Portland Anime's Journal

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30th March 2005

spindrift7612:22pm: watching anime
okay so there was a poll to meet up and stuff but I just want to do and open invitation to contact me to come over and watch anime at my place. I am alone at my home doing home work or waisting time on the net almost every day of the week. The weekends I usualy don't have anything planned as well.. I try to but thing fall by the way side too often. I am practicaly at 82nd & Foster on the SE side of Portland. So my fellow fans of Anime if you are in the are contact me and lets watch some anime.

giapet8:42am: April Poll
April AnimePDX Poll )

25th March 2005

ketsuban12:07pm: Hello, all!
Hey. My name's Ketsuban, and I'm an 18-year-old anime fanatic living in North Portland. I joined this community because I have some manga and some Japanese books I'm trying to sell to earn money for Sakuracon. ^^;; I tend not to plan too far ahead. Which is bad. DO NOT LEARN FROM MY EXAMPLE.

the list of stuff )

To anyone who's interested in purchasing these books: I can only take cash, and I'll need to meet you in a public place to make the transaction.

Finally, does anyone know of a community where I could sell a $25.00 anti-war book, an old used fantasy novel, and an old used kids' book that my mom only thought I'd like because my name is the same as the main character's?

22nd March 2005

rathanylakan7:00pm: Anime meet
Anime is going to be at my place this weekend, Saturday the 26th, at 2:00. I have moved so throw out your old directions to my place:) I now live in Multnomah Village, at 2846 Multnomah Boulevard. Getting here is very simple.

Take I-5 South to the Multnomah BLVD exit. The offramp becomes Multnomah BLVD. Shortly after the sign for Multnomah Village turn left into a driveway where there are some green townhouses. The turn is hard to spot as you cannot see any house numbers and can barely see the townhouses from the road. If you pass a karioke bar, you've gone too far.
(If you would actually be coming from he south, post a comment and I will figure out dirs for you.)

We do have some offstreet parking, but on weekends it tends to have some cars in it. I would encourage people to carpool if possible, as there is no public parking terribly convenient. It's not terribly inconvenient either, though.

Even though they look like it to some, the little concrete pads in front of our garages are *not* parking spaces.

Gia, as always, I will have a spot saved for you. You can park in my garage. (I'll ditch BJ around the corner)

BTW, Tabyk, I have the stuff that Kinsugi borrowed from you.

My computer can play anime from DVDs and CD-roms now, if people want to bring such stuff.

Any questions?

21st March 2005

kawaiipunkd2:28am: Convention-ness!
it's that time of the year again, time go get out your sewing machines and vinyl.

Convention Time!!!!!!

This year we have the ever elusive Sakuracon happening up in Seattle, on the dates of April 8th thru 10th. I am going to be there as a Sailor Mars in her Santa suit :D

hope to see tons of Portland people there (also if anyone needs help in transportation comment and maybe we can work something out with my ride who is comming to get me)

Also, there's Kumori con happening September 3rd thru 5th for those of us who like to goto con's prepared :D

Kumori is happening here in Portland, at the Doubletree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center

all portland people who love anime better be there or be subject to my baka hammer!

x posted in get_out_pdx

18th March 2005

kinsugi9:31am: Urgent, need help tomorrow morning (Sat) early, will pay
I'll remove this entry tomorrow. I'm desperate and hope you can either advise me, or maybe an animepdx person would like to make some bucks helping out.

I want to hire someone to help my son-in-law move my stuff from my rented room (upstairs in a house) to a truck (and trailer if we need it) in the driveway at the bottom of the stairs. Jesse is really strong (he's a stonemason, he moves big rocks!) but wants a second pair of hands, and my knees won't let me go up and down the stairs over and over.

There's a bunch of boxes (at least 5 are manga and anime), one dresser, the legless folding futon frame I have under my mattress on the floor, a bunch of bookshelves (all but 2 folding), and a TV... probably just a few hours. Could anyone come help? I live a few blocks from Hollywood TC.

I'll order pizza, or whatever folks decide we need, and pay for your time. If more than one person is willing, great, it'll go faster. And you can have a pile of NEW TYPE Anime Magazines, if you want, and any of the stuff I have piled up to be picked up by Salvation Army.

Or, what the heck do I look under in the Yellow Pages to hire someone for this kind of gig, just loading boxes in a truck?

