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Monday, February 25th, 2002
2:13 pm
test entry...trying to figure out if i should keep this or scrap it..

current mood: thoughtful

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Thursday, November 8th, 2001
11:13 am
gah. blogger is flipping out right now and I cant publish my entry! Something happened earlier when I first tried to publish it and i lost the whole thing. grr. Guess it will have to wait until I get home from work.

current mood: aggravated

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Wednesday, November 7th, 2001
9:58 am
oof. lots of errands to run today. then i need to come home and work on the redesign. zooooom!!

current mood: rushed

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Tuesday, November 6th, 2001
10:31 pm
bah. today sucked. I just want to be lazy and do nada.

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1:41 pm
oog. I'm feeling really super jittery. hope i feel better when i go to work at 3. better yet. I wish i didnt have to go to work at all.

current mood: hyper

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9:54 am
I really, really, want a moped

current mood: giddy

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Monday, November 5th, 2001
8:22 pm
herro all. I'm still alive, I've been keeping pretty busy working on the house and making lists of all the stuff we have to get. I'm working on an entry right now so keep your eyes peeled for cewl pictures.

current mood: working

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Friday, November 2nd, 2001
12:27 am
wow. just finished watching ER (which I recorded while John watched the game) and it was a really really good episode. I can't stand how they are not keeping the romance going between Abby and Carter though.

spent most of today working on a new design that will use inline frames and I'm still hard at work...

current mood: busy

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Thursday, November 1st, 2001
1:49 pm
grr! for some reason the script that I have running a birthday countdown clock will not appear when I link to the page that has it but it will appear if you physically type in the url. So i guess for now if you want to know how long it is until my birthday just type in (and dont click on) the following link:

current mood: working

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11:48 am
gah. I just found out it takes up to 4 weeks to find out if you are accepted to utsa. I turned in my application last friday. What's the problem? Well, registration is happening on November 15th and there is one Human Growth and Development class that I absolutely need to take in order to enter the Trinity Master of Arts in Teaching program if I'm accepted.

< *looking heavenward* > Please let me find out before registration!

current mood: worried

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8:14 am
hrmf. I didn't really sleep well last night (which seems to be the trend since the "fall back" thing happened) and my teeth are sore since apparently I was grinding them all night long. and I'm starving.

need food.

current mood: hungry

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Monday, October 29th, 2001
2:04 pm
12 days to my birthday!

does anyone know where i can get a countdown clock for my website?

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2:03 pm
woke early today and after seeing john off to work i settled in to work on the budget and figure out if we can move into the awsome rental house next month. It looks like we will be able to no problem. I'm pretty happy about it for many reasons, one of which is that it means my sister will be coming home for christmas and staying with me. it also means that I will finally and at last be able to rescue my kitty tiger and andy from my parents, who are neglecting them badly. Yes, i know that this means that I will have 6 cats.

Im taking new vitamins from Advocare for three days and i feel so fantastic. tons of energy and i dont snack at all anymore.

ah..well i must go back to the budget :D

current mood: working

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Sunday, October 28th, 2001
1:37 pm
I feel cranky. I don't know why though. hope it passes soon...

current mood: moody

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Wednesday, October 24th, 2001
5:23 pm
blech. I am so completely worn out. I think its the heat here that's the cause since that cold snap we had a week ago is long over and it was nearly 90 today. I had a fantastic time down at the university talking with the chair of the education department and the staff, even though I was a bit nervous all the while...I must go drink water...I am parched...

current mood: thirsty

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Monday, October 22nd, 2001
12:29 pm
the online fafsa really sucks! it keeps giving me errors and making me resign in about every 5 minutes. grr.

current mood: annoyed

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Thursday, October 18th, 2001
11:42 pm
Today was a pretty good day...talked to a family friend who found several homes for us to look at this weekend and think about renting...she also gave us the number of a guy who will be able to see what we can qualify for in a home loan. Having our own home, even an itty bitty cute one would be very nice.

*yawn* man, I need to get my vitamins! I have been so tired lately since I ran out of them and it really sucks since i need the time in the evenings to do stuff that I can't during the day. Lately my steam runs out about 9:30 and I am asleep by 10:30. I was going to do an entry today but I'm too tired.

need to sleep

current mood: sleepy

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Wednesday, October 10th, 2001
10:38 am
alrighty, so I'm trying not to move too much as I feel like crap (still). My chest is tight from the congestion and my face feels poofy. I am just hoping that I feel marginally better by tonight since I have to work 4-8. ugh. Whats worse is that if I don't and I still have to go to work the hours are just going to draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag on and no one will let me go home even if I cough up my right lung. or my left one. ugh. I'm going to lie down now...

current mood: sick

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Tuesday, October 9th, 2001
10:14 pm
ugh. all of a sudden its just really stuffy in here. i hate trying to sleep when its stuffy...

current mood: hot

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6:27 pm
I have progressed from just having a stuffy/runny nose to having a stuffy head and a runny nose that won't stop. My ears are even starting to hurt. crud. I am just going to lie down and try not to move....

current mood: crappy

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