Fri, Feb. 4th, 2005, 06:07 pm SHE LIVES
Yo. So its been a while. I have been stuck in smoothie land. Just working and school pretty much. Today was just so nice outside. I went for a much needed run at highbanks. I love my running shoes, they were great in the snow. The burn has made me want to get a membership to worthington rec again more than ever. I need to just suck it up and get britt and I passes so I will stop bitching. Everything is pretty much okay here. I have food to eat, a place to sleep, school, a job, a girl, a big gay youth center, friends, and parents. So can't really complain. I have decided that im gonna be the hottest ebeth ever this summer so yeah cols watch out for one hothot ebeth. It will just make me feel better to be in shape and crap so yeah. OSU is #2 in the nation.. wooo. Go team. Well yeah just thought I would let everyone know im still alive and kickin it. I am going to celebrate my night/saturday off with some tripple sec!!!!!! cheers.
Fri, Jan. 7th, 2005, 06:17 am
its friday!
yayyyyyyyyy Tue, Jan. 4th, 2005, 05:00 pm
so im having mental breakdowns. oh well. im still depressed.
im just gonna be depressed for life yo. yay emo kid.
i just dont want to be the crying emo kid. so.
im gonna be the fake emo kid. im happy wheeeeee!
no medicine this time.. think i might just talk to debbie. i feel bad for britt i dont want to put her through my shit.
ayeee. Thu, Dec. 30th, 2004, 06:13 am BLONDE
I have blonde in my hair... wheeeeeee I look gay.. and hot! yessssss. PICS SOON! Im gonna wear the shirt I got for christmas today. worktime.
Sat, Dec. 25th, 2004, 08:31 am
merry christmas yo! Thu, Dec. 23rd, 2004, 09:43 pm
Ive been thinking about things since I havent had so much time and have not been able to do anything else lately. Brittany is totally awesome. I couldn't ask for a better girl. I just wish she was here. I had a few great conversations with Tara today. Wonderfulness My mom is totally nuts. Kirsten RAWKS! I wanna watch her ani deeveeDEEZ I am THE MASTER of college gameday 2004.. yea football on my beautiful ps2 baby. mmmmm can't wait to play tomorrow! I have been a waste of space and am making no money and I will have to use savings to pay rent this month but oh well thats what its all about.. cause im the best girlfriend evah! yea thats right.. BAM! 14 K gold 1/4 karat BLING all on her ears. They are absolutely amazing.. as is she. ahhhh :) .. I wish she would CALL ME! Sleeptime.
Thu, Dec. 23rd, 2004, 09:34 am
well colonial hills is without power/heat. That means my parents, tara/geanna and the dogs n kittys, and lauren carter and her family are all without power. Sweet aep you SUCK. Mom and dad wont leave the cat so they are staying home, tara n fam are going to taras moms, lauren is still sleeping and I cant get ahold of her. I called kirsten and they have power. Britt is still asleep. call me yo! Crazy. blah. i hate snow. well if you dont have power call the ebeth rescue line and our house has power and heat and popcorn and cable.. (I hope the cable isnt out .. ahahjkahsfjkha) and as long as you are in worthington I will come get you.. if you are in columbus.. you will have to get your ass up here because im not driving in freezing snow death traped roads. eric is downstairs. I wonder when he came over. im awake and hungry tho... wake up house! blah.
