Wasting away in Margaritaville.... [entries|friends|calendar]
...Searching for my lost shaker of salt

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[08 Feb 2005|11:56am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | "Welcome to India" by MC Vikram ]

The subject of this entry will deal with the events of Friday.

My intent was to have a calm, adult discussion with my friends and boyfriend. I was feeling very upset with Alex because he was putting too much emphasis on sex and I was also having problems with certain elements of his demeanor. The purpose of the discussion was to shine some light on what he was doing and how it was making me feel and hopefully he would curtail the objectionable behavior.

I arrived at Steves house before class and we watched part of Independence Day. After class I went back, and over the next few hours, Lance, Steve, KT and I discussed what I was feeling and what they thought I should do. The consensus all around was that I should dump him, or at least have him move out for a few days.

So, when Alex arrived at Steves, it took maybe 5 minutes before he left. (Allison arrived just after he left) It was just me talking to him at that point, with Lance butting in occasionally. After he left I called him over and over, and when he finally answered I was so angry that I told him to either come back to Steves or go back to his own house. I even called my mom and told her not to let him in if he came by.

She did not comply, and he called me and we were arguing on the phone for about half an hour. The whole time my friends were talking to me, telling me to dump him, etc.

While I was on the phone, I noticed that they started to get their jackets and shoes on. It turned out that Steve had the idea to go to my house and tell him to get all his stuff out in 15 minutes. He originally planned on doing this without asking, but he did and I agreed.

Just as we were leaving Steves, Dave came with two friends of his. So it was three cars in a row, all going to my house.

When we got there, I asked Dave to leave his friends outside, and we went up the stairs. Steve told Alex he had 15 minutes to leave, and if he did not comply he would be physically removed from the house. Now, I agreed to them telling him he had a certain amount of time to leave, but I did not agree to them doing anything physically.

Lance and Alex started arguing and everyone was talking loudly and so my mom came in to see what was going on.

I did not appreciate Lance and Steve telling Alex to get out infront of my mother, I couldn't believe that. Lance and Alex were all getting up in eachothers faces and I had to pull Lance back several times because I was afraid he was going to swing.

Eventually people started drifting away and they left, leaving Alex and I to argue it out.

What I did wrong
- The biggest mistake I made was asking Lance to be there. Lance has a huge problem with Alex, I have never known him to dislike someone so much. I should've realized due to his personal vendetta he would be incapable of having civilized conversation.

- I asked everyone to come to Steve's house since I find his basement room to be very comfortable and official. If I had asked people to come to my house, Alex would not have had the opportunity to leave since he had no where else to go.

- Telling people all bad and no good. When one talks to their friends about their bf/gf, it's only natural to only talk about the bad. Who wants to hear about good things? So your friend can go "wow, that's so cool, I'm jealous?" No, no, people like to bitch, and so that's what I did. Maybe I did it too often, because now Steve and Lance apparently think that Alex is some sort of criminal. They do not hear about how sweet and loving he can be, but just how he can sometimes be a doody. Everyone can be an asshole, myself included. You can guarantee that I won't be mentioning Alex to either of them ever again.

The Results
- I am going to start seeing a shrink to do something about my disgust for sex. I am sick of the fighting between us over it. Just today, Alex saw his shrink and told him about my problem and he said that I definitely need therapy :/ It is going to be very hard for me to talk about sex with some old guy that I don't know. At this point I really don't care if I ever have sex again, I do not miss it at all, but what I do care about is my relationship with the man I love.

- Lance is mad at me. He says that I do not respect myself and that he can't be my friend if I do not respect myself.

- I am sort of disappointed with Steve and Lance. I expected more from them, although I am EXTREMELY grateful that they would go through such lengths for me, all my friends included. Have you ever had 5 people gather together just because they love you and want to help you? It makes you feel so special.

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Guilty [02 Feb 2005|12:24pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

I feel so bad that I am doing this to my baby. I love him so, and I want to make him feel good and I want him to be happy. I can't work past my disgust. I tried to compensate last night by having dry sex, but it just made him mad for some reason. I guess it's because he figured since I wanted to dry-feck, I must've really wanted real sex and was just being a bitch. But I really didn't want it. I don't want to touch the penis. I want to be happy, and I want him to be happy. What can I do? Suggestions, people. (I give you this beautiful writing and entertainment...GIVE SOMETHING BACK!!)

Last night I may have had the freakiest dream ever. At first it had something to do with me buying belly rings. KT was in the dream at some point, I guess talking about belly rings. I was at the mall and I bought two, one with a huge silver heart and the other a pink dangling one. Then after the mall, for some reason I was in the car with my moms friend, her boyfriend and my sister. We were in some small, seaside town, looking for a hotel. We found a hotel, and there was some lady outside smoking a cigarette. All of the sudden the dream flashed to the bathroom...and I killed them. My moms friend, her boyfriend and the cigarette lady. I don't know what happened to Tracy. But, yes, I killed them. I chopped them up and put them in the shower. I've never had a dream in which I killed people before.

