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Below are the 50 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Manuel Pierre Haufensgöbel" journal:[<< Previous 50 entries]
01:05 pm
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Thanks to stuart_moulder This meme shows you what was the top pop song when you were born....
Mine is The Bellamy Brothers - Let Your Love Flow.
01:35 am
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I am better than you
English Genius You scored 93% Beginner, 86% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 83% Expert! | You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go! |
The Commonly Confused Words Test
08:04 pm
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30 more days until vacation! Ahhh, time to start another vacation countdown.
So I will have the week of April 4-8 off. Last time I took a vacation, I just relaxed and didn't go anywhere, so next one I am definitely going to do a roadtrip. Where? Idonotknowyet.
I just dropped off my rent check. This is the 63rd time I've made the 100 yard trek to the apartment office to drop off my rent check. Which means I've walked a total of 7.15 miles solely for the purpose of dropping off my rent. *ng-bwui*
How many maintenance calls have I made in the five years I have lived here? Only one. Back in January of 2000, I got locked in my apartment because the doorknob was faulty. I am the best tenant ever.
Anyway, I s'pose I better start hunting for a new apartment. I think I will make June 25 my target date for moving. Even though I am not totally thrilled about moving, I think I'm about ready now. If I can, I want to find an apartment in New Berlin or somewhere close to that. I definitely do not want to look in Brookfield; that is too close to work. And I don't want to live in Milwaukee proper, since I have grown accustomed to the suburbs. I'd rather be on the outskirts so I can get a perfect balance of city vs. country.
Ideally, I want to be in a relatively quiet neighborhood, but near a road with heavy traffic. Like where I am now. The sound of cars is very calming for me. I'd like the ambient noise of the city, but I'd still like to be able to see the stars.
In other news, I watched the first six episodes of Oz®: Season Four this past weekend. I will save the rest for the Huber® Movie Fest, which will take place in Des Moines Budapest.
Current Music: WSUM
10:28 am
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Ich liebe achtung! Excellent work, sycophants!
Your contribution of mass quantities of human sympathy strings pleases me mightily.
I thank you for your gift of 5320 Attention Units (AU).
06:40 pm
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We. Make. Holes-in-Teeth. I went back to the dentist yesterday to have a cavity filled.
Ahhh. 1 down, 13 to go.
After one cohort is routed from Tooth 4, a bicuspid in the northern region of scrapdog's mouth, the remaining Cavity Creeps march forward angrily. (Magnification × 1017).
Fortunately, I happen to know the Cavity Creeps' worst enemy. That would be Coca-Cola®. Nature's cure-all. I'll be sure to rinse vigorously every night until the last cavity is gone.
Now the question is, where did these little bastards come from? I can only guess that somehow I angered the gods.
08:10 pm
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Up and let's go I purchased my first massively multiplayer online role-playing game, City of Gyros Heroes™, just the other day. Only 30 bucks, so what the hell. I thought I'd be so kind as to share my experiences so far!
My first "superhero" is a cigar-smoking, pony-tail-having, bespectacled geek I call Commodore LXIV.
Kinda plain looking, isn't he. Well, that was what I was shooting for. Just an average jeans and T-shirt wearing dude, like me. He doesn't have a mild-mannered alter-ego or anything; what you see is what you get. All-the-time changing costumes for different situations just ain't in my gameplan.
Right now Commodore's only power is something called the Storm Kick. Which is sorta kinda like a roundhouse kick, but it takes about 10 seconds to charge it up between kicks. While charging it up, I am totally helpless, and the gangsters are free to stick shanks into my character's sides and pummel him with sledge hammers while saying trite things like "I cut you". But at least they politely take turns doing so.
I wanted Commodore LXIV to be heterosexual, but the selection of footwear they gave me to choose from precluded that possibility.
I am a complete newbie when it comes to this game... I've put in maybe 45 minutes total so far. It hasn't really sucked me in yet, and at this point I'm not sure it will, but I will give it some more time.
Patience is for chumps. I want to beat people up now.
08:51 pm
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Catherine Zeta Jones hung up on me Here's a little update on my Taurean stubbornness.
I still don't have a cellphone, but if I do get one, I've decided that I am not going to go with . I have been participatative in telephone conversations where one or more members have opted to go with , only to find that the customer has a tendency to abruptly and spontaneously *click* *silence* *qwertyfjakshdnvlaksjnvdnmnmjk*. The trick is, as long as you don't move, the connection remains intact. It just looks like mobility ain't 's thing.
Well, you say, at least Jamster supports !
Yes. That is a huge selling point, but no.
Oh, I know I'm gonna get in a heap of trouble for bashing the beloved . But sometimes, trouble is what I'm looking for.
I think I'll go with Scrapular Wireless® instead, where evil twins talk free™.
________________________________________ This post sponsored by
Hello? Are you there?™
11:06 am
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MSDN rant MSDN is garbage. It is just a billion sundry technical and how-to articles filed away in a warehouse that gets hit by a tornado daily. Good luck finding anything resembling a reference.
All I want is a list of properties and methods for a particular COM object in Outlook.
You know where I found it?
Office Solutions Development/Microsoft Office/Microsoft Office XP/VBA Language Reference/Microsoft Outlook Visual Basic Reference/Objects
First of all, I am not using VBA nor am I using Visual Basic. I don't want a goddamn VB tutorial. All I want is a standard, dry, generic reference to the motherfucking objects available in Outlook. Is that so much to ask?
Anyone who thinks this passes as acceptable documentation... well, you have much more patience than I...
12:38 am
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Late Night Fun with Paint Shop, Part 2
You know you want it™.
Now for the obligatory "what I did today" part of the post...well... I tellyouwhat, I haven't done much in the last few days due to my recovery from the three choppers I had extracted on Friday. Friday and Saturday were not pleasant. Because of pain? Hell no. I was hardly in any pain at all. In fact, I rarely had to touch any painkillers. I am tough.
