's a battle of the bands and it lasts from 6-8. I dunno how many bands there are, or when we're going on, but we get a 20 minute set, I've been told. I'm not sure who else is playing, but I think Comic Book Heroes may be. Please come and support us - it'll be a fun time. The winner of the battle of the bands gets to play at the festival of the arts in EB on the 13th.

current mood: good
current music: The Faint - Ballad of a Paralized Citizen

(rock my socks off)

11:16 am
Hum. It is a half day of school, and where am I? Seated in front of my computer, online. I had my chem and precalc finals today.. I think I did alright. I'm very greatful for my math teacher's distribution of partial credit on problems, I tell you that one. And my chem teacher will scale all the tests a lot anyways, so I should be good.

Anyways, I'd really like to do something today, but it seems that everyone is either not home yet or already off doing stuff. Hum. Later I hafta teach Leah some bass stuff, but even she's not online yet.

I don't really wanna drive anywhere.. it's too nice out. Days like this make me wish I could skateboard. Although, driving with my windows down is more enjoyable now with shorter hair, since my hair doesn't whip in my face anymore, but just goes with the breeze. I'm lovin' it, I tell ya. But I'm not loving how poor I am. Grr.

(rock my socks off)

Monday, June 7th, 2004
4:35 pm - Thomasine sans bass
Today rocked.

Klux Deluxe on the lunch menu, skipping out on half the day for the show, the show itself. Oh very very grand. Knee Deep, the ska band we played with, was very good. I mean, they only had 3-4 practices before with the whole band. They played about 7 cover songs, then we played I think 8 songs. It went great, especially considering the lack of a bassist and lack of my dad being there. That's right kids, I had to set everything up myself. Knee Deep used our PA system too. Packing everything away was kind of a pain, but I really do love every minute of it. I just wish more people could help out and stuff so all I'd hafta do is concentrate on the music portion of it.

My legs ache so much, though. And my arms aren't doing that much better. I probably need more sleep. @_@ And I need my bass from Craig.

But yes. Good mood.

current mood: happy
current music: The Strokes - Meet Me In The Bathroom

(2 rocked socks | rock my socks off)

Sunday, June 6th, 2004
7:48 pm
Today I had a grand time at the Providence Place mall with Missi and her friend Farrah. I have friends from RI, yaaaay. :D I really do like that mall. However, my mom's saying I cannot now drive more than 15 minutes outside of Bridgewater, 'cause she doesn't want wear and tear being put on my car like that and she was all mad and we had a verbal fight over it and she wanted to take away my keys, but I was like um no.

The bowlathon was really good too. I mingled in many a social group, bowled, played DDR, and ate lots of random food. It was good times. Oh, and I fake-raved about a bit to the random cool techno they played with the grand spinny colorful flashy lights.

And I went home and got an hour and a half of sleep. Can ya tell? @_@ Afterwards I did Relay of Life funraising in front of ROCHE until 11 and went to RI and got extention cords for the Thomasine show which is tomorroooow. Last period on the football field. Rock.

current mood: tired as fuck but pretty happy
current music: my mothers random comments about shit

(rock my socks off)

Saturday, June 5th, 2004
2:00 pm - i <3 gatorade
Took the SAT IIs today.. in fucking Marshfield. It's like 45 minutes away, plus I had never been there before. Oh, and the school isn't on School Street. I thought maybe that would make sense, but no. It's on Furnace Street or something like that, and I drove by it the first time 'cause I didn't realize the high school was behind the middle school and not just further down the road. Eh.

The writing was alright but it was weird only having 20 minutes to do it since I'm used to 40 for AP English prompts. The question was something like "People's lives are defined by actions they make.. or fail to make." And you had to talk about this. I heard one girl say she wrote about the Cuban Missile Crisis and The Count of Monte Cristo. Um, I wrote about my parents' divorce because I couldn't think of anything better. Mmkay cool kids. Math was actually not that bad, but at the end I think I fucked up my bubbling and then she called time urrrg. And history wasn't all that bad but it's crappy not knowing the most obscure historical facts. Oh, and thanks to Levesque I knew the answer about Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. Ha.