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I must get out of here, I must get free. [01 Feb 2005|07:37pm]
[ mood | bored ]

My dark mood subsided for 2 or so days, but came back strong today.

I have come to the decision that I must rid myself of all sexual paraphenalia. I am at school right now, but when I get home, I'm going to take all the condoms we have, unwravel them and throw them out. I was originally going to give them to a friend, but I'd rather not encourage others to engage in that dirty little dance. As much as I hate to say it, I have a vibrator (embarassing) which will be destroyed. I'm going to put it in a plastic bag and smash it with a hammer.

For the first time in ever since I could remember, I've been having suicidal thoughts. Nothing serious, never fear, it's just the idea of leaving this place...this zoo...is very attractive. I would never actually do it, of course. I'd rather be alive and hate what's around me than be dead and feel nothing.

I had COR before then and the teacher was talking about the sexual revolution and Hugh Hefner. He said something about he would read Hefner's articles in the 60's and that was the only reason he would read the magazine. Everyone was like "yeah, right." FUCK YOU PUD KNOCKERS. I want to murder everyone in that class because they're stupid.

I have a dream of one day chopping off someone's penis. There's some sick fuck out there that would let me do it. I bet if I advertised for a slave or something I could cut some nasty dudes cock off and shove it up his ass and then dance around laughing my ass off.

What I want is to leave this place. Staten Island, New York City, New York, America...I want to go to Japan and live a quiet, simple life in a river-side village, living off the land and the sea as a creepy hermit of some kind. Or, I would like to penetrate gorilla society and live my life running through the jungle with gorillas and eating bananas and shit.

Bunny's been telling me that all of what I've been saying has been said by people before and is nothing new. Yeah, well, at least I realize it. But, no one else has such a hatred of humanity as I do. That's why I hate sex so much, because sex=humans.

The Formula of Living Garbage

If you have any contact with your own and/or other peoples genitals you're a FILTHY shit.

Last night I came to the realization that dry sex is totally cool with me, because there's no nasty genitals exposed. So, Bunny, we can do that if you want. Well, not if you want, if I want, since I am totally in control.

Now for some wisdom from Agent Smith:

"Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus."

"I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer."

Right on.

My COR class gets me so mad, since it's all about things American. The teacher asked what a revolution was and only one other person seemed to know. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU FUCKING TARDS?! Stop thinking about MTV and parties!!!

If CSI had classical music playing over outdoor loudspeakers it would be so much cooler.

I hurt my neck really badly last night, headbanging to the second movement of Beethoven 9.

For my french class we are required to spend an hour in the language lab per session, which means two hours per week. I am now trying to get through hour 1 by updating this here journal.

About Hatred
There is only one sure way to tell if you really hate someone. If you were given an option to press a button that would annihilate them from existence, from ever having existed. Everything would stay the same, but they never would have been born. That's how you tell. There are several people who I would choose to annihilate, but I won't say any names since actually 1 or two of them may read this journal. Not that I care about offending them, or having them know that I hate them and would choose to have them obliterated, but it just doesn't seem right.

God damn it, I still have half an hour to serve in here. I don't have anything to do when I get home, so I might as well do this. I don't even think that the teacher checks to see if we've been doing our time, since I didn't do it last term and still got an A- in the class. However, it is an upper level class and she may expect more from us.

Alright, my sentence is up.

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Stolen from Keith [31 Jan 2005|12:04am]
How to make a klavier

1 part success

5 parts crazyiness

3 parts beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of sadness and enjoy!
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What is this place? [30 Jan 2005|06:42pm]
[ mood | pessimistic ]

What have humans done for this planet? What have we done that makes us deserve the gift of life? Nothing.

What have we created that is worth saving? Nothing. Some would say art.

Can you compare the brushstrokes of Monet to the lively ballet of color that is a field of wildflowers, or a butterfly's wing? No.

Can you compare the works of Mozart or Wagner to the sound of waves crashing on a shore or crickets on a summer night? No.

Can you compare the smell of a fine perfume to the smell of a warm spring breeze? No.

The crude, man-made and manufactured excuse for art and beauty will simply ALWAYS be quashed by the immutable force that is nature.

I used to think that I wanted to help people. At one point I wanted to be a paramedic, and at another time I wanted to be a cop, but now, I'd rather destroy human life rather than save it.

I would not be down-hearted if the bubonic plague was resurrected and killed everybody next week. Myself included.

