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[25 May 2003|05:16pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | enya | sail away ]

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holy fucking crap! [03 Jul 2002|07:15pm]
[ mood | shocked ]
[ music | pink | just like a pill ]

wtf is this??? it can't happen!!!!


RCI/Princess Merger Approved in UK
As predicted here earlier this week, the proposed merger between P&O; Princess and Royal Caribbean takes a step forward on the regulatory approval trail with the ?okay? they received today from the U.K Department of Trade. The Competition Commission?s approval was based on its assessment that the merger between the industry?s number two- and number three-largest cruise lines would not likely reduce diversity of cruises for British travelers or hold back industry growth and or competition.

Next step: P&O; Princess and Royal Caribbean must wait for a decision -- and this is the most important one because both cruise lines? major passenger bases are in the U.S. -- from America?s Federal Trade Commission. That decision is expected to be announced in late July/August. After that...the decision will rest in the hands of P&O; shareholders.

Carnival which has made a hostile bid for P&O; Cruises, still awaits its European Commission review, not to mention a similar kind of study by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. At this point, it looks like Carnival may have to agree to sell off some United Kingdom or German operations to win approval by the European Union regulators though despite a nudging from Royal Caribbean that it should divest itself of Cunard, Carnival has vociferously denied it would ever let go of that line. In fact, Carnival has said it will likely divest itself of P&O;?s United Kingdom unit should the European Union Commission require some kind of sell-off.

Ultimately, both deals must get full approvals from the various involved regulatory bodies before the proposals can be brought up for vote by shareholders.

The cruise-triangle originated when Royal Caribbean, which is the second biggest cruise line with 23 ships and roughly a 22 percent market share, announced a planned merger with Princess. The deal is considered to be worth about $3.7 billion for Princess shareholders. P&O; Princess itself, the number three-sized company, has 18 ships and 13 percent of the market. Later, and uninvited, Carnival, the largest cruise line, with 43 ships and a 27 percent market share, entered the arena by proposing an acquisition of P&O; Princess. P&O; shareholders gathered last winter to vote on the original merger proposal then tabled the vote in order to give them more time to assess the quality of both deals -- and to wait for the various regulatory agencies to weigh in with necessary rulings.

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AP Language & Composition [10 May 2002|12:16am]
[ mood | drained ]

I have my AP lang & comp today. That, and a math test. But obviously, one is more draining and difficult than the other.

Well, actually, the AP wasn't that bad. Yes, it sucks to write 3 essays in 120 minutes, but at least it's over. My hand was numb and practically dead. I kept cracking it and I wouldn't get any response, heh. Kinda freaky. I almost couldn't crack my favorite finger over -- the middle one.
I wrote a page and a bit for each essay, but I wrote in my smallest handwriting possible. It's weird, when I do quote tests in english or worksheets, my writing is medium size and ugly, but when I have to write prompts, then it gets small and neat. Insecurity through writing size, yup.

The reading passages were fairly easy...the first was about educating the public on the science and psychology of propaganda and how we're remiss in doing so because it would throw society off of balance. The second was this incredibly hard and stupid one that was a book dedication...some whackjob advising her critics how to criticize her book and how she doesn't want mercy but the facts blahblahblah. It was so ridiculously over-used vocab words and this circuitous logic and crap, agh. The next one was a thing on tornadoes. The first 3 sentences were this scientific jargon garbage, and the rest was eye-witness accounts from hicks. Hoo boy. It was amusing though, to read about the psychadelic colors these country bumpkins claim to have seen under tornadoes, heh.
The last paragraph was some deal on waterfalls and how their nature is wrongly depicted by all artists but one. Later, after we took the test, Stearns told us that "Charles" picked it out. Figures Balkcom would pick a passage like that. It was easy though, and it had the least questions for it. Guess he couldn't think of any tricky, fuck-you-over ones. I would have pegged him to pick out that second passage, it was evil enough to be his style.
Balkcom is so evil, he wandered in during the middle of the test, walked up the length of the room, just looking at everyone. I pointedly looked back at him and gave him a smirk. He gave me one back. That's my balkcom. Afterwards, in the lunchroom, he passed me and asked how the test was. I said that I did well, but that I was now certain he would end up grading one of my essays, because I put a wordy in it. Haha, irrational fear of Crissy #839832: that Balkcom will read her essay at the grading of the AP Lang & Comp essay portion. He laughed and agreed with me.

As for the long, boring, unending essays...the first was Lincoln's inauguration speech a month before the civil war ended. He talked a bunch about god and divine providence etc. to scare the people into behaving and not going to war again. The second was from virginia woolf, talking about her childhood summers and fishing trips at the seashore and how it was formative in her life. And finally, the great feared open question was this long thing about taping of presidential conversations and its repercussions in the czech republic and public and private lives colliding and how the curtain rippers between these two worlds are looked upon as the villains. It was weird, a topic you could easily agree with and BS about, but it was hard to find a book to use for it. I finally used julius caesar and the cowardice of the conspirators that kept their actions in private etc.