Marshfield High School is so obscure. I'm not quite sure how to describe it. Home of the Rams. Oh, but they have TVs in their classrooms, even if they were old. And phones to use for the intercom system for like calling down. The teacher who was administrating the test had wicked bad cankles. Like falling out over the sides of her shoes and it was grossss.

The Science Olympiad bowlathon is tonight! Rejoice! :D Before then I shall be hanging out with Sahra so she can see my new hair and such.

I spent $22 on gas today. Jeezus H. Christ on a cracker.

current mood: blah

(2 rocked socks | rock my socks off)

Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
3:07 pm - no Suffolk program
Aaaaaargh. My program at Suffolk was canceled! The GLBT one that's like one-week gay PCC that I was talking about.. apparently there was a lack of interest. So they sent me a Suffolk University lanyard and a t-shirt that's too big for me. Heh.

this is me ranting about the program being canceled )

Good news is Leah's coming to band practice today to chill with me and Meg 'cause she might be able to fill in on bass for the second two of the three shows. Woo. And I get to get out of class at 11:30 Monday to get the amps and other equipment.

GSA was today. Only Ashley M, Kim, and me showed up.

I brought my guitar to school today and ended up lugging it around to all my classes because Kitch wasn't in her room in the morning. S'alright though. The song went grandly, or as grandly as a cornily written song about bees and honey can go.

Getting used to having short hair. It's kinda nice.

current mood: angry
current music: Switchfoot - Meant To Live

(8 rocked socks | rock my socks off)

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004
7:09 pm - white stripesin' it up
Mmkay kids. It's that time again! *cue game show music*

Thomasine yet again needs a (fill-in) bassist!

That's right kids. We have three shows within the next two weeks and three days, and empty chair syndrome has struck yet again. Or, basically, Craig got a job and is now too busy to carry on as a fill-in bassist. But he'll be making money, which I guess is good. Yay money.

There are practically no requirements except you should want to play bass. You can borrow my bass (which Craig must return to me) and amp. I can teach you the songs and such. And trust me, they're not hard, because I wrote most of the bass parts and I don't normally play bass.

Thomasine's three upcoming shows:

- Monday, June 7th: 1:00 at BR. Any kid who got on the honor roll at least one term this year gets pulled out of class to get ice cream and such on the football field. We're playing with one other band.. a ska band who has no decided name as of yet. Sound check starts at 12. I get out slightly earlier to go lug amps around.

- Thursday, June 10th: 6:00 on the East Bridgewater common I believe. AKA the Scary Mary fest, named after the lady Meg knows who's running it. Sound check starts at 4. Playing with.. I dunno how many other bands. Three maybe? It's a battle of the bands, and if we win, we play again on June 13th for some Festival of the Arts I believe.

- Friday, June 18th: Mrs. Holt said we're on at 7 and playing 'til 7:30 or 7:45ish. This is at the Relay For Life at the Bridgewater State College track. So basically, if you're going to that, you'll get to hear us play. You'll also get to hear some old dude's band play and apparently also his little kid's band. Um, cool I guess. :P We'll rock their socks off.

So it's gonna be fun times. I just wish we had a bassist. Talk to me if you're at all interested please. :O

current mood: blah
current music: Something Corporate - As You Sleep

(4 rocked socks | rock my socks off)