This world rejects me
This world threw me away
This world never gave me a chance
This world’s gonna have to pay
I don’t believe in your institutions
I did what you wanted me to
Like cancer in the system
I’ve got a little suprise for you

Something inside of me has opened up it’s eyes
Why did you put it there did you not realize
This thing inside of me it screams the loudest sound
Sometimes I think I could


I look down there where you’re standing
Flock of sheep out on display
Saw your lives burned up around you
I can take it all away

Something inside of me has opened up it’s eyes
Why did you put it there did you not realize
This thing inside of me it screams the loudest sound
Sometimes I think I could

I’m gonna burn this whole world down

I never was a part of you burn

I am the agent I never was a part of you burn
I am corruption I never was a part of you burn
I am the angel I never was a part of you burn
Of your destruction I never was a part of you burn

I am subversion I never was a part of you burn
Secret desire I never was a part of you burn
I am your future I never was a part of you burn
Swallow down all that fire

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Not a Nazi. But a Sex-Nazi. [28 Jan 2005|08:25pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | "I Don't Love Anyone" by Belle and Sebastian ]

Today was shit-ass COR. Yes, it was the first class and it has already been deemed shit-ass. The teacher is burnt out and obviously really doesn't care. I was bored by him when he went over the syllabus. And not only is the professor a snore, but the class itself is horrible. We are going to discuss American government, society and economy. WOW. The reading will be all these documents like the Declaration of Independence...I really can't wait. I'm positively ecstatic.

Madame Fouyer has already assigned a lot of homework. It's all good though, I like her and the class. There's only 5 students in French, all female.

Ah, so, last night I was banned from the porn_debate community. BOO FUCKING HOO HOO! That moderator was such an ugly cunt I couldn't stand her insolence much longer. Everytime she would say anything to anyone I would grind my teeth, because she talks in such a condenscending tone to everybody. Oh well, that community is chock-full-o fat, ugly pud-knockers. As I mentioned last time I spoke of this community, all the pro-porn people are ugly. That's why they like porn.

Anyway, she put up this "anti-klavier" thread. I would love to show you all but it's friends only.

There is this one post on the thread where someone goes "Klavier had a big nose."

First: No one has ever said that about me before.
Second: I really don't have a big nose...I have a small nose.
Third: I looked at his journal, and surprise! He's an ugly nerd with Star Wars posters on his walls. He's obsessed with anime and has dirty butt sex with his fat and equally ugly girlfriend.


I am once again on an anti-sex rampage. In the supermarket before, I was looking at the covers of magazines that are targeted at women, and almost all of them had shit like "HOW TO REV HIS ENGINE BEFORE SEX!!!" "THE SECRET TO STRESS-FREE SEX!!!"

This is what people are interested? In improving their disgusting habits? Why the fuck do people care so much about being a good lover, if your bf/gf leaves you because you're "not good" then they are a fucking asshole and weren't right for you anyway. I don't even understand the difference between good sex and bad sex. It's all the same for me. Cock goes in, cock goes out, I don't have an orgasm and that's it, always been that way. (I'm not saying anything bad about Bunnys sex skills. He is the best sex I've had)


There have been mad people I don't know commenting on my shit. I don't know who they are or how they find me.

Oh yes, this is important:
I am Jewish by blood. I have a Hebrew name. You can not be jewish and be a nazi, just like how you can't be black and in the KKK. I am fascinated by the Nazis aesthetically. Those men knew how to dress and put on a good old rally with the blood red banners and the golden eagles. Snappy dressers and wonderful showmen they were. I do not agree with their killing of the Juden and such, but I do however agree with the selective breeding.

So, in conclusion, I am not a nazi. I am a sex-nazi though. Heil. Heil indeed.

You know you wanna wear it.

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[27 Jan 2005|06:19pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | "Equinox" by Pulsa Denura ]

Yeah man. I'm glad to be back at school. Why? Because it means more time on the bus, listening to my IPOD and contemplating....

I love it so much.

I am so happy, listening to the angriest/weirdest/darkest shit I have, and thinking...

There's something wrong with the world. There's something wrong with everyone. There are a few, a select, dare I say *elite* few who are uninflicted with this disease. And they are the most beautiful people in the world.

I fancy myself dancing infront of a dusty mirror, wearing an S.S. uniform and laughing.

I see myself leading a group of lovely blonde eunuchs. They follow me wherever I go, and listen attentively while I speak of the evils of the flesh and my dreams of a totalitarian regime.

I used to think that I was crazy, but not anymore. It's everyone else who is wrong and fucked up.

I want to experience these thoughts and inhibitions even more.

I want to conquer my human needs. I want to be more than an animal. And I will be.

Was tust du
Was fühlst du
Was bist du
doch nur ein Tier

My whole life I've always had a feeling that I never completely belong. Despite always having a group of friends, the feeling that I am different has persisted ever since elementary school. I don't want to belong.

I wish to be separate from labels and groups, even the most basic ones. "Human" "female" I am embarassed to be one of those...THINGS. Those bi-ped, planet killing, greedy BREEDERS. I yearn to escape gender even more. Years ago I attempted to escape it by cutting my hair and wearing form-hiding clothes. I was pretty successful in my attempt, but there are certain things that can't be changed without surgery. There's sex-CHANGE surgery, but what about surgery that makes you neither....