I hope I did well...hope for a 5.

Meep. no more AP. Brain fried. Goodnight.

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STA Dogma [18 Apr 2002|12:14am]
[ mood | amused ]

'Cause it's funny...an old one but still funny. If you don't go to my school, you probably think we're nuts.

***ST THOMAS DOGMA : AKA you know you go to ST Thomas if... (in case you were un-aware of the fact that you go here)***

1) your idea of being rebellious is breaking the dress code as many ways as possible
2) you think its weird that girls at other schools DONT wear ribbons in their hair
3) you seize every opportunity to be seen out of uniform (this one goes out to those who blatantly over dress for football games)
4) you?re friends with almost all of your teachers (or shall I say almost friends)
5) you get a kick out of figuring out new ways to double park in the gravel lot
6) the student parking lot has nicer cars than the teachers' lot
7) you don?t go for an entire day without trash talking or grilling somebody
8) you fear Coach Smith more than Dean ___, hmm, what IS his name?
9) you have more Cliff Notes than actual novels
10) in the event you have to write an essay, you feel the appropriate time to do so is at 1 in the morning the night before
11) you have a tendency to stop by B lunch (when you have D, that is)
12) you see nothing wrong with re-arranging the order of you classes every day, and the times 8:08, 9:26, 10:22, 11:18, 12:14, 1:10, 1:41, and 2:37 have significance to you.
13) during homecoming week, you have in depth discussion about whether the freshmen?s hallway is really all that good
14) you?ve taken more than one SAT prep course
15) and as a result, you can rattle off 15 synonyms for "hinder"
16) the best part of your morning is picking out your socks
17) you?re comfortable telling your parents you?re going to a kegger at the Clipper
18) and they have no problem with that
19) or that fact that you have a party every time they go out of town
20) you'll only join a club if you get a trip to Disney (same goes for selling raffle books)
21) speaking of the raffle- you?ve had many a homeroom teacher threaten you for not selling them
22) you call people by their last names, and have no clue what their first names are
23) at some point, you?ve had a teacher who had an obsession with throwing pens onto the whiteboard tray (Mr. Falcone and Mr. Hoskin- we salute you)
24) at any given time, you can tell somebody 5 reasons why they?re going to hell- and back it up with Bible verse
25) you pray for the football team in theology
26) you get cut marks from all the people in the hallway who forget to shave their arms
27) you?re a girl and you let a forest grow on your legs under your pants until Friday
28) you find it normal to waste half of a class making special intentions
29) you?re the only person who knows what the word "Cailini" means
30) you have mastered the art of fake smiling
31) you resent the sales of ?beat tags?
32) you listen to Mr. Staud on the announcements and do not shake your head out of pity
33) you?ve started to appreciate the coverage uniforms offer for some people (see #3)
34) you?ve heard the school referred to as "Slut Training Academy" and have no idea what those slanderous public school kids mean by that
35) between procuring a fake ID, buying liquor, and actually consuming it, you consider drinking a hobby, if not an art form (this includes keg-stands)
36) you have no problem spending $100 for a parking space, $75 for a yearbook, $400+ for a class ring, or a couple thousand on a trip to Italy- but $5 for class dues- oh, that means war
37) speaking of money, you pay more for gum fines than you do for actual tuition
38) you have no problem standing in the middle of the hallway with your 25 closest friends at the busiest class change
39) you get more sleep in class than at home
40) when other schools have the next day off, you?re out partying with them (even though you DO have school the next day)
41) you awake from a horrible dream at 3 in the morning screaming "National Merit!"
42) you never do homework at home, after all, that?s what Channel 1 is for
43) you?ve started to honestly believe that if you went to a public school, your only future profession could be working the Mc Donald?s drive thru
44) you can recite the "Our Father" in Spanish (Mr Martinez!!) or Latin (Mrs. Nardone) yet you don?t know but 2 lines of the Gettysburg Address or "I Have a Dream..."
45) you scream the extended form of B.S. in front of your principal, priest and asst. principal because you don?t like the call at the football game [heh, plantation fball game, junior year...go band]
46) you?ve been beaten with a ruler more than once by Ms. McDonough
47) you get 2 days off of school for the state football game, but you get 0 off for a hurricane
48) you don?t think it?s odd that your Biology teacher relates everything to sex

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[28 Mar 2002|07:58pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | no doubt | just a girl ]

You?re Michelle Branch! You?re the ?girl nextdoor? type of gal. You?ve got a down-to-earth feel about you, and you?re not afraid to be original. You?re still trying to find yourplace in life, but that doesn?t mean you?re not enjoying the trip. Rich and famous? Sure! But you?re not gonna let that go to your head. ;D