The hard part about getting your wisdom teeth pulled is not the act itself. Nor is it any pain that might follow, at least in my case. It is all of the post-op rules you have to follow. SMOKINGSNEEZINGCOUGHINGSPITTINGRINSINGDRINKINGTHROUGHASTRAWCARBONATEDBEVERAGESEATINGHARDFOOD: JUST DON'T DO IT, MAN™.
Well, I made it. I took sleeping pills and went to bed early on Friday and Saturday nights and the time went by relatively quickly. I actually cheated on the smoking rule though... I lit up 3 hours before the 48-hour deadline. No big deal, right?
For those of you who think that I am subject to 3 hours of disciplinary action for this, please elaborate. Though I dare say I'd be alarmed if you actually pulled it off without the tables turning early in the session.
So, my diet for the last three days has consisted of Spaghettios® with Meatballs, and plain Burger King™ hamburgers. I still can't eat anything more complex than that, but I'm not really complaining much, as these are essentially staple foods anyway in my book. In fact, I have found that plain Burger King burgers are actually quite delicious. You can actually taste the meat. When I am closer to the core goodness of a food without noise on the condiment wavelength, I am closer to God.
I also caught Napoleon Dynamite on Saturday for the first time. One step closer to combatting my movie retardation syndrome.
This movie gave me a new found courage and heightened confidence! Because of this, I spent Sunday chatting online with hot babes all day!
Well, no, not really. But I did play some Diablo 2. And I did chat with a hot babe over the phone. But I am still too damn shy to do my chatting online. *punches self*
Now, after these few paragraphs, I know what many of you are thinking. NO, I don't have any leftover drugs. Please don't ask. I didn't even get any drugs for myself. However, I will gladly mail you some Advil® and label the bottle Vicodin if that trips your trigger. Then I can laugh at you when you act drunk after taking them, and junk.
Have a splendid evening!
04:51 pm
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Health Tip from Dr. scrapdog Make sure to blink several times a day. It is good for your eyes!
02:39 pm
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I now have 24 teeth I had three of my wisdom teeth pulled today. Ten days earlier than was originally planned. Piece of cake, yet I am glad this event is behind me.
The novocaine still hasn't worn off yet.
I cannot drink Coca-Cola® or other carbonated beverages until noon on Sunday. Nor can I smoke until then. This weekend is going to blow.
I am definitely going to duck out of here early today...
Current Mood: grumpy
01:19 pm
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Sysyphus - Initial Beta Release I have finished the game I have been writing (Sysyphus). For more details see my previous entry.
Download it here (4.2 MB)
Requirements: Windows 98/ME/XP/2000 with any version of DirectX
08:40 pm
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LifeJournal Loungefulness Yes, I have been neglecting my LifeJournal® for quite a while. In fact, I believe January to be my least active month on LifeJournal® ever, save for the few months I skipped after I first started three years ago.
Before I continue, I must bitch about something. I paid $65 for this new keyboard just three weeks ago and now the space bar is already sticking. Sonofabitch.
I have to have my three remaining wisdom teeth yanked on February 14. Good riddance. I found that I have an infection in one of them, and I currently have to take antibiotics. It is a good thing I went to the dentist, as if I had ignored this, it would be bad. It turns out that there is a very small chance that this condition could have led to... certain death. Well, not that grave, but I was told there would be "major problems" if I didn't take care of it.
I got jacked up by the dentist as well. Standard operating procedure. I won't go into details of the jacking up, but I'll say that from that day forth, this particular jacking-up became moot. I am proud of myself.
I have been working on a new project here and there, and hope to release it within the next couple of weeks. I wrote a game engine that emulates an animated Lite Brite display. Only it is a Lite Brite that is 100x75 in dimension and has 255 different colors of pegs. Heh.
I tried to see if it would be feasible to make a playable game using this display, and it turned out surprisingly well. My first game is an Asteroids clone I am calling Sysyphus.
Here are a couple of screenshots:
The final product will feature a little help from my friends; namely lordluck who did the title screen artwork, Madison-based The Consequences who did the title music, and suitandtieguy who did some octo-bitular high-score-entry music.
Look for it in a couple of weeks.
In a conversation with hungariangabbie the other night, I first heard the term walking taco. Nooooo, I've never heard of walking tacos. And I've been to plenty of baseball games. Judging by the magnitude and shock of her "you've never" reaction, I am beginning to doubt that my roots are here on planet earth. Please complete my poll and dispel/reinforce my doubts, whatever the case may be:
Poll #429378 Walking Tacos
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllWhat has been your experience with walking tacos? Speaking of hungarianabbie hungariangabbie, she's got a birthday coming up...why don't we all mail her a twelve-pack of Huber®?
That goofy FIB* Armageddon Mic, aka lordluck, spontaneously mailed me the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction® CD. Even though I had been on a gaming hiatus, alas I caved in. And I thank him for that, as it has indeed been enjoyable.
* For those who don't remember, it means Friendly Illinois Buddy. Yeah, that's it. stickykitty taught me this splendid little acronym.
I am not a hardcore Diablo II player by any means, in fact I have never played beyond Act 2 in Nightmare. I have no ambition to develop level 99 characters and sell items on e-Bay. However, I have gotten quite a few hours of enjoyment out of it. I hadn't played Diablo II in about four years. It was good therapy.
Now I am just waiting for ginsugoddess to get her ass on She is dying to be my sidekick. Scratch that, she is dying to be my slave. It will be a boon to have someone so nice and obedient to tag along in the deserts of Lut Gholein. And she knows that if she is insubordinate I will thwap her cute little sorceress booty with an electrified javelin. Isn't that right?
I know I'm going to be stabbed for that last paragraph, but for some odd reason I am not scared at all.
It is nice to be back at LifeJournal® once again.