I have a wonderful feeling of euphoria...

I'm not depressed at all. I'm happy.

I feel like I'm waiting for something. But I don't know what.

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[27 Jan 2005|04:27pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Three is a Magic Number" by Blind Melon ]

First update from school this semester. I just had math, the teacher was an old jewish lady who enjoys telling jokes. I liked her a lot. She reminded me a bit of my mother, just without the cursing.

I have french in ten minutes. I'm such a nerd, I'm actually looking forward to seeing the teacher. She's the coolest.

I'm thinking back now, to the time when I was in Curtis, and I had this french teacher named Ms. Kelly. She was a frail old little woman with platinum blonde hair. She was really nice and I always felt pity for her for some reason.

A man and a woman had a little baby...yes they did...there were three in the family. That's a magic number.

I hate politically correct people who always try to come off as sensitive and caring. Caring sucks.

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[24 Jan 2005|04:39pm]
[ mood | content ]

Oh my, the snow.

I have the flu. School starts on Thursday, I hope to be fully recovered by then.

Jenna Jameson: Who cares?
What is the big deal with her? What makes her exceptional over the rest of the whores? They all have the same function, suck cock, get fucked. Does she do something special with the cock? She looks the same as all them sluts do, blonde hair, monster tits, vacant shark eyes, etc. I seen her in that Eminem video and she looked like a nasty trailer park piece of shit. This brings me to another subject, who would want to fuck a porn star? You know that shit has fucked mad other guys, and has a floppy mud puddle vagina with an asshole that gapes enough so you can put a grapefruit in it. I hear that Jameson may be unable to bear children because her organs are all fucked up from too much raunchy sex that you all hold so dear. Good. Porn stars should not be allowed to have children. Imagine that half of your school knows what your moms anus looks like.

Now, off to play video games for the rest of the night

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[22 Jan 2005|06:17pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Symphony No 9, Third Movement - Beethoven ]

Nathaniel Zeman
April 2nd, 1916 - January 19th, 2004

I didn't really know much about my grandfather as far as his personality goes. He was very soft-spoken and would always take naps. I'm sitting here trying to think of what I can say about times that I can recall between us, but I can only think of one little thing. Once when my sister, mom, brother and I, my grandparents surprised us by telling we were going to Disney World. When we went, I went on Space Mountain and was really scared and I wanted grandpa to sit with me.

His life....I know that he was in the army during World War II, but did not fight in combat because he fell in a foxhole and broke his leg. He really loved the army, my mother says. He married my grandmother in 1947 and my mom's brother was born a few years after. Then they had her. My grandfather worked as a mattress salesman, and through some deal with his company, he would get free trips around the world. Him and my grandmother went to Spain, Japan, China, Egypt...more places as well. I have a lot of the items that they brought back from Japan and China, pictures and ceramics. I will probably keep them for the rest of my life.

My grandfather was an artist as well. He sculpted and painted. I have a Japanese woman that he sculpted sitting on my dresser. I remember when I was little, several paintings that he did hung on the walls of my room. He also did a painting with my grandmother, sister and I in it.

That's all I have to say really...That was definitely not 9 decades of life summed up in a few paragraphs, but I did my best with my small amount of knowledge.

The funeral was yesterday. It was so sad. But, I knew that he was where he wanted to be...next to his wife of 50+ years. My mother cried, and that made me cry. I still can't believe that he's dead. I've never really been close to anyone who died.

My grandmother and grandfather on their wedding day.

A self-sculpture. I put his hat on it.

Random Jewish guy.

His favorite sculpture...my grandmothers head.

My favorite.

R.I.P. Grandpa.

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[19 Jan 2005|04:28pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | "Cold" by VNV Nation ]

Wow, I've gotta stop waking up at 4 in the afternoon.

Last night kinda sucked but was cool also.

Bunny has a problem, and that is that he doesn't understand the concept of me needing time to be by myself.

I am almost constantly surrounded by people. When I'm at home there's always people here, asking for my attention. The only time when I really get to be by myself and reflect is when I'm on the bus on the way to work. I don't mind it most of the time, I like being busy and wanted, but sometimes I just like to sit on the PC and veg out. So, yeah, I was on the computer for awhile and he was pretty pissed off. I notice that when he finds something else to do rather than hang out with me, he has no problem with me wanting to do other shit. So, Bunny-Baby, find something to do!

Steve asked me to come with him, Lance and Krystina to his house to watch Dawn of the Dead. He picked me up and then Krystina and then Lance. Oh yeah, and this was at about 2 in the morning.

When we got to Lances house, he was waiting outside and wanted us to come in and look at a convo he had had with Bunny. They always fight online.