What Kind of Pop Princess Are You? Quiz by Jonah

Cybernetic Humanoid Responsible for Infiltration and Sabotage/Technician Intended for Nocturnal Assassination
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Survey [26 Mar 2002|09:48pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | blink 182 | first date ]

survey )

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You're such a romantic hero [27 Feb 2002|08:32pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | janet jackson | son of a gun ]

The nutty parakeet is playing with its shadow on top of the blinds.

can you tell that I have hw? )

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Survey [31 Jan 2002|10:21pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | mya | free ]

1. today's date?: January 31, 2002
2. time you started this survey?: 9:49pm
3. who did you get this survey from? im_a_slave_4u
4. full name?: Crissy
5. were you named after anyone, and if so, who?: My damn grandmother...father's mother...spanish spelling and all...if my mom had her way, I would have been michelle though.
6. nicknames?: Uhh...jackie called me daria today, does that count?
7. location?: scrumrise, fl
8. school?: st. thomas aquinas hs
9. mascot?: it's the rare species of LOSER RAIDER...no, it's the raider...smiling pirate, if you will.
10. hair color?: brown
11. eye color?:brown
12. ethnic group?: fake hispanic...half...lol.
13. height?: 5'8"
14. zodiac sign?: Scorpio
15. do you want to get married?: I think so.
16. do you want any kids?: Ehm...I dunno...too much marriage references lately...damn theology.

17. color?: blue
18. number?: 3, and even numbers
19. sport?: high school football, except when your team is a bunch of losers who blow the state title two years in a row =)
20. store?: borders, or old navy
21. word to say?: fuck, and there are others but I can't think of them right now
22. place to hang out at?: um...the oasis? I dunno.
23. place to get drunk at?: other people's houses? lol.
24. car to drive?: pontiac grand am...well I have only driven 2 cars.
25. tv show?: hmm...love boat/love boat next wave, daria.
26. movie?: titanic.
27. song?:
The winner takes it all - Abba, Angel eyes - Abba, Money Money Money - Abba
Upside Down/Firefly/Dancing Queen/Gimme gimme gimme/Happy New Year/Knowing me, knowing you/Halfway around the world - A*teens,
I'll never stop/Sailing/U Drive me Crazy/That girl will never be mine/If I'm not the one/Forever young/Riddle/The game is over - *Nsync,
Outer space girls/Walk of Life/Holler/Say You'll be there/Wannabe/Too much/Spice Up Your Life/If U Can't Dance - Spice Girls.
28. fast-food service?: lol...almost anything.
29. stuffed animal?: my captain parrot (yes I'm a dork...I bought this stuffed pirate parrot at metrozoo in sixth grade.
30. possession?: my cruise things
31. sesame street character?: Mm I dunno.
32. flower?: anything big, unusual, and colorful?
33. radio station?: Y-100
34. band?: *Nsync, Spice Girls, A*Teens
35. kind of music?: Pop
36. day of the year?: November 2, birthday...lol, I dunno.
37. day of the week?: Friday or saturday
38. kind of cookie?: chocolate chip, peanut butter
38. nintendo game?: Mario, wario, pokemon
38. place to be alone?: my computer, my room
39. cereal?: cracklin oat bran/the granola one (because I've been craving it lately, but frosted flakes.
40. ice cream?: chocolate, cookie dough
41. vegetable?: um. lettuce?
42. magazine?: Time or Newsweek
43. cartoon?: The Simpsons, Daria, Family guy, Futurama
44. candy?: nutrageous
45. time of day?: doesn't matter
46. soda?: Coke or Sprite
47. thing you like yelled at you?: "what's my gpa bitch" no...when people are proud of me? I dunno.

48. slept in your bed?: ew ew ew, the first night in DC, when everyone was in our room watching american pie 2, ugh, fat heather and caroline were on our (my and lanie's) bed...and then jeff and greg were always in our room...and fat heather always coming in and just lying down on anyone's bed, gross. I felt sorry for the boys, they always had everyone in their room, on their beds, and not letting them sleep. But really...lanie and i alternated with the beds...a nice arrangement.
49. saw you cry?: Cristela when I got my report card...anyone at the states game, lol.
50. made you cry?: my own stupidity.
51. slept at your house?: Uh, I shared a room with 3 girls for 6 days...that's enough.

52. been in love?: no
53. loved someone so much it made you cry?: nope, don't love anyone that much.
54. gotten in a fight?: yes
55. faded away from someone you were close to?: yes
56. had a mud bath?: um no, but on cruises it's called a "rasul" and costs like $60.
57. had a sex dream?: nope
58. wished you were never born?: at times
59. wished you were the opposite sex?: kinda
60. done something you regret?: Doesn?t everyone?