11:40 am
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Mmmm Midday cessation of activities for protein-carbo intake.
12:09 am
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It's Sunday Night *sigh*
03:25 am
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Late Night Fun with Paint Shop Pro 3.0
OK, so I have a few beers in me right now. Sue me.
You know what, I could be posting a "Reflections of 2004" post right now, but 2004 ain't over yet. Something big could happen tomorrow, then I'd look like an idiot.
I could, however, reflect on last New Years Eve when I was an inch away from getting in a bar fight. Woo! Some dude wearing a trenchcoat that I immediately nicknamed "Columbo". I wonder if I'll see that dude tomorrow night. Not that I want to get in a bar fight... it's just that deep down, I think it would be the most fun on earth. Good clean fun.
Dammit, I watch too many westerns.
Today is officially the first day of my vacation. I don't have to go to work again until January 10th. Good times. I am going to sleep in reeeal late tomorrow. Maybe I'll try to break my record for consecutive snooze bar presses.
(That would be 97, though some of you already know that, because I brag about it a lot).
11:55 pm
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Getting over overhanging trees Two more days until vacation. I have all of next week off. Ahhh. I might be going skiing in Minnesota this weekend, but no other definite plans yet.
We don't have any snow in southern Wisconsin yet. ^%$&#*@. ItisnotfairgodDAMMIT.
Today when I got home from work, I had the urge to do two things: write a simple game engine that emulates an animated Lite Brite®, and compose some lounge music. I've been listening to a lot of lounge music at work lately; I s'pose I feel inspired. The radio program is called Songs For Couch Potatoes, or something like that. Is very good. That, and SOMA-FM. Is very good too.
Would playing Space Invaders™ on a Lite Brite® be any fun? Maybe we'll see. If I finish the damn thing. I decided I'm going to skip all of the DirectX riggamarole and do it using the Windows GDI, with panchromatic resonance blrgblrgblrg carry the two *ng-bwui*.
11:32 pm
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It was inevitable
12:10 am
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Winter solstice This year, I want the same thing for X-mas that I wanted last year and every year before that.
I want a device that allows me to control the weather. I want to be able to steer a tornado with a joystick. I want to be able to dump 36 inches of snow on Florida during spring break. I want to free the penguins from their Antarctic prison. In fact, I often have dreams of seeing the penguins and polar bears joining hands at the equator. Please let my dream come true, if only for a moment...
Who's gonna deliver? Will it be the kind-hearted Kris Kringle? The infamous Knecht Ruprecht? The futuristic Kwanzaa-Bot? Or that fat fraud, Klaus Santana?
Didn't happen last year, and it probably won't happen again this year... unless you've got something in that little bag for me.
I did some... serious... shopping... tonight. Ahhhh. December 21. That must be a record for me. Aside from back in 1990, when I had my shopping done by November 10, I've never started before December 23. I must be careful not to set a precedent. I think I'll just wait until the 24th to wrap them. I mean hire someone to wrap them for me. I'll just pay someone $10 to do it. I can't be bothered with menial labor.
I've wasted a lot of food in the last few days. I think I might be sick, because I have no appetite... at least after I start eating, that is. My eyes have been way bigger than my stomach. Lots of food has gone into the refrigerator after just a few bites. And I'm not looking forward to eating the leftovers.
I better regain my appetite by Thursday, dammit. Because that will be the day that I get to eat the best food on earth: my mom's Chex Mix®. You know what makes it so great? I'll tell you what: it follows the principle less is more. I don't wanna see nuts, cheerios, garlic chips, raisins, or all that extra fluff in it. All Chex Mix needs is three things: Chex, spices, and pretzels!
*crunch, crunch*
The stuff you get at the store is crap. It has about 20% Chex, and 80% extra crap. If I wanted all that extra crap I'd buy a bag of Gardetto's®. (Now with more crap!™)
Anyway...this elegant family recipe for Chex Mix has been passed down at least two generations. It is well known throughout the family how much I dig it. My Grandpa really dug the stuff too. One of my first memories was hanging out with my Grandpa and munching on the stuff when I was about 3 years old. In fact, I can describe the scene in great detail, but I won't.
When I was 14 or 15, my brother videotaped my Grandpa and I munching on the stuff for at least half an hour straight. No talk, just munch. And at my Grandpa's funeral, my mom's eulogy broached the subject of the tradition of he and I "fighting" over the Chex Mix every year. Sadly, this will be the fourth year that there will be more for me. is these little things that make life good, not the big things.
Hey, you know what? You know that song that goes "Simply! Having! A wonderful Christmastime! Simply! Having! A wonderful Christmastime!"? It was sung by one-half of the duo who sang "Ebony and Ivory".
May both songs get stuck in your head for the remainder of the day! *cackle*
_____________________________ "...the Vikes suck." -shiveringwarmth Another fine Out-of-Context Testimonial™ brought to you by Scrapcorp®.
01:54 pm
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Piggy bank $$$ I took my piggy bank to the bank today. They happily counted it, and I am a happy man. $$$$
4545 pennies | = | $45.45 |
1169 nickels | = | $58.45 |
1874 dimes | = | $187.40 |
1266 quarters | = | $316.50 |
For a total of
The closest guess in my poll without going over was $532.11, made by maudelynn.
Congratulations, maudelynn, you win 12 months of extra userpics on LiveJournal for participating in and winning my fun little contest.
(Honorable mention goes to walkingbytch who guessed $639.74, closest, but alas over.)
Current Mood: pleased
04:31 pm
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I heard this through the LJ-grapevine Don Cheadle has been nominated or a Golden Globe!
Is it for his work in Picket Fences, or the short-lived UPN sitcom Sanford and Son 2000?
04:08 pm
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No work today First of all, I hope nobody took my last entry the wrong way. I don't think the quality of computer games is going down... I just think I am on the cusp of yet another "offseason"; a phase where I don't play computer games as much. I think it's a biorhythmic thing.
