Thursday, January 25th, 2001
9:24 am - *hack, hack*
I'm sick at the moment. Allergies, bronchitis.
As I told someone else: "My body hates me."
I want something... Oooh yeah! I want to be CrAzY!
current mood: crazy current music: Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz
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Wednesday, December 20th, 2000
7:45 pm - optional.
poo poo poo poo. I see you. lookin' so nice. acting so fine. poo poo poo poo.
current mood: mischievous current music: Commercials
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Tuesday, December 19th, 2000
7:16 pm - Bret Hart is my idol.
Today I dreamed about Bret Hart. Mmm, and cookies. I like Bret and cookies. But cookies are better.
I'm going to go eat some Jell-O at a Chinese restaurant soon. Fitting, 'eh?
current mood: surprised current music: Liz Phair - Conversation Overheard Between Two Bouncers
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Thursday, December 14th, 2000
11:19 pm - Bright, Sunshiny Day...
Well, Here I am. I feel a bit out of body, like I'm not really myself... Damn, I wish I knew why.
Anyway, I've been jello wrestling a bit lately and it's really quite fun - everyone should try it! I recommend orange. But that's just me...
I'm going to go climb a tree now. Bye.
current mood: confused current music: Tool - Naked Fringe
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Monday, December 11th, 2000
6:27 pm - Silliness is hereditary...
I was going to talk about my encounter with a girl on the playground, but I've been on the internet far too long to discuss that awful affair... I think I'll go play in the mud, try to warm up a little bit. I love mud.
current mood: silly current music: "My Name Is Mud" - Primus
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