61. apples or bananas?: apples
62. summer or winter?: both
63. wal-mart or target?: wal-mart, the targets here have old stuff and are ghetto.
64. white or wheat bread?: white
65. big or little?: little
66. tv or radio?: TV
67. cable or satellite?: i dunno
68. day or night?: either
69. lust or love?: love

70. last cd you bought?: I got a bunch for christmas
71. next cd you plan to buy?: unsure
72. favorite female singer?: Shakira, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, lately Mandy Moore
73. favorite male singer?: Um, I dunno.
74. number of cd's you have?: close to 100
75. number of cd's you actually listen to?: I dunno

76. what was the last thing you said?: don't remember.
77. what is right next to you?: the fan, on the floor
78. brand of your computer?: compaq
79. last thing you downloaded?: Britney Spears I'm a slave for you huge remix
80. what do you think of sex?: eveyrone's unnecessarily obsessed with it
81. who makes you happy?: friends, cruises, getting good grades, winning things, being perfect.
82. do you have any pets?: stupid flipper bird
83. what is your worst habit?: I am prone to anger and sometimes too blunt
84. what's the scariest thing you've ever done?: I dunno?
85. what religion are you?: Catholic, but god hates me...so yeah.
86. do you like your handwriting?: Yes, because it's small and neat and perfect...like my notes and work.
87. who is your idol?: previous valedictorians/national merits...anyone who has done the things I want to accomplish, lol.
88. do you like anime?: yes
89. if so, what are some of your favs?: sailor moon and pokemon
90. did you like this survey?: It?s ok
91. say hi to anyone you'd like?: Hi people
92. time you finished this survey?: 10:13pm

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Grrr [29 Jan 2002|12:31am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

Still up. Still doing my !!$#!@$#$@! Stearns essay.


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I got both, heh [26 Jan 2002|02:20pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | spice girls | too much (soulshock & carlin's remix) ]

Good, I like both. I'm a sarcastic, blunt combo of both. Heh.

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I'm off [18 Jan 2002|09:10am]
[ mood | excited ]

Bye everyone! I'm going to D.C., see you wednesday!

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But Cinderella's got to go [17 Jan 2002|01:28pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | britney spears | cinderella ]


And now for amusement...this is REALLY hilarious...the first ones we already say...but the others...lmao.

Subj: math "sex" talk...need i say more??
Date: 1/17/02 12:25:17 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: RoninLC
To: Jeff84@telocity.com, Jixlor, SerenaW57S, Mach2284

What we were doing instead of studying for our Midterms

Math "SEX" talk
as created by Lanie Chen and Jeffery Banas

3. I'll take your derivative and use my integral.
4. Your sine curve has all the right lines.
5. Watch my function grow!
6. I'll lie tangent to your position function.
7. You make me wanna take the exponent off of that natural log.
8. Baby, you so fine you make my slope concave up.
9. Oh you KNOW how to get me to my point of inflection.
10. I feel a natural log growing exponentially!
11. Your vertical asymptote made a hole in MY graph!

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Midterms [15 Jan 2002|07:14pm]
[ mood | worried ]



Must get A's.

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Whoa [08 Jan 2002|09:59pm]
[ mood | impressed ]

omg, crissy has 1489.5 service hours. (And plus more, but I dunno where they are.)

I am so awesome.

But silver knight still sucks. =)

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I bet you think this song is about you [it is] [05 Jan 2002|10:56pm]
[ mood | refreshed ]
[ music | jennifer lopez | ain't it funny ]

cheesy, apropos lyric time

Artist: Jennifer Lopez
Album: J. Lo
Title: Ain't It Funny

Estoy loca enamorada de ti
It seemed to be like the perfect thing for you and me
It's so ironic you're what I had pictured you to be
But there are facts in our lives we can never change
Just tell me that you understand and feel the same
This perfect romance that I've created in my mind
I'd live a thousand lives each one with you right by my side
But yet we find ourselves in a less than perfect circumstance
And so it seems like we'll never have the chance

Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny
And you can't move on even though you try
Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel
Oh I wish this could be real

Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life
And you don't want to face what's wrong or right
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part.
In the story of your heart

Sometimes I think that a true love can never be
I just believe that somehow it wasn't meant to me
Life can be cruel in a way that I can't explain
And I don't think that I could face it all again
I barely know you but somehow I know what you're about
A deeper love I've found in you, and I no longer doubt
You've touched my heart and it altered every plan I've made
And now I feel that I don't have to be afraid

Repeat 1

I locked away my heart
But you just set it free
Emotions I felt held me back from what my life should be
I pushed you far away
And yet you stayed with me
I guess this means
That you and me were meant to be

Repeat 1 till end

Artist: Janet Jackson
Album: All For You *
Title: Son Of A Gun (I betcha think this song is about you)

Ha ha
Hoo hoo
Thought you?d get the money too
Greedy mutherfuckers
Try to have your cake and eat it too

