Jerzy's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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Survey [27 Jul 2002|09:13pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Shaggy "Shaggy, where are you?" ]

* Starting Time: *listens for the starter’s pistol”.
* Date: Not anymore, I’m married.
* Name On Birth Certificate: Alice (Note: I had it changed to Jerzy just recently)
* Nicknames: I don’t mind them, you can call me what you want as long as you don’t call me late for dinner.
* Birthday: Tuesday
* Home School: Yes. I was a sheltered child.
* Location: In front of PC
* E-mail(s): Why do you ask for it when you obviously already have it. You did send me this document.
* Eyes: Umm, well I only have one. It was a tragic playing card accident. We were playing UNO once and someone forgot to yell UNO when they were down to one card, someone caught it and it just escalated from there. It got REAL ugly.
* Hair: Since I mostly wear wigs it can be any color you want.
* Height: Depends which leg I’m standing on.
* Shoe Size: left is 11 and right is 6 1/2
* Brothers/Sisters: I know a few. I sometimes get lost when they speak in Ebonics but I usually manage pretty well.
* Who do you live with: Wife, cat, cat, fish.
* When is your bedtime: I can stay out all night; actually I prefer to stay out all night. Someone once told me that I look best when it’s dark, that the light is “not my friend” (silly giggle)
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Why? Are you planning to take advantage of me?
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Not any of my own. Let’s change the subject.
* Been in a car accident: Not on purpose, umm….yea, that’s the ticket.
* Been hurt emotionally: I don’t understand the question.
* Kept a secret from everyone: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry bout that.
* Cried during a Movie: Old Yellerrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!
* Had a crush on a teacher: Yes. And remember I was home schooled!
* Been on stage: The world is a stage, too bad I’m just an extra.
* Cut your hair: No, but I do “cut the cheese” from time to time.
* Been sarcastic: Wow, that’s a GREAT question. I wish ALL the questions were this GREAT!
* Shampoo: Head and Shoulders. Because it’s head and shoulders above all else.
* Conditioner: It’s included
* Soap: Definitely not ZEST. That’s what mommy dearest used to wash my mouth out.
* Color: Black, wait that’s not a color. OK, white...umm…that’s not a color either. UGH!
* Day/Night: Read answer to “* When is your bedtime:”
* Summer/Winter: In summer I like the weather. In winter I like the snow.
* Cartoon Characters: One word: DO’H!
* Movie: Tell me if I’m wrong but Jackie Gleason in “Smokey and The Bandit”, the first one, has got to be one of the funniest characters in a movie ever.
* Ice Cream: Has to be cold.
* Subject: Literature.
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: Black sox and a belt with a buckle that says “TEXAS”, that’s it.
* I'm feeling: Myself?
* Eating: My own words soon.
* Drinking: The elixir of life…BEEEER!
* Thinking 'bout: Is the iron on? I hope that guy at the car wash didn’t think I was a jerk. Where is Jimmy Hoffa? Where does to jam come from?
* Listening to: N/A
* watching: the world pass me by.
----------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: Yes. I really really like ketchup with my fries!
* Worn a skirt: Please don’t tell my wife.
* Met someone new: Yea, there was this cool guy at the mall, he asked me if I like candy and then he said to meet him later behind the dumpsters. Too bad I had to go home early because I had diarrhea. Maybe I’ll meet him again someday.
* Cleaned your room: I don’t have a room to call my own . But I do get to clean the cats litter box so that makes me feel warm all over .
* Done laundry: Well how else am I going to get all that incriminating evidence off?
* Drove a car: Yes. A Ferrari, a Viper, a VW, and many others…aren’t video games wonderful?
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: I am therefore I am.
* Your friends: Well there is one named Fred that no one sees but me. He tells me to light fires.
* Santa Clause: Yes. But I don’t sit on their laps anymore. They got court orders to keep me away.
* Destiny/Fate: My destiny is to finish this survey, unless fate intervenes.
* Angels: I married one. Yea I know that’s so sweet of me to say that …maybe I’ll get some now.
* Ghosts: No. I used to but after watching the Scooby Doo movie I realized that they are only guys in masks.
* UFO's: I wish they would hurry up and take over. I’m sick of getting up everyday and not knowing if Kang or Kodos will be the next president. (The Simpsons fans know what I’m talking about)
---------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Are you trying to get me in trouble with my wife?
* Like anyone: I love you all, it’s the little people that got me here and I wont forget them. Just make sure that they stay the hell out of my way!!!

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Cats [13 May 2002|06:11pm]
Our cats:

Zoe on left Ariel on right, they are also from the same litter, although they are nothing alike.
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It was inevitable. [11 May 2002|09:09pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | "The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind." ]

Wow it's been a L O N G time since I updated this.
Anyway, I got married last week, May 4th, and just got back from my honeymoon.
We went to North Carolina, in the mountains.
Feel free to ask any questions and post any comments.
Hope to hear from you all soon.

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mello yello [19 Feb 2002|04:48pm]


You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.

Find out your color at!

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St. Valentines [14 Feb 2002|04:39pm]
Happy Valentines day to one and all!!!!
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Playlist [01 Feb 2002|08:47pm]
[ music | Da Playlist ]

Here's my current Winamp playlist.