My day off was spent running errands, and junk. I know everybody on LJ wants to hear about it, so here goes!
- Woke up at noon.
- Resolved an accounting glitch with the landlord. We fixed the glitch.
- Went to the Tyme® machine to extract some fat, smokeable cash. Easy money.
- Got my hair cut at Cost Cutters®. I was debating whether or not I should take it all off, but decided, meh, I'll do that next time.
- Grabbed some chow at the Bavaria® Cafe in downtown Middleton.
- I realized that it has been 9000 miles since I got my oil changed, so yeeeeah, it was time to make a visit to Jiffy Lube®. The last time I had my oil changed was before I took the trip down to Normal, IL back in October. Only two months ago! So, as you can see, I put a lot of miles on that car. I bought my 1999 Chevrolet® Cavalier® on Halloween of 2003. Since then, I have put 50000 miles on it.
- While I was in the waiting room at Jiffy Lube®, I read the newspaper. While reading the "funnies", I laughed out loud. The cartoon that made me laugh was today's Bizaro.
- The folks at Jiffy Lube® discovered that I had a tire that needs to be replaced. It looks pretty bad, too. I couldn't get it into Firestone™ right away, so I decided to wait until Monday and have it done while I'm at work. I don't think I should venture too far out of Madison until then.
There are couple of other things I need to do, but meh, I'll get to them.
One of the things I want to do sooner or later is take my "piggy bank" to a Coinstar®. I have amassed a lot of change over the last four years... any wagers on how much is in there?
Poll #405139 Scrapdog's Piggy Bank
Open to: All, results viewable to: NoneHow much money is in the container picture aboved? Whoever's closest without going over wins! And make sure the wheel goes around one full turn before stopping *ng-bwui*.
12:56 am
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Exciting gaming news! Star Wars®: Knights of the Old Republic™ failed the 15-minute test. Fortunately, I only paid $20 for it.
Many other games that have failed the 15-minute test as of late have been $40+ titles. I think it is good time to declare an official end to this gaming season and wait a few months before buying more. I go through phases. I think I'm burned out on computer games for the time being.
When I was six, this game passed the 15-minute test...
I do not have to work tomorrow. Three day weekend. Ahhh.
Current Mood: content
01:45 pm
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LiveJournal = Punching Bag I am not a violent man, and in fact, I haven't been in a real fistfight in 12 years.
But today the feebish git clerk at Wendy's® really rubbed me the wrong way.
I did not become confrontational because of the 20 people in line behind me. And now I regret that, because as I walked out of the building, I began to feel an urge to break that little fucker's jaw. Then I realized that my anger was really at myself for not putting that burger-monkey in his place when I had the opportunity to do so.
Ahhh. I actually feel better now, thanks to LiveJournal™.
07:32 pm
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Am I a vampire, or a reverse vampire? So today I slept until 6:00. AM or PM, you ask? I'll let you leave that to your imagination.
In other news, the Worst Movie Ever Award goes to:
Dungeons and Dragons STARRING Jeremy Irons as Profion and Don Cheadle as Himself
The sad thing is, I think I've seen it three times. Even sadder, lordluck owns it on DVD. Terrible, terrible movie.
All in all it's been a pretty good day. Bye!
09:29 pm
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Efficient German Power-Walking So today I... well, I don't know what exactly to say here. I just had to follow protocol and start my LJ entry with the word "so".
On WSUM right now, the current song consists of one chord being played by string quartet, sustained so far for at least five ten minutes. I am totally "digging" it....maaaaan. Often, the less notes in a song, the better. One note sustained for ten minutes = good.
No, I'm not weird. You are.
It also pleases me (mightily) that this is the first day of December. My beloved winter is only a few weeks away. The last two days, atmospherically, have been positively euphoric. On Tuesdays, I go into work two hours earlier, and yesterday it was worth it. The drive was breathtaking. The sun was newly risen, and I could tell (but not describe) that it was the first winter sunrise. The clouds were configured accordingly. The temperature and wind speed were perfect. And the frost on the ground all around was a harbinger of good things.
It snowed last night while I was in Milwaukee, though the gods were not generous enough to give Madison its share. When I went back this morning, it was still there. Hopefully soon we will get a blizzard. Like the one back in December of 2000. Or in March of 2002. That was last time we had a decent blizzard.
We got a new treadmill at the office and I have used it for the last three days in a row. I "power-walked" (i.e. 4.5 mph) 1 mile on Monday, 1.05 miles yesterday, and 1.1 miles today. I plan to keep ramping up, then when I hit 2 miles, I'll start increasing the pace. When I hit a respectable pace, I'll start raising the incline, etc.
I am not very accustomed to aerobic exercise and most exercise I have ever done has been anaerobic. However, I s'pose I better get used to it, because it is better than nothing; I haven't touched any weights in 8 months and I probably won't be doing it regularly again soon, so it is time to get real. My weight has been slowly creeping up (gained 50 pounds since I started at my current job 19 months ago) and I need to start doing something about that. In 2000 and 2001, I was the heaviest I had ever been, and I don't think I want to be there again. I think if I religiously use the treadmill five days a week, I can gradually lose the 50 pounds without drastically changing my lifestyle. The treadmill at the office will make that convenient. And the endorphins RAWK, maaaaAAAAN.
Lots of new toys at the office lately. ^_^ I am glad, not so much because of the toys, but because it means we are doing OK.
Oh, and soon I might get to use my new skis that I only got to use three times last year. I got my skis in February, then winter promptly ended. This year, I want to sample a lot more trails throughout the state. I also want to go back up to the Plover River trail at some point. That trail intrigues me. Because it's creepy.
I asked Eight Foot Guy about the trails over in Minnesota and he said they all suck in his area.