Sharp shooter into breakin hearts
A baby gigolo a sex pistol
Hollerin at everythin that walks
No substance just small talk
Know why you feelin on that girl?s behind
You gotta sleezy one track mind
Working your work until you think you find
Who?s goin home with you tonight

Oh, who you give it to
Who you gonna steal it from
Who?s your next victim
Oh, who you gonna lie to
Who you gonna cheat on
Who you gonna leave alone
Oh, what ya gonna tell her
After she discovers
You don?t really love her
Oh, gonna be a showdown
Knock down ? drag out
Gunslinger shoot ?em up

I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
Don?t you
Don?t you
Don?t you
Don?t you

Sweatin me but I?m not your type
You think you irk me and you?re so right
I'd rather keep the trash and throw you out
Stupid bitch in my beach house
Naw I ain?t gone go and act a fool
And be lead story on the nigga news
Not me sucher
I'll bnever be your lover
I?m gonna make you suffer
You stupid mutherfucker

You're so vain,
you probably think this song is about you,
don't you, don't you, don't you,
don't you?
Bet you think this song is about you...

Oh, who you give it to
Who you gonna steal it from

Who?s your next victim
Oh, who you gonna lie to
Who you gonna cheat on
Who you gonna leave alone
Oh, what ya gonna tell her
After she discovers
You don?t really love her
Oh, gonna be a showdown
Knock down ? drag out
Gunslinger shoot ?em up

I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
Don?t you
Don?t you
Don?t you
Don?t you

Ha ha
Hoo hoo
Thought you?d get the money too
Greedy mutherfuckers
Try to have your cake and eat it too

Gotta chip upon your shoulder
I just knocked it off
Show me what you gonna do
I ain?t bout to run
You have just run out of ammunition
Shootin blanks now
You son of a gun

Oh, who you give it to
Who you gonna steal it from
Who?s your next victim
Oh, who you gonna lie to
Who you gonna cheat on
Who you gonna leave alone
Oh, what ya gonna tell her
After she discovers
You don?t really love her
Oh, gonna be a showdown
Knock down drag out
Gunslinger shoot ?em up

I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
I betcha think this song is about you
Don?t you
Don?t you
Don?t you
Don?t you

Teen Spirit

Written by Thomander / Wikstr?m (Jimmy Fun Music adm. by Warner / Chappell)

When I said go I never meant away
You ought to know the freaky games we play
could you forgive and learn how to forget
hear me as I'm calling out your name

Firefly come back to me
make the night as bright as day
I'll be looking out for you
tell me that your lonely too
firefly come lead me on
follow you into the sun
that's the way it ought to be
firefly come back to me

You and me
we shared a mistery
we were so close
like honey to the bee
And if you tell me how to make you understand
I'm minor in a major kinda way

Firefly come back to me
make the night as bright as day
I'll be looking out for you
tell me that your lonely too
firefly come lead me on
follow you into the sun
that's the way it ought to be
firefly come back to me

Fly firefly through the sky
come and play with my desire
don't be long don't ask why
I can't wait another night
Fly firefly through the sky
Wait another night
Fire, fire, firefly

Firefly come back to me
make the night as bright as day
I'll be looking out for you
tell me that your lonely too
firefly come lead me on
follow you into the sun
that's the way it ought to be
firefly come back to me
Please come back and lead me
Close to my heart
that's the way it ought to be
firefly come back to me

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Newest Raider feels pain, pride [07 Dec 2001|07:42pm]
Newest Raider feels pain, pride

Newest Raider feels pain, pride

By Larry Blustein
special correspondent
Posted December 7 2001

TALLAHASSEE? Tavares Gooden stood near the middle of the field at Doak Campbell Stadium on Thursday night with tears flowing from his eyes.

The St. Thomas High School junior defensive end was hurting. And he will keep the 28-20 loss to Tallahassee Lincoln with him as a reminder.

Gooden, who came over from South Broward High this season as a highly regarded prospect, tried to put the loss to the Trojans in perspective. It wasn't easy.

This 6-foot-1, 220-pounder had just finished with 12 tackles, one forced fumble and several quarterback pressures.

"Last year at this time, I had not idea that I would be in this position," Gooden said. "I can't say enough about how coach [George] Smith and coach [Jack] Hanrahan accepted me, taught me this game and respected me enough to play for a great program like this."

Gooden, who came to St. Thomas with plenty of fanfare, made an impact from the first game against Ely.

Whatever he was asked to do, he went out and did. His maturity continued to show all season and, over the past two weeks against Lincoln and Estero (four sacks), he was a solid leader the Raiders looked for since senior linebacker Mike Gulla went down with a broken leg.

As he wiped away the tears, Gooden tried to forget the loss and look ahead toward next season.

But before he thought about coming back to Tallahassee in 2002, he gave respect toward a senior class that had accomplished so much over the past three seasons.

The senior class had kept the Raiders in the national spotlight over the past two years and made a run against a Lincoln squad that had been rated as high as third in the country when the season began.