15th March 2005

mog_the_moogle7:55pm: New to PDX
Hey everyone,

I'm moving up to Portland for about six months, and was hoping I could get in touch with some of the anime fans up there.

After I get all settled, I'll be looking to set up some trades of fansubs of various anime series'.

Let me know if there is any interest.


10th March 2005

mariahgem12:52am: New here!

My name is Mariah, and I am so happy I just found this community!! ^_^
I've lived in Portland my whole life. I don't particularly love it, but this weather lately is the BEST!! I work at OMSI, and I am a happy girl geek! >wub< My current anime obsession is Azumanga Daioh. I love it!! XD
Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: Oranges & Lemons - Soramimi Cake
kinsugi12:01am: Hello, Goodbye
Hello, animepdx friends,

By the time you meet, I'll be in Japan! Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to fulfill this dream.

Some of the hostels will surely have web access; when possible, I'll write in my LJ. When I get back I'm going to stay in southern Oregon; I'm burned out on the big city.

Watching anime with you for all these months has been a total gas. Thank you for sharing your homes and your DVDs!
Bye, [info]kinsugi
Still round the corner there may wait a new road or a secret gate, and though we pass them by today, tomorrow we may come this way and take the hidden paths... JRR Tolkien

9th March 2005

giapet1:00pm: Sorry I've been a bad mod; I battled some colds and stuff in the last week or two and now I'm playing catchup with school.

It's a tie for Sunday the 20th and Saturday the 26th, both at [info]rathanylakan's, so I'm going to exec decision it to be the 26th 'cause I'll be in town then.


Heh, yes, the 26th is a SATURDAY. The day before Easter, too. Thanks, [info]algeh!

3rd March 2005

natsukaze1:43am: Anime DVDs and misc for sale, updated
(crossposted to [info]natsukaze, [info]anime4sale, [info]pdxforsale and [info]animepdx)
I still have some DVDs and misc left for sale, and we're still saving for our Florida trip. Prices are negotiable, and I'm pretty reasonable.

*If you're local in the Portland area, I'm willing to meet you somewhere (downtown, PSU, Lloyd Center or somewhere else easily accessible by TriMet).*

Otherwise, I ship USPS first-class or Priority Mail on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I accept PayPal (preferred), money orders, cashiers checks or concealed cash at your own risk - I'm not responsible for cash lost or stolen in the mail.

If interested, leave a comment or send me an email (laurenmichelle [at] gmail [dot] com). Thanks!

All DVDs are legitimate, region 1 DVDs, generally in good to very good condition. As far as I know, they all have any pack-ins they came with. $10 each unless noted otherwise.

Real Bout High School 1-4 (Tokyopop, complete)
Vampire Princess Miyuu TV 1, 3 (Tokyopop)
Argento Soma 1 (Bandai)
Hand Maid May 1 (Pioneer)
Betterman 1-4 (Bandai)
Excel Saga 1 (ADV) - hold for [info]chimpchampion
Hellsing 1 + artbox + bloodbag (Pioneer) (pic 1 2 3) ($15)

VHS ($2.50 each):
Sailor Moon SuperS: Amazon Nightmare (Pioneer, dubbed/edited)
Sailor Moon R the Movie (Pioneer, dubbed/edited)
Sorcerer Hunters 5 & 6 (dubbed, signed by voice talent)

Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou (His and Her Circumstances/KareKano) Character Book (info link)($7.50)
Ryo-Ohki backpack (pic 1 2 3 4) ($5)
SimpleTech 4-in-One Memory Card adapter (pic 1) ($25)
Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Delerium - Twilight

2nd March 2005

giapet5:14pm: March Poll 2
Poll )

[info]kunzite1 is right next to the Orenco max station and has a new 60" tv. [info]rathanylakan just got a new place in the Multnomah Village area which I have to say is really nice and very spacious, though there may be more floor seating than chair/sofa seating. [info]blackjackrocket lives in Beaverton and that's about all I know of her place.

You'll notice I combined the afternoon/evening of several dates. That's because the afternoon
ones tend to go on into the evening for those who want to stick around (note: TEND to). So
whoever's place gets picked, they'll just get to choose when they want to start.


26th February 2005

giapet7:59am: March Poll
Heh, accidentally posted it to my journal instead of here. No wonder no one voted.

