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Below is user information for risk champ. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:unleash (192292) unleash
Name:risk champ
Website:corpus dei
Location:buffalo, New York, United States
Interests:83: absinthe, aesop rock, albert camus, art, art destruction, art history, bacteria sour, books, born against, buffalo, cage, cannibal ox, capitalist casualties, charles mingus, comedy, conspiracy theorys, copywrite 78, corpus dei, d4, depression, design, diallo, drawing, dystopia, el-p, faith no more, floor, girls, hello kitty, his hero is gone, honesty, iceburg slim, illogic, infest, isis, jazz, jethro tull, john coltrane, judas, king crimson, lifetime, making out, man is the bastard, morrissey, music theory, non-prophets, painting, philosophy, photography, poetry, poison idea, prog rock, psychology, pushead, reading, records, religion, rjd2, rob sonic, rocket from the crypt, sa smash, sage francis, sex, sleep, smut peddlers, stealing pens, tattoos, terra firma, the smiths, thin lizzy, tragedy, upright citizens brigade, vast aire, vinyl, void, watercolors, weapons, weathermen, working, wormwood, writing, xaul zan, yes. [Modify yours]
People91:2paint_it_black, _l, _minuet_, _testmyheart, a_shot_is_fired, adrefever, amberganja, animalchin, assholecore, backstabber, bigcountry, bobh, bulletproof, buseyvsnolte, considertheodds, cretinsall, crystaline, danklord420, destroyah, doyourworst, eatlittlebugs, endofhisworld, eternalohm, farside, first_failure, geoffreyouth, givemevideo, goatlord, guhguhguh, gutgod, hearts_to_nyc, hermanation, hmni, holler_at_me, icecreamy, jinxproof, kinkykt, koolxthing, kristyshorrors, lucidiot, mannequinphobia, moddyfine, mov, mrtheflick, myboobiesrock, najfight, notsofast, oamyoo, on_wifeburning, ownthestreets, paisleemania, papercut82, partyinmypants, plastercaster, practicelooking, prayforzombies, robsalefske, sarahlynne, satanarchist, shanitadiabla, shes_gotagun, sitandspin716, slitwrist, soul_breaking, speedking, spiraling_out, stabtacular, sweetnaivete, switchandlight, tallglass, tangldupindylan, that_damn_good, the_hobo_times, theylive, threefeetoffun, tv_land, unleash, usher, veddersbetter00, vinylcrue, walkingfauxpaux, western_nyhc, westinghouse, wrong_color, x_bertuzzi_x, xbirdseedx, xgabbiex, xmozx, xrevedupx, xstarshooterx, zimmiezim
Communities5:buffalo_dorks, buffaloshows, punkinbuffalo, stonerrock, undrgrnd_hiphop
Friend of:101: 2paint_it_black, 3ftdreams, _l, _minuet_, _testmyheart, a_shot_is_fired, adrefever, amberganja, animalchin, assholecore, backstabber, bartina, bigcountry, bobh, bulletproof, buseyvsnolte, considertheodds, cretinsall, crystaline, danklord420, destroyah, doyourworst, dummydork, eatlittlebugs, endofhisworld, eternalohm, farside, first_failure, foolishmartyr, geoffreyouth, givemevideo, goatlord, guhguhguh, gutgod, hearts_to_nyc, hermanation, hmni, holler_at_me, icecreamy, jinxproof, joey_leigh_cook, kinkykt, koolxthing, kristyshorrors, likelytobethere, lucidiot, mannequinphobia, mo_dogger, moddyfine, mov, mrtheflick, myboobiesrock, najfight, notsofast, oamyoo, on_wifeburning, ownthestreets, paisleemania, papercut82, partyinmypants, plastercaster, practicelooking, prayforzombies, rasauache, sarah_rock, satanarchist, shanitadiabla, shes_gotagun, shesnotsorry, sitandspin716, slitwrist, soul_breaking, speedking, spiraling_out, stabtacular, sweetnaivete, switchandlight, tallglass, tangldupindylan, the_hobo_times, theylive, threefeetoffun, tv_land, unleash, usher, veddersbetter00, vinylcrue, walkingfauxpaux, wallofsleep, western_nyhc, westinghouse, wrong_color, x_bertuzzi_x, xbirdseedx, xedgeyouthx, xgabbiex, xmozx, xrevedupx, xstarshooterx, xyetix, zimmiezim
Member of:6: buffalo_dorks, buffaloshows, punkinbuffalo, stonerrock, undrgrnd_hiphop, wnyindie
Account type:Free Account

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