"The seniors have been so amazing," Gooden said.

"I looked up to them from the day I got here. It's because of this senior class we had the opportunity to be here, playing for this state title."

In addition to Gooden, the Raiders' defense also returns sophomores Leon Rucker, Christopher Shula, Chadrick Tuff, Eric Wilson and James Desmesmin as well as juniors Ryan Gallegos, Bryan Boatwright, Julian Parsons and Adam Bonsiewich.
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Tears of a crown lost [07 Dec 2001|07:00pm]
[ mood | *sniffle* ]

Tears of a crown lost

This is *the* saddest article...sniffle...it's all true.

Tears of a crown lost
Published December 7, 2001

Tallahassee ? Their game was gone. Their dream was lost. And as the final seconds ticked off now, as the band played on the other sideline and the celebration began over there, several St. Thomas players sat on the bench, heads down, and couldn't stop the tears.

"What can you say?'' running back Justin Montgomery asked.

"We did our best -- that's all you can say,'' fullback Antonio Tharpe said beside him.

They were crying. So many were crying by now. High school tears of disappointment. Teenage tears for the happy ending that wasn't.

Defensive tackle Justin Schweighardt kicked his helmet, dropped to the bench, and an assistant coach consoled him. Quarterback Dan Shula was such a bundle of emotion that Mike Gulla, who broke his leg earlier this year, dropped his crutches on the ground to hold up Shula.

That's how it was up and down the St. Thomas sideline after losing this Class 4A championship game to Tallhassee Lincoln 28-20. The fear was that's how it would remain, too. That their bigger story of the season would get lost in this loss. That their achievement would be lost in this disappointment at Doak Campbell Stadium.

But after they shook hands with Lincoln players, there was St. Thomas coach George Smith waiting for them in a way you'd want any high school coach to be waiting.

"Everybody get in here,'' he said, standing at the 20-yard line. "I want to say something."

The band was still playing for the winners; the crowd was still cheering. Every winning celebration is the same, no matter the sport or the level. But here in a meeting of the losing team was another emotion, one that shouldn't get lost, either, after a season like this.

The St. Thomas players knelt, so many young eyes so red.

"Get your heads up,'' Smith said. "We had a great season. A great season. We didn't get the win here. But we played hard and we had a chance right up to the onside kick in the final minute."

Heads bobbed in the mass of players.

"We came here with class, and we'll leave with class,'' Smith continued. "I want you to know I'm proud of you. I'm proud of this season, and I'm proud how you played, and I'm proud of all of you."

That was all. That was enough. They had set their goal on one game all year. This final one. They had advanced to the game no other Broward or Palm Beach team did. This final one. And they had lost one game all year. This final one. Their coach was proud. How could he not be?

Lincoln got the hometown draw, and surely two-thirds of the crowd of 10,441. St. Thomas fans filled 23 buses from Fort Lauderdale. But the atmosphere was struck by the message painted on the banner that Lincoln players ran through before the game: "Our Town. Our Turf."

Down 28-13 late in the game, St. Thomas rallied to put the game up for grabs. Shula passed 42 yards to Matthew Velez for a touchdown with 68 seconds left. It was 28-20. It was a good bounce away from a comeback.

They got the onside kick's bounce, too.

"I thought we might get the ball,'' kicker Jay Ottovegio said.

But it was batted out of bounds. That was that. And now as they stood with runners-up medals around their neck, they wondered what went wrong.

"We didn't play the way we did in getting here,'' said receiver Floyd Reddick, who caught the first St. Thomas touchdown. "No excuses. We just didn't play the way we know."

"Lincoln was just the better team,'' defensive back Drametric Smith said. "They utilized their speed. And we made mistakes."

Five times in six years St. Thomas has been to this game. It has won twice. That's as much a dynasty as you can expect in high school. Not that you could tell these players anything about that in the minutes after this loss. Someday you will. Someday they'll see what is so easy for anyone else.

One game got away. One opponent didn't bend. But that doesn't lesson their one season to remember, to cherish and now to put through time like a rose between the high-school pages.

Dave Hyde can be reached at dhyde@sun-sentinel.com.

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Lincoln?s big plays doom St. Thomas [07 Dec 2001|06:42pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Lincoln?s big plays doom St. Thomas

Lincoln?s big plays doom St. Thomas

Posted December 7 2001

TALLAHASSEE -- It hurt so bad. By the end of the Class 4A championship football game, the St. Thomas Raiders were weeping ? not the tears of joy they had hoped to shed but ones of anguish and sorrow. Despite embracing each other and their coaches, nothing could cure the pain.

St. Thomas? dreams of an undefeated season and state championship were shattered as the Raiders fell to the Lincoln Trojans 28-20 at Florida State?s Doak Campbell Stadium Thursday. For the second consecutive year, St. Thomas (14-1) entered the state championship game with an undefeated record. And once again, fate was unkind.