I saw the message that Bunny put up, and it got me really mad: "you might as well come and fuck me boys, I no longer wear panties! (that means I want you to come and get me)"

He said that because he noticed when I left I wasn't wearing underwear. So shoot me, I was wearing my lounge-around-the-house clothes. And besides that, I was going to be hanging out with Steve, who he trusts, Lance, who he thinks is gay, and Krystina, who lacks a penis.

So, yes, we watched the movie, which everyone had seen before, but was still enjoyable nonetheless. I tried to get a four-way spoon going on, but the boys were reluctant to spoon eachother. Krystina wasn't, however ;) OH SNAP NOW BUNNY IS GONNA GET MAD AND HATE ON HER!

The movie was over at around 4:30, Steve took them home first, and we stopped off for cigarettes along the way. Steve and I bond over cigarettes.

Bunny was waiting up for me when I arrived. We didn't quite argue but things were tense.

He's not here right now. Isn't that funny...I could've avoided all the arguing if I had just waited till today to sit on my ass. Oh well.

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[18 Jan 2005|09:47pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | "Panzer Mensch" by And One ]

I got on the 12:30 and met Sasha at the Whitehall street N/R station. We walked through Battery Park towards the museum, stopping to smoke first. I left my pen-pipe in some bushes because last time I was there they did bag searches and the metal part would make the metal detector go off if I pocketed it. We went to the front door and they were doing all this construction around the building. It was closed. Boo!

So, we went to the village and looked around. I saw some kick ass belly rings and was highly considering buying one, but I realized that I spend too much money on crap I don't need. They had these ones that were shaped like beetles, the body part was a huge stone. Mad hot. I bought another cigarette one hitter. We went to this comic store next, and spent about an hour reading this particular one...

On the subway, we started playing this game she made up called "schwule-deutsches-menschen-esser." The name means "gay german cannibal." The object of the game is to look for men who look like gay german cannibals, and then say "schwule-deutsches-menschen-esser at 12 o'clock!!!! (1' o'clock, 2 o'clock, etc.) Then, the other person looks at the guy and rates him on a scale of 10-100. Whoever reaches 1000 first wins! It was so much fucking fun. It doesn't sound fun but it was...VERY fun because it makes you very aware of your surroundings and those around you. I think she won.

After a lunch at Ollie's, we walked around Lincoln Center, it was so pretty, but very cold.

Eventually we decided to go her house. On the train we played 20 Questions, I stumped her real good on the last one. I picked her and she couldn't guess it!

At her house we had tea and she showed me some books that she owned. I particulary enjoyed this book of stories for children in German. It was some really weird shit, really dark and twisted. And it wasn't even going for that either, it was a really old book. She read me some of them.

I decided to bounce at 8:30 and she walked me to the train. I christened my new pipe whilst waiting for the train. When I got on it, I thought that it was going the wrong way, so I got off at the next stop and then I found out that I was indeed going the right way so I had to wait for another one. It was fucking freezing. I got on the 10:30 boat.

Now that I have met her mother hopefully now she can come to the Land of the Free.

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Arirang [16 Jan 2005|02:37pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | "Feuerrader" by Rammstein ]

I went over to KT's house at around 5:30. KT, Lauren and Little Al were all in the car and we drove to the restaurant, listening to techno loudly. When we arrived and met up with Brian (AKA Nigov.) Him and I smoked before we went in. Unfortunately, they no longer use fire when they cook the food, I guess some fat shitter tried to sue them. The food was not as good as usual. The vegetables weren't cooked enough and the shrimp appetizer had a fishy smell to it. I told one of the waiters that it was Brians birthday and to do their song and dance thing. And so they did. Afterwards we went to the Ganjarena, smoked a little, drank a little, danced a little. It was cool. At 12:30 we left and Lauren was nice enough to drive me home. It was a good night.

Friday I had work, same with yesterday. Except, yesterday Steve called me and asked if I wanted to work on the movie we were making. I said Ok, and he came to pick me up from work. He had Dave and Little Al with him and then we picked up Daves g/f. When we got to my house, KT called and I invited her over, and Allison came too. They shot two scenes, one being a conversation between 3 characters in a car, and another being me pretending to give Bunny head. I'm not gonna go into exactly why, because it's a pain in the ass to type with these nails. That was fun as well. Steve drove 3 people home at around 12:30 and then came back, KT left at around 2, Steve left again at 3, and Allison slept over.

Today I only got a few hours of sleep, which is good so I'll be able to wake up at 11:00 tomorrow so I can go into the city to the Jewish Museum. At around 1, Mommy and Daddy and I went to this going-away party for these friends of the family. I saw some people that I hadn't seen in years. I ate food and stuff. Bunny won't be back till 8, so I'm gonna play a lot of FFX.