*shuffles papers*
I have yet another bone to pick with the Sony® Corporation. My car stereo is a Sony®. Why do I keep buying Sony® products when I always have bad experiences with them? I don't know. I may never know.
I dunno, I think this unit appealed to me because it had a purely mechanical mechanism for opening the face. You know how all car CD players think they are being innovative nowadays by requiring you to open the face of it to insert a CD? Well, they're not. In fact, the inventor of this modern idiom should be summarily executed. Anyway, the one I bought has a button and the face instantly pops open. So it's not so evil. The ones that have a motor that automagically opens it are the ones that suck. I WANT TO INSERT MY CD NOW, ASSHOLE. WHY YOU HAFTA MAKE ME WAIT THREE SECONDS?
I was never known as a patient man.
So, what is the bone I have to pick with Sony? Well, the CD player part of it works fine. When it comes to playing mp3 discs, it works fine for about 45 minutes, then starts to flake. Also, I simply do not understand how the damn thing can skip while playing mp3s. You'd think that it would preload it into some kind of buffer. Memory is cheap these days, you know. Spend less money on having animated pictures of god damn race cars on the LED display (which I immediately disabled), and more money on the important stuff. Like Quality Assurance, for one.
I have, for convenience, burned a portion of my CD collection onto mp3 discs. Some of my CDs had skips in them. Naturally, it is to be expected that the mp3 files derived from these discs would have minor flaws in them. However, how the hell do these flaws make the mp3 player skip in the same place? Yes, the skips in the sound file should be audible, but I cannot fathom how it can confuses the mp3 player and throws it out of alignment. It is uncanny.
I thought I understood how mp3 files worked, but apparently I don't.
I thought it was more or less a bandpass filter that assumed both ranges outside the band to be at zero, resulting in no need to store them (hence the smaller file size). But there must be more to it than that. How the hell does the information about the physical state of the original CD get into the mix? Are there some invisible "carrier" frequencies or something like that that get interrupted? Clue me in, sound geeks.
Enough of the techno-ranting. I do enough of that at work.
In others news there was a new addition to the Grabara family yesterday. Phred is now a
"DADDY!!" This calls for a celebration involving cigars and Huber®, real soon. Congrats, bubba.
02:21 pm
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Best places for me to live? Thanks to stuart_moulder for this link: Find Your Spot.
I answered all of the questions, and here is what it thinks are the best places for me to live:
- Duluth, MN A Superior Community
- Grand Rapids, MI Pride of West Michigan
- Bloomington, IN The Sophisticated Small City
- Ann Arbor, MI Gem of the Midwest
- Cincinnati, OH The Queen City
- Overland Park, KS Where Families Flourish
- Rochester, MN As Good as it Gets
- Springfield, MO A City With Style
- Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN Wealth of the Twin Cities
- Cleveland, OH The New American City
- Bismarck, ND Blue-Ribbon City of the Plains
- Toledo, OH Glass City of the Great Lakes
- St. Cloud, MN The Best and Brightest
- Sioux Falls, SD City of the Laughing Waters
- Kalamazoo, MI Land of the Bubbling Waters
- Battle Creek, MI Land of the Bubbling Waters
- Omaha, NE Great Plains Dynamo
- Indianapolis, IN The Crossroads of America
- Ogden, UT Where Utah Comes Together
- Fort Collins, CO The Choice City
- Mansfield, OH Home of Johnny Appleseed
- Provo-Orem, UT Living and Learning at their Best
- Topeka, KS The Golden City
- Iowa City, IA Best of the Midwest
Not one city from Wisconsin appeared in this list. Hmmm. Somebody wants me to move.
12:26 pm
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I can nuke again! Thank you, hungariangabbie, for the lovely package of uranium! I am overflowing with rapture!
The Kish Island Uranium Mines is love
04:30 pm
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SID Integration Petition Poll #389784 SID Integration Petition
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllShould The Suit and Tie Guy Band® incorporate the sounds of a Commodore 64 SID chip in all future productions?
03:51 pm
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Porcupine Tree Poll Poll #389759 Porcupine Tree Album Poll
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllWhat is your overall favorite Porcupine Tree album?
02:09 pm
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Armageddon_Clock--; Sometimes there is no better way to let off steam than a good old-fashioned Rise of Nations® nukefest.
O'Doyle Rules!
Lakota Indian Chief Scrapdog is an Equal Opportunity Devastator.
I believe that everyone is entitled to my wrath of fire. Just wait your turn.
Don't fuck with the Lakota Indians.
09:36 pm
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Combatting Movie Retardation Syndrome: Step 2 of 12 I thought chuck4 was pulling my leg, but I checked in The Internet Movie Database®, and sure enough, here it is!
02:21 am
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Combatting Movie Retardation Syndrome: Step 1 of 12 Over the last couple of days, I've aggressively jammed a few movies through my eye sockets in an effort to combat my Movie Retardation Syndrome. Here are my reactions! ____________________ The Day After Tomorrow - At the end, I was pleased that the director did not recruit Jeff Goldblum to save the world. That was the one thing I was scared of when I started viewing this movie. I'm serious.
Oh, don't get me wrong, the best part was when Jeff Goldblum ascended in a balloon and uploaded a computer virus into a cloud... he didn't save the world this time though.
I, for one, thought it was a happy ending. It made me feel good about the future. Mmmmm. Winter wonderland. Penguins reclaim the earth.
Wait a minute...what the hell am I saying? I love Jeff Goldblum. It's's just that I've always been green with envy about his computer programming skills.
Run Ronnie Run- I insist, with pride, that at least 33% of my movie rentals must be B movies. Jeff Goldblum was in it!
Rat Race - It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad race for two million dollars.
The best part was when Jeff Goldblum won the race.
Oops! Didn't mean to spoil it for you! Eh, the deed is done. It is quite predictable how that cheating bastard ended up winning anyway.
You guessed it. He took the shortcut. (And uploaded a computer virus somewhere.)
