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(taSte tHiS)

[05 Jun 2004|10:40pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | locked up - akon ft. styles ]

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Cool!
You're pretty cool! People look at you and think.. 'wow.. that person is cool!' Congratulations. Use your position wisely and teach the dorks below you a thing or two. There's nothing like recruiting a cool person.
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

(taSte tHiS)

HELP ME!!!!!!!! [05 Jun 2004|10:10pm]
[ mood | moody ]
[ music | confessions pt. II - usher ]

theres like 1000000 ppl in my house!!

anyways, i haven't updated since last sunday the BBC was pretty good not as good as last time. it was fun i saw Carlos, aw im'ma miss him!! :-( the seniors graduated already, bummer. i think Cric and Cristian called me a couple minutes ago but there's no service on my cot damn celly in my stupid house. i wonder if laura went with him to take a ride in his 'new' car. ooooo he's a baller now. :-!

this week in school was shop week...soooo boring. i felt like skipping some days but there was nowhere to gooooo. this week is the last academic week. aaahhhh....two weeks left of skool. then a week after that i'm going to Puerto Rico for three weeks....YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!! :-D today me and mumzy went to Old Navy i was expecting them to have some cute stuff but they did i bought a bathing suit with zebra print and it had some hot pink around it, sooo cute. then i seend the matching flip flops!! i bought some beaters and shorts. like two tops. i wanna go to the mall tomorrow and get more stuff. but i think can cause these ppl that are here are sleeping over. gosh darn there's like 7 of them!! grrr.....im making it easy for myself and sleeping on the couch. :-\ after we left Old Navy, my mom w nt to get her hair did and i got my eyebrows done. then we went to get pedicures...<33333. yummmy, it felt so good. :-) grrrrr...i'm frustrated cause i gained like 5 pounds and i feel my stomach so.....full (?). >:o

(2 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

[30 May 2004|01:19pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Como Te Extrano - DJ Blass ]

i like how my LJ looks now....so purdy.

anyways....today i goin to THE CLUUUUBBBB....woooooopie!! Osiris's fam is having a BBQ today for both of his sisters cause one graduated from colege and trhe other from cosmo school.....but i don't feel like going i'm kinda mad at him don't wanna see his ass so instead tanya is taking me, chuckie, and lyanna to BBC!! YAAAAYYY!!! can't wait all rooms are gonna be open and i know mad ppl always go on sundays. holler.

(2 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

[29 May 2004|05:45pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | On Fire - Lloyd Banks ]

Simon Cowell has told Britney Spears she needs to tone her body before dancing around in lingerie on her current tour.

The 22-year-old Toxic singer is currently on the European leg of her Onyx Hotel roadshow.

Cowell said he was far from impressed with Spears' body when he saw the part of her show where she cavorts around in underwear.

He said: "When she makes great pop records like Baby One More Time and Toxic, they're great pop records.

"But the shot of her in her underwear on stage, I would've gone to the gym a bit more before I did that. Sorry, but true."

ugh.....what an ass. seriously its hard enough for girls to lose weight or when they gain weight they feel like shit. he has to say shit like this. asshole. brit isn't even chunky. :-(

ooook that was my teenybopper moment i had to get out but its true. :-( aaahhhh yeesterday me and laurieeee went to see '....Day After Tomorrow' in Boston. It was a good movie. freaky but good. Chino and Ralphy went str8 after skool to downtown first to buy some stuff and then went and seen the 5:15 one. we were gonna see their show but i was hungry and i always gotta eat so we went to BK first. <33333 recently i've been having cravings for it. then we walked to the theater and saw the 5:55 showing cause the one that the guys were on was sold out. me and laurie spent $9.62 on sour patchs, m&m;'s, and a child size coke!! fuck, next time i'm going to CVS and buying candy. :-! after the movie we walked to Haymarket, there were so many hobos out on the street. aaahhhh i almost tripped over one!!!! lol. thank there was no one really out walking. Osiris called me and i've been mad at him cause he was supposed to come over but he didn't and he told me yesterday becuase he was sleeping and was tired. omfg i got so pissed i told him and hung up on him. i felt so good afterwards to get that off my chest. when i got home he called me but it wasn't the same....he told me he'd call me later.

i have to go clubbin tomorrow burn off some steam or something. lyanna called me today, to ask me if i was going, i hope my mumzy lets me goooooo.

(taSte tHiS)

[26 May 2004|06:36pm]
[ mood | pessimistic ]
[ music | dat sexy body (remix) - ivy queen ft sasha ]

oooooooh i like this...