Let me know what you think.

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Hello? Is anyone home? [12 Jan 2002|10:43pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | The Beatles "Magical Mystery Tour" ]

Knock knock. Who's there? ME!!!
I wonder if anyone visits my website anymore, probably not. That's OK since I really don't care if you do or don't :P.
The reason I bring it up is that that's where I do most of my "news" updates that I don't do here, which means that all you good folks don't get to hear all the latest, greatest stuff about me. Well maybe "greatest" is stretching it a bit but enough jibber jabber.
I finally got an XBOX. Aren't you happy for me? Maybe a little jealous? Of course you are, or maybe you don't really give a damn :P. Either way, I'm a happy person so please don't rain on my parade.
And if you like my journal picture you can visit my website and scroll down to find out all about it....'till next time. PaPa

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Merry X-Mas to all!!!! [25 Dec 2001|09:10pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

I never feel comfortable when someone gives me money as a gift for X-Mas, or birthday or any other reason, it makes me feel like I'm accepting charity donations. That is also the same reason why I don't give money as gifts to others.
However, money in the form of a gift certificate is a prized gift which I would recommend to anyone who's looking to get me something that I would like.
Gift certificates are a way to tell someone you like them enough to not get them something they won't like and that they'll have to stand in the return line for along with all the other unhappy gift recipients the day after X-Mas.
Gift certificates are like shopping sprees people win on game shows.
On another note: My favorite gift this year is a sweat ass office chair I received from my "fianc?"". No longer will my ass swell from sitting in front of the computer for countless hours.
On a sad note: No X-Box :(.
And the final note: Hope you all got all that you wanted and please lets remeber to be careful this New Years holiday, don't drink and drive people. C ya next year :).

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Back in the day..... [06 Oct 2001|10:32pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | REM "All the way to reno..." ]

I have uploaded my grammer school graduation picture and made it the default for LJ. What do you think?

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Thinking of you!!!! [04 Oct 2001|07:13pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | U2 "Stuck in a moment" ]

Hey, Bratte!!!! Saw this and for some reason you came to mind. I wonder why?

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God bless America [18 Sep 2001|09:41pm]
[ mood | touched ]

This really moved me godblessamerica.swf

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Heros [13 Sep 2001|07:48pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

This country could use a few right now.

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test [12 Sep 2001|07:00pm]
testing 123.....ok
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Yet another "Name Generator". [10 Aug 2001|03:12pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | none ]

This one isn't for everyone, it's a bit adult so don't go there if you get offended easily.

"The Prison B**ch Name Generator"

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It's damn hot out there!!! [29 Jul 2001|07:13pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | Billy Joel "Piano Man" ]

I would like to thank the person who invented A/C...THANK YOU!!!!!!

In other news. Just went to see "Planet Of The Apes", good but not great. It could and should have been better. Overall I give it two and a half beer bottles out of a possible five.

Here's something that makes me laugh *make sure you have your speakers on*

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Yet another Smurfin' name generator. [28 Jul 2001|06:52pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Pink Floyd "In the flesh" ]

This one's for all of us who grew up in the 80's.

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LOVE [28 Jul 2001|12:35am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Geggy Tah "Whoever you are" ]

I'm right now at this moment in the life of my being talking to my most favouritest online buds...Jenn and ya kids!!!!!

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Cheeta R/C [10 Jul 2001|04:13pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Sugar Ray "When it's over" ]

RJ finally talked me into bringing "Cheeta R/C" back. Go here to see it reborn. It's still being reborn so it's pretty basic.

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*****GRRRR***** [04 Jul 2001|12:59pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | grinding of teeth ]

Happy 4th to all.

Since this years holiday falls on a Wednesday, and the fact that business is slow, my company has decided to give us the rest of the week off (Thur.-Sun.). Now most people would be happy to have such a long weekend, I am not. You see our company had cut everyone's hours a few weeks ago and coupling that with a short week I am very unhappy to say that this weeks hours will be far from the necessary 40 hours I am supposed to be getting.

Of course everyone keeps saying that things will pick up and it will get better, so I should just take it and quit bitching. Well I'm not going to take it and if this keeps up any longer I will have no choice but to search out better employment. I would really hate to quit and start over at a new place but somehow I don't think I will have any choice.

To be fair, this company has been good to me and I like working there but loyalty can only go so far in the kind of world we live in. I HAVE BILLS!!! Anyway, I will probably stay there at least to August and see what develops. In August it will be a year since I received my promotion and so I should be getting a review for a raise, depending on what happens then I will know what I'm worth to the company and that will be the decision maker for me.

Jenny and I are going camping again this weekend, we would like to do something else but camping is a pretty inexpensive form of R&R; and we might need to save all the pennies we can.

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Who? When? Where? Why? [24 Jun 2001|06:35pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | Foo Fighters "Learn to fly" ]

What? Sunday already? Work tomorrow? Where, oh where could I find some money so that I don't have to keep working? Bank robbery? Are you crazy? Do I look like a JACKASS? Is this getting annoying? Does anyone care?
*I need a beer*

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