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1. today's date?: January 31, 2002 2. time you started this survey?: 9:49pm 3. who did you get this survey from? im_a_slave_4u 4. full name?: Crissy 5. were you named after anyone, and if so, who?: My damn grandmother...father's mother...spanish spelling and all...if my mom had her way, I would have been michelle though. 6. nicknames?: Uhh...jackie called me daria today, does that count? 7. location?: scrumrise, fl 8. school?: st. thomas aquinas hs 9. mascot?: it's the rare species of LOSER RAIDER...no, it's the raider...smiling pirate, if you will. 10. hair color?: brown 11. eye color?:brown 12. ethnic group?: fake hispanic...half...lol. 13. height?: 5'8" 14. zodiac sign?: Scorpio 15. do you want to get married?: I think so. 16. do you want any kids?: Ehm...I dunno...too much marriage references lately...damn theology.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE.. 17. color?: blue 18. number?: 3, and even numbers 19. sport?: high school football, except when your team is a bunch of losers who blow the state title two years in a row =) 20. store?: borders, or old navy 21. word to say?: fuck, and there are others but I can't think of them right now 22. place to hang out at?: um...the oasis? I dunno. 23. place to get drunk at?: other people's houses? lol. 24. car to drive?: pontiac grand am...well I have only driven 2 cars. 25. tv show?: hmm...love boat/love boat next wave, daria. 26. movie?: titanic. 27. song?: The winner takes it all - Abba, Angel eyes - Abba, Money Money Money - Abba Upside Down/Firefly/Dancing Queen/Gimme gimme gimme/Happy New Year/Knowing me, knowing you/Halfway around the world - A*teens, I'll never stop/Sailing/U Drive me Crazy/That girl will never be mine/If I'm not the one/Forever young/Riddle/The game is over - *Nsync, Outer space girls/Walk of Life/Holler/Say You'll be there/Wannabe/Too much/Spice Up Your Life/If U Can't Dance - Spice Girls. 28. fast-food service?: lol...almost anything. 29. stuffed animal?: my captain parrot (yes I'm a dork...I bought this stuffed pirate parrot at metrozoo in sixth grade. 30. possession?: my cruise things 31. sesame street character?: Mm I dunno. 32. flower?: anything big, unusual, and colorful? 33. radio station?: Y-100 34. band?: *Nsync, Spice Girls, A*Teens 35. kind of music?: Pop 36. day of the year?: November 2, birthday...lol, I dunno. 37. day of the week?: Friday or saturday 38. kind of cookie?: chocolate chip, peanut butter 38. nintendo game?: Mario, wario, pokemon 38. place to be alone?: my computer, my room 39. cereal?: cracklin oat bran/the granola one (because I've been craving it lately, but frosted flakes. 40. ice cream?: chocolate, cookie dough 41. vegetable?: um. lettuce? 42. magazine?: Time or Newsweek 43. cartoon?: The Simpsons, Daria, Family guy, Futurama 44. candy?: nutrageous 45. time of day?: doesn't matter 46. soda?: Coke or Sprite 47. thing you like yelled at you?: "what's my gpa bitch" no...when people are proud of me? I dunno.
WHICH PEOPLE.. 48. slept in your bed?: ew ew ew, the first night in DC, when everyone was in our room watching american pie 2, ugh, fat heather and caroline were on our (my and lanie's) bed...and then jeff and greg were always in our room...and fat heather always coming in and just lying down on anyone's bed, gross. I felt sorry for the boys, they always had everyone in their room, on their beds, and not letting them sleep. But really...lanie and i alternated with the beds...a nice arrangement. 49. saw you cry?: Cristela when I got my report card...anyone at the states game, lol. 50. made you cry?: my own stupidity. 51. slept at your house?: Uh, I shared a room with 3 girls for 6 days...that's enough.
HAVE YOU EVER.. 52. been in love?: no 53. loved someone so much it made you cry?: nope, don't love anyone that much. 54. gotten in a fight?: yes 55. faded away from someone you were close to?: yes 56. had a mud bath?: um no, but on cruises it's called a "rasul" and costs like $60. 57. had a sex dream?: nope 58. wished you were never born?: at times 59. wished you were the opposite sex?: kinda 60. done something you regret?: Doesn?t everyone?
THIS OR THAT.. 61. apples or bananas?: apples 62. summer or winter?: both 63. wal-mart or target?: wal-mart, the targets here have old stuff and are ghetto. 64. white or wheat bread?: white 65. big or little?: little 66. tv or radio?: TV 67. cable or satellite?: i dunno 68. day or night?: either 69. lust or love?: love
MUSIC.. 70. last cd you bought?: I got a bunch for christmas 71. next cd you plan to buy?: unsure 72. favorite female singer?: Shakira, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, lately Mandy Moore 73. favorite male singer?: Um, I dunno. 74. number of cd's you have?: close to 100 75. number of cd's you actually listen to?: I dunno
RANDOM QUESTIONS.. 76. what was the last thing you said?: don't remember. 77. what is right next to you?: the fan, on the floor 78. brand of your computer?: compaq 79. last thing you downloaded?: Britney Spears I'm a slave for you huge remix 80. what do you think of sex?: eveyrone's unnecessarily obsessed with it 81. who makes you happy?: friends, cruises, getting good grades, winning things, being perfect. 82. do you have any pets?: stupid flipper bird 83. what is your worst habit?: I am prone to anger and sometimes too blunt 84. what's the scariest thing you've ever done?: I dunno? 85. what religion are you?: Catholic, but god hates me...so yeah. 86. do you like your handwriting?: Yes, because it's small and neat and perfect...like my notes and work. 87. who is your idol?: previous valedictorians/national merits...anyone who has done the things I want to accomplish, lol. 88. do you like anime?: yes 89. if so, what are some of your favs?: sailor moon and pokemon 90. did you like this survey?: It?s ok 91. say hi to anyone you'd like?: Hi people 92. time you finished this survey?: 10:13pm