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(1 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

i fukkin hate skool! [23 May 2004|03:24pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Bailalo - DJ Eric ]

jclovesanna may explode without warning


From Go-Quiz.com

(1 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

half days <3333333333333333 [22 May 2004|11:07am]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | loco - nicky jam ]

i hate waking up EARLY. god my dad was doing spring cleaning or something. :-! it was like 7:30am, he fucking woke me up. i guess we're having people over today. <3

this week cuase of the MCAS we had four half days. it was shop week so we pretty much did nothing in school. i feel bad for the sophomores they had to stay. on tuesday, we went to KFC and grubbed, then we went to Laura's house and just chilled there. i was getting dry humped by ralphy but 'sall good. :-! lol. the next day we went to mickey d's and ate then went to derri's crib and watched Scary Movie 3. " BIIIIIITTTTCCCCHHH......HOOOOOOOOOEEEE.....Yo Yo how many bitches have i slapped?....ZERO....in fact Martha Stewart's my HERO!...." sorry i had to do that. :-] thursday, i went to malden to see Osiris cause there was nothin else to do. we were mostly on buses the whole cot damn time cause after i got there he had to go back to chelsea to go to ROCA. then yesterday, we went to downtown. but the gay thing about is that we went and took one of the malden buses from school and ended near malden station to got to boston it'd been faster if we just went to chelsea and took the 111 bus. but nooooooooo, we had to talk a cot damn train. right when i got there all i wanted to do was eat some Wendy's! <333 after, hilda had her monthly bitch and it leaked over her pants. me and arlette went running to CVS and got her pads. she bought jeans at marshalls to wear. after we were walking around and just bugging out. i got starbucks <3333 i haven't had some in more than a month. i go to go now cause i gotta clean my stank ass room. byeeee.

(2 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

fucken BORED [19 May 2004|08:02pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]

Who is in your celebrity family? by cerulean_dreams
User Name
DadAl Pacino
BrotherAshton Kutcher
SisterCameron Diaz
BoyfriendHughe Grant
Best friendOwen Wilson
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Would you rather be an African elephant or an Asian elephant? Why?:african (?)
Would you rather freeze to death or burn alive? Why?:freeze
Name three movies you like:American Hostry X, Grease, Shrek
Name three books you like:Gossip Girls, A-List, and Gossip Girls :_P
Have you ever fallen in love with a fictional character? Which one(s)? Why?:nope
Republican, Democrat or other? Why?:Democrat, nawka!
Attendance percentage at high school dances?:100%
What television shows do you watch regularly?:106 & PArk
Abortion is...:okay if its really necessary
The death penalty is...:....
How do you take your coffee?:cream 4 sugars
How do you take your tea?:yuckie
Who's your favorite teacher/professor?:Ms. Austin
How do you feel about your parents?:can be annoying at times
What sort of music do you listen to?:hip hop rap r&b; reggae some punk
List five or ten bands you listen to.:jay-z kanye west alicia keys usher xtina britney justin n.e.r.d
Do you use public transportation?:yes
Ever told someone you love him/her?:yeah
Morning person, night person or both?:night person
Siblings?:all half siblings
What are your friends like?:gay
Amusement parks are?:fun
Cafeterias are?:smelly
Dogs are?:smelly
Any phobias, traumas or other weirdnesses?:nope

The Personality Resume brought to you by BZOINK!

Name four bad habits you have:
1. i tend to dose off a lot!
2. i bite my nails
3. i'm a bitch at first
4. eat too fast.

Name four things that you wish you had:
1. money
2. money
3. a job
4. brian

Name four scents you love:
1. cucumber melon
2. vanilla
3. sharpies
4. leather

Name four things you'd never wear:
1. yellow
2. green
3. all white
4. dunno

Name four things you say most often:
1. fuck
2. fuck you
3. nawka
4. bitch

Name four things you are thinking about right now:
1. i'm tired
2. osito didnt come visit me today
3. i'm goin to PR in 6 wks.
4. im goin to sleep after this

Name four things that you have done today:
1. went to skool
2. watched a movie
3. ate a mickey d's
4. played roller coaster tycoon @ skool

Name the four last things you bought:
1. food
2. clothes
3. ice cream
4. dunno

Name FIVE people you'd like to spend more time with:
1. osiris
2. osiris
3. lyanna
4. mexico

Name four music artists/groups most people don't know you like:
1. xtina
2. justin
3. n.e.r.d
4. avril (?)