Recent Thoughts

1- We Are All Products
What is this thing that we call image? To me, it is merely how we sell ourselves. We want people to think certain things about us based on our appearance. Of course this is not true for everyone, there really are some people out there who genuinely don't give a shit about how they look. When you don't care about how you look, you don't care what other people think of you. I hate how all these emo's and rockers and pseudo-intellectuals claim that they don't care what anyone thinks, it's such bullshit. If you didn't care you wouldn't bother combing your hair and would wear anything. Anyway, back to the product thing. We create this image, in hopes that we will seem desirable to those we want to be desired by. When I say "desirable" I don't mean necessarily in a romantic or sexual way, but in a way that makes you appealing to others. Our images are never original, though. We copy off the media, copy off eachother. Total senseless rambling

2- Attractive People Will Feel Worse in Old Age
A beautiful girl walks down the street, all the guys turn to look at her. She probably rolls her eyes, guys are such pigs, and they do this all the time to her. Maybe she wishes they would stop. One day they will. One day the beautiful girl will be old and wrinkled, and no one will look at her anymore. She will see the men looking at all the young, pretty girls and will long for the times when she was wanted. She'll look at her old pictures and then look in the mirror, her beautiful face and body are gone and are never coming back. If you're ugly in young age, it doesn't suck as much to be old, I guess. Because you're not really missing anything. You don't feel robbed of your beauty because it was never in the first place.

3- Typical American
When I think of a typical American, I always think of a 5 foot 10, beer gut having, baseball cap wearing guy named Joe. Joe has a wife and two kids. Joe's wife used to be pretty hot, but she is getting on in years and is now fat. Joe's daughter is 17 and dresses like a slut. His son is 13 and is addicted to GameCube and likes rap. Joe's wife is a good woman, she cares for the kids most of the time. Joe is busy at his 9-5 job, and drives home to his wife in his SUV. His wife has dinner waiting, it's all low carb! Joe eats it and hates it. After dinner, Joe watches reality TV on Fox while his wife cleans and helps the kids with their homework. Joe likes "The Simple Life" especially. His dick tingles when it's on. Joe hopes that wifey isn't too tired and that he could climb on top of her and close his eyes and imagine that he's fucking a reality TV bitch. Wifey is indeed too tired, she goes to bed after the news is over. Now that he's alone, Joe goes on the computer and looks at XXXLOLITA TEEN ANAL FUCKXXX. The girls on that site are a few months older than his daughter. Some of them even resemble her and her friends. Joe looks at them and wishes that his wife looked like that again. But oh well, jerking off to them is the closest he will ever get. After he finishes, he goes upstairs and gets into bed. Repeat.

4- Crimes Against Sex Workers Should be Considered Animal Abuse
When you're a porn star, stripper or hooker, your profession makes you into an animal. You're not a person, you're tits, pussy and ass. Not even an animal. Something so low. Raping a prostitute is just stealing, anyway. Sex workers are not human beings. Pictures...Yeah you had to read the rambling first in order to get to 'em )

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This vacation is boring. [12 Jan 2005|05:24pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | "Let's Stay Together" by Al Green ]

Most of the days I don't go out. I hang around with Bunny, which I thoroughly enjoy, but I hate sitting around in pajamas all day, it makes me feel like such a slob.

I was supposed to hang out with Lance today. He called me at 2 o'clock or so, I had been sleeping so he told me to go back to sleep and he would call back. He never did. I woke up again at 4:30 and went online and talked to KT. I ate breakfast and Bunny went to have dinner with his mom. Now I'm here alone, listening to Slayer and talking to Sasha. I think I'm gonna play FFX if I have time.

I actually want to go back to school. I am excited about my photography class. I love taking pictures.

Speaking of which, I'm gonna post the best pictures I've ever taken..in my opinion.


I have to buy more cigarettes because Bunny destroyed the ones I bought yesterday.

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Arisen [11 Jan 2005|09:26pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | "Pensativa" by Freddie Hubbard ]

Allison and I made plans to go to the city yesterday. Once Bunny and I were waiting for the bus, I decided that I didn't want to go to the city, and wanted Allison just to come to the Land of the Free (my house, which it shall be referred to henceforth) I called her and she didn't answer. So we got on the bus because we were supposed to meet her at the ferry. I called her en route, and she hadn't even left her house yet and she lives almost an hour away from the boat. So, we got off and walked home.

We smoked, ate, watched TV and Steve came over and watched a movie with us. We ended up going to bed at 6 in the morning. When we woke up, around 12, we went to the store and then played some DBZ Budokai. Bunny had to go to the allergist, so she came with us so she could get the 62 and we could take the train. On the way I got Taco Bell! So much cheaper than at my job.

Whilst in the waiting room, I was reading all these articles about the tsunami. It's so insane. I can't believe that shit like that actually happens. It must be surreal.

Thursday is Arirang, W00T!

Monday I'm going to the Jewish Museum with Sasha.

And now for the pictures )

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[09 Jan 2005|09:00pm]
[ mood | loved ]

Same shit.

Bunny took me out for a nice Chinese dinner the other night, just because he loves me :)

I got my grades
English - A
French - A-
Film - B-
Philosophy - D

NICE SOLID 2.8 GPA. I would've had a much nicer one if it hadn't been for shit-ass Philosophy. But at least I passed, despite the fact that I failed the midterm and final.

