LiveJournal for lauren.

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Monday, January 31st, 2005

Time:1:03 pm.

i am one happy little girl. [father ly was our focus case for the past couple years].
words can't even express how this makes me feel.
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Wednesday, January 12th, 2005

Time:2:03 pm.
pictures, mostly of my sister. )
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Wednesday, December 15th, 2004

Time:12:12 pm.

DSC04315-2, originally uploaded by larnaye.

i have the cutest friends ever.

uh...yeah, originally uploaded by larnaye.

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Saturday, December 13th, 2003

Time:5:43 pm.
there's a level of maturity between hating someone and simply hoping that they get better.

perhaps i'm just naive, but this is the one thing i'm proud of myself for.

i'm prepared for backlash against this statement.
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Tuesday, August 12th, 2003

Time:6:36 pm.
i told steph that by the time i see her at 9:30 tomorrow morning i will be juggling.
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Friday, July 11th, 2003

Time:12:22 am.
i love you courtbutt. you're going to be better than ever, because that's just how you are.
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Sunday, June 8th, 2003

Time:8:40 pm.
an ode to the buckley v. valeo assignment [who i fondly call buckley]:

buckley why are you so hard to do?
i've tried for weeks to finish you.
i sit and stare but nothing comes to mind.
your answers i can not seem to find.
you worry me all day and night.
don't you see? this isn't right.

shannon will understand my frustration.
this+gov't test will be my last two assignments/tests. i will feel infinitely better about school after third period tomorrow.
now...buckley...i will either finish you or murder you. either way...eliminating you. muhahahaha!
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Thursday, May 22nd, 2003

Time:7:23 pm.
Music:Hot Hot Heat - No, Not Now.
EHS Amnesty International's 5K run/walk to benefit Doctors Without Borders [].
Saturday May 24 in the Lehigh Parkway.
registration from 8-9:30. race starting at 10:00.

[i obviously have more info.]

if you're my friend you'll at least consider coming.

[i hope it doesn't rain! all this work for nothing!].
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Monday, March 10th, 2003

Time:4:05 pm.
oh my gosh!!!!!!!
i got into american!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't care if my sat scores are the only reason they let me in; i'm in!

[i'm just crossing my fingers i don't get an e-mail in two hours saying, "oops" like cornell did.]

[edited to be pc].
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Thursday, March 6th, 2003

Time:9:52 am.

Pyramid Crossgates Company
Sara Nieves
One Crossgates Mall Road
Albany, NY 12203
[one is probably a fax #].

Guilderland Police Department
Chief of Police: James R Murley

Rt 20 Western Ave
Guilderland, New York 12084
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Saturday, February 15th, 2003

Time:10:44 pm.
eh, i'm way too tired to come up with a story for all the pictures, they're self-explanitory. the last picture is the best so let them load in.

nyc protest pictures. )

i came home to my acceptance letter to evergreen. agh! what do i do! if i hadn't of gotten in it would have been so much easier! haha.

p.s. i'm addicted to my homemade granola bars. making more will definitely be on the agenda for tomorrow. as well as reading up on guilford for this dumb phone interview.

[12.18] my favorite picture
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Wednesday, December 18th, 2002

Time:8:48 pm.
Music:aesop rock - no regrets.
hahaha...dude, if you've read oedipus [or maybe even if you haven't]...then read this!
it's really funny!
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Thursday, October 31st, 2002

Time:9:00 pm. cool was the pumpkin you carved?
i bet it wasn't this cool...

yeah, that's what i thought.

[ew, i can't look at that any longer, i keep finding different problems with it.]

(can you tell who it is?)
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Saturday, October 26th, 2002

Time:1:31 pm.
the humanities class went to nyc yesterday.
pictures and story here. )

...we danced to some rap and sang some bff and pretty soon after that we were home.
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Friday, September 27th, 2002

Time:6:52 pm.
just in case anybody didn't know...
keep yourself informed.

this article made me especially mad [and maybe you too robb]...;=webcast
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Saturday, June 29th, 2002

Time:11:50 am.
he he he, right outside my house!
yeah, no idea what was going on at my neighbor's house...
but robb was there!!
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Sunday, May 19th, 2002

Time:2:35 pm.
if any of you came to this, i'd appreciate it so so much. you can run it, or walk it, or crawl it...

Saturday, May 25.
10:00 in the Allentown Parkway.
5K Run/Walk benefitting the United Children's Fund.
by Emmaus High School Amnesty International

leave a message or call me (7371096) if you want more info.
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Thursday, April 4th, 2002

Time:4:23 pm.
so. al gore is my 7th cousin once removed.
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Friday, February 15th, 2002

Time:4:09 pm.
first non-friends only post in a while.
most bizzare [but still wonderful] thing in a long time:
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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002

Time:8:28 pm.
today i was listening to "survivor" by fifteen and i was dancing. i usually dance when i am alone w/my music on but today it was different. it came out from within. it was totally amazing. i would spend all day dancing to that song if i could feel that way the whole time. i've danced/skanked at shows before and it was tons of fun, but this was so different. something that i feel could only be done alone. because there's something about having nobody but yourself as a reliance on yourself. there's something about the total freedom when nobody can see your heart pouring onto the floor as you spin halos with your feet. there's something about labored breathing and almost plunging down because halos won't keep you up.
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LiveJournal for lauren.

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