Name four drinks you regularly drink:
1. coke
2. OJ
3. water
4. coke

Name four random facts about yourself:
1. i'm laugh too much
2. i'm slow
3. i like summer
4. i love to dance

(1 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

[17 May 2004|07:09pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | bye bye boyfriend - fefe dobson ]

Who will you be stuck with at end of time? by chi_a_baidh
Your name is
Your sex is
Your favorite color is
You are stuck there becauseyou can't die
For _____ years58
With George Bush. Click for pic.
He/She will think you arebeautiful
You willslap them across the face
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

(taSte tHiS)

i have a bump on my lip >:O [17 May 2004|06:33pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | jesus walks - kanye west ]

crap its bothering me so much!!! *searches for chapstick*

anyways, tomorrow is 1 month...yup i havent talked to Osito though. his ass better come down here tomorrow cause i sure aint goin to malden. we have 4 half days this week starting tomorrow!! <3333 we're probably gonna go to KFC and grub. yummy, honey chicken BBQ sandwich <3333.

oh man last night i was watching 'Pimp My Ride' and the dude that does the interiors is MAD FUNNY. omg, me and laura are always crackin on him in shop!! :-D i wanna see it again so bad. tonight's the last inferno, crap it better be good. and whats up with the most recent person on AI, that girl was really good i cant stand Fantasia she's kinda gets annoying after awhile. :-(

shit i wanna talk to Osito. :-\

(2 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

[16 May 2004|09:17pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | gal you a lead - t.o.k ]

oooook, so i just found out my momma's an Usher fan. :-! is he going on tour soon?? *crosses fingers* she's gonna take me! :-D

(1 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

[08 May 2004|07:57pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | dip it low - christina millian ]

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....I'm very fucking upset right now because Osito was to call me after he finished shopping for his mom's present and then call me so i could meet him at the station but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....he doesn't call, it's been like 6 hours! i've been waiting for fucking hours!!! fuck, i hate waiting for people. i feel like i'm exagerating becuase i know hes gonna call me soon to tell me wat happened but i don't even wanna know his excuse.

(4 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

[02 May 2004|03:06pm]
[ mood | irritated ]

why is it so hard to find Jessica Alba pictures!!!

(2 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

randomness [01 May 2004|09:57pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | lucifer - jay-z ]

I made it into Accounting!!!! <33333 I was so happy on Wednesday when we all found out what shops we were gonna be in. :-) It's been soooo nice out, aaaahhhhh. today i went to the beach wit laura and mexico. we were just walking around and then later went to banana boat for ice cream. <333 I need a cot' damn job!!

it's fuckin hot in this room!

(taSte tHiS)

[25 Apr 2004|08:26pm]
[ mood | pessimistic ]
[ music | Naughty Girl (Remix) - Beyonce ft. ]

jclovesanna's Word Usage
1. i (154) 26. o (21) 51. right (13) 76. he (9)
2. and (106) 27. for (21) 52. him (13) 77. back (9)
3. to (103) 28. are (20) 53. r (13) 78. most (9)
4. the (89) 29. of (20) 54. were (13) 79. them (9)
5. a (65) 30. went (19) 55. then (13) 80. it's (9)
6. you (53) 31. yup (19) 56. u (12) 81. she (9)
7. my (51) 32. been (19) 57. i'm (12) 82. 10 (9)
8. was (48) 33. go (19) 58. they (12) 83. 1 (9)
9. your (38) 34. what (18) 59. good (11) 84. 5 (9)
10. on (36) 35. had (18) 60. up (11) 85. 7 (9)
11. in (31) 36. or (17) 61. know (11) 86. day (9)
12. it (29) 37. there (17) 62. p (11) 87. love (9)
13. that (28) 38. really (17) 63. when (10) 88. brian (8)
14. at (28) 39. current (16) 64. 9 (10) 89. people (8)
15. is (27) 40. from (16) 65. today (10) 90. night (8)
16. like (27) 41. do (16) 66. by (10) 91. see (8)
17. we (26) 42. have (16) 67. 2 (10) 92. much (8)
18. so (26) 43. e (16) 68. 4 (10) 93. 8 (8)
19. with (25) 44. 3 (15) 69. around (10) 94. just (8)
20. this (23) 45. now (15) 70. favorite (10) 95. 333 (8)
21. but (23) 46. got (15) 71. get (9) 96. how (8)
22. out (22) 47. not (15) 72. n (9) 97. color (7)
23. yes (22) 48. some (15) 73. t (9) 98. be (7)
24. no (21) 49. all (14) 74. did (9) 99. someone (7)
25. me (21) 50. s (14) 75. one (9) 100. 11 (7)
Word Count by Hutta.