Wed, Dec. 22nd, 2004, 02:48 pm
megz is my SUPER mom. She brought me ice cream and is getting me some drugs. yayyy super mom. britt isnt here to take naps with me and that is sad tho... and its snowing my pants off. I heard we were having a snow emergency or whatever that shit means. someone wanna clue me in on why its snowing craploads?! fucking december, cold,snow shit.
imnot making sense. whee ebeth just woke up from a nappp and hasnt eaten since monday.angie needs to call me back so I can sleep. until them im gonna get all informated about this snow emergency. everything is an emergency or a war now anyways.. its snow.. ooo sooo scary. I wanna drink but I cant cause I got a fevah. gross. sober-ness for like 2 weeks now. Oh well.
im gonna search the internets now. Tue, Dec. 21st, 2004, 06:20 am
i miss you already britt. ::Sigh::
gotta go to work. im sick. ew. ::sniffle::
.. bluh Mon, Dec. 20th, 2004, 12:25 pm
kirsten alert! you +me +ani dvd's +popcorn+ice cream + lotsa other cry food = GOOD TIME sound like a date? tomorrow night? please? :/ kthanks. hmmm i feel like my head smashed a wall and got hit by a metal chair on WWE.. oy. last night was beautiful. britt is beautiful. I wish my whole life could be on the same page at the same time. its like complete happiness/total shit. whee. im gonna sleepsleepsleep.. and eat popcorn. mm.
Fri, Dec. 17th, 2004, 08:00 pm hrm o well. crappyholidays
I was trying to prove a point by not writing in this journal.. but I think I failed to do that so here I am again.
I am now working at planet smoothie cafe at polaris. I am opening team leader so yeah come see me 7am-1pm monday-friday.
I am off this weekend looking to spend some good time with britt before she leaves for maryland on tuesday. I am going to miss her. She is really the best thing I have in my life. I love her.
Im happy overall. Sad that its the hoidays. Ebeth = the grinch.
im so happy britt is leaving because stefan and megz christmas is ridiculous. Oh well. christmas is ridiculous. Im not christian so I dont celebrate. I mean only jewish people celebrate haunaka.. or however you spell it so why does everyone and their mom celebrate christmas.
hmm I hate holidays in general. oh yeah.
im gonna sleep.its 8pm. maybe get a shower or something. but im tired as fuck.
well its good to know the outcome of my expermient. note to self.. if you dont initiate contact with any of your friends.. they wont call you. (this goes out to MULTIPLE people I am sad to say... not just one bad egg this time). I would say its time to re-evaluate whoIam friends with.. but that would leave just kirsten left so yeah.. I dont wanna do that really.. (KIR YOU ARE AWESOME AND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE) so yah. o well. I wonder what the kirchild is doing. calling her now lata. Wed, Dec. 8th, 2004, 09:19 am
yeaaa mothahhhfuckah I am done with teh quarter. One more online test to go, due friday.
Imma go home and eat some cookies before work(s)
yay Sat, Nov. 27th, 2004, 05:17 pm
its that time of the year again. End of the quarter. Beginning of holiday. yeah = depressing. Oh well im managing to trudge through the slosh. My mind is fryed my emotions are all keyed up. I dont make any sense. Ah all must be normal :) Seriously though I hate feeling empty. Britt is doing all she can. I cant focus. I cant talk because I have nothing to say or talk about. endless cycle. maybe I should go out? maybe I should clean? or run? or make dinner? or do my paper(s).... oh yeah those. shit!
Fri, Nov. 26th, 2004, 12:47 am
its amazing what a little bit of creative juices will do to my system. not to mention alittle kung fu ;)
damnit I wanted to write but I cant
this makes me sadbut britt will be home tomorrowww yay! I missher. happy tday. Fri, Nov. 19th, 2004, 01:42 pm
im really discouraged..
I work 68 hours on a check... and I dont make enough to live comfortably.
I hate school but im worried about being done because im afraid im not going to find a job.
I am tired. I hate the holidays.
Oh well tomorrow is OSU vs Michigan and lots of vodka.. Britt is great we are wonderful no worries there. im just not so much. its okay though. these things come and go and it has come and it shall go.
::shrug:: Wed, Nov. 17th, 2004, 07:21 pm
they are playing Tegan and Sara on CD 101 right now.