I registered for all my classes for next semester: french, math, photography and COR (some mandatory government bullshit)

I think I'm gonna make my major film for the fall semester - which possibly means changing schools. Maybe I will flourish in photography and want to go to school for that.

Last night Steve came over after being stood up by some bitch. I hate that baby shit. If you don't wanna go, at least have the common courtesy to CALL and make something up. Jesus H. Christ.

Today was work. I don't have to go again till Friday.

In other news, I have been obsessed with Rammstein more than usual lately. I've been going to rammimages.com all the time. Yes.

Stolen from Kathleen )

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It's cool at the mall! [04 Jan 2005|12:54pm]
[ mood | content ]

Before KT arrived yesterday morning I took a hit of pot. Bunny and I were waiting outside on the steps, and she came. Bunny grabbed my ass before I went down the stairs, and I fell. I fell down the stairs. The funny part was that I was smiling as I fell. Yeah. First we went to the SI mall so she could exchange some stuff, and then we headed for Jersey Gardens. I smoked first, of course.

We got lost so many times before we got to the mall. It was both my fault and Mapquests fault, they gave poor directions that were hard to understand. It took us an extra half hour to get there.

Once at the mall, the first place we went to was the Guess outlet. I got a pair of jeans and a shirt for 33 bucks. That's amazing. You couldn't even get stuff for that cheap in Aeropostale or Old Navy. I love my jeans.

We then ate and I got hit on by this foreign guy. Soooo annoying.

We must've spent about 4 hours at the mall. In the end I had my jeans and shirt, plus one shirt from Bebe and another shirt from Guess. I also got a pretty heart necklace from Guess.

Before embarking on our journey to Brooklyn to meet KT's roommate, I smoked. Again.

We got lost again. Big surprise.

But yes, we did make it to Brooklyn.

Her roommate was mad cool. I didn't think I would like her because I saw pictures of her and she looked really guidette and preppy and bitchy, but she was actually quite cool. We sat in her house for a little bit and they bashed this girl they don't like, and then we got Subway and KT bought a 50 dollar belly ring.

We drove around for awhile looking at rich people houses, and then I smoked up her roommate. She didn't think she would get high off the one hit, but she did! Haha! I am the shit when it comes to gettin' niggaz fucked up.

We were looking for something to do, so I called Sasha since we were in Brooklyn. She couldn't come out, her parents wouldn't let her because they're scared of the Latvians in the area or something. :( KT was disappointed, she wanted to meet her.

Next we got ice cream and went home. It was a good day. I love to shop. I wish I had gotten sneakers, but oh well. I went in with 187 dollars and came out with around 40. I spent around 20 on food which I don't like.

On today's schedule we have making pot crackers with Andrew.

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New Years [02 Jan 2005|10:13pm]
[ mood | blah ]

Yeah, I lied the other day, I did not update.

New Years was a lot of fun.

I got to Andrew's party at around 9:30.

There were a lot of people there that I knew - KT, Steve, Dave, Laura, Amanda, Little Al, Carene, Marty, Frank and Allison, Trish, Roxane and Kopstein showed up later.

Everyone was really drunk. I chose not to drink because I had a headache and was quite frankly, not in the mood to drink. I get too sloppy and I was wearing my high-heeled boots that night.

Since everyone was drunk and I was not I was just achin' to smoke. I was walkin around going "SMOOOOOOOOOKE. ARE YOU SMOKIN' YET?!" Marty rolled a nice sized blunt in the bathroom and we were waiting awhile for it to dry. Andrew's toddler sister asked me what the blunt was and I told her it was a bone. She asked what kind of bone and I was like "Uhhh...snuffelophagus."

When it was dry we (we being Carene, Marty, Frank and I) smoked that shit in Steve's car. Yeah man.

I don't remember what happened really after that, KT was dancing around and people were just being mad wasted. At around 11 KT, Amanda and Amanda's cousin went to Brians little gathering.

Everyone there was drunk too. I smoked a bowl with KT and this bearded dude and KT started dancing to VNV Nation. Before the ball dropped I smoked a cigarette with Brians sister and she was all like Madeline is so cool, you should have her over more often, etc.

We rang in the New Year by blowing those little party horns and screaming. Some people grabbed pots and pans and ran outside and starting banging them together.

KT and I went back to Andrew's at 1 (Amanda and her cousin bounced at 12:30.) There was more smokage, and while we were out walking around the neighborhood, Allison came.

I ended up leaving at like...3:30 or so. Marty drove me home. When I got to my house Bunny wasn't there. He was at Jesse's, whose house I was supposed to have gone to at some point that night, but did not. I'm sorry Jesse :(

Bunny was mad at me for "ditching" him and Jesse and he was being a doody for awhile and killed my internet on purpose.