March AnimePDX Poll )

23rd February 2005

kinsugi11:02pm: More stuff for sale; Japan or bust!
More manga and anime for sale... and I keep adding more. Look for red notes that say FOR SALE in my collections list. I will deliver at next animepdx meeting, unless something has sold on eBay before then. My eBay sale listings, including a brand new factory sealed COWBOY BEBOP SESSION 6, are here.

Other items for sale, including Rurouni Kenshin action figures, a gorgeous hardcover box set of the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy with art by Alan Lee, and a bunch of DVD and VHS movies, are here.

22nd February 2005

rathanylakan11:44pm: More anime for sale, now with subtitles:) )
kinsugi2:41pm: Read or Die article in latest Anime Insider
According to Anime Insider, there are 4 Read or Die manga, 3 Read or Dream manga (the sisters) with more implied, TEN novels!! (the first of which covers the same ground as ROD #1), 26 eps of the TV series, and the OVA.

And it looks as if they are planning to translate all of it.

Sigh. *looks sadly at wallet*
(Hmm, [info]tabyk, are these on your long-term shopping list?)

21st February 2005

lunareklipze1:37am: hmmm...
Hey guys..Its been a while..

Just dropping by and realizing that I missed the last anime meet (urg) and pissed at myself for doing so! I'll try to keep my eye out more often around here.
Btw..I think I owe kunzite1 a RedvsBlue dvd ^^; sorry 'bout that man. still have it; still need to return it..
Well thats it, just needed to post something here real quick.
ya'll have a good one


20th February 2005

kunzite19:36pm: note to self
don't not go to the bathroom after going to sushi when you know you need to go.
Current Mood: relieved

17th February 2005

giapet8:50am: Swap/Sale!
The next meeting is also a swap/sale meet, so feel free to bring as much anime crap as you can haul in your vehicle of choice and see if anyone else wants to sell or trade! ^_^

And remember: it starts at NOON!
Current Mood: busy
tabyk3:25am: Yikes! I'm hosting again...
...this Sunday no less. Sorry all, I'd totally forgotten about it while dealing with my latest vacation trip, of which I just got back from. Anyhow, plans are a go and I hope to see you all there.

Street Address
1013 S.W. 179th Ave
Aloha, OR 97006
MapQuest Assistance

I am officially starting this meeting at NOON, but if people habitually show up starting at 2pm then I guess they'll just miss out on the initial round of snacks and anime. *grin* Also, please feel free to bring things to watch, though I recommend taking a peak at my list to save yourself from bringing something we already have in-house.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need a pickup from the MAX station, please let me know.

Random anime-ish music link of the day
Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Sayonara wo Oshiete (Comment te Dire Adieu)

14th February 2005

co_delphi11:27pm: Granted it isn't in Portland, but Salem is not too far away. By some odd circumstance a local community college has two clubs that have joined forces to make a disturbingly fun way to spend time once a month. Both clubs combine to provide a free place for way too much geekery. LAN gaming, anime watching, console gaming, live action foreign films and DDR. Even though it is for a community college it is disturbingly well thought out and is quickly getting alot of support from major sponsors. The key is the more people who resister for the club, the larger numbers to submit to the sponsors, and so more cool stuff to give away and the college provides a larger budget for the club. If you are interested feel free to sign up and potential come down and join us. I have left links for both of their sites so you can learn more about them.


Current Mood: geeky
rathanylakan5:19pm: Anime (and non-anime) tapes for sale (and one DVD:)) )
Current Mood: calm

12th February 2005

kinsugi11:59am: Japanese Films and Anime in Portland
May be old news for some, but I didn't know until just now, thanks to a post by [info]parunexus. The PDX International Film Festival just started, including films from Japan! Info on the Japanese films at:
28th Annual Portland International Film Festival.

Holy cow, it includes two Miyazaki! Porco Rosso and Nausicaa!

In addition, there's anime at both Clinton St Theatre AND Cinema21! Please see complete post by [info]parunexus under my selling listing below.

4th February 2005

giapet10:01am: Swap meet?
OK, so we've had a 4-way tie. [info]rathanylakan has hosted a lot lately, so the meeting is going to be the afternoon of Sunday, Feb. 20th, at [info]tabyk's.

Now, since a couple of people are interested in selling stuff, I was thinking we could just declare that the next meeting is, in addition to watching anime, a swap meet. Bring the stuff you wanna sell or trade and everyone else will too. Would that be cool with everyone?

Poll #431137
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Could we have next meeting be a swap meet?

View Answers

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