2:11 pm
If I was, I would be meme stolen from Gwen.
-- If I were a month, I would be September.
-- If I were a day of the week, I would be Friday.
-- If I were a time of day, I would be early afternoon.
-- If I were a planet, I would be Neptune.
-- If I were a direction, I would be East.
-- If I were a piece of furniture, I would be a wooden computer desk.
-- If I were a historical figure, I would be Joan of Arc.
-- If I were a liquid, I would be Gatorade.
-- If I were a stone, I would be quartz.
-- If I were a tree, I would be an oak.
-- If I were a tool, I would be a socket wrench.
-- If I were a flower, I would be a rose.
-- If I were a kind of weather, I would be a fall breeze.
-- If I were a mythical creature, I would be a dragon.
-- If I were a musical instrument, I would be an electric guitar.
-- If I were a color, I would be grey.
-- If I were an feeling, I would be determination.
-- If I were a song, I would be "Look What Happened" by Less Than Jake.
-- If I were a book, I would be The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
-- If I were a food, I would be Swedish meatballs.
-- If I were a place, I would be Providence.
-- If I were a taste, I would be cinnamon.
-- If I were a word, I would be audio.
-- If I were a body part, I would be an ear.
-- If I were a facial expression, I would be the raised eyebrow.
-- If I were a subject in school, I would be sociology.
-- If I were a shape, I would be a chevron.

My Clea DuVall-esque haircut looks better when parted slightly off-center and at an angle. Grand. The shortness is weird to get used to though.

current mood: happy
current music: Lostprophets - We Still Kill The Old Way

(2 rocked socks | rock my socks off)

Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
8:20 pm - restlessness
My hair is short. As in, hasn't been this short like ever. Unfortunately, without a digital camera or webcam, you'll all just hafta wait and see it in person. When I left the place, I felt a little lightheaded. Weird having all that hair gone. Oh what a busy week I have ahead of me, and not even school-wise. Everything else I'm doing-wise.

I guess I'm restless, and that's the best way to describe it.

current mood: restless
current music: The Strokes - Under Control

(rock my socks off)

Monday, May 31st, 2004
7:59 pm - blahblahblah
I still can't update diaryland. What else is new. Umm Franz Ferdinand is good. But yes that means more personal thoughts end up spilling over into here and deeper ones get written down. :P I'm not a fan of written journals though. I like to type since it's faster and hence my thinking process is captured faster.

Chemistry is not fun. No no no. At least, not writing up lab work. Blech. And preparing for finals. Double blech. This week will fly by, and then next week finals start. Well, on that Wednesday. Nice life in general to my school. And school in general. Oi, I can't wait for summer.

Can't. Wait. River Rave was yesterday and it was awesome. Also my hair started to get sunbleached. I enjoy this. Tomorrow I am getting it cut. Yes kiddos.. it'll be shorter than it's been, uh, ever. Since it originally grew that length. It's going to be weird.

Did my English project today with Leigh, Val, and Meg. We went to the Raynham Mandarin. I really like that place, I decided. It's both good and fairly inexpensive. :>

Brody from The Distillers is key. Brendon and I met The Distillers yesterday at River Rave. Okay, the scene is this.. we were waiting in line, and we had our CDs to get signed, and we were moving down the line and got it signed by the bassist, drummer, and guitarist. Brody was last. Brendon had put on his River Rave shirt he bought because he was cold. Brody looked a little out of it, but perked right up when she saw Brendon and his shirt.

Brody: Oh, are you going to that?
Me and Dooon: Uhmm..
Dooon: It's.. today.
Her two security guards: Yeah, it's where you just played. Um, please don't fire us.
Brody: Oh... *pause* I meant like the rave part though.
Dooon: Ooooh. No, no raving for us.

It was just really key though. Perhaps if you see me in person I can do the voices because it's keyer that way.

Today I made and wore a giant newspaper hat.

current mood: anxious
current music: Franz Ferdinand - Jacqueline

(1 rocked sock | rock my socks off)

Saturday, May 29th, 2004
10:02 pm
Aw jeez I really need my diaryland password 'cause I wanna write about more personal shit but y'know. I don't post that here as much.