Signs - Attention Aliens: When will you learn? Don't fuck with us. We've got Jeff Goldblum.
You know why the aliens don't like to be near the water? That's right. Because it's contaminated. With a computer virus.
K-PAX - Oooh. Kevin Spacey's spaciest role. Damn. Was he really an alien? We'll never know. He's just lucky that ol' Jeff was busy making Run Ronnie Run at the time this was filmed. Else he would have been toast.
The best lines in the movie: Howie: You never gave me my third task. What's my third task? Prot: Your third task is to stay here, and be prepared for anything. Then have Dr. Goldblum *whispers into ear* *hshspass* upload *hsspspahs* *hshpaahs* hospital's security system. Then, escape.
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone - I did not finish the book. Now I don't have to. Ahhh. Because now I know the secret of getting past Fluffy the Three Headed Dog!
Just play a little music, that'll put 'im right to sleep! Then while he's asleep, stick a network cable in his ear, and start uploadin'.
Head of State - Chris Rock as The President of the United States. What possessed me to rent this one? I just thought it would make a good "B-side" to Signs. Jeff Goldblum couldn't do dick with this one.
Anger Management - Dude, Adam Sandler was wearing a Dukes of Hazzard T-shirt in 1978. The Dukes weren't around until '79. Duh.
And when given a wedgie in 1978, his underwear clearly read "FTL". I don't think Fruit of the Loom started labelling their underwear "FTL" until the early 90s when they found fruit to be unhealthy, or something. I wouldn't know though. In 1978 I was wearing Underoos®. Or something like that.
Jack Nicholson was in it too. Computer viruses aren't his style, though. He uses brute force Kung Fu to get the job done. ____________________
So as you can see, I'm on a roll. My Movie Retardation Syndrome will be gone in no time. Now what should I rent tomorrow?
Maybe I should rent Independence Day? I fell asleep halfway through when I saw that one, and I'm dying to finally see how it ends.
02:09 pm
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Don't mess with Texas I just received in the mail a package of contraband from monique_ and mrobenee_kelley.
Included in the package are Texas Critters® Band-Aids, a packet of corn starch (fecula de maiz), an anti-Birthday card (mine was October 31), and my favorite of the bunch, a Texas Snow Globe.
Y'all rock.
01:48 pm
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Ahhh. Mmmmm. Luca® Pizza and a 2-liter bottle of Coca-Cola®.
And the sun is out.
And it's Friday.
And it's no longer October.
09:39 pm
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Smoke up, yo "I better mosey on down there and smoke a bill or two." -hungariangabbie, on the Des Moines Republican Headquarters
Mmmmmm, yes. One who can appreciate a fine, American tobacco will quickly earn points with me.
There are three major tobacco companies in the United States, often referred to as The Big Three. First, there is Philip Morris, makers of the very popular brand Marlboro®. Then, there is Louisville, Kentucky based Brown and Williamson™, procurers of Kool®, the quintessential menthol cigarette. Together, these two companies keep the majority of our plebeian nicotine urges quelled.
The very best tobacco, however, comes from the third major player: The U.S. Treasury™. For years, they have been the producers of my very favorite brand: Grant®.
Granted, UST has "better" brands, such as Franklin™, but those cater only to the uppity folks who can't handle a bold, honest tobacco. I prefer to live on earth. Contrived patrician facades are not my style, bubba. Gimme a good ol' Grant any day. It's got a flavor that a rugged upper-middle-class man can enjoy guilt-free.
Thank you, U.S. Treasury, Inc. for keeping me a happy man!
P.S. If you've got a problem with my corporate whoring, go hang out in a trailer park and smoke a Jefferson.
09:50 am
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I am un1que How common are scrapdog's interests
12:19 pm
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Bobo returns Attention, livejournal users named prince:
Philip Boberschmidt is coming for YOU.
I have a good feeling we'll soon be hearing from you from Mexico, eh?
11:06 pm
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What the hell... They are playing a SID remix on WSUM right now!
Last Ninja II, Level 1(Central Park)
The original version from the SID is still much better.
08:17 pm
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Lost hat found! Hey nikarc, I found the guy who stole your hat!
Seize him!
05:40 pm
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LJ CSW version 1.3 beta This weekend I made some much needed changes to the LJ Comment Stats Wizard.
Version 1.3 is now ready for beta testing. Once I've got enough people who can verify that it is working correctly, I will make it the "production" version. Please download, try it out, and let me know what you think!
Excerpt from the (I admit, minimalistic) readme file:
1.3 - 10/10/2004 - Changed the look of the text on the wizard pages - Now works with both LiveJournal and GreatestJournal - Use of IE cookies is now optional, not required; users can now enter a password if they want the program to log in directly - Users can now specify username aliases for combining stats - New report customization option: "Insert LJ-cut into full report"
Download link:
05:39 pm
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Top Commenters on scrapdog's LiveJournal (Self and anonymous comments excluded from rankings) ( 11-100 ) Total Commenters: 824 (724 not shown) Total Comments: 5320 Report generated 2/25/2005 10:10:49 AM by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.3
03:41 pm
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Results of my first poll ever
So...out of 19 people that have voted so far,
15 of you don't think he belongs on the one dollar bill, and 5 of these people even go so far to say that he is the worst president ever?!
Come on people, isn't he the Father of Our Country?
Shame on you.
02:17 pm
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My first poll ever Poll #363460 George W.