(taSte tHiS)

[22 Apr 2004|03:48pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Got It Twisted - Mobb Deep ]

I HATE CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can't wait til osiris comes over and makes me feel better. :-(

(4 sAiD iT wAs taStY | taSte tHiS)

[21 Apr 2004|07:14pm]
[ mood | pessimistic ]
[ music | don't tell me - avril lavigne ]

yup me needs to go to this. *crosses fingers* *saves money* *hopes its cheap*

The Summer Jam line up has been announced. Kanye West, Ja Rule, Beenie Man, Cassidy, Twista, J-Kwon, Nina Sky, Ryan Duarte, Murphy Lee, Mario Winans, and the Ying Yang Twins will all be there. Tickets go on sale this FRIDAY at 10am at all Ticketmaster Outlets, charge by phone at 617-931-2000 or on-line at

(taSte tHiS)

*twirls hair* gosh its been awhile.... *snaps gum* [21 Apr 2004|06:00pm]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | Overnight Celebrity - Twista ]

yeeeeeaaaahhhh let it buuuurn. it feels weird writing in this shit again. the reason i haven't been writing here is cause i've just been just plain lazy and with all the stress from my birthday party which was like two saturdays ago i really haven't been online much at all. but now that i'm on spring break i've been at my crib the whole day today and have bnothin better to do.

My party was OKAY. I mean it could've been better but i had fun. (?) dunno, all my friends were there and at one point there were so many people that we had to kick some out. i didnt even know some ppl there. :-\ i got $600 from relatives. i have to buy summer clothes and i already gave me my mom some money so she can buy the the ticket. that night osiris was there and i haven't talked to him since me and lyanna snuck into his house around february (?) or march, one them months. yeah but since the day of the party we've been talking or whatever and now we're going out. i havent seen him since sunday though. today i was gonna go to malden but my moms a bitch and her excuse is that she coming home at 9 today so i just cant go out. hopefully tomorrow since he HAS to come down anyway i'll see him.

I cant wait for the summer; it's almost May! <333 :-D In July I'm going to PR again for three weeks. the seniors get out May 28th!! not fair. i'm gonna miss them. :-(
aw fuck i gotta go. byyeeeeeeeeeee.

(taSte tHiS)

[23 Mar 2004|03:58pm]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Move Your Body - Nina Sky ]

Beyonce's new video at the end looks like a L'Oreal commercial. :-)

(taSte tHiS)

[24 Feb 2004|06:12pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | hotel - cassidy ft. r. kelly ]

i n f o r m a t i o n
1. name: Anna
2. single or taken: Single
3. sex: female
4. birthday:3/8/89
5. sign: pisces
6. siblings: one
7. hair color: brown
8. eye color: hazel
9. shoe size: 9
10. height: 5'5
11. favorite foods: chocolate
12. hometown: boston

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: lasandra
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope.
3. did you send this to your crush?: noooo. :-\
4. did your crush send this to you?: No.
5. longest relationship?: 3 months
6. how many actual relationships have you been in?: 4 (?)
7. how many people have you kissed?: i forget.
8. are you shy around your crush?: a little.
9. do you indulge in random hook-ups?: not really.
10. still have feelings for anyone you've been in a past relationship with?: no.
11. do you know what it feels like to be in love?: no.
12. would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friends?: Yes.

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: too many.
2. have any tattoos or piercings?: yes
3. what is your favorite thing to wear?: jeans
4. what is a must have accessory?: belt
5. how much is the most you've ever spent on a single item of clothing?: dunno.
7. who is the most fashionable person you know?: me.
8. who is the least fashionable person you know?: dunno, joselyn??
9. do you match your belt with your hair color?: no...
10. what is the worst thing you've ever thought looked good?: when i had to wear geeky glasses
11. what are you wearing right now?: my favorite jeans, red rocawear shirt, and a white jacket.
13.what is the worst trend you see today?: the tongues hanging out of the sneakers.

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs? no
3. what are you most scared of?: fire, having no one to talk to.
4. what are you listening to right now?: Yeah! - Ursher <33
5. who is the last person that called you?: lauren
6. where do you want to get married?: on the beach.
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 12
8. what would you change about yourself?: nothing
9. what are essentials in your life?: friends, family, fooooooooood
10. if you had the power to do any one thing, what would it be? yo no se...
11. what nationality are you?: puerto rican
12. do you send out holiday cards each year?: yes.

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given someone a bath? yeah.
3. bungee jumped?: i wish...
4. made yourself throw up?: No
5. skinny dipped?: No.
6. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Yes
7. cried when someone died?: Yes
8. fallen for your best friend?: No
9. been rejected?: Yes
10. rejected someone?: Yes
11. used someone?: dont think so.

c u r r e n t
1. hair: ponytail
2. music: spaceship - kanye west
3. make-up: mascara, eyeliner
4. annoyance: I'M HUNGRY
5. scent: chicken.
6. favorite artist: hmmmm...kanyeeze?
7. favorite group: yo no se....
8. desktop picture: cheetah print.
9. book you're reading: nothing
10. cd in player: mix.
11. dvd in player: Lion King 1/2
12. color of toenails: Clear

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