Yesterday was a very lazy day. All I did was smoke weed and went to the store with Bunny and ate delicious ham. Today I had work, but before that, mommy, Tracy and I had brunch with these old friends of ours. Allison came to the mall at around 5 and she hung around till I left and we took the bus together. Steve asked me to go to with him to a strip club earlier on, which shocked me. He knows my attitude towards porn, I wonder why he thought that I would be OK with going to a strip club. I tried to convince him to come here instead, but I think he went anyway. Oh well, if he wants to waste his dollars that's his loss.

Tomorrow I'm going shopping with KT at Jersey Gardens. YES! Finally...shopping. It's been awhile, but I shall soon have new clothes. I need shirts more than pants, I do wanna get at least one pair of pants. I'm gonna have around 200 dollars, so I should be able to do pretty well.

In the past few weeks, I have done some cool shit. One being going to see a movie about quantum psychics with KT and Steve. It was a freezing night and we went to Manhattan and I blazed right before the show...it was an amazing, mind blowing movie. Afterwards we went to my house and talked about it. Another night I got seriously SERIOUSLY drunk with Andrew and Dave. I ended up inducing vomiting. And then the other day I met a friend from the internet that I've been talking with for 3 years. We walked around Prospect Park and got blazed. Prospect Park is really cool. I bought a bottle of Irish Sea Moss beverage..it was gross, I had one sip and let her have the rest. I really enjoyed meeting her, hopefully we shall meet again.

Yeah, this has been a really good vacation so far.

Pictures )

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[28 Dec 2004|10:37pm]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin ]

Got my internet connection back, but I will not be *really* updating till tomorrow, I have the day off finally.

I <333 MY IPOD

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[24 Dec 2004|07:37pm]
[x] I miss somebody right now.
[ ] I have dated someone at least 10 years older (or younger)
[x] I care about someone right now.
[ ] I don't watch much TV these days.
[ ] I love olives
[x] I love sleeping.
[x] I own lots of books
[ ] (for driving) ] I wear glasses or contact lenses.
[x] I love to play video games.
[x] currently have a crush on someone. (Bunny!)
[x] I have been cheated on
[x] Have had my heart broken
[X ] I'm in a relationship
[ ] i am single (fuck)
[X] I've watched porn movies.
[X] I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
[x] I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
[X] I curse all the time.
[X] I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
[ ] I have a hobby.
[x] I've been told I: (women) have an applebottom, (men) am packing
[ ] I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me
[x] I've never broken someones bones.
[ ] I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
[X] I hate the rain.
[ ] I'm paranoid at times.
[ ] I need money right now!
[ ] i love Sushi. (I do like it though!)
[ ] I talk really, really fast.
[ ] I have fresh breath in the morning.
[X] I have semi-long hair.
[ ] I have lost money in Las Vegas
[x] I have at least one brother and/or one sister.
[ ] I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
[x] I shave my legs (females) or face (males) on a regular basis
[ ] I have a twin.
[x] I have worn fake hair/fingernails/EYELASHES in the past.
[ ] I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
[ ] I love the way i look.
[ ] I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
[x] I am usually optimistic
[ ] I have a lot of mood swings.
[ ] I think prostitution should be legalized
[x] I think Britney Spears is hot.
[ ] I have a hidden talent
[ ] Im always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
[ ] I think that Im popular.
[ ] I have kissed someone of the same sex
[ ] I enjoy talking on the phone.
[ ] I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
[X] I love to shop.
[ ] I would classify myself as ghetto
[ ] I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders
[X] Im obsessed with my Xanga or Livejournal.
[ ] I don't hate anyone.
[ ] I'm a pretty good dancer.
[ ] I dont think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington
[ ] Im completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother
[x] I have a cell phone.
[ ] I watch MTV on a daily basis.
[X ] I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months
[X] I love drama.
[ ] I have never been in a real relationship before.
[x] Ive rejected someone before.
[X] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[x] I want to have children in the future
[ ] I have changed a diaper before.
[ ] I've called the cops on a friend before
[X] I bite my nails.
[ ] I am a member of the Tom Green fan club
[X] Im not allergic to anything
[x] I have a lot to learn.
[ ] I am very shy around the opposite sex.
[ ] Im online 24/7, even as an away message.
[x] I have at least 5 away messages saved.
[x] I have tried alcohol and drugs before.
[ ] I have made a move on a friends significant other in the past
[ ] When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbor or chum
[ ] One of those neighbors was the same sex.
[ ] I enjoy some country music.
[X] I would die for my best friends
[ ] I think that Round Table is the best pizza
[ ] I watch soap operas whenever I can
[ ] Im obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist.
[ ] I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all
[ ] I know all the words to Slick Rick?s "Children?s Story"
[x] Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
[ ] I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it
[X] I have dated a close friend's ex (Lance)
[x ] I am happy at this moment.
[ ] I am Pissed at the world right now
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