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllChoose one of the following:
03:48 pm
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Koala Yummies I received a peculiar email on Monday, out-of-the-blue, from a complete stranger. Subject line: "Koala Yummies". Name changed to "Kenny" to protect his identity:
Hi. I emailed you because of a post that you made here:
about Koala Yummies. For one, do you know the name of the company that made them? I guess, according to you, they don't make them anymore. Is that also true about the reason why they stopped making them? I have been looking for Koala Yummies over the past 2 months. I have looked everywhere and asking everyone about them. Some people just look at me like I am making the name up. Others vaguely remember them, and then there are a group of my friend at school who really want some because they used to have them in elementary school. Same as me. If you could tell me any information you know about Koala Yummies, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. ~Kenny~ -------------------- cactus? |
I responded yesterday:
Geez, that post was five years ago. >:)
I have never had a Koala Yummy in my life. In fact I don't think I ever saw them in the store. I only saw the commercials once or twice, several years ago.
If I recall correctly, the company that made them was called "Lotte".
As for _why_ I mentioned them in that post...I have no clue...that was five years ago. |
And I received a response to that just now:
Well...yeeeeah, I am glad that this useless bit of knowledge lodged deeply inside my brain could make a person so happy! Or something like that.
The real question is, how did this knowledge get in there in the first place?
Sometimes I amaze myself with the useless crap I know.
02:34 am
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Copy, Seeker So this weekend I went down to Illinois and spent some quality time with some F.I.B.s (Friendly Illinois Buddies). First I visited the Armageddon family in Normal, IL. Hola to Armageddon Mic if you are reading this. I was much impressed by the young Armageddon Gwen's vocabulary and fluent command of our language. She will make a fine evil genius when she grows up. I think now that she has watched "MC Pee Pants", the evil ideas will begin to materialize.
Bratwurst were eaten...however, "Brat Buns" are an idiom that I am not certain has propagated to Illinois. At the Kroger® at least.
On the way home on Sunday I stopped in Chillicothe, IL to sit in on one of The Suit and Tie Guy Band®'s recording sessions. And I didn't even have to bring cocaine to get in backstage! (Ahhhh. More for me then.)
For 83 non-stop minutes I looked on as the two musicians gradually evolved the atmosphere from an ethereal quasi-vacuum to a hippety hoppety trance that in turn slowly shedded the remnants of primordial ooze from whence it emerged. The best part was where it went "BUMP-boom-boom-boom BUMP-BUMP-boom-boom-BUMP-BUMP-boom-boom".
I did walk away with some inspiration. I was both inspired to experiment some more on my own with music of this ilk, and to get back to programming tools to do so. However, I am a bit of an idiot savant in this arena. While I am fairly good at programmatically generating/altering sound via DSP methods, I don't know much about the next level up; the machines and programs that turn this into full songs. Like sequencers. I s'pose if I had more to play with than Fruity Loops™ and a $350 Yamaha keyboard, I could learn.
The drive home got me thinking about my musical tastes. A couple of things I have noticed:
- I like excessive repetition. Normally, if there is a repetition of a certain phrase or motif, there is an intuitive place where you expect the repetition of this phrase to end and move on to a new phrase. I've noticed that I like it when the musician keeps going one or two reps beyond this point.
- I like dissonance. Not dissonant chord progressions, but dissonant sounds. I like controlled, sculpted noise. Noise that says "this is a hostile work environment". If you are a coworker of mine, you will have to suffer.
- I tend to be sacrilegious. If I like a particular band, it often happens (by coincidence) that I like that band's sacrilicious album or era. For example...yeeeeah, I dig the albums Cyclone, Saw Delight, and Calling All Stations. I gravitate towards most things in spite of sacrilege, not because of it.
In short, I dig what some coworkers often call "scary movie music", and what my mom often calls "morbid funeral music". And I have once heard it referred to as "soap opera music". Heh. Whatever. You gotta admit the music that they played when Stefano's stare made a guy jump to his death from a fourth-story window was cool, wasn't it?
I digress.
On the way home I took back roads, specifically IL-26 which turns into Hwy 69 in Wisconsin. Nothing special about this except for one thing: this happens to go through Monroe, home of the Huber Brewing Company™, makers of Huber® BRAND Beer! It has been awhile since I had a nice, frosty Huber. In fact it has been at least two months! The Paradise Lounge and Mickey's in Madison are places to go if you want to enjoy Huber by the pitcher, though I am not sure of the latter anymore.
I drove up Hwy 69 into Verona, and ended up taken a wrong turn while there. I thought I was going on Hwy M north, but it turned out I was going east. I didn't realize this until I drove about five miles, when I saw the constellation of Orion straight ahead. I had found it quite odd that Orion appeared in the north. (Well, it wasn't in the north, I was going the wrong way! Duuuuuhheeeeeeeeey!)
I drove up to Stevens Point yesterday, and stopped at my favorite CD shop. They had Klaus Schulze's Cyborg in stock and this was cause for rapture; I had been looking for this album for the last three years. It was only $26. I also took a risk and spent $32 for the Blackfield CD, yet another Steven Wilson side project. Haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but I'm sure I can get into it. I better damn well get into it if it was 32 bucks.
I stayed in Rapids last night... and drove to Stevens Point today to visit some old professors. I only caught one of them, and she didn't immediately remember me. Eh, whattyagonnado.
I got back home today just in time to watch the vice presidential debates. Ahhh.
Current Music: Klaus Schulze - Neuronengesang
11:46 pm
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Plug for the STGB suitandtieguy of the The Suit and Tie Guy Band® sent me a link to some of his chunes on Saturday, one of which was so cool I listened to it on repeat for about two hours that afternoon. The first 14 minutes of West End Girls (including Stratosfear and the Iron Gates of Fate) pleases me mightily. The suitandtieguy was the second person to join scrapdog's LJ Fiends List, way back in 2002. Perhaps this weekend while I am in central Illinois we might meet up and partake in some prickishly elite Teutonic tuneage.
11:36 pm
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Oh, everyone's done it... I couldn't be immune forever. So what if it was a bit embarrassing to walk down Capitol Drive with a gas can in my hand... a little embarrassment from time to time builds character, doesn't it?
Yep, that's right. I've been driving for 12 1/2 years, and today was the first time ever that I let my car run out of gas. On the way to work, even.
