LiveJournal for obsessed with arbitrary signals.

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Wednesday, June 9th, 2004

(1 reaction | action)

Subject:you said little prick
Time:12:16 am.
Mood:neutral and tired.
fishing for motherfucking compliments

Tuesday, June 8th, 2004

Time:11:30 pm.
when people ask the same question over and over again expecting a different answer I'm going to give them the one they want. It's what is done to me.

(2 reactions | action)

Time:11:13 pm.
if I ever leave gainesville, I swear I'll be back in June. Every june. I love the weather.
rain everyday***

Monday, June 7th, 2004


Time:9:02 pm.
some things people say are beyond rude

Sunday, June 6th, 2004


Time:5:39 am.
you manage your money like your mother

oh just go listen to shitty punk music and move to boston.

Saturday, June 5th, 2004


Time:7:29 am.
yup up at 7 on a saturday.
and now...

Thursday, June 3rd, 2004


Time:11:03 pm.
so much done, and always so much to do.

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004


Time:5:57 pm.
yes! found!!!!!

scared. good vibes, good vibes...


Tuesday, June 1st, 2004

Time:11:29 pm.
cross your fingers/pray/wish/do whatever it is you do that I find it please? PLEASE I beg you.


Time:8:07 pm.
and I can't help but wonder... when when will it rain?

Monday, May 31st, 2004


Time:11:17 pm.
sometimes I wish I was 4 again
and could start over
but since
I know better
I wonder where to start today

my head hurts soooo very much badly
I'm super stressed about EVERYTHING
and yet laid back at the same time


Time:6:46 pm.
I watched RollerBall (both of em) and Made earlier... Blade Runner last night... been using Cannibal! and Encino Man as background noise for the times I know I wont be in the room. Maybe I should get a TV when I go... or a big set of speakers... something... heh... I guess that time is coming up quickly isn't it? hush... no talkie.


Time:6:36 pm.
damn! I got all in a hub-bub over a tan line, only to find that it seems to be dirt. Yeah, sounds gross but fuck off... I was trying to make the back yard pretty. It's bigger than I thought... so it's sort of cute... it has potential-- like a semi-sweet girl, who just needs to work out a little, and try some new things with her hair. heh... anyway... this is what comes out of being bored and not wanting to hang out with psychos. Oddly enough, I'm having some fun!

Friday, May 21st, 2004


Time:12:42 am.
whole wheat bread.

aww wheat!
(now [info]confidential, you can't say you don't miss devon a little bit)

Wednesday, May 19th, 2004

(8 reactions | action)

Time:9:33 pm.
'ey genius, no need to block me, I don't need to talk to you for any reason.

shit like this is just childish.

Tuesday, May 18th, 2004


Time:9:58 pm.
judge this...

go on, you want to. Judge every little bit of it-- when you're done, we'll start on your life.


Sunday, May 16th, 2004

(4 reactions | action)

Time:10:14 pm.
I forced theraflu
it had to be done...
it's something no one likes but it helps them
I hated and liked having it made and brought to me-
though, if the mug was thrown back at me I would've understood, it wasn't.

today was a day of movies
and a sudden appearance of my attention span--
I have one...

in any event, I will need to wake up earlier to go through with the movie connection idea--
watch one movie, then link the actor to the next movie, and so on and on with a different actor each time.
Fantastic idea.

(2 reactions | action)

Subject:you know-
Time:12:50 am.
some days you clean all the mirrors in the house, and some days you clean all the windows.


Time:12:48 am.


Time:12:32 am.
irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions against your will

LiveJournal for obsessed with arbitrary signals.

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