Walking with the Ghost from their new cd which I dont like but its cool they are getting played on the radio Tue, Nov. 16th, 2004, 10:30 pm
oh my god. the tv is amazing. stefan and I are going to re-arrange on saturday... or.. err before if we get a chance to see how we like a different perspective on the room. I think it will look great when its finished. wheee yayyayayay I can't wait. I want to clean up the house and get off to a fresh start again. All the laundry done, all my meals packed.. it would be wonderful wouldnt it. Yah it would. omg our tv kicks ass... have I mentioned our tv? it is big and beautiful. mmmmmm tv. thank god for stefan and megzzz. they are so sexxy and the best housemates evah and this place is so sweet and it makes me forget how stressed I am. es beautiful. ::tear:: mmmm football hd... BASKETBALL HD. omgzzz like wow. w00t ::drool:: oh and im buying a PS2 fo real. Need to play some dynasty warriors and Twisted Metal and all that fun stuff. we are gonna pimp our HOUSE! X to tha Z would be proud. Okay I need to sleep 5am is early to wake up and write papers. sleep time. Thu, Nov. 11th, 2004, 07:55 pm
sometimes work just makes me want to drink even more
obliteration would be wonderful. Sat, Nov. 6th, 2004, 04:57 pm Super cute!
So I went out and had a mini shopping spree today. I got 2 new shirts and a new pair of pants.. I am going to be sporting new goodies tonight and will look super cute so you should all come out to GHop. I will look cute. So yah. hmm well thats all. Its britts first ghop as well.. YAY! how cute. cute is my word today... dare I say it again??!?! CUTE! I feel cute. I need to get some new pictures so I can be a picturewhore and everyone can look at how cute I am. Okay I will be back to my normal emo self tomorrow. No worries.
Fri, Nov. 5th, 2004, 09:57 am
It is time now to really update.. well okay maybe not.. but I can try. Hopefully I dont have to work today. I have an on call 2-close. I want to go see angie and go to the store and clean and cook food.. not work. Speaking of work. I will be transfering to the Polaris location as soon as Easton decides to let go of me. I will be on a crew with a stock supervisor and a logistics manager that I absolutely LOVE (and who loves me too.. yay for nicole). I will be working next to a *panera* and close to *home* so I can go home for my breaks or to.. PANERAAAAHHH. Also, its across from the mall where britt works which is yay x2. I wont say everything has been rainbows and lemondrops with britt.. because it definantly hasnt but then again I did not expect it to be. I expected my selfish only-child-ness to kick in and it has in full effect. She is lonely and insecure. We both have to work on ourselves. We both have to have our own time. We both need to hang out with our friends without eachother and in her case she needs to find some friends. As cool as it is to be able to see eachother like 14 hours + a day (including sleeping)... we need to make sure that we dont screw things up before it gets started. I have been fortunate to witness many mistakes that I have made and that my friends have made and I have awesome friends to help me/us through. So yeah I think everything will be okay we just have to work at it. School is kicking my ass. I am so not motivated. I dont know what I want to do and I dont really care about the classes I am taking this quarter or next quarter. I want to be all adult about it and be intellectual.. but the truth is.. yeah im smart but im not into being smart. I would rather focus my energy on sports or dancing or music... just anything but school.. even WORK most days as much as I hate it. Its like I procrastinate to the last min and I am always so tired and BLAHHHHH. I just want school to be over with.. and I still have another year if I get my shit together.. maybe only 5 quarters but still ugh. Hmm.. thats my real update I guess. I have been trying to get myself motivated to do the things I need to do like make school a priority and work out.. but im not quite there yet. This morning britt asked me how I was so mature.. but I dont see myself as mature.. just as me.. Ebeth.. and sure I go to sleep early, get my shit done, and am there for my friends.. but is that maturity? I dont really know what she was talking about. Well anyways. I wanna make some new icons. An icon of me an icon of the new dc video... mmm im gonna see fi there are any animated ones I can steal from a dc community. whee that would be funfunfunnnnn. Okay I can tell this is gonna be yet another un-productive day. YAY!