It ran out on Capitol Drive about 500 feet from a Citgo station. This particular Citgo station also happened to be only a quarter mile from my destination. Yeeeeeah, I lucked out.
The funny thing is... I saw my "check gages" light come on about 10 miles out of Madison. I figured I had just enough to make it to work, so I didn't stop to fill up. I thought to myself "Wow, wouldn't it be funny if my car ran out of gas less than a mile away from work?" I had pictured the scenario in my mind.
Then it ran out only a couple hundred feet from the exact spot I visualized it would.
I am not claiming to be "psychic". Nor am I claiming this to be a total coincidence. My unconscious brain probably just did the calculations with the information it was given (level of the fuel gauge, previous recollections of fuel economy, etc.) and decided that it needed to give my conscious mind a "premonition". This particular premonition just turned out to be uncannily accurate.
Or, maybe my car read my mind and just decided to be a prick.
If the latter theory is indeed the case, I can't be too mad at my car... after all, it decided to do its "thing" on mile 74.75 of a a 75-mile trip. If it wanted to be a real asshole, it would have decided to defy its owner in front of the Pine Cone Travel Plaza®. Or even worse, The West Virginia Turnpike.
Speaking of the Pine Cone Travel Plaza™, I stopped in there on Monday to get a sandwich. I talked about this place once before. It hasn't changed a bit. I got bombarded with no less than a dozen fabricated Hello!'s from the resident cash-register jockeys. The person that walked through the door ten seconds after me got more of the same. I literally found this annoying. Surpassingly so.
Write me in for President. I will fight vociferously against policies that mandate automated customer rapport protocols. In the Pine Cone, and throughout the rest of our great country. My platform will be: NO MORE HUMAN ROBOTS!
There's a time and a place for human robots, and it's called the police department. Keep 'em out of our private retail establishments.
_________________________________________________________ Thank you for shopping at K-Mart®!* *If our cashier didn't say "Thank you for shopping at K-Mart", you get a FREE $10 gift-certificate! For details, see the fine-print on any team member's name tag, or talk to one of our Customer Service Managers (CSMs). At K-Mart, we want you to leave our store feeling lightly happy and horny. If for any reason you don't, then fuck you, just go to Wal*Mart.
10:54 pm
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Hump Day Today was busy as a bee.
Current Mood: sleepy as a bee Current Music: DJ Scrapdog - Make Like a Bee...and Fuck Off!
05:37 pm
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Another post that mentions Wal*Mart Hi, I'm scrapdog.
Yeeeeeeeah, I realize I just used this picture in a post I made to disciplinegrid, but it is so damn cute I have to use it again. By the way, check out disciplinegrid... you will get a chuckle out of christianneil™'s Action Figure Theater™.
Yep, I can safely say that I have been free of The Sims® 2 disease for a week. I played it hardcore for three days after I purchased it, then summarily purged the urge from my system and haven't played it since.
I went to the Fuck*Fuck® Vision Center today to order some more contact lenses. I had to wait about half-an-hour because they only had one person there. Every minute of being inside Wal*Mart takes three minutes off your life. So, my life expectancy is now 90 minutes shorter. I will have to drink 45 liters of Ensure® to get those 90 minutes back. And I s'pose the only place where you can buy that much Ensure is Sam's Club™. Life isn't fair.
Anyway, the person working in the Vision Center told me "your prescription expires on October 18...just letting you know."
Well... duuuuh. Of course I waited until the last possible moment to buy more. Due to that new STUPIT state law, you must have had an eye exam less than a year ago if you want to buy contacts. I had an exam 11 1/2 months ago. I bought four boxes today...and those will last me for almost two years! Wheeee. Only if you are as clever as me can you dodge these STUPIT laws.
It is a law of the universe (laws of the universe supersede state laws) that whenever I go to Wal*Mart, I go to Wendy's. ¡Hamburguesas, for to killing my hungry! Wendy's is on the corner of Gammon and Watts. The second most dangerous intersection in the state! I bet you didn't know that! Bluemound and Barker is the most dangerous. Fleur and Bell is the most dangerous intersection in Iowa. More useless trivia.
On the way home there was a guy, obviously an employee, standing outside of Domino's Pizza holding a sign that said PIZZA! $2.99! or something like that. I've noticed a lot lately that many establishments have been paying people hourly to function as signposts. Every day at lunchtime when I drive past Quizno's®, I see that they have employed two human signposts. One guy holds up a sign, and another dances around like an idiot in big "cup" suit. Actually, the latter job wouldn't be so bad because the 50,000 cars that drive by each day won't see your face.
Now for some geek stuff. I've been spending a little more time working a side projects lately, here and there. Three with sound, and one with graphics:
- Lysergia 19B5 - a fairly simple synthesizer utilizing subtractive synthesis. The reason I am naming it the 19B5 will be apparent when (if) it is finished.
- Lysergia Seizure - I've mentioned this a couple of times, because I'm "all talk and no code". I have more or less gone back to the drawering board on this one. When (if) it is finished, it will make its users' music epileptogenic.
- A ring modulation effect. Nothing special yet. I love ring modulation, it is a "desert island" effect.
- Hieroglyphic Backend - something I started in the summer of 2001, got quite far on, but abandoned once I finally got a job. During that summer I remember one particular coding session that was 34 hours long. No problemo.
I think I've got to just stick to one project at a time and maybe something will get finished... even though I think that the act of making a thingamacallit is more fun than the finished whatchamajigger itself.
I am taking a five day vacation next week starting Saturday. I am making a couple of small roadtrips. One, to Normal, IL, another to Stevens Point, and I'll probably stop at home for a day or two. Ahhhh. It will be good.
Congrats to acryinthenight and her new husband.
And thanks to mrobenee_kelley for checking up on me. ;-)
Current Music: The Hours
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