"Some people would say it?s a curse, but it?s not," Raiders defensive back Drametrice Smith said. "Tonight Lincoln was just the better team. We came out well, but they had more speed than we did, and they used their speed to their advantage against us. That?s just how it was."

The Raiders racked up more offensive yards, gaining 424 compared to the Trojans? 277. St. Thomas also collected more first downs with 19, while Lincoln earned 11. But the Trojans (14-1) didn?t need major offensive yardage or many first downs because they gained 100 yards on three kickoff returns and ran back a punt for 39.

Lincoln didn?t need long drives or more than one third-down conversion after turning a fumble into points and opening up the second half with an 81-yard touchdown run.

"Well we?ve got some big-play kids. And they make big plays, so that?s just been a part of our game all year long," Trojans coach David Wilson said.

St. Thomas entered the second half trailing Lincoln 14-13, and the Trojans seized momentum on the first play of the third quarter. Gavin Dickey delivered a pitch to Ryan Gilliam, who sprinted down the left sideline for an 81-yard touchdown.

Two drives later, Lincoln extended its lead to 15 after Dickey scrambled into the end zone from 13 yards, out and Clegg Snipes kicked his extra point. Antonio Cromartie set up the scoring drive after running back a punt 39 yards, putting his team at the Raiders? 33. And on the third play of the series, Dickey ran in the score.

St. Thomas attempted a comeback late in the fourth quarter and cut into the Trojans? lead after Raiders quarterback Dan Shula hooked up with Matthew Velez for a 42-yard touchdown pass with 1:08 remaining. But the Raiders? on-side kick was in vain, and after gaining possession, the Trojans ran out the clock to seal their victory.

"Last year I couldn?t take it, and this year, it?s my last game," Shula said about dealing with defeat. "We came out, we played hard. We came so close again, but I?m going to get over it. We?re all going to get over it. The underclassmen are going to bounce back. They?ll be back."

Shula finished with 23 completions for 309 yards, two touchdowns and two interceptions. Justin Montgomery led his team on the ground with 18 carries for 81 yards and a touchdown. But Lincoln?s Cromartie was the star of the game, after his punt return and two kickoff returns for 83 more yards. He also caught a 13-yard touchdown pass and a Shula interception.

"We played pretty well in the first half," Raiders coach George Smith said. "But they came out in the second and ran one play, and they scored. And that started a trend a little bit where we had to start doing other things."

Early in the contest, St. Thomas showed it wasn?t intimidated by Lincoln?s defense and took a 7-0 lead on its second drive after Shula connected with Floyd Reddick for a 61-yard touchdown pass.

But St. Thomas? lead was short-lived; Lincoln took 18 seconds to tie it. Cromartie took the ensuing kickoff and ran 62 yards to the Raiders? 33. Then on the first play of the drive, Dickey delivered a 33-yard pass to James White in the middle of the end zone.

St. Thomas went on to take a six-point lead after Alexander Naya recovered an errant Dickey pitch and put the Raiders at their own 24. On the drive, Domenick Cama and Montgomery combined for 50 yards as Montgomery punched it in from a yard out.

The Trojans regained the lead late the first half after Justin Woody recovered a St. Thomas fumble. Dickey then threw a 13-yard pass to Cromartie in the left end zone with 24 seconds remaining in the half. Snipes gave his team a 14-13 lead with the extra point.

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Lust objects should have names [21 Nov 2001|10:55pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | dream | in my dreams ]

I remember lying on the windowsill in my cabin on the ship or lying on my bed and listening to this song and pairing it with a certain someone.
This, er, uh, certain someone being cute boy.

What a sophisticated, good looking, suave kid. You know what puzzled me? Balkay always told us to never say that word in a positive way, because it's supposed to have a negative connotation, like a really manipulative person or something who's a smooth talker and uses his power for evil. But still. I like to think of it as positive. Like, a suave, debonair rich person.

Good cheese why do I listen to this song, yo? I'll get stuck on it for like five years and be singing it/have it stuck in my head while I'm walking down the halls and such. The lyric that gets stuck the most is "it's a friday night thing and I am ready to go." Yaaa. Ooookay.

Wish that I could get the nerve and
Walk right up to you and
Ask you baby for your name
(Ask you baby for your name)
You look so inviting (you...)
This seems so exciting (it does)
We should be together this way
(We should be together this way)

So what?s the deal (what?s the deal)
This don?t seem real (this don?t seem real)
This kind of thing only happens in my dreams
(Thing only happens in my dreams)
When boy meets girl (oh yeah)
A perfect world (a perfect world)
This sort of thing only happens in my dreams
(This only happens in my dreama)

Crissy this was almost 4 months ago and you are officially a freak.