Three more weeks until the Suffolk program. Then that's a week. Hrm. Yeah, I dunno if I'm really expecting to meet anyone there I could have any sort of relationship with, especially since only a handful of people are going.. and they'll all probably end up living too far away anyways. But still I dunno. And it's not a question of whether or not I can be put with a same sex roommate for a week and be trusted, but more like.. well, it'd certainly be different if I had known someone for say, six months plus, and then gone to this thing. My logic is a little hard to explain, but it makes sense, I swear. Although it's really not fun. But it's probably a good idea anyways. :\

Bought the Franz Ferdinand CD today. It's good. River Rave is tomorrow. I am going to be so poor. I need t-shirts. Also watched the documentary Kurt & Courtney today over Bryan's house with Dooon. It was good kinda, but inconclusive. Interesting though. I'm still not sure what to think.

Hanging out with Dooon was fun today, though Liz couldn't do anything. I taught his youngest brother how to play a little Blink 182 on bass. His middle brother will be pretty good on drums.. but right now it seems his dad is playing more than he is, heh. Both brothers are taking lessons.

I saw a man in the Christmas Tree Shop today wearing a rainbow polo shirt.

current music: Franz Ferdinand - 40'

(rock my socks off)

12:18 pm - Ugh.
We need to get the fuck out of Iraq. Look at this kiddos, they might be starting a draft as soon as next spring. Kiwibox's article talks about this article from in more simpler terms. I suggest you all at least give the Kiwibox article a once-over. But I'll summarize as well:

The Universal National Service Act of 2003, a conglomeration of two bills (S 89 and HR 163) currently pending in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, if passed, would call for the draft of men AND women between the ages of 18 and 26 to perform some sort of service (military or civilian). College and Canada are no longer options for dodging the draft, due to some fairly recent declarations that have been signed. The only thing I can't find is whether or not they will still reject homosexuals/transsexuals.

But seriously now. Why don't we just get out of Iraq and get our gas prices back to a more reasonable figure? Say, under a dollar like they were maybe 5 year ago or whatever Danielle was saying. I dunno, I'm just not happy with our US Government. Those of you who can vote in November, please do so for Kerry. I know I'm gonna 'cause I'll be 18.

current mood: angry

(13 rocked socks | rock my socks off)

Friday, May 28th, 2004
10:08 pm - grandness
I want to update my diaryland journal, but I don't have my password yet since I reformatted Tuesday, so I'll write in here I guess.

The potluck dinner at Sharon rocked my socks today. It was even more fun than I thought it was going to be. Me and my motley gang of friends (Melm, Bryan, Val, Meg) stormed up to see the Sharoners, as well as the lone Easton ambassador, and some other random kids I didn't really know. But they're all nice anyways. And in the end, Sahra and I got to play guitar, so what more could I want? The food was good. Masha's rainbow frosted brownies rocked. Their advisor's cool too.

I'm drawing guitarlets.

I love how it's Friday and I don't hafta do any homework 'cause it's the weekend. It's so nice. River Rave Sunday woooo. I must remind myself to print out the tickets. I have an urge to do things. Gas is expensive, but I want to anyways.

current mood: happy
current music: Michael Nyman - The Promise

(2 rocked socks | rock my socks off)

Wednesday, May 26th, 2004
8:12 pm - last lakeville gsa of the year
Hum. Scratch that show Saturday. Turns out the guitarist from Accidie didn't set it up, 'cause the guy's hard to get ahold of. Ah well.. next show is June 7th for the honor roll sundae party. Now if only my dad would answer his cell phone, Meg would return from marching band, and I could talk to Craig, everyone would know about this. @_@ So, since there is no band practice tomorrow, I'll go to Lakeville's senior banquet thing.

Yay for avoiding doing math homework. And chem. But then again, I don't even know if that lab's due tomorrow or not.

Went to the Newbury Comics in Avon today to buy the new Avril CD. Talked to a pretty girl who worked there. She was wearing a skirt over pants. Very cool. She thinks they'll definitely hire me by the middle of the summer, which would rock. She said although it hasn't been very busy, they haven't even had their grand opening yet, which is next week. Whee.

current mood: blah
current music: The Strokes - You Talk Way Too Much

(1 rocked sock | rock my socks off)

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