I wish I found out his name. Lust objects are so muchly magnified cuter when I have a name to pair it with. Like, Crissy and Bob. Wow, bad example. -slapslap- I hate the name Bob, I really thought the person Bob was cute. Mmkay?
That reminds me. While I was supposed to be doing my Rice application last night, I ended up talking to Bambi. I like attacked her with the question, poor thing. She sai she knows of him because she sees him and his drum major-yness at games, but she knows a chick who knows him personally, so she will ask her on monday. -smiles- I love Bambi.

Anyways, lust objects should have names. This is my conclusion of the day. It makes it so much more convenient and clean, you know? Because I try to make up names and they sound demented, and males sound better when personified. Lanie's good at making up names. She named Bobby's future boyfriend at college, Alexander. Me? I designed Alexander's looks. Both parts are integral. So, um, yeah.

I wish I had known that kid's name...damn. Lust objects that cute and sophisticated and perfect DESERVE and MERIT names, and names of the same caliber.

Take me back to the week of July 28th, 2001...I'll try.

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it's telling me, "you're better off alone." [07 Nov 2001|08:47pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | dj goliath | upsider beats (a*teens vs. darude( ]

to know if i should lick my wounds and say "woe is me" instead
And there?s an aching inside my head
it's telling me, "you're better off alone."

-dies- Yeah. Here's a warning. Another "poor fucking me" post. If you're getting sick of this trend in my journal, I apologize and advise you to move on.

Well let me tell you about my fuckingly wonderful day.

Theology. Homeless/needy families suck.
Not really.
People suck.

Mr. Wohlert. He sucks too.
He handed out cards with little numbers on them. Pick your poison I suppose. I picked it.
I got number 4.

Lanie and Heather got 1's. Perrrrrrrrrrfect.
I think Joe and Bobby got the same number.
Jeff had like a 5.
Joe and Bobby decided to keep their number (2, I think). There were two kids in their group that wanted to go together. So Lanie and Heather traded their 1's for those kids' 2's. Jeff, ever-the-weasel, managed to get in. And Marianne, who we don't even FUCKING HANG OUT WITH, joined the group. Ooh, heather's friend power. Woo-ha. Bitch.
Meanwhile, I tried to negotiate with the little group of two. Didn't work. And when I finally tried, no one wanted to switch out (fucking, duh!) because all of our friends were in it already (well...except for marianne). I gave them pained looks, begging please with my eyes and even protesting "now what?" or "I don't want to be in this group." And not one of them -- except for Jeff -- even bothered to look my way. He shrugged a little, like, "nothing more I can do", but at least acknowledged me. No one else bothered.


Now I am stuck with two cheerleaders, Nicole the stupid national merit, a wannabe cheerleader, and Sean.
Fuck all of them.
Well, I couldn't take it when I found out my friends had excluded me (yes, I know I could have done something about it, and I tried, but I was unsuccessful, apparently.) I got very upset and started to cry. I tried to stop, didn't work, but it wasn't a whole big scene or anything. I think the cheerleaders (erin and shelby) noticed, but they were just acting as coolly as they usually are, so whatever.

Meanwhile, my friends were enjoying their group.
And NONE of them said anything about it to me. If they did say something like, "oh, crissy, I'm sorry about the groups", I had the perfect answer.
"Gotta exclude somebody. Once again, the lucky quote-en-quote friend is me."
Or, if someone asked me who my group was, I'd just say, "go ask Heather, Bobby, Joe, Lanie, Jeff, or MARIANNE."

I'm very cool around them. I don't think they've even noticed or cared. Maybe Heather has, but I seriously doubt it. Even if they did, they would probably just blame me for being too sensitive, or not trying hard enough to get in their group. [Does the world hate me as much as I hate me?] I am stuck in a senior project that I now dislike because of my friends/my group. I don't know which entity is worse.

Why is it always this way? Couldn't I have been one of those happy kids who had a best friend in 2nd grade and was always picked in decent order for kickball and teams and who was assured partners for every assignment and who always had a group, who always belonged?
No. I'm me. I'm the kid that they always had to assign a partner to. And it wasn't even another loser kid who had suffered the same fate as me. It was always some popular jerk who got stuck with stupid old me because he/she/it tried to weasel a group of three or whatever in an even-number class and got caught and had to suffer with a loser partner because of it. I was always the one that had to be placed in a group, the one who forced the teacher to ask "okay, which group doesn't have 5 people?" or "who doesn't have a partner?" No one else. Me. The left out one. The excluded one. The piece that never, ever fit.

And now, because my friends didn't want me, I have to go deliver a turkey and thanksgiving dinner with cheerleaders, a stupid national merit, a wannabe, and sean. I have to decorate and fix a basket with them. I have to sit with them at mass.
It sounds so little...like such little sacrifices...but this is such a big project, a big thing for seniors...I wanted my senior thanksgiving project to be with my friends.

It is now obvious I have none.

I hate them. I hate Thanksgiving.

-gives